Man Tanghong

Chapter 777

Li Yuanji said frankly: "Part of it will be reserved for the conquest of Turks, and the other part I will hand over to Ren Gui to promote rice..."

As for the promotion of Xinglu, Li Yuanji didn't say anything.

Because the promotion of Xinglu is not so important in the eyes of Li Gang and others.

After all, the medical bureaus that Datang has set up in various places also have corresponding medical officers in charge, and there is a set of ether hospitals as the main, and a fairly complete official medical system.

It can barely meet the medical needs of official personnel in various places.

Therefore, setting up apricot houses and further sinking medical resources is not that important in the eyes of Li Gang and others, and it is optional.

If Li Gang and others knew that he had allocated a sum of money and food for this purpose, then they would take out the money and food to do other things.

Li Gang and the others were taken aback when they heard this.

Li Yuanji left part of the money and food for the conquest of the Turks, which they can understand.

After all, war is an activity that consumes a lot of money and food. If there is not enough money and food to support it, even if the army is strong and has many soldiers, it is likely to fail.

And the Turks are the great enemy of the Tang Dynasty, and belong to the must-conquer list of the Tang Dynasty.

So Li Yuanji made some preparations for the conquest of Turks in advance, they can understand, and they are even willing to support.

However, Li Yuanji used the remaining part of the money and grain to promote rice, so they couldn't understand.

Because they just found out today that Li Yuanji is planning to promote rice.

Before that, they didn't even know anything about it, they didn't even know about it.

If this is military politics, then they don't know it, and they don't know it. After all, they don't need to report any actions of the military, and they don't need to tell them about some secret actions of the military.

But this is civil affairs, and it is still related to tens of millions of people.

As the directors of civil affairs, they don't know anything about it, so it's unreasonable.

Li Yuanji did this kind of thing secretly without telling them, as if he didn't take them seriously.

Most importantly, they were unaware of this decree from initiation to implementation.

They don't know whether this decree is good governance or bad governance.

It is completely impossible for them to accept this decree.

If they agree with everything that those in power say or do, then what kind of important ministers are they, and what kind of ministers are they to help the country?
Therefore, Li Gang immediately stood up and cupped his hands and said, "May I ask Your Highness, is the rice promotion you mentioned a temporary idea, something you are still thinking about, or has it already been implemented?"

Having reached this point, Li Yuanji didn't hide anything, and said straight to the point: "I have ordered Ren Gui to go to various places south of the river to find suitable places for rice planting and rice promotion.

A few days ago, Ren Gui told me that Yuezhou is a good place to grow rice and it is suitable for promoting rice.

It's just that there are water bandits and Zhu Polong infested in the local area, and they need to be eliminated.

It is also necessary to build a city as a foundation, so that the local refugees can rely on it.

Only in this way can the local refugees be naturalized honestly, cultivate paddy fields and grow rice in a down-to-earth manner.

I have already issued an order to Jingzhou Governor's Mansion to lead the army to wipe out the water bandits and Zhu Polong in Yuezhou. At the same time, I ordered Yuezhou Governor, Yuezhou Sima, and Yuezhou Governor to select a site in Yuezhou as soon as possible and build a city for the city. base, gather refugees and naturalize them. "

Li Gang's complexion changed drastically when he heard this, and Pei Ju, Xiao Yu, Chen Shuda's and others' complexions were also sour.

They thought that Li Yuanji was just a temporary idea, and had such an idea.

Unexpectedly, Li Yuanji has already started to take action, and has done so many things behind their backs. To them, this is no different from a slap in the face.

Li Gang immediately lowered his face and said: "Your Highness, Yuezhou is a water marsh. The local people in Yuezhou have been fishing for a living since ancient times. They rashly built a city in Yuezhou and asked the local people to put down their fishing nets and get off their fishing boats." , began to plant rice in the silt, I am afraid it will cause discomfort to the local people.

Moreover, Yuezhou is full of water and water, and it is not easy to clear it out to build a city and cultivate fields.

Even if the imperial court gives them enough money and food, it may not be effective within three to five years.

More importantly, if this method proves to be unfeasible in three to five years, the imperial court will waste the money and food for nothing. "

What Li Gang said was quite polite.

If it were Wei Zheng who spoke, it would definitely be very harsh.

To sum up Li Gang's words, there is only one meaning, that is, 'If you don't understand, and haven't studied carefully, don't mess around'.

Li Yuanji felt a lot of emotion in his heart, is he messing around?
He is really doing a major event that benefits the country and the people, as well as the people of Yuezhou.

Others don't know Yuezhou's potential, how can he not know?
Is "Yueyang Tower" read for nothing?

However, Yueyang Tower is still called Baling City Tower, and it has not been renamed Yueyang Tower, and "Yueyang Tower" has not yet been published, so there is no way to tell Li Gang these words.

Li Yuanji said with emotion: "Mr. Li, it's up to people. Since Ren Gui thinks that rice can be grown in Yuezhou, why don't we try it?"

Li Gang opened his mouth, wanting to refute.

Li Yuanji continued: "Mr. Li, my Great Tang not only has half of the country to the north of the river, but also half of the country to the south of the river. We can't just focus on the north of the river, but also look at the south of the river.

Now there is no war in the north of the river, the exiled people in various places have gradually returned to their hometowns, and the agriculture and mulberry in various places are gradually recovering.

In some places, the output of farming and mulberry has been several times higher than that in the first year of Wude, which shows that the people north of the river have regained their vitality.

But the south of the river is different.

In the south of the river, there are still water bandits who used the banner of the former Sui Dynasty to make trouble in the water, and there are also Caotou kings who used the banner of the former Sui Dynasty to gather crowds in the mountains and forests to protest righteousness.

In addition to enduring the harsh local climate, the local people also had to guard against these water bandits and grass head kings, and there was no way to restore their vitality.

Therefore, we must send a large army to wipe out the local water bandits and grass head kings, and guide the local people to return to farming and mulberry.

Only by allowing the local people to gain a firm foothold in their respective villages like the people in the north, can the Tang Dynasty completely own the south of the river.

So I have to allocate enough money and food to them, so that they can gain a foothold as soon as possible, and I have to find another livelihood for them, so that they no longer rely on fishing nets to eat according to the pig's face. "

Li Gang fell silent after hearing these words, unable to refute anymore.

If Li Yuanji is just talking about the promotion of rice in Yuezhou, then he has countless reasons to refute.

But Li Yuanji raised the question to the level of stability and stability, so he was powerless to refute.

Because compared to the stability of half of the country, a little investment in money and food is too insignificant.

Seeing that Li Gang was defeated, Pei Ju stood up slowly and said, "Then I don't know if there is any money left over from the state treasury and the Yangzhou granary after paying for these two things?"

Pei Ju couldn't say much about the promotion of rice, so he chose to find another way and asked directly if there was any money left.

Li Yuanji's answer was, of course... shaking his head.

No more.

Even if there is more than half of the surplus, it must be said that there is no more.

Because there is still work to do to promote Xinglu.

Moreover, Ren Gui was not limited to Yuezhou to find suitable places for rice planting and rice promotion in the south of the river.

If Ren Gui finds other places suitable for growing rice later, he will have to invest.

The more you discover, the more you invest.

Although Ren Gui has only discovered one place now, Li Yuanji knows that there are too many places south of the river that have not been fully developed and can grow and promote rice.

All discovered, and developed together, may take decades to fully develop.

So this is a long-term project.

As long as Ren Gui can make achievements in Yuezhou, officials in the ruling and opposition parties will see the benefits of planting and promoting rice.

Then this project can be included in every five-year plan of the imperial court and continuously invested.

However, it is still too early to say these things, everything has to wait for Ren Gui to make achievements.

Seeing Li Yuanji shaking his head, Pei Ju asked in embarrassment, "Is there really nothing left?"

I can't stand this old man pretending to be pitiful.

Moreover, Li Gang and Pei Ju have already talked about this point, so it is really unreasonable not to vomit some blood.

After pondering for a while, Li Yuanji sighed: "The treasury and the Yangzhou granary are gone, but the Dizhou granary still has some surplus, not much, which is about 30 shi.

If you want to call, send an order to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and then the Ministry of Civil Affairs will issue a document, and the fleet on the water transport will help you transport it. "

Now, with the joining of various wealthy families, the number of ships in water transport and sea transport has more than doubled.

It is said that the abandoned shipyards in Luoyang and Yangzhou have also been erected again, and they have begun to build various ships around the clock. It is said that the order for Luoyang Shipyard has been scheduled for three years.

With the ships of these aristocratic families helping the imperial court to transport food, some of the imperial court's ships can also withdraw from the commercial system and play their true purpose.

For example, helping the imperial court to transfer grain and grass, maintaining the safety of water transportation and sea transportation, etc., are the real purposes of official ships.

When Pei Ju heard this, the expression on his face suddenly relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face.

The faces of Li Gang and others also looked better.

The treasury and the granary had significant income, and it was one thing for Li Yuanji not to pluck out any hair, but it was another thing to hand over the pluck to them.

If Li Yuanji didn't take anything away, he couldn't trust them and didn't give them face.

What they do as an official is boring.

It's not worth worrying about Mrs. Li anymore.

Li Yuanji was pulled out, and he was pulled out after making arrangements for the money and grain in the treasury and the granary, which meant that he could trust them and give them enough face.

After someone found out about this matter and asked about them, they also had something to say, so that they would not hide their faces with their sleeves when asked.

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