Man Tanghong

Chapter 933

As a result, they didn't see reinforcements from Datang until they died.

Datang didn't even know when they died.

They didn't see anything they couldn't get used to, and if they weren't used to it, they wouldn't have guarded the Western Regions for decades.

If the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty have the toughness of the Anxi Army, if they can develop the toughness of the Anxi Army, if they don't look at the world, wouldn't they be kicked in the head by a donkey?

Without the support of the Tang Dynasty, the Anxi Army could guard the Western Regions for decades. With the support of the Tang Dynasty, it may not be a problem to guard the Western Regions for a hundred years.

An army guards a place for a hundred years without losing its prestige.

Is there any place that Datang cannot spy on?

"It's not that difficult, is it?"

Li Yuanji retorted.

Li Shimin hurriedly said again: "But the current Dingkou of my Tang Dynasty only has 300 million households, and there is simply not enough manpower to go on an expedition."

Li Yuanji rolled his eyes at Li Shimin and said, "You can't see the Turkic people, the Western Turkic people, the Tuyuhun people, or the Tubo people?"

If the Tang Dynasty and the Turkic, Western Turkic, Tuyuhun, and Tubo people were fighting for a piece of territory, it would definitely be you fighting me, I hitting you, fighting endlessly.

But if Datang, as a representative, took them to grab the territory together, it would be a different scene.

Everyone grabbing food in one pot and everyone grabbing food in other people's pots are completely two concepts.

The Tang Dynasty did not have enough manpower to go west, and the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were not used to the food from the Western Regions, or even from all over the west.

But Tubo people, Tuyuhun people, and Turkic people can do it.

In history, the Turkic people have made misfortunes all the way from the Western Regions to the depths of Europe.

They have already proved that they have this ability with practical actions, and Datang is still behind the scenes, helping them, and then sharing the fruits of victory with them, or even picking the fruits of victory directly in the end?

Judging from the historical results, the Turks are obviously good at conquering but not good at management.

But Datang is just the best at management, so if Datang helps them manage the fruits of victory, it will not only help them manage the best fruits, but also help them keep the fruits.

Turks only need to share part of the dividends with Datang.

Of course, the specific amount of points is up to Datang to decide.

Li Shimin stared in shock, completely speechless.

He was shocked more times today than he was in a year, and he was almost numb.

"Don't you think people like Ashina Simo, Tudiji, and Ye Hu who step on the strength are the most suitable to be the pioneers of my Great Tang, and help my Great Tang to find the way?
They helped my Tang to find out everything and understand everything. My Datang only needs to make a change and send a small number of elites to lead them to fight in all directions to achieve our goal.

During this period, we can also provide them with various armaments at extremely reasonable prices.

When they get used to fighting with my Great Tang's armaments, my Great Tang can not only resell the eliminated armaments to them, but also use their money to better arm my Great Tang's soldiers.

Let me Datang's strength always have the upper hand on them and keep pressing them. "

Li Yuanji continued.

Li Shimin stared blankly and said: "This is the purpose of meeting Ashina Simo at the risk of your own life, and this is the purpose of you taking in the strength?
But since you think so, why do you want to conquer the Turks?
You defeated Jieli and offended Ashinasheer and Ashina Suni, how can you drive them to help you conquer other places in the future? "

Li Yuanji shook his head and said: "Conquering the Turks is a must. My Tang Dynasty must let them see our strength, so they will listen to us. My Tang Dynasty must also teach them some lessons, so that they can realize that there is no other way than listening to me. Outside of Datang, they had no choice.

As for offending Ashinasher and Ashinasuni, there is no way to drive the Turks, so don't worry.

They don't want to be driven by us, we just need to find someone who is willing to be driven by us.

Anyway, Ashina Sher and Ashina Suni are not the only ones who are in charge of Ashina. "

Li Shimin's mind was a little confused, and he subconsciously said: "Even if what you said is feasible, you have achieved your goal in the end, but we are all gone, what should Tang do, you can't expect your one to be just a little big Will my son govern Datang well?"

Li Yuanji said disapprovingly, "Don't you still have a father?"

Li Shimin gritted his teeth and said disdainfully, "Do you think father can live to the age of your son?"

From a historical point of view, Li Yuan really couldn't, not only would he not live to be Li Chengde's prime of life, he would not even be able to live until Li Chengde's adulthood.


"There are three sisters!"

Li Yuanji said it as a matter of course.

Li Xiuning is only in her 30s this year, and she hasn't had any illnesses or disasters. The biggest knot has also been overcome. There is no problem in living for 30 to [-] years.

Li Yuan is gone, Li Xiuning can assist Li Chengde.

Li Xiuning is not Wu Zetian, she values ​​friendship more than Tang Dynasty.

So even if she became a powerful minister, she would not be able to take away her nephew's country, she would only completely hand over the country to her nephew.

As for whether Li Chengde can be a good emperor, don't worry.

Two uncles plus a biological father brought a large number of outstanding people to stay at the border of Datang, and he didn't dare to mess around.

After all, as long as he has a little brain, he will not think that a young dragon of his own is the opponent of three strong adult dragons, not to mention that these three strong dragons have a lot of flying bears and fierce beasts under their hands.

Li Shimin was so stunned that he had nothing to say, he just folded his hands in front of his chest, curled up in a corner of the carriage and slowly digested everything he had heard today.

From the bottom of his heart, he still didn't agree with what Li Yuanji said, and he always felt a little crazy and a little too ambitious.

But now the giant ship Datang is controlled by Li Yuanji.

What Li Yuanji thinks of and what he wants to do is not something he can stop.

If Li Yuanji insisted on following the plan, he had no choice but to obey.

After he went out, it was impossible for him to do something.

Because Li Yuanji would be watching from the sidelines.

He knew very well that the main reason why Li Yuanji gave up his throne and wanted to go out with them was to stare at him and Li Jiancheng.

If it weren't for him and Li Jiancheng, Li Yuanji would definitely not go out, and would just hide behind and control everything silently.

After all, this kind of thing seems grand, but it is not necessary for a person in power to personally supervise it, it is enough to send a county king or a prince with authority.


Li Yuanji originally thought that Li Shimin might be able to understand everything he said after thinking about it for a day or two. Unexpectedly, Li Shimin thought about it for half a month. When the group arrived in Lingzhou, Li Shimin still hadn't figured it out. .

Not only did I think, but I also wrote and drew by hand. I wrote a lot of things and didn't allow anyone to read them.

Li Yuanji didn't force himself to peep, because after arriving in Lingzhou, he no longer had the leisure.

Li Jing launched an attack on Jieli in the middle of the month, and he dispatched all the troops from Lingzhou to Suizhou.

The tens of thousands of troops were divided into five groups, and they marched towards the Turks from the five places of Ling, Qing, Yan, Sui and Shi.

Except that Shizhou's soldiers and horses were to guard against the sudden alliance between Xieli and Suni, the rest were the main force to conquer Xieli.

After the soldiers led by Hou Junji confronted the soldiers and horses of the Turkic Paximi tribe outside Yanzhou, the battle reports flew towards Lingzhou like snowflakes.

Whoever wins the battle today, how many enemies he captured, how many prisoners and cattle and sheep were captured, and whoever loses the battle tomorrow, how many soldiers and horses he lost, and where he retreated, there are too many to count.

After Su Dingfang of Daizhou and Pang Yu of Youzhou arrived at the border of Liang State and the north of Yingzhou where the headquarters is located, there were more battle reports.

After Li Yuanji arrived in Lingzhou, he didn't even have time to eat the reception feast hosted by Qu Tushou, the battalion guard who guarded Lingzhou, and started to deal with all the battle reports.

Those who won the battle and those who need to be promoted must respond in time.

Those who have lost a battle and need to retreat or replenish their forces must respond in a timely manner.

The former is to inspire people and hope they will achieve better results again, while the latter is to stabilize people and hope they will not be crushed by setbacks and get back on their feet.

In short, when the tens of thousands of troops, plus the [-] to [-] troops in Daizhou and Yingzhou, were mobilized together, the battle results produced were extremely huge.

Li Yuanji dealt with it in a hurry for three days, but he still didn't finish it.

After rejecting the memorial submitted by Pang Yu instead of Ye Hu, Li Yuanji heaved a sigh of relief, stretched his waist, and his joints began to creak everywhere.

"Li Jing is probably the most relaxed commander in history. I'm probably the most tiring military supervisor in history!"

After stretching his waist, Li Yuanji sighed sincerely.

Taking advantage of this gap, Zhao Chengyong stepped forward, bowed and said, "Your Highness, it's time to eat. Captain Qu Tu has already warmed up dinner for you three times."

Li Yuanji was stunned and said, "Is it already late at night?"

Zhao Chengyong nodded.

Li Yuanji ordered: "Let him in."

Zhao Chengyong agreed and went to spread the message. Not long after, Qu Tushou appeared in the room with a bowl of minced meat and several side dishes.

Li Yuanji asked Qu Tushou to bring the things without waiting for him to salute.

After a brief look, after confirming that there was nothing strange, he ate it, and asked Qu Tushou while eating, "How did you become the captain of the battalion here?"

As far as he knows, Qu Tushou has been promoted to the fifth rank by the shadow of his father Qu Tutong, and he is already a general. A school lieutenant.

Qu Tushou bowed in embarrassment and said: "Li Shuai asked me to conscript the slaves in Lingzhou, let them go out with the army, I said a few words to those slaves, Li Shuai demoted him to be a school lieutenant, and stayed here. "

Li Yuanji looked at Qu Tushou in astonishment, did you not wake up, or did you lose your mind after waking up?
You, a general of the Tang Dynasty, did not firmly stand on the side of the commander-in-chief during the war. Instead, you opposed the commander-in-chief. If the commander-in-chief didn't demote you, who would you demote?

Don't say your father is Qu Tutong, even if your father is Li Yuan, Li Jing will have to be demoted.

During the war, the majesty of the commander is unquestionable and inviolable.

"what are you thinking?"

Li Yuanji couldn't help asking.

Qu Tushou lowered his head slightly, and said with a guilty conscience: "Because among the slaves sent by Tudiji are old members of my Kumoxi clan, Li Shuai wants them to be sent to death."

Li Yuanji opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

In the end, I could only praise reluctantly: "You are nostalgic, and you are very honest..."

But your ass is sitting crookedly.

You are a Tang person now, followed by a Xi person.

You should put Datang's interests first, and then protect the old people in your own group.

When the interests of the old people in the ethnic group conflict with the interests of Datang, the interests of Datang should come first!

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