Man Tanghong

Chapter 943 Thinking about Xiang Yu until now, shameless to cross Jiangdong

Li Jing glanced at his younger brother and handed the letter to him.

Master Li looked at it, allowed him to know, immediately took the letter and read it quickly, after reading the letter, he put on the same face as Li Jing, with a strange expression on his face.

"Who is this barbarian? Why did he say he could help us deal with Xieli?"

Li Jing rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Did you not read the documents I brought back from the Ministry of Rites at all?"

Master Li scratched his head in embarrassment, he was too busy playing with birds at that time, and didn't have time to read the paperwork that Li Jing brought home from the Ministry of Rites.

It was a colorful bird presented by Linyi people, not to mention how beautiful it is.

He was fascinated when he saw it at Nanwaiwan, and he got one from the eunuch on duty at Nanwaiwan after spending a lot of money.

At that time, he was busy learning about the habits of colorful birds, and seeing how to cultivate them well, so he didn't have the time to pay attention to the documents of the Ministry of Rites.

Li Jing knew that his younger brother didn't look at him like this, and couldn't help but scolded: "It's about my Great Tang's conquest of the Turks, so you can't take it seriously?"

"Take care of it, pay attention to it!"

While admitting his mistake, Master Li changed the topic and said, "Could it be that this barbarian is some important figure in Turkic?"

Li Jing glared at his younger brother, and said angrily: "It's not a big man, not as good as Jieli, Tuli, Sunishi, She'er, Simo and others."

Master Li knew that it was his elder brother who was mocking him, so he said awkwardly: "Marshal, I know I made a mistake, I must pay attention to it in the future, I must pay attention to it."

Li Jing blew his beard and stared: "Do you still want to have a future?"

Master Li quickly shook his head and said, "No more, no future!"

Li Jing snorted coldly, then let Master Li Ke go, and then hummed and said: "This barbarian's reputation in Turkic is not very prominent, compared to other fathers, it can be said to be less well-known.

However, his weight in Turkic is not low.

He is the son of the great chief of the Xueyantuo tribe of the Turkic tribe, and also the young patriarch of the Xueyantuo tribe of the Turkic tribe. He is destined to inherit the position of the great chieftain of the Xueyantuo tribe in the future.

According to the Turkic intelligence that Tang Jian spied, the chieftain of Xue Yantuo's tribe was old, and he didn't have a good life for a few years.

This barbarian is likely to succeed him soon. "

After listening to Li Jing's explanation, Master Li suddenly realized: "It turns out that this barbarian is the son of the chieftain of the Turkic Xueyantuo tribe. I thought he was some kind of character."

It's not that Li Keshi despises Yinan, but with Li Jing's current status, the only people who can talk to him directly are Turkic Khan, Little Khan, and the like, and at the very least they must be the chiefs of most of the Turkic tribes. Not yet a chieftain's heir can offend.

Li Jing glared at his younger brother and said, "Don't underestimate him. He must be a little wise to become the young chief of a big clan. It is impossible for him to send a message to me without the qualifications."


Master Li opened his eyes wide and asked with his eyes.

Li Jing pondered and said: "If my expectations are correct, this barbarian man must have become a chieftain of Xue Yantuo's tribe by now."

Li Keshi was stunned for a moment, and said in astonishment: "You mean the current Turkic chieftain is dead?"

Li Jing reminded angrily: "It's the ex!"

Li Keshi did not argue, and nodded obediently: "Yes, yes, it is the ex, and then? How did he die? It is not because this man called Yi Nan took the opportunity..."

Li Jing did not wait for his younger brother to finish his sentence, he gave his younger brother a vicious look and said, "What are you talking about? Although the Turkic people are not as filial as our Han people, they will not kill their fathers at every turn.

Do you think it would be easy for a huge Xue Yantuo tribe to break away from the Turks?

It must be the former chieftain of Xue Yantuo's department who helped Yi Nan plan everything, and then let Yi Nan take the people away at the critical moment, and stayed behind in Turkic Duan.

With Jieli's temper, after discovering this incident, the former chieftain of Xue Yantuo's tribe must have no way out.

Therefore, Yi Nan succeeded the position of chieftain of Xue Yantuo's tribe as a matter of course.

This should have been calculated by the former chief of Xue Yantuo's department long ago. It is his own choice, not as dirty as you think. "

Master Li thought about it carefully, and felt that what his brother said was reasonable, then scratched his head in embarrassment and said: "I'm just thinking, if there is no, then there is no, you don't need to be so excited."

Li Jing stared angrily and said, "I'm not excited, I just hate you for not being successful. You obviously have the wisdom that is not inferior to mine, but you don't care about business all day long, just want to play with your birds. When will you be able to?" Give up those playthings, really stand up, and prop up the door of my Danyang Li family?"

Li Keshi smiled dryly and said: "There is nothing wrong with playing with birds. You don't understand the beauty of it at all. When you understand it, you will be like me. Besides, I, Li Shi of Danyang, have you as my family. That's enough, what else do I need to do.

If I act too conspicuously and steal your limelight, it will be feared instead. "

Li Jing opened his mouth, and wanted to reprimand his younger brother, but he swallowed the words back.

The first half of his brother's words were indeed infuriating, but the second half was not unreasonable.

He is now about to become an extremely human minister. If his younger brother's performance is more outstanding, even more outstanding than him, then their Danyang Li family should be feared by the royal family again.

Their surname is Li, and they are related to the royal family. There are some advantages, but there are also disadvantages.

Needless to say the benefits, just talk about the disadvantages.

The disadvantage is that there can be someone in their clan who is eye-catching, and there can be someone who is a great minister, but the number should not be too many, and it is best to have only one person.

Once this number is exceeded, it will become a threat to the royal family and be feared by the royal family.

And with the murderous nature displayed by the current head of the royal family and the next head of the royal family, whoever they fear will be close to death.

Especially the current head, he can't even tolerate some people who have lost their threat.

As long as you feel it is an eyesore, you will kill it quickly.

Therefore, his younger brother is unwilling to get ahead, and likes to play with things and lose his mind, which is also a wise way to protect himself.

"You are always full of fallacies."

Li Jing commented on his younger brother angrily, and then continued to talk about business, "I remember that after Xieli learned that Xue Yantuo, Huihe and other tribes had betrayed the Turks, he sent his son Yugu to pursue them.

Yi Nan wrote to me at this time, either because he was about to be defeated by Yugu and wanted to use my Tang Dynasty soldiers to get out of trouble, or because he had already escaped Yugu's pursuit and wanted to turn around and seek revenge from Xieli.

Which one it is, we will have to send someone to investigate before we can know. "

Master Li Ke heard Li Jing talk about the serious matter, he quickly corrected his attitude, and said: "That is to say, you won't conspire with Yi Nan before you find out everything?"

Li Jing glanced at his younger brother and said, "What is collusion? How ugly is that? It's called leading the enemy to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side, and jointly attack the inhumane."

Master Li curled his lips.

So...does it make a difference?

Li Jing continued: "Since Yinan is willing to contribute to our Tang Dynasty's conquest of the Turks, then our Tang Dynasty cannot disappoint him. Although I don't know what he is going to do, I can write him back and promise to send troops help him.

How many soldiers to send out and how much strength to display depends on his sincerity. "

Li Keshi stared blankly at his brother.

You have touched Xieli's eyes, whether the Turks will perish or not will soon be known.

What else can you do for Yi Nan?
Help Yinan escort Jieli's head away from Turkic?

Li Jing saw the doubts in his younger brother's heart and explained: "Turk is different from Tang Dynasty. Turk is a country where each tribe governs independently. The death of Jieli will certainly have a huge impact on Turk, and it will also make the Turk group leaderless.

However, the various Turkic tribes are still able to act independently, split the soil and become kings, and continue to resist our Tang Dynasty.

So even if we win Xieli, it does not mean that we have destroyed the Turks.

We have to conquer those Turkic tribes one by one, until we conquer them all, we will not be considered to have destroyed the Turkic tribes.

This matter is not easy to handle, only with my current strength in Datang, even if it can be done, it will have to pay a huge price.

If during this process, some Turkic people stand up and offer to help us, then we can speed up our pace and reduce the price we need to pay. "

Master Li Ke said thoughtfully: "Just like what you did in Lingnan, first shock, then appease, and finally subdue him completely?"

Li Jing nodded his head and said: "That's right, this is the way to deal with these barbarians. You have to hit them until they hurt, so they will be afraid of you, and only when they are afraid of you will they bow their heads to you.

If you don't hit them, don't let them feel the pain, and let them bow their heads when you come up, they will definitely not want to. "

Master Li couldn't help laughing and said, "It's not just the barbarians, it's the same for everyone else."

Li Jing shook his head with a smile and said: "There are also differences. For some people, the more pain you hit him, the more intense his resistance will be. If you let him hurt to the bone, he will fight you to the death."

Master Li said disapprovingly: "I don't believe it, I haven't met such a person before."

The kind of person Li Keshi mentioned refers to a group of people, an ethnic group, not a single person.

Li Jing didn't argue, he laughed and said, "Then I hope you don't meet each other in your life."

If you encounter it, it will be the most intense and tragic death battle.

The degree of tragedy will exceed any war.

When ten, 11, and 12-year-old teenagers also take up arms and join the battlefield, the pain will no longer exist, and some of them will only live and die.

Li Jing has experienced such a battle.

In Lingnan.

It was a village with no more than a thousand people.

Li Jing paid the lives of more than 800 elite soldiers to take down the village.

You must know that when he was in Jingzhou, he led 800 people and defeated a barbarian army of 5000 people.

On the way back, I picked up a group along the way.

The loss of troops did not exceed [-]%.

He fought a small village with a thousand people, but lost more than 800 elite soldiers, which shows how tragic the battle was.

It was from that time that he officially began to appease all the barbarians in Lingnan.

He was originally planning to kill all the barbarians in Lingnan who were unwilling to surrender, or who chirped with him during the surrender process.

It was that battle that changed his mind.

He didn't want to follow Xiang Yu's footsteps and lead 1 people into Lingnan and hundreds of people out of Lingnan.

In case his parents stopped his horse and asked where Erlang was, he didn't know how to answer.

There are many arguments about Xiang Yu's refusal to cross Jiangdong in history, but the more convincing one is that Xiang Yu has no face to go back.

He led so many Jiangdong children to the expedition, and there were not many left when he returned. If his parents stopped in front of his horse and asked him for a son, with his haughty temperament, he would not be ashamed to wipe his neck on the spot.

So, instead of wiping your neck in shame in front of the folks, you might as well just wipe it on the edge of the Wujiang River, so you can still have some dignity.

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