Man Tanghong

Chapter 955

Chapter 955
Li Yuanji said with a smile: "What Chengqian said is not nonsense, but wise words. He is right. This country should belong to the eldest son, the eldest brother, and it is not something I can peek at."

Li Shimin became anxious all of a sudden, and defended Li Chengqian: "He is just a naive child who understands the important matters of the inheritance of the country, he is just talking nonsense under the guidance of others, you have to care about this?
No matter how you put it, he is also his real uncle. Now the Prince Jian Guo of Datang, can't he have a little affection, can't he have a little stomach? "

With a smile on Li Yuanji's face, he squinted at Li Shimin.

Li Shimin's face changed slightly and he said: "Yes, I am not qualified to talk about family affection with you, but I can talk to you about my capacity."

Li Yuanji nodded, and said with a calm smile, "I don't know what to do..."

It is the prime minister's business that the prime minister is able to punt a boat in his belly. It has nothing to do with me as a prince.

As a prince, I have the guts to learn from the prime minister. Doesn't that lower my status?
Li Shimin was speechless all of a sudden, and looked at Li Yuanji in disbelief.

People in this era want face, and some people regard face as more important than their lives.

Li Shimin is so old, he probably has never seen such a shameless person, especially such an honorable and shameless person.

So he didn't know how to refute for a while.

"So are you going to talk or not?"

Li Yuanji stared at Li Shimin and asked with a smile.

Li Shimin gritted his teeth and said, "I'll tell, but I have one condition!"

Li Yuanji smiled and said: "You want me to execute the guy who led Cheng Qian to say this and praised Cheng Qian in public?"

Li Shimin said viciously: "It's not execution, but quartering!"

Speaking of this, Li Shimin clenched his teeth again and said, "It's better to cut him into pieces!"

It can be seen from this that Li Shimin hated the guy who led Li Chengqian to talk nonsense.

The cause of this incident is actually very simple. It is some remnants of Li Jiancheng. It seems that he and Li Shimin are not in Chang'an City, and Li Yuan has plans to let Li Jiancheng come out to supervise the country. Using historical allusions, Li Chengqian was guided to say that the country should be inherited by the eldest son.

After this matter spread to Lingzhou, he didn't pay much attention to it, nor did he take it to heart.

After all, the purpose of Li Yuan to let Li Jiancheng come out to supervise the country was not to let Li Jiancheng take over his position from the beginning to the end, but to let Li Jiancheng take the blame.

Therefore, even if Li Jiancheng reappeared in the court with the help of Li Yuan and the remnants of the party, it did not pose much threat to him.

However, Li Shimin was very concerned about this matter. After learning about this matter, he watched his face for several days, and was even manipulated by him several times because of it.

This was also the easiest few times for Li Shimin to be manipulated by him in the process of fighting wits and courage with him.

It can be seen that Li Shimin is not a pure political machine, he also has feelings, but not many.

Li Yuanji smiled and said, "Second brother, don't you know? As early as when that guy led Cheng Qian to say these words, he was dragged behind the horse by the third sister, dragging him to death.

Now the grass on the grave is probably all sprouting, does the second brother want me to dig him out and flog his corpse? "

If you want to say who in the Li family has the strongest affection for his family, then it is undoubtedly Li Xiuning.

Now in Chang'an City, apart from Li Yuan, Li Xiuning is the largest.

Can Li Xiuning stand by and watch others cheat her nephew? !
Li Shimin was taken aback when he heard this, and said in astonishment: "Third sister already executed that guy?"

Li Yuanji smiled and nodded.

Li Shimin said very relieved: "That's good, that's good..."

Li Yuanji smiled and said, "Can we talk about it now?"

Li Shimin stared, snorted and said, "Then surrender. Although Ashina Simo has been recruited, Ashina Simo will not be able to help Tang Dynasty solve various problems in the future.

But my Tang Dynasty now occupies an absolute advantage in every battlefield, and the number of Turks captured is also increasing day by day.

These people have to be managed.

If the officials of my Tang Dynasty were to manage them directly, they would definitely be very resistant, and they would even secretly kill officials and rebel.

If Ashina Simo was allowed to do this, there would be no such problems. "

Li Yuanji nodded and said, "Will it affect our follow-up plans?"

Li Shimin thought for a while and said: "There will be a certain impact, but the impact is not great. After all, our follow-up strategy is to support one or two people among the Turkic people, and replace me in Datang to lead the Turkic people to be our pawns.

Now that we have done it ahead of time, although it will produce one or two guys who may become enemies with my Tang Dynasty, it will not affect the overall situation.

And judging from Ashina Simo's attitude towards you and me, he is closer to me, Datang.

As long as you treat him better, he should not be my enemy, Datang. "

Li Yuanji nodded and said, "It's about the same as I thought..."

According to Li Shimin's original plan, he had to wait until the Turks were completely conquered, and then choose a spokesperson among the Turks, and let him replace Datang to control all Turkic soldiers and horses, and be a pawn of the Tang Dynasty.

The advantage of doing this is that the Turks will completely surrender after Datang completely defeats the Turks. In this case, the selected people will be more loyal to Datang.

Because at that time the hearts of the Turkic people were already dead, and those who were willing to serve Datang would definitely give a part of their loyalty.

However, it would be good if Ashina Simo is now the spokesperson of Datang.

As Li Shimin said, judging from Ashina Simo's performance, he is closer to Datang.

He fell to Datang before the Turks were destroyed, and after the Turks were destroyed, he would be more loyal to Datang.

Combined with what Ashina Simo did in history when he turned to Datang, it is very suitable for Ashina Simo to be the spokesperson, and the chance of rebellion is very small.

Hearing this, Li Shimin stared and said: "Since you have already thought about it, why do you still ask me?"

Li Yuanji said indifferently: "Let's verify each other, is there any problem?"

Li Shimin glared fiercely again.

But I don't want to say it!
Li Yuanji immediately waved to Zhao Chengyong who was guarding the door, and ordered: "Send someone to contact Ashina Simo, and let Ashina Simo prepare to submit the letter of surrender to Tang Dynasty.

After Ashina Simo submits the letter of surrender, ask him to send his tribe and family members here, and I will send them to Xinping, and I will ask my father to change him to Xinping County King. "

Zhao Chengyong agreed and left the room.

After Zhao Chengyong left, Li Shimin pursed his lips and said, "You want Ashina Simo to accept the proton, do you think this can control Ashina Simo?"

Li Yuanji smiled lightly and said, "I didn't mean to let Ashina Sima accept the proton, I just treated him well according to what you said."

Li Shimin was stunned for a moment, and said in disbelief: "If you let people send all their family members to you and let them take control, don't you let them accept hostages?"

Li Yuanji said with a smile: "Zi is not a fish, how do you know the joy of fish?"

Li Shimin didn't know what Ashina Simo was thinking, so how could he know what Ashina Simo wanted?

Combining Ashina Simo's life in history, what Ashina Simo pursues in his life is to be recognized and accepted.

He hopes that a group can accept him and treat him as one of his own.

He also hopes that someone can recognize his ability and let him use all his abilities.

In history, Li Shimin accepted him and asked him to move his tribe to Henan Province.

He didn't regard it as a matter of accepting a proton, but regarded it as Datang accepting him, so after he surrendered to Datang, he followed Li Shimin loyally.

Li Shimin recognized him and entrusted him with important responsibilities, so he desperately made contributions to Datang.

Li Shimin sucked sepsis for him personally and treated each other with sincerity, so he sacrificed his life to repay him.

This is Ashina Simo.

A person who is obviously noble and has the opportunity to sit in Turkic, but what he pursues in his life is to be recognized and accepted.

It sounds ridiculous, but it's a sad thing.

If it wasn't for his ethnic group being unwilling to accept him, unwilling to recognize him, and always treating him as an outsider and an enemy, how could he not even covet the position of the Turkic Khan, and humbly seek to be recognized and accepted Woolen cloth?
If the Turkic Qimin Khan could recognize and accept him at that time, perhaps he would become the most loyal Turkic soldier.

If one of the three Turkic Khans Shibi, Chuluo, and Jieli recognized and accepted him, why did he go to the Tang Dynasty to seek recognition and acceptance?
Therefore, it is not that he is not loyal to his nation and country, but that his nation and country have abandoned him.

He can only gain recognition and acceptance among other nations and countries.

He is loyal to whoever recognizes him and accepts him.

Li Shimin didn't know the details, so he sneered angrily, "I've never heard that taking protons is a pleasure!"

Li Yuanji glanced at Li Shimin and said, "That's because you are ignorant..."

Before Li Shimin could speak, Li Yuanji said again: "If I asked the King of Silla to offer a proton or a hostess, would he be happy or sad?"

Li Shimin was instantly stunned and speechless.

If the King of Silla offered a proton, the King of Silla would probably be confused because he has no son.

But if the King of Silla offered a hostage girl, the King of Silla would happily send it to you, and she would bring her own bedding and all kinds of bedding.

If you dare to favor the hostess sent by the King of Silla, do you believe that the King of Silla will celebrate with the whole country? !
Sending a hostage girl to Datang and making her happy with the royal family of Datang is definitely not a shameful thing for Silla, but a happy thing.

Because once this kind of thing is achieved, Silla will completely embrace Datang's thigh, and there will be no need to worry about Goguryeo and Baekje's coveting them.

If the hostess could conceive a man and a half woman who was in power in the Tang Dynasty, then Silla would be completely at ease.

Who dares to hit me? !
My back is covered by Datang, very iron!
Therefore, Li Shimin said that sending protons is a sad thing for many countries, which is not accurate.

"Okay, let's stop the gossip and get on with the business. I'm going to cut off one hundred households of Li Shiji, and give generously to the soldiers who made great achievements in this conquest. What do you think?"

Seeing that Li Shimin had completely stopped talking, Li Yuanji got down to business.

Li Shiji raided Shihuoba's department and completely wiped out Shihuoba's department. Logically speaking, he should be generously rewarded.

But he violated Lingzhou's order, so he must be punished.

When Li Jing went to raid Jieli, Lingzhou ordered Li Shiji to go to Li Shenfu to help Li Shenfu, but Li Shiji didn't go, but sent someone else to go there.

Although Li Shiji had a reason for doing this, but violating Lingzhou's order is violating Lingzhou's order, and he must be punished if he should be punished, there is no reason to say.

As for whether Li Shiji left the Chinese army according to the order, leaving the Chinese army without a leader, whether there will be any problems, that is not Li Shiji's consideration.

He is not the commander-in-chief of the army, and he is not qualified to be the commander-in-chief.

If something went wrong, it would be the result of a conflict between Lingzhou's military order and Li Jing's military order.

The fault was in Lingzhou. Li Jing came to Lingzhou to ask for an explanation. Whether Lingzhou should admit his mistakes or issue a document of guilt, that is a problem between Lingzhou and Li Jing, not Li Shiji.

So Li Shiji was wrong, he was wrong, and he should be punished as he should.

As for his contribution to Li Jing, following Li Jing's order, Li Jing came back to help him ask for an explanation, and asked for credit for him, and rewarded him when the time came, that was another matter.

Although it sounds a bit like taking off your pants and farting, but the rules in the military are like this, right and wrong, you can't make a decision in one word, you must follow the process and go down meticulously.

Even if a lot of effort is wasted in the end, no step can be saved.

Although the disadvantages of doing so are great, the benefits are also huge.

It can block most of the loopholes, so that those who are opportunistic have not many loopholes to take advantage of, and it can also prevent those who have done wrong things from taking chances, and it can avoid many things that offset the merits and demerits.

To govern the army, the four words of reward and punishment are very important and the most basic.

Gong is merit, and demerit is demerit, which must be clearly distinguished.

Once they are unclear and confused, it is easy to cause unfair things, and if the soldiers make a fuss, it is a mutiny.

Seriously, Xiao Ying will show you if you believe it or not? !
(End of this chapter)

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