Man Tanghong

Chapter 959 Abundantly captured beyond imagination

At present, what Li Shimin thinks of are Mobei Protectorate, Yinshan Protectorate, and Shuofang Protectorate.

The imperial clan of the Tang Dynasty served as the guardians, the deputy governors were appointed by the generals of the Tang Dynasty, and there were several Tibetan generals, who were the most prestigious Turkic people who were willing to serve the Tang Dynasty.

Ten thousand elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were stationed in each Duhufu, equipped with various weapons and armors. Turkic men were only equipped with swords during wars, and were only eligible to be equipped with leather armors during wars.

As for armor, Turkic males are never eligible to equip it.

Li Shimin's resettlement method sounds quite plausible, even more plausible than the major guard houses set up by his son Li Zhi in history.

But doing so will not help Datang completely rule the Turks, nor will it allow Datang to slowly digest the Turks.

Datang has to spend a lot of manpower and material resources every year to help Turkic men and wives reunite, and even help with marriage.

The soldiers guarding the Dufu Mansion had to be on guard against the rebellion of the Turkic men at all times, and the entire army would be wiped out if they were not careful.

So Li Yuanji is not going to adopt Li Shimin's resettlement method, he has his own ideas.

How to implement it will have to wait until the Tang Dynasty has completely conquered the Turks.

Although the Tang Dynasty has now defeated Xieli, and occupied a large amount of Turkic territory, and captured a large number of Turkic cattle, sheep, war horses, and people, it is only the territory ruled by Xieli, and the territory ruled by Suni is still in Su Ni missed it.

If the Tang Dynasty wanted to completely conquer the Turks, it needed to conquer not only Xieli, but also Sunishi.

Only by conquering Sunis together can Datang completely defeat the Turks.


In mid-July, Li Yuanji and his entourage arrived at the grassland of Shihuoba Department.

Li Shiji, who was guarding here, had already cleared out the people who started the fire in the pasture, leaving only the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, as well as the cattle, sheep and horses that could not be seen.

The scene of millions of cattle, sheep and horses wandering on the grassland is as spectacular as it can be.

Galloping among them, there is a different feeling.

"My minister, Li Shiji, see His Royal Highness King Yong!"

Li Shiji personally led hundreds of generals and schools to greet him at the edge of the pasture.

Li Yuanji withdrew his eyes from looking at the cattle, sheep and horses, looked at Li Shiji and said, "You have made great achievements in attacking the Shihuoba tribe. Instead of rewarding you, I have reprimanded you and cut your title. Can you blame me?"

Li Shiji cupped his fists and said, "I dare not!"

Li Yuanji nodded, looked at Li Shiji's round face and said: "It seems that your food is good!"

Li Shiji said with a smile: "There is nothing else here now, except that there are a lot of cattle and sheep. The ministers eat cattle and sheep all day long, so it's hard not to get fat."

Li Yuanji smiled and said: "That's good, I'm really afraid that you will lose weight, and it will appear that I treat the heroes harshly."

After speaking, without waiting for Li Shiji to reply, Li Yuanji looked at the cattle, sheep and horses that could not be seen at a glance again and said: "How many cattle, sheep and horses are gathered here now?"

Li Shiji immediately asked the military commander to report immediately.

After saluting, Army Sima said solemnly, "Currently, there are 54 sheep, 23 cattle, and 45 horses gathered here."

"Why are there more horses than cattle and sheep?"

Li Yuanji questioned.

The number of Turkic cattle and sheep is always a multiple of horses, always more than horses, and never less than horses.

Army Sima hurriedly said: "Some cattle and sheep have been sent to Lianqiu Mountain..."

Before Li Yuanji could continue to ask questions, Li Shiji stepped forward and cupped his hands and said, "Some of the people rescued from the Turks have been sent back to my Tang Dynasty, and some have adapted to life on the grassland. , There is nothing left, so I temporarily placed them in Lianqiu Mountain, and gave them some cattle and sheep to help the court raise them."

The common people in Li Shiji's mouth are those Han people who were taken captive by the Turkic people.

Li Yuanji nodded and sighed, "They should have been captured by the Turks for many years, right?"

Li Shiji nodded and said, "The longest one has been in Turkic for more than 20 years."

Li Yuanji sighed: "It's hard for them..."

Without waiting for Li Shiji to speak, he asked again: "How many of them are left?"

Li Shiji said: "There are still hundreds of thousands of people."

Li Yuanji said with emotion: "Ten tens of thousands of people are worth a Zhongzhou, not a lot. They should all be men, right?"

Li Shiji nodded his head and said, "Yes, most of them are men, and the number of old and weak women and children is very small."

Li Yuanji ordered: "Divide them into a battalion of ten thousand people, and each battalion will equip them with one hundred thousand Turkic old and weak women and children, and send them to the pastures where most of the Turks used to occupy. Those pastures will be their habitat in the future." landed.

Each habitat is equipped with 3000 defenders, plus [-] wounded soldiers, and an armament of [-] people.

Set up one general, one officer, ten lieutenants, and several deputies.

There is a city in each habitat to supply daily needs, and daily needs are supplied by Daizhou Border City and Lingzhou Border City.

Once the number of people in the habitat exceeds [-], another city can be established, and so on.

Each commoner gave away one hundred cows, one thousand sheep, and fifty horses.

The defenders and wounded soldiers who are willing to take root in their habitat after the expiration of their service period will be appointed officials, and will be assigned to a hundred Turkic old and weak women and children, three hundred cattle, three thousand sheep, and one hundred horses.

A family member can also receive the corresponding cattle, sheep and horses just like the people in the habitat. "

Li Shiji was stunned and said: "This..."

Li Yuanji glanced at Li Shiji and said, "What, is there a problem?"

Li Shiji hurriedly said: "It's not difficult, but what about Turkic men?"

Li Yuanji said indifferently: "I will send people to take them to fight. Those who have made great achievements can let them disarm and return to the fields and live in their habitats. Those who have made great achievements can even become Tang citizens and move to live in the Great Wall.

Clansmen like Ashina Simo and Geshuhan can move into the Great Wall now. "

Li Shiji stared in astonishment.

It is roughly estimated that there are millions of Turkic males, and these are still adult males.

Sending millions of people to fight, let’s not talk about who to kill, and the other party can’t carry it. The logistics supply alone is a big problem.

With Datang's current national strength, it really cannot afford it.

It's not that Datang can't get the food that so many people need, but that the food can't be transported to where these people are.

The grain was transported from the Tang Dynasty, and then transported from the edge of the Great Wall to the place where the Turkic males were, basically calculated over thousands of miles.

The consumption in this is enough to drag Datang down.

Li Yuanji saw Li Shiji's thoughts, and said lightly: "Don't worry, I won't send millions of people out to help me fight in Datang at one time, I will send out slowly, and I won't let my big Tang will bear the rations of these people, and I will let them grab it by themselves."

Li Shiji nodded thoughtfully, he didn't stupidly ask 'what if he doesn't want to'.

Because Turkic has now been defeated by Datang, the life and death of everyone in Turkic is in Datang's hands.

They had to do whatever Datang asked them to do, and they had no room for bargaining.

"Now, you can choose Turkic people who are willing to fight for our Tang Dynasty among the Turkic captives, and help us clean up the remaining Turkic tribes together."

Li Yuanji said with a smile.

Sudden traitors... Ah bah, Turkic warriors who are loyal to the Tang Dynasty have to start training now.

When Datang completely conquers Turks, it should be able to cultivate a group of good warriors who are loyal to Datang.

As long as they are given relatively fair treatment, a little bit of the treatment that the Turkic nobles and the Turkic royal family could enjoy before, and allow them to emigrate to the Tang Dynasty with a lot of rewards after they have made great achievements, I believe they will Those who went forward successively worked for Datang and dedicated everything to Datang.

After all, from the moment Datang defeated Jieli, Tang people became the most noble people on this land.

I believe that no one can refuse to be a noble Tang.

Even if the laws of the Tang Dynasty and the people of the Tang Dynasty treat them unfriendly after they arrive at the Great Wall, they will still consider themselves as people of the Tang Dynasty and work hard to maintain their identity as people of the Tang Dynasty.

Just like those who went to ugly countries to be second-class citizens in later generations.

"When you mention this, I have something to say. To tell you the truth, the Shihuoba tribe who was defeated by the minister, many people are willing to donate a lot of money to redeem themselves, and some people are willing to donate more money to get With my status as a Great Tang, many people are willing to work for my Great Tang.

It's just that the minister is not qualified to promise them these things, so it has been pending.

Now that His Highness has spoken, the minister can agree to them and collect a lot of money for my Tang Dynasty. "

Li Shiji laughed for a moment. He was obviously very enthusiastic and optimistic about cultivating warriors loyal to the Tang Dynasty.

Li Yuanji smiled and nodded, "That would be even better, but you have to be careful, I can't keep some people in Tang Dynasty."

Li Shiji said with a bright smile: "I understand!"

Who can not stay in Datang?
Naturally, the chiefs of those ministries and the descendants of the chiefs.

Since the Tang Dynasty wanted to rule the Turkic people, it could not give the Turkic people their heads.

Their heads must be chopped off, so they will listen to Datang in everything.

Once you leave their heads, it would be strange for them to make trouble for you every now and then.

"Where is Li Jing?"

Li Yuanji asked with a smile.

Li Shiji smiled and said, "It's still thirty miles away from here, and we can reach here in two days."

If he was alone, Li Jing could arrive here in half a day, but Li Jing not only brought the wounded who needed to be rescued by a skilled doctor, but also all the clansmen of the Geshu tribe, as well as some cattle, sheep and horses captured along the way, so the itinerary was natural. It's slow.

"Then get ready. When our hero comes back, reward him well."

Li Yuanji said with a mocking smile.

Li Shiji agreed with a chuckle, and ordered people to prepare. At the same time, he himself returned to the location of the Chinese army camp in the face of Li Yuanji.

It is said that it is the camp of the Chinese army, but in fact there are only a few thousand people staying here, and thousands of people are outside the place where the cattle, sheep and horses are entrenched, staring at the cattle, sheep and horses.

The real army is not here, it has long been divided into shares to conquer those Turkic tribes who refused to surrender.

So after Li Yuanji arrived in the camp, the camp seemed a little empty.

On the contrary, the rows of cattle and sheep on the grill, as well as the mouthfuls of soup pots are particularly eye-catching.

"There are also roasted camels, you guys are quite extravagant!"

Li Yuanji couldn't help teasing when he saw a huge monster that was obviously different from cattle and sheep sizzling on the charcoal fire.

Li Shiji explained with a smile: "This food is for entertaining you, and Lichen is reluctant to eat it on weekdays."

Li Shiji, a prince of the state, said that he was not willing to eat camels, that is a joke.

With his current status, just the filial piety of the various departments in the army and the distribution of spoils are enough to eat camel humps to death every day, let alone eat camels.

However, camels were a strategic resource for the Tang Dynasty to enter the Western Regions and conquer the Turkic tribes entrenched on the edge of the desert or in the desert oasis.

So at present, only injured camels can be slaughtered if they are affected by the war. Undamaged camels are not of high grade and are not allowed to be slaughtered.

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