Man Tanghong

Chapter 961 Ashinasheer's defection

Chapter 961 Ashinasheer's defection

If the Tang Dynasty does not go to grab it, the Tianzhu people will not be able to keep the gold. In another thousand and eight hundred years, it will be robbed by the Sun Never Sets and the Chou Kingdom.

So it is better for Datang to grab it for them.

Anyway, the final outcome of those gold is to be robbed. For the Tang people, it is better to be robbed by the Tang Dynasty than to be robbed by the Sun Never Sets and the Ugly Country.

"this is for you……"

Li Yuanji picked and picked among the gold mountains, picked out a gold knife inlaid with precious stones and handed it to Yin Kaishan.

The Turkic people, and even the vast majority of grassland people, have the same habit as the Japanese, that is, they like to use weapons to show their identity.

Turkic golden swords can only be used by Turkic khans and great chiefs, and their heirs can often receive similar rewards and can use them. As for others, it cannot be said that they are not qualified to use them, but even If you have it, most of you can't keep it.

Therefore, the golden knife seized from the Turks is either an old thing of the Turkic Khan or an inheritance of the Turkic chiefs.

Therefore, the historical value retained on the golden knife is sometimes greater than the golden knife itself.

"Is this... the golden sword of the chief servant of the servants?"

Yin Kaishan got the golden knife, and after thanking him, he said in amazement.

Li Yuanji was stunned for a moment, then questioned, "Is there any engraving on it?"

Why didn't he see it?
There was nothing but nothing.

Yin Kaishan hurriedly explained: "This was captured by Li Junxian. He even showed off to the minister that there was a wolf-headed swallow on the knife edge, so the minister recognized the wolf-headed swallow as soon as he saw it."

Li Yuanji suddenly realized: "Well, I reward you."

After speaking, he picked up the golden bow and several gold ornaments and walked outside the tent.

At the entrance of the tent, I showed it to the soldiers guarding the tent. They reported the matter to the military commander truthfully, and then went to the next tent.

After wandering around the six tents and taking some things, Li Yuanji had a certain understanding of the loot captured by Datang.

This cognition is that if it is released in one breath, Datang will not be able to digest it.

Just like the cattle, sheep and horses seized by the Tang Dynasty from the Turks, the quantity is too large. With the current population base of the Tang Dynasty, it is impossible to produce goods equal to the value of these gold, silver and jewelry in a short period of time.

Once these gold, silver and jewelry flow into the market, the price of Datang will be raised a lot.

But Datang has just come back to life now, and the population has not fully recovered, so at this time, prices should not fluctuate too much.

Therefore, these gold, silver and jewelry can only be transported to Datang's treasury in the end, and temporarily hoarded.

Rewards for officers and soldiers, as well as rewards for meritorious generals and schools, should be mainly in kind.

Such as land, servants, pastures, cattle and horses, etc.

Perhaps a grand horse fair can be organized to arouse the thoughts of all the nobles in Datang to raise horses, so that they can give birth to the idea of ​​building a horse farm on the grassland.

As long as they are willing to build a horse farm, they will send a large number of servants to take care of it later.

In that case, it will also be beneficial to Tang's digestion of Turks and the rule of Turks.

If they take the opportunity to sell the cattle, sheep and horses to them, it will not only solve the problem that there are too many cattle, sheep and horses, which cannot be digested by the Tang Dynasty, but also exchange the cattle, sheep and horses for money to enrich the treasury.


Li Yuanji was thinking about something, and brought Yin Kaishan back to the big tent of the Chinese army. As soon as he got outside the tent, he heard various jingling sounds from inside. He could hear the sound, that was someone knocking wine On the altar, someone is knocking on the wine cup, and it seems that there are other things.

The sounds from these things are combined into one song, which is "The Song of Lanling King Entering the Battle".

Li Shimin's exclusive "Qin Wang Breaking the Battle" has been published. After defeating Liu Wuzhou, Li Shimin created this song by filling in new lyrics with old songs.

After Li Shimin defeated Dou Jiande and Wang Shichong, Li Yuan also ordered all the musicians in the court to play together.

Historically, after Li Shimin ascended the throne, he choreographed and danced for this song and created a corresponding court dance.

So now this song only has tunes, no dance.

The reason why everyone in the Chinese army's tent played "Lanling King Enters the Battle" together and did not play "Qin King Breaks the Battle", presumably there are two purposes.

One is to avoid suspicion, and the other is because "Qin Wang Breaks the Array" has music but no dance, so they can't let them enjoy themselves.

After all, when the nobles of the Tang Dynasty celebrated, they would not only enjoy singing and dancing, but also sing and dance in person.

So there is no way to have fun without dancing.

Li Yuanji stepped into the main tent of the Chinese army stepping on the tune of "Lanling King Entering the Battle". As soon as he entered the big tent, he saw a group of demons dancing wildly.

A group of big men with big arms and round waists shook their heads and tails together. That scene was really hot-eyed, and it was so hot that people couldn't bear to look directly at it.

When some people are too excited to hold back, they even pour wine on their bodies, or take off their clothes, which makes their eyes even hotter.

Li Shimin is in it like a fish in water, and he can sing a few lines when he gets up.

Li Yuanji couldn't accept it at all. After putting the golden bow on Li Shiji's straddle and other gold ornaments to other generals, he decisively withdrew from the tent.

Giving Li Shiji a golden bow and other generals gold ornaments is considered a reward for them, not a reward.

This is what every high-ranking person will do after inspecting his own gold, silver and jewelry.

There are three reasons for this.

One is to thank others for their hard work.

The second is to not make people jealous.

The third is to tell people that we can share wealth.

The first two points are actually not that important, the most important is the third point.

A superior person who cannot share wealth and honor, no one is willing to do things for you wholeheartedly.

It is impossible for a smart superior to simply think that everyone will follow you loyally.

Simple-minded people like Yu Wenbao, and people with no choice like Zhao Chengyong will show their loyalty when they have no way to share wealth.

Capable and intelligent people like Li Shiji and Su Dingfang will never be fooled by those feudal dogmas.

To gain their allegiance, something has to be paid.

And common wealth is the common pursuit of all of them.

"Why are you here?"

After leaving the Chinese army tent again, seeing Yin Kaishan still following him, Li Yuanji couldn't help but ask.

Logically speaking, Yin Kaishan should be leading the soldiers under Li Shenfu to clean up the remnants of the Turks.

It was not easy to ask this question when we were having a banquet in the big tent of the Chinese army before. In that case, people will think that you despise him, and if you chase him away, it is easy to cause misunderstandings.

When you go to inspect the seized gold, silver and jewelry, it is not easy to ask, people will think that you are on guard against him, and they will think that you are worried that he is coveting your gold, silver and jewelry.

Now that the banquet has reached the final stage, and there is no inspection of the seized gold, silver and jewelry, it is finally possible to ask.

Yin Kaishan quickly straightened his waist and said solemnly: "Something seems to have changed in Suni's Lost Department. Not long ago, Ashina Sheer of Suni's Lost Department left Suni's Lost Department with about 10 horses. , went west along Monan.

Our manager thinks that there may be some problems here, so we specially sent ministers to report to you. "

Li Yuanji was stunned for a moment, and said: "You mean Ashinasheer from Suni Lost Department led people to escape from Suni Lost Division and went west along Monan?"

Yin Kaishan nodded solemnly.

Li Yuanji said thoughtfully: "It seems that my second brother and I guessed correctly, Suni Shi may be dead, and there is also civil strife in Suni Shi's department."

Yin Kaishan said in astonishment: "You mean that Sunis is dead?"

Li Yuanji nodded and said, "Otherwise, how do you explain that Ashinasheer escaped from Suni's department with 10 people while Suni was still alive?"

That is 10 horses, not [-] cattle and sheep.

It is also a very important force in Suni Lost Department.

If Sunis was alive, how could he allow Ashinasheer to do this?

After all, Datang is now only one order away from entering Suni's department. If Suni is alive, he will definitely shrink his troops and horses, draw in all the forces that can be drawn, and resist Datang together, instead of letting the inside appear Split.

So Sunny must have died.

Only in this case, Ashinasheer can leave with 10 horses in a grandiose manner.

After all, Suni Shi could hold Ashinasheer down, but Suni Shi's son couldn't.

His son is not good in all aspects, not even as good as Xieli's son Yugu, so he can't deter tigers and wolves like Ashinasheer.

"If you think so, then Suni's death may really be dead. But in this case, shouldn't Ashinasheer try his best to keep Suni's troops in order? Why did he take his troops to escape from Suni's department?" , fled west?"

Yin Kaishan nodded and couldn't help but wonder.

The Turks are about to destroy their country, and unity is what they need to do most. At this time, infighting and division will only benefit Datang.

No matter how stupid Ashinasheer and Sunisi's son Ashnabile is, he should understand this truth.

Li Yuanji shook his head and said: "I don't know about that. I have already sent Xue Shou to find out what is going on. When Xue Shou understands clearly, we will know."

Yin Kaishan asked: "Then what should we do now? Ashinasheer took so many people and fled to the west, it is very likely that they went to join Tong Yehu.

Once he uses these troops to gain a firm foothold under Tong Yehu's hands and gets the support of Tong Yehu, then he may bring these 10 troops and the people Tong Yehu gave him to fight back at any time. "

Li Yuanji thought for a moment and shook his head, "This possibility is not high..."

Tong Yehu is not far from death now, it is impossible for him to provoke Datang at this time.

And if Ashinasheer really fell to the West Turks, there was a great chance that he would have conflicts with Yi Nan and Huang Tou.

With Yi Nan and Huang Tou restrained, it is very difficult for him to do anything.

After all, for him, Yi Nan and Huang Tou are traitors who caused the Turkic split and were conquered by the Tang Dynasty. It can be said that Yi Nan and Huang Tou have certain differences in the current situation facing Turks. responsibility, so it is impossible for him to forgive Yi Nan and Huang Tou.

Similarly, for Yi Nan and Huang Tou, he is the betrayed person. When the betrayer faces the betrayed person, he will feel guilty and fear the other party's revenge. Those who can think of are not how to compensate the other party and get the other party's forgiveness, but how to eradicate the other party.

This is the thinking of those in power. When they find out that something makes them feel guilty and will be retaliated against, they will not think about making up for it or obtaining forgiveness. They will only think about completely eradicating the other party. In this way, guilt Retaliation and retaliation are completely non-existent, and they can continue to be those in power with peace of mind.

Therefore, he, Yi Nan and Huang Tou were destined not to pee in the same pot. With Yi Nan and Huang Tou around, he would never be able to use the strength of the Western Turks to counterattack back.

(End of this chapter)

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