Man Tanghong

Chapter 963 Either Bad or Ignorant

What else can Lingzhou Army Sima and Minbu Langzhong say, they can only lower their heads and say 'yes'.

After all, when the leader says you are wrong, then you are wrong. If you think you are right, you have to defend yourself with the leader. Then the leader will not only make you realize that you are wrong, but also make you feel wrong from now on. If you lose your upside in the future, you may be able to infinitely reduce your downside.

Although the Sima of the Lingzhou Army and the Langzhong of the Ministry of Minbu knew some martial arts and even mastered the art of war, they mainly played with pens and had flexible minds. If they couldn't even understand this, then their lives would be in vain.

"Since the errands are not in place, let's go down and do it well."

Li Yuanji waved his hands carelessly, as if letting Lingzhou Army Sima and Minbu Langzhong go.

Lingzhou Army Sima and Minbu Langzhong bowed together to express their thanks.

Li Shimin's mouth kept twitching, and he couldn't help saying: "You really look more and more like a superior..."

Li Yuanji heard that Li Shimin was mocking him for getting more and more shameless, and immediately asked: "Are you saying that the more superior you are, the less shameless you are?"

Li Shimin shook his head almost without hesitation.

He wanted to admit it, but he couldn't.

Because Datang's biggest superior is his father.

If he admits this, doesn't that mean calling his father shameless?

With Li Yuan's temperament, a severe beating is indispensable.

Don't look at Li Yuan who is not shy about drinking and sex at all, and regards face as nothing, but in other aspects, Li Yuan really cares about face.

People with five surnames and seven wangs gave him face once, and he still has a grudge to this day.

He was quicker than anyone else to attack and weaken the Five Surnames and Seven Hopes.

Therefore, Li Shimin would never accept the words 'the higher the position, the less shameless' he would say.

He had already lost all his impression points in front of Li Yuan, but now that he has managed to get them back, Li Yuan has stopped yelling at him. If he loses them again, let alone come out to move freely, can he? Enjoying your old age in the depths of the Forbidden Palace is a problem.

"I'm talking about you, don't talk about it!"

Li Shimin said a little angrily.

Li Yuanji smiled and said: "Then let's not talk about this matter, let's talk about how to deal with those cattle, sheep and horses, and how to deal with those Turkic people who belonged to us."

There is nothing to say about dealing with livestock such as cattle, sheep and horses.

As long as there is a solution to the problem, do it.

However, when it comes to dealing with the issue of the Turkic people who belong to them, we have to discuss it carefully.

At present, there are three kinds of Turkic people captured by the Tang Dynasty. One is the prisoners of war captured from the battlefield. This kind of Turkic people are all captives now, and they will be enslaved in the future and sold to various places in the Tang Dynasty. as a labor force.

One kind was those who surrendered to Tang Dynasty during the war with Tang Dynasty. This kind of Turkic people are also prisoners now. However, they have the willingness to surrender, which is different from those who were captured on the battlefield, so they should be treated differently.

There is also a kind of Turks who surrendered to the Tang Dynasty before the Tang Dynasty conquered them. This kind of Turkic people cannot be counted among the captives, and they need to be treated differently.

What needs to be discussed now is how to deal with the latter two types of Turkic people.

Li Yuanji's idea was to move the nobles among the last Turkic people to the hinterland of the Tang Dynasty, allow them to keep all their property, allow them to retain their noble status, and allow them to settle down in the hinterland of the Tang Dynasty.

The purpose of doing this is to get rid of the minds of the Turkic people, so that the Turkic people will completely lose their minds, so as to facilitate the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

The remaining Turkic people were organized into ten or even dozens of legions, led by the Turkic nobles who were close to the Tang Dynasty and the school captains of the Tang Dynasty, and together they opened up the territory for the Tang Dynasty.

As for the second type of Turkic people, you have to find a way to get rid of the nobles among them, whether it is framed, assassinated or poisoned, kill them all as soon as possible, and organize the remaining people into legions and let them serve as servants It can also be used as cannon fodder when necessary.

Anyway, that's what the Turkic people did when they treated their own people. The Tang Dynasty used them as cannon fodder and servants, and they could accept it.

People who grow out of bitter cold places have stronger toughness and patience than people from other places.

This is not to say that they carry these things in their genes, but an ability endowed to them by the region.

So it can't be said that there is any innate advantage, but it is not much different from innate advantage.

Of course, this type of people is far more wild than people from other places.

Therefore, it is more difficult to control, and it will rebel from time to time, so be prepared to suppress it.

And the formal corps composed of Turks is the first knife to suppress them.

The elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who were in charge of defending them were the second, the frontier soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were the third, and the Tang itself was the fourth.

With these four knives, those Turkic people who do not obey discipline and often rebel can rise up anytime and anywhere, but they will never become a climate.

As long as the generals of the formal corps do their ideological work well, and let them do their ideological work well, they will rarely be influenced by the various remarks of the rebels.

And when they wield their knives against rebels, they will be more ruthless than the soldiers of Datang.

Just like the traitors of later generations, when they treat the masters they rely on, they frown in all kinds of ways. Even if their masters shit and pee on their heads, they will say it is fragrant, but for their own people, they will pay attention to it. Fist strikes, and sometimes the means used are more ruthless than their masters.

Therefore, in many cases, it is always your own people who hurt you the most.

Outsiders are more likely to destroy your body, but your own people will destroy your body together with your soul.

Therefore, it is definitely the best choice to use Turkic people as the first shackles to restrain Turkic people.

It's just that these are Li Yuanji's own thoughts, and the specifics need to be discussed with Li Shimin.

This is determining a country's ruling strategy for newly conquered territories, and it is also determining the direction of a nation, and it is also determining the future of a nation.

One word, one sentence, may cause considerable consequences, so it must be treated with caution.

Of course, as the person in power of Datang, when considering the consequences, he would only consider the various consequences that Datang would bear. As for the others, we will wait until all the people in other places become Tang people.

People in other places have not become Tang people, and a person in power in Tang Dynasty worries about others, isn't that full of food?
If one's own country is not well taken care of or managed well, it points fingers at other countries.

Isn't that a brain disease?
Although folk people like to discuss this kind of topic most, they like to see the suffering of people in other countries and live and work in peace and contentment.

But that's the people.

How can you, a person in power, consider issues from the perspective of the common people?
What you come into contact with and what you can decide are things that can really affect the overall situation of the country and the situation in other countries.

It is not accessible to the common people.

Naturally, you can't think of what to say, or what you want to do like ordinary people.

However, this kind of preference of the people cannot be obliterated, let alone suppressed, but must be encouraged and promoted.

Because it is these people who are clearly not in touch with national affairs, but always talk about national affairs, who will come forward in times of crisis.

They care, they talk, it means they care.

Only when they care about it will they work hard for the country.

When the day comes when they don't care or talk about it, then no one will work hard for the country.

So some people say that those who care about and talk about national affairs are all low-level people who have achieved nothing.

That's bullshit.

When the time comes for the country to be in crisis, these people are real, and those who satirize them, 90.00% of them will not.

More importantly, those who care about and discuss national affairs not only have bottoms, but also tops.

Could it be that those who stand at the top of the country, or even the world, are also people who accomplish nothing?
So those who are sarcasm are either bad or ignorant.

Li Shimin didn't have such far-reaching thoughts, because in this era, no one thinks about it, and no one listens to what the people at the bottom think, so Li Shimin simply asked about the problem of dealing with the Turkic people: "What do you think? "

Li Yuanji roughly explained his thoughts.

Li Shimin frowned and said, "Don't you want to build a Duhufu?"

Li Yuanji shook his head slowly.

Li Shimin's son Li Zhi and several Tang emperors after Li Zhi helped verify the establishment of the Protectorate.

It has a certain effect, but it can cure the symptoms but not the root cause. Looking back, new tribes and forces will rise on the grasslands, and they will take advantage of the internal strife in the Central Plains to grow rapidly, and eventually become threats to the Central Plains, and even enter the Central Plains to occupy the presence of the Central Plains. .

Therefore, we must think of a permanent solution.

There are only two ways that Li Yuanji can think of, one is through cultural integration, slowly turning Turkic people, Tuyuhun people, Tubo people, etc. into Han people.

One is to find a way to get rid of all the men from Turkic, Tuyuhun, and Tubo, and move the Tang people here, let the Tang people take root, and make the grassland and the Central Plains a bloodline.

The speed of the former is really too slow, and it took thousands of years in history.

Li Yuanji didn't think that if he adopted this strategy, he could see Turkic people, Tuyuhun people, Tubo people, etc. become Tang people in his lifetime.

The effect of the latter will be quicker, but the men of Datang will have to work hard.

Those who settled in the grassland, or ran between the grassland and the Central Plains, were destined to marry several wives.

I am afraid that a pair of waists will be useless after thirty or forty years of use.

But 30 or [-] years later, when their seeds bloomed everywhere, when the population of Datang increased several times, or even ten times.

Datang can completely occupy and digest the grassland.

After all, once the people of the Tang Dynasty with the support of the Tang Dynasty learned how to nomad and occupied all the nomadic places, the grassland people would never have a chance to rise again.

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