Man Tanghong

Chapter 969 White Plague and Plague

Chapter 969 White Plague and Plague

He only served as a general under Yun Dingxing for a period of time, but he was called to Taiyuan by Li Yuan before he got used to his general status.

By the time Jinyang raised troops, he had broken away from the category of general and was directly appointed as the right-leading commander-in-chief.

By the time he broke away from Li Yuan and formally took orders to go out, he was already the commander-in-chief of the first army.

So in his long military career, the title of general was just a transition. He didn't stay in the army for long in this capacity, nor did he make too many achievements in this capacity.

If his commander-in-chief status is regarded as a general, then he is qualified to be called the best among generals.

But if you regard the commander in chief as a general, doesn't that lower the status of the commander in chief?
Apparently he himself didn't want to classify the commander in chief as a general, so he didn't refute, but he was so angry that his chest hurt, and he blew his beard and stared, "Although I am not the best among generals, most of my subordinates are among the generals." Outstanding!"

This is true, there are indeed many outstanding generals under his command, and many of them have left their names in history with him, becoming role models among generals, and praised by many people in later generations.

But the problem is...

"Where are they now?"

Li Yuanji asked with a smile.

Hou Junji knew how to cooperate and said, "Naturally, they are all under His Royal Highness King Yong!"

Li Shimin was so angry that he couldn't live anymore, he stared fiercely at this one, blew his beard at that one who was panting like a cow, rolled up his sleeves, and left angrily.

A posture of 'I can't afford to provoke, I can't hide'.

Li Yuanji looked at the back of Li Shimin leaving in a hurry, and joked a little funny: "My second brother, not only saves face, but also refuses to admit defeat!"

But if you admit defeat, you won't be able to become an emperor through the ages.

It seems that the emperors throughout the ages refused to admit defeat or compromise, and finally established a majestic and glorious empire.

This is true of Ying Zheng, Liu Che, and Li Shimin.

They refused to admit defeat, did not compromise, and eventually defeated all enemies step by step.

For example, the two brothers Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi only got half of the country because they were willing to admit defeat and compromise.

In fact, everything about Zhao Song was doomed as early as when Zhao Kuangyin drew a jade ax as a boundary on the Dadu River.

Once a country loses its covetous desire for its territory and is content with the status quo, then this country is destined not to be too powerful, let alone become a hegemon enough to suppress an era.

Therefore, all emperors should have the spirit of not admitting defeat and not compromising. Only in this way can they develop a truly ambitious hegemony.

So what about brutality, what about militarism?
When I am invincible in the world and achieve supremacy, who dares to speak out?Who dares to stand in front of me and speak loudly?

Don't they all have to silently prostrate at my feet, let me ask for permission, let me kill? !

"Your Highness, it's time to leave!"

Zhao Chengyong didn't know when he appeared next to Li Yuanji carrying a banner and reminded him in a low voice.

Now that we have decided to meet Li Jing in person, we should leave early.

From the camp of the Chinese army to the position five miles away, it would not take long to ride the official road on horseback.

However, there is no official road in Turkic territory, and now there are cattle, sheep and horses outside the camp of the Chinese army, so when riding on the road, not only can’t gallop, but you have to move forward slowly, and you have to wait until the front army or scouts drive the cattle, sheep and horses away. Only then can we move forward, so it will take a long time.


Li Yuanji responded, and led Zhao Chengyong and his personal guards to the entrance of the gate.

Li Shimin also appeared at the gate when they were about to reach the gate.

However, he was still angry, so he raised his head slightly when he saw people, and he didn't speak when he needed to speak, just humming to and fro.

The grooms had already prepared their horses, and after snorting a few times, Li Shimin got on his horse and left the gate first.

Li Shiji and the others who were guarding the gate of the gate looked bewildered.

Li Yuanji smiled and said to Li Shiji while getting on his horse, "Don't worry about him..."

Li Shiji nodded hesitantly, but still sent someone to follow Li Shimin.

Although Li Shimin has no official title and is still a lowly commoner, he still doesn't dare to neglect, let alone let Li Shimin disappear on his horse among the cattle and sheep all over the mountains and plains.

In case something happened to Li Shimin, Li Yuan became concerned, it was not something he could afford.

"lets go!"

Li Yuanji didn't care about Li Shiji's small movements. After riding his horse, he directly ordered Li Shiji to set off.

Li Shiji agreed, and headed to the northwest with a group of generals under his command, as well as his own trilogy and the trilogy of the generals.

The scouts were sent out early by him, leading a few grooms who were proficient in horse herding to clear the way ahead.

Although driving cattle, sheep and horses seems simple, it is a technical job.

People who don't know how to herd horses and herd sheep go to drive cattle, sheep and horses, not only will they not drive them away, but there is a great chance that they will be surrounded by cattle, sheep and horses.

So this kind of thing must be done by a groom who is proficient in herding horses and sheep.

The scouts can only assist from the side.

With the joint efforts of the scouts and grooms, the cattle, sheep and horses spread out to both sides like a tide, making way for a road.

Thousands of people including Li Yuanji and Li Shiji rushed to a small hill five miles away on this road.

There was a big horse on the hill. It was very arrogant. Seeing the army approaching, it wanted to occupy the hill, but it didn't move. mean.

It was Zhao Chengyong who rode his horse through the herd of horses and caught it with a harness pole to avoid a battle between men and horses.

The herd of horses led by the top horse decisively dispersed after the top horse was captured.

The army also successfully occupied the hill.

Standing on the hill and looking down, there are horses, cows and sheep everywhere.

Millions of cattle, sheep and horses were hoarded here, which cannot be accommodated within five miles. Therefore, looking down from the hill, the herds of cattle, sheep and horses are no different from those in the Chinese army camp.

It is still in groups, with no end in sight.

"Dispose of these cattle, sheep and horses as soon as possible, otherwise it will easily lead to disaster."

Looking at the herds of cattle, sheep and horses, Li Yuanji expressed his heartfelt emotion.

A captain asked in a daze, "What disaster..."

Before Li Yuanji could answer, Li Shiji gave the guy a whip, and scolded with a straight face: "It's a shame, the cattle, sheep and horses here all come from different places, who knows which one of them is wearing a scorpion?" plague.

If they hoarded together for a long time and spread the plague, all the cattle, sheep and horses here would have to be burned to death.

Do you think this is a disaster? "

On the grassland, there are two most terrible disasters, one is the white disaster, that is, the snow disaster, and the other is the plague, the plague that the cattle, sheep and horses suffer from.

No matter which of these two disasters occurs on the grassland, it will be a disaster for the grassland people.

The white disaster will freeze a large number of livestock to death, making it impossible for the prairie people to survive the extremely cold winter, and the prairie people will die in patches.

The plague will also cause a large number of deaths of livestock, and the grassland people will die in patches if they lose their source of food.

Therefore, people on the grassland are very afraid of disasters and plagues.

Once a disaster or plague occurs, a grand sacrifice will be held to pray for God's forgiveness.

And this kind of sacrifice is usually very bloody.

Either kill a large number of slaves and use their torsos and blood as sacrifices, or select specific people and dig out their hearts and livers to sacrifice.

And this kind of specific person is usually an untrained girl.

This certainly proves the savagery and cruelty of the grassland people, but it also proves the fear of the grassland people against the plague and plague.

In fact, not only grassland people, but Tang people are also very afraid of white disasters and plagues. Everyone in the world who has seen the horrors of white disasters and plagues is very afraid of white disasters and plagues.

It's just that compared with the vast majority of barbaric, uncivilized, or semi-civilized races, the Tang people have sufficient experience in dealing with it, so they are not so ignorant or extreme in dealing with this kind of disaster.

The captain heard Li Shiji's reprimand, and realized that he had said something wrong, so he hurriedly apologized: "It's a humble job and ignorance, please punish the deputy commander."

Li Shiji took a special look at Li Yuanji, and seeing that Li Yuanji didn't mean to blame him, he stared at the captain and said viciously: "Nian you just became an official, and you are young and ignorant, so I will let you go this time, and next time, you Just find a stable to be a groom."

The captain nodded again and again, and kept making sure that he wouldn't do it next time, and kept looking at Li Yuanji.

Li Yuanji could tell that the lieutenant had just become an official. After all, the lieutenant's face shrouded in the helmet was too immature. Presumably his father should be a certain martial arts officer in the imperial court, and he was from a family. He used to stay in secret irrigation I am in Guanli, so my experience is very shallow, and I don’t understand many things that many experienced people know.

This is the same as Emperor Hui of Jin who said 'why not eat minced meat'.

It's not stupidity, but too little experience and too little knowledge.

"I have already discussed some countermeasures with my second brother. I have ordered the army Sima and the Lingzhou army Sima to assist the civilian doctor to do it. You should also find someone to cooperate with you, and the rescued people will be rescued as soon as possible. Scatter it, and scatter the cattle, sheep and horses here."

In order to prevent the captain from scaring himself to death, Li Yuanji deliberately found a topic to talk to Li Shiji, in order to show that he didn't care and didn't care about what happened just now.

Hearing this, the captain was visibly relieved.

Hearing this, Li Shiji breathed a sigh of relief.

This made Li Yuanji slightly interested in the origin of the captain.

You know, Li Shiji is so ruthless that he would even kill his son-in-law, and the person who can be taken care of by him must have a higher status in his heart than his son-in-law.

However, Li Yuanji didn't ask.

Because now is not the time to ask this.

In case Li Shiji uttered a familiar name, then everyone met the captain's father or grandfather, and when they talked about it, the captain's father and grandfather's face would not be bright.

"Well, I will send someone to do it after I go back."

Li Shiji made a slight adjustment, and bowed straightly.

Li Yuanji nodded his head, didn't say anything more, and led everyone to wait for Li Jing.

(End of this chapter)

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