Man Tanghong

Chapter 980 Monan Great Victory!

Chapter 980 Monan Great Victory!

Seeing that Zhao Chengyong had given the order, the general who was in charge of the guards followed suit.

The strength of the guards may not be as good as Yong Wangwei, but when they execute the order, their execution ability is not inferior to Yong Wangwei. Immediately, like a mouse seeing a cat, they quickly divided into small groups and clustered around the bonfire .

Then we all started a fire together.

At the beginning of roasting, everyone was not used to the smell of cow dung and horse manure when it was burned, but after a long time, everyone gradually got used to it.

Especially seeing Li Yuanji drinking the wine brought by Zhao Chengyong wantonly while warming up the fire, everyone gradually disbelieved the saying that the smell of cow dung and horse dung is poisonous when burned.

When night fell, everyone even let go. Not only did they spread out their hands and feet to roast by the fire, but they also jokingly asked their captains and lieutenants if they wanted wine or meat, and said they wanted to cook and drink or roast. .

After asking for instructions, the captains and lieutenants agreed to their request, brought them wine and meat, and asked them to cook, drink and roast.

After everyone got the wine and meat, they let it go even more openly.

One by one, they competed in their drinking capacity while grilling the meat, and then competed in their skill in grilling the meat after it was cooked.

In the middle of the night, no one cared about the saying that the smell of cow dung and horse dung is poisonous after burning. Opened, let the toss of the temper.

After Li Shiji looked around at the soldiers dancing wildly in the martial arts arena, he walked up to Li Yuanji with a smile and said: "It seems that everyone no longer believes that the smell of cow dung and horse dung is poisonous after burning." .”

Li Yuanji was a little drunk and didn't want to drink any more. Hearing Li Shiji's words, he let out a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "That's good...then I can go back."

Li Shiji smiled and narrowed his eyes, and said teasingly: "It seems that His Highness is not used to the smell of burning cow dung and horse dung..."

Li Yuanji gave Li Shiji a blank look, and said angrily, "Are you used to it?"

They are all aristocrats, and they use good things on weekdays, and they have long been used to a life surrounded by good things.

Suddenly using something more down-to-earth, it must not be used.

After all, compared with the smelly cow dung and horse dung that can cause people's psychological discomfort, the tasteless silver frost charcoal is obviously better and easier to be accepted by people.

So if you are used to silver frost charcoal, you must not be used to cow dung and horse dung.

"Hey hey hey..."

Li Shiji smiled wickedly and didn't answer.

Li Yuanji didn't talk to him anymore, but got up slowly, took Chu Suiliang who joined in later, and returned to the main tent of the Chinese army.

When he returned to the big tent of the Chinese army, Li Shimin was still awake and was holding his nose and reading a book.

After hearing it, Li Yuanji discovered that Li Shiji had replaced the silver frost charcoal in the Chinese army's tent with cow dung at some point.

Li Shimin was obviously not used to the smell of burning cow dung, so he was still awake.

I don't know whether he heard Li Yuanji's footsteps entering the tent, or through the change of air flow in the tent, he sensed that someone entered the tent. When Li Yuanji had just entered the tent and hadn't stood still, Li Shimin suddenly raised his head and said, "You Do you think the current life is too moist, so you want to find some difficulties for yourself?"

Li Yuanji knew that Li Shimin was accusing him of replacing silver frost charcoal with cow dung, so he smiled and said, "Second brother, if you are not used to it, you can go to the wounded barracks and use silver frost charcoal with the wounded soldiers."

Hearing that Yinshuang Charcoal was sent to the wounded soldiers, Li Shimin fell silent for an instant.

Although Li Shimin is not a man who loves soldiers like sons, he will not refute such things as improving the treatment of wounded soldiers.

Because soldiers are not tools in his eyes, but people who can help him win battles.

Those brilliant achievements he created were all created with the help of individual soldiers.

Without those soldiers, let alone winning battles, it would be a question of whether he could survive on the battlefield.

Seeing that Li Shimin was silent, Li Yuanji pointed to the bed at the corner of the tent with a smile, and signaled Chu Suiliang to go to sleep. Then he walked to the soft bed in the middle of the tent, took off his coat, and fell asleep.

After flipping through the book quickly for a while, Li Shimin didn't know whether he felt bored or couldn't change the status quo. After a soft snort, he blew out the oil lamp in the tent and fell asleep as well.

The tent became silent in an instant, and the noise coming from the direction of the martial arts field could be clearly heard.

Silent all night.

The next day, light snow fell in the sky, fluttering, like flying catkins, and like star sand, covering the sky and the earth with a thin layer of fine sand. The weather became colder and colder, so everyone in the camp hid Don't want to go out in the tent.

Several riders came from the northwest, and they shouted loudly before they reached the camp.

"Great victory in Monan! Killed [-] Turks and took [-] prisoners!"

When the soldiers guarding the gate heard their shouts, they also shouted excitedly.

Hearing the movement, the soldiers who stuck their heads out of the tent cheered after hearing the shout.

In an instant, the camp was filled with cheers.

"What's shouting outside?"

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Li Shimin heard the movement, turned his head to listen, and frowned while asking questions.

Chu Suiliang's hearing is good, and he has already heard the shouts outside the tent clearly, but before he could speak, Zhao Chengyong, who was guarding the tent door, rushed in first and shouted: "Your Highness! Great victory in Monan!"

Chu Suiliang also clasped his hands at this time and said, "This is what I heard."

Li Shimin was silent for a moment.

It was too easy for Li Jing to win, as if the army led by Jie Li was standing there, waiting for him to pick it up.

According to his opinion, at the very least, Li Jing would have to wait until the spring of next year to completely conquer Xieli's 20 troops.

But now it is more than four months too early.

When Li Yuanji heard Zhao Chengyong's report and Chu Suiliang's agreement, he didn't feel too much trouble, and he didn't blame Zhao Chengyong for breaking into the big tent without reporting, but slowly put down his pen, calmly Asked: "How many battles have been cut, how many have been captured, can you catch Xieli?"

Zhao Chengyong took a step forward, cupped his hands and said: "His Royal Highness, it sounds like I killed [-] people and took [-] prisoners, but I didn't hear whether Jie Li was captured or not."

Li Yuanji nodded slowly and said: "Slaying [-] people and taking [-] prisoners is indeed a great victory!"

Although this number has not yet reached a quarter of Jieli's total army strength, don't forget that the troops who conquered Jieli were not limited to Li Jing's army, but also Ashina Simo's, Adi's, and Yili's troops. The Xue Yantuo tribe led by the male, and the Huihe tribe led by the yellow head.

It can be said that the three forces and five soldiers and horses jointly conquered Jieli.

What is being said so far is only the achievements of Li Jing's department.

The acquisitions of the Ashinasimo Tribe, the Aju Tribe, the Xue Yantuo Tribe, and the Huihe Tribe have not yet been counted.

When the statistics come out, there will be more gains.

Based on the number of soldiers and horses under Jieli's command, it should be able to quadruple at most.

However, although Xieli is not very good, Ashinasheer is indeed a capable person, and he has a great possibility of escaping from the encirclement set by Li Jing and others after the defeat.

So the possibility of quadrupling is unlikely.

Triple should be the limit.

"Hurry up to welcome the victorious soldiers into the big tent, and invite Li Shiji and others to listen together."

Li Yuanji gave Zhao Chengyong instructions.

Zhao Chengyong responded with a bright smile, and withdrew from the Chinese army tent.

Not long after, Li Shiji, who was notified, and other generals and schools in the camp gathered in the main tent of the Chinese army.

Not long after they arrived, Zhao Chengyong personally led the victorious soldiers into the tent.

There were four soldiers who reported victory, and they were all ugly.

The worst one still had yellow pus dripping from his ear, which was the pus that came out after the chilblains burst.

But even so, he still had a bright smile on his face, and he looked very energetic.

This is the look that the great victory brought to him.

Li Shiji and the other generals who had heard the sound of the victory also had bright smiles on their faces.

Although they did not personally experience the battle in Monan, and it is impossible for them to share the credit of Li Jing and the soldiers who lived far away in Monan, they are still happy.

I am happy for Li Jing and the soldiers led by Li Jing, and I am also happy for Datang.

"Under the account of the general manager of the Dingxiang Road Marching of the humble post, Ma Fuzheng, who belongs to Team A in front of the account, is meeting His Royal Highness King Yong!"

After entering the big tent, the leading soldiers who reported victory walked a few steps forward and knelt on one knee to salute.

He didn't need anyone to talk to him, he said excitedly after saluting: "Seven days ago, our department defeated the Turkic Jieli Khan's Ashid and Ashina troops in Monan, beheaded [-] enemy soldiers and captured them." Thirty-five thousand enemy soldiers are here to report victory to Your Highness!"

Li Yuanji nodded, smiled and praised: "Okay, you really lived up to my expectations!"

The victorious soldiers raised their heads happily.

Li Yuanji then smiled and said: "I will order the military commander to perform the verification for you, and when you lead the army back to the camp, I will reward you personally, and when our squadron returns to the court, I will add officials and ranks to you!"

The soldiers who reported victory clasped their fists overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Your Highness!"

Li Yuanji nodded again, and asked the question that he and other people in the big tent were most concerned about, "How are the other ministries' achievements? Can Xieli be captured?"

Li Shimin, Li Shiji and others all pricked up their ears when they heard this.

Hearing this, the soldiers who reported victory almost grinned to the base of their ears.

Seeing this, Li Yuanji was completely happy.

Although the soldier who reported victory hadn't spoken yet, he already knew the result.

The soldiers who had reported the victory were elated and shouted happily: "The king of Ashina County and the general manager Axijie killed more than [-] enemy soldiers and captured more than [-] soldiers. The Yinan chief and the yellow head chief killed four enemy soldiers. More than [-] people were captured, and more than [-] were captured.

On the way to escape to the West Turks, Xieli was bumped into by the deputy chief of our department and captured alive! "

 Thanks to 'Xuanyuan Huowu' for rewarding two thousand book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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