Chapter 699 I'm on the stage

Have a small meeting?

The expressions of Cao Dahua and the others changed slightly.

If you need to express your opinion, just go outside.

Now Brother Feng called the big guy in, it seems that the things to be discussed later are more important than those outside.

After silently exchanging glances, the five of Cao Dahua followed Ding Yunfeng and came to a quiet private room.

"Don't stand, sit, everyone sit." Ding Yunfeng sat down and took out his phone, dialing numbers one by one.

Huang Yaobing set up several ashtrays, and four people, Siyan Kun, Zhang Yaoxiong, Chen Guorong, and Ali walked in one after another.

Seeing the five Chinese superintendents, three of the four-eyed Kun are okay, but Ali's face is more restrained.

Just at this moment, Ding Yunfeng made several cups of Gongfu tea and called everyone over.

After everyone got their tea, Ding Yunfeng washed the cups and said, "My hometown, choose someone to replace me in the Hong Kong Island Police Force."

"Ah?" Lin Leimeng raised his head suddenly, pushed his glasses and asked, "Brother Feng, what do you mean by that?"

"Some time ago, what happened in Lao Hu's Kowloon old police station, I believe everyone knows something about it?" Ding Yunfeng waved his hand to stabilize the excited crowd, and asked a question that was not a secret.

Chen Jianxin glanced at Hu Xin, nodded and replied: "Everyone has heard what Lao Hu said.

To be honest, it's a bit unbelievable that this kind of thing happened.

However, since the above has even set up a ghost hunting team, it can be proved that these are facts. "

After a pause, Chen Jianxin looked at Ding Yunfeng in astonishment: "Brother Feng, is it related to this matter that you suddenly want to hand over power?"

"Well, there is indeed a connection. Let's drink tea and listen to me slowly..."

It took [-] minutes for Ding Yunfeng to finally explain to everyone the arrangements made by some Fuso Onmyojis on Hong Kong Island when he served as Governor, Sir James, and when Hong Kong Island was occupied by the Japanese.

"Oh, that is to say, my hometown hopes to wipe out these unscientific existences before taking back Hong Kong Island.

It just so happens that Brother Feng, in order not to be suspected in the future, simply took over this task and at the same time gave up the position of the Chinese leader of the police force. "Cao Dahua broke his fingers and said.

Huang Yaobing buried his head in smoking while Hu Xin and Lin Leimeng drank tea silently.

The air pressure in the room dropped instantly.

Four-eyed Kun glanced at the crowd, raised his hand and asked, "Brother Feng, everyone respects you. Except for the reason of Brother Luo and Brother No-Tou, there have been several major crises in the police force. The whole group of Chinese police officers, only you The reason why a person stood up against the pressure of Gui Lao regardless of his own interests and helped his brothers to carry things.

It's not that I can't trust my hometown. The question is, does the person who takes your seat have the guts and ability to withstand the pressure from above and help us fight for our interests. "

"Akun is right, we don't care.

I will retire in a few more years. I, Cao Dahua, am very satisfied to meet Brother Feng in this life and help me become the Chief Superintendent of the North District.

Lao Huang, Lao Hu, and Lao Chen are all around 50 years old. I guess they should retire before their hometown takes back Hong Kong Island.

Whoever takes the lead has little impact on them.

Only the youngest Raymond here..." Uncle Hua said this, and patted his chest with a smile: "If I guess correctly, Brother Feng should be planning to let Raymond come to sit in my north after I retire. The seat of District Chief Superintendent.

If that person wants to take over your power in the police force, according to me, as long as you hand over the power, you can mention it by the way, and the other party will definitely agree to Lei Meng's arrangement!
Only the guys down there...

Once they know that the leader of the Ding family has changed, they may panic in a short period of time!

In this way, we are equivalent to giving the opponent a chance to win over and divide. "

Uncle Hua analyzed it in a circle, and he almost understood the possible consequences of Ding Yunfeng's handing over power.

Four-eyed Kun and others have to admire - Jiang is still old and spicy!

"As the saying goes, tea is cold when people go away.

Although I, Ding Yunfeng, would not ignore the guys below and leave, but I couldn't ask them to always follow my rules. "Ding Yunfeng glanced at everyone, and said slowly: "This kind of situation, my hometown will not allow it. "

After hearing this, everyone nodded in unison.

All of you here are adults. The so-called loyalty is based on the same interests of all parties.

Throughout the dynasties and dynasties, from the highest authority to the various industries, which time the power changed hands, is it not like walking on eggshells?

Even if everyone cannot be satisfied, at least the support of most people in the middle and high levels must be obtained.

Otherwise, at this time, it is a great opportunity for foreign enemies to attack their own side from the inside.

Ding Yunfeng picked up his teacup and took a sip: "Since I have been in charge, I have always been my boss, and you all follow orders.

But what happened this time not only involves your own interests, but also affects the many guys in the Hong Kong Island Police Force who follow you to eat.

So, this time I give you a chance.

You five, first discuss a start-up plan for a smooth transition.

Then we all discuss it together, finalize it tonight, and implement this matter! "

Cao Dahua's five people were shocked when they heard the words, and they all sat up straight. They can sit here, and their respective subordinates have as few as 200 people, and as many as 500 people.

Now that Brother Feng has said this, they must want to help their servants and strive for a little protection.

After discussing in a low voice for a while, finally the oldest Cao Dahua said: "Brother Feng, we had a rough talk, can we agree on a 6-year term.

In the past 6 years, our major police stations have been transferred and promoted, and the new leaders will try their best to cooperate and try not to interfere.

Six years later, since we were less than five, Hong Kong Island has inherited the Chinese police faction from the detective era, and he is the only leader! "

6 years?
The Hong Kong Island Police Force conducts a promotion review every three years.

6 years is two sessions.

Ding Yunfeng frowned and pondered: "No! Six years is too long, let's change it to three years.

Three years is enough for you to help the backbone of your subordinates.

If the successor you choose cannot be promoted for three consecutive years, there is no need for you to spend resources to help him. "

"Brother Feng, three years is too short! The sons of my old friends have just been admitted to the police academy."

"Yeah, yeah, the team is big, it's hard to lead."

Just as Hu Xin and Chen Jianxin complained, Ding Yunfeng's cold eyes swept him back: "Who will not be angry if there are five emperors on their heads?
I'm still in a dilemma, how to get the other party to speak!

Since you think three years is too short...

Well, before I quit, I will replace the five of you first, and replace a few people who think three years is too long, okay? "

"Brother Feng, calm down, Lao Hu and Lao Chen have always been unreasonable, so don't get angry with them.

Three years is three years, what do you say, then so be it! "Huang Yaobing got up and apologized embarrassingly, and glared at Hu Xin and Chen Jianxin by the way: "Aren't you apologizing to Brother Feng?Do you want to wait for me to blow your heads with a scissor kick? "

"Sorry, Brother Feng."

"Yes, cover it, Brother Feng."

Hu Xin and Chen Jianxin resolutely confessed.

Ding Yunfeng's complexion was a little slow, and he made six cups of Gongfu tea deftly, took the lead and stood up with a cup.

The five of Cao Dahua got up and walked over, each holding a cup.

Ding Yunfeng's eyes were complicated, and he slowly looked at the faces of the five of them.

With gray temples and a strong smile, he is Uncle Tsao Tat-wah, Chief Superintendent of the North District;

The Wanchai Police Commissioner with a sad face, and the recently promoted superintendent Huang Yiu-ping;
The youngest, with red eyes, is Lam Leimeng who has been transferred all the time and finally returned to the Mong Kok Police Station as the commissioner recently;

Kowloon police chief Hu Xin opened his mouth slightly, his face full of reluctance;
Chen Jianxin from Happy Valley pursed his lips, and the teacup in his hand trembled slightly.

At this moment, the scene of Brother Luo's abdication suddenly came to Ding Yunfeng's mind.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing some sad emotions, Ding Yunfeng smiled and said: "Then it's settled, the five of you will take the lead in advancing this matter.

On my side, I will fight for three years for everyone to support successors.

After a while, I will arrange for you to meet with each other.

Starting from the clean government storm that year, in the past few years, everyone has been master and slave, and they get along harmoniously.

I will replace wine with tea today, borrowing the words that Luo Ge told you all those years ago!

I wish you all a bright future and a bright future! "

"Brother Feng..." Lin Leimeng raised his head and exclaimed.

Ding Yunfeng waved his hands, raised his head and drank the hot tea in the cup, and lit the bottom of the cup to several people.

Cao Dahua patted Lei Meng on the shoulder and let out a long sigh: "Brother Feng has difficulties, we must be considerate. It is not a good thing for him to force him to stay in the police force."

"Uncle Hua is right, as the saying goes, once the emperor, there are courtiers.

After three years, we might all have to retire early.

At that time, we can go to the gate of Brother Feng's villa and beg for a seat like a security consultant, can't we continue to work for him? "Hu Xin said excitedly.

Huang Yaobing forced out a smile when he heard the words: "I'm afraid, Brother Feng will look down on us, the old, weak, sick and disabled, and won't even arrange a security booth for us!"

"Mother-in-law! Jie Ge said that the chief consultant of his security company has been reserved for you." Ding Yunfeng smiled and punched Huang Yaobing, and then said to the others: "I, Ding Yunfeng, have nothing else but More banknotes, more industries!

One day, if you don't want to be a Sir, if you are willing to come and help me, Ding will definitely welcome you! "

"Okay, everyone heard it. Brother Feng promised us with his own words. One day I will lose my job, but I will have a place to go." Chen Jianxin raised his head and drank his tea, and said with a smile.

Everyone knew that Ding Yunfeng must have something to tell Si Yankun and the others, and after a few jokes, led by Cao Dahua, he walked out of the box ahead of time.

As soon as the five superintendents left, Chen Guorong finally couldn't help but said, "Brother Feng, are you going to quit the police force?"

"Well, my situation is what you just saw.

Rather than being feared by others in the future, it is better to retreat bravely and give up your seat in advance. "Ding Yunfeng knocked out a few cigarettes and threw them to a few people.

Siyan Kun took it, stuffed it into his mouth and nodded: "Brother Feng, if you want to withdraw, I don't think I need to spend any more time at the Sheung Shui Police Station.

I might as well resign. In the past, Nanyang Zhao Luo and Zi Ge were my companions. "

"The area of ​​Sheung Shui, Luohu, and Daguling, in my imagination, is an important transportation route connecting Hong Kong Island and my hometown from land." Ding Yunfeng greeted several people to sit down, and then took out a map of the New Territories, pointing There is a line marked in red above: "I can tell you the truth, even if I am no longer in the police force.

This place is still very important to many properties under my name.

I will set up a transportation company in the near future. If you are willing to help me keep track of this route, not only this new company, but I will count each of you as a dry stock.

And I can also report your names to the people in my hometown
In this way, it will also be very helpful to your future career.

Of course, the conditions in the New Territories North are difficult, so I respect your choice whether to go or stay. "

After Ding Yunfeng finished speaking, Zhang Yaoxiong and Ali directly stated their position, and they chose to stay in the post.

Siyan Kun hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed: "Brother Feng, I am about the same age as Brother Luo, at most I will help you for another three years.

Three years later, you asked Uncle Hua to choose someone to replace me, and it's almost time for me to retire and reunite with my family. "

"Okay, I'll arrange it! Brother Kun, thank you very much." Ding Yunfeng patted Four Eyes Kun's arm, and found that the hair on the back of the other's head was almost gray.

Chen Guorong rubbed his cheeks with his hands: "I have nothing to say, I am a policeman, catching thieves, and atone for the mistakes my old man made. It's just a pity that I won't be able to fight side by side with Brother Feng in the future."

"After leaving the police force, I'm still an enthusiastic citizen. During Chen Sir's fight against criminals, if you need help, you can call me at any time." Ding Yunfeng looked at Chen Guorong and said with a playful smile.

Chen Guorong shook his head hurriedly: "Call you? Didn't you steal the limelight? I wouldn't be so stupid!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone laughed.

At this moment, Gan Lianghong knocked on the door and came in, followed by Zhan Mizai and Huang Dawen.

The three of them looked ugly, and put several stacks of documents in front of Ding Yunfeng.

"Ding Sheng, one editor-in-chief and two deputy editor-in-chiefs of "Hong Kong Island Daily" have resigned; two senior executives of Le's shadow line have asked to withdraw their shares; Dashuang Kou's finance manager has resigned..." Huang Dawen held Ding Yunfeng in one hand and handed it over. holding a form in one hand, reading the list of people who have opted out of it.

One side is poor and weak, and the hometown has just opened up;

One side is the ancestral ghost who has been riding on the necks of the citizens of Hong Kong Island for decades.

For the sake of money, many people are willing to follow Ding Yunfeng to secretly wrestle with the ghosts.

But now Brother Feng puts his position on the bright side. Of course, many people are not optimistic about their hometown and choose to be wise and protect themselves.

After counting dozens of middle-level backbones, Huang Dawen suddenly stopped and looked at the list in silence.

"It's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married.

Those who want to go are destined to go.Keep reading, who else, I have long been mentally prepared. "Ding Yunfeng continued to drink Gongfu tea.

Huang Dawen hesitated for a moment, then slowly said: "General Manager of Brilliant Real Estate, Chang Man."

Often full!

Ding Yunfeng raised his eyebrows, and continued to wash the teacup: "There is no Brilliant Real Estate today without Aman.

Zhan Mi, Chang Man's red envelope for disbanding, you seal me 1688888. "


"Do as I said, in the past few years, Aman has earned 10 million if not 8 billion.

Parting ways today, I don't pay a little more money, it is not him who is underestimated, but we are underestimating ourselves. "Ding Yunfeng shook his head and said.

Seeing this, Zhan Mi could only nod his head and say, "Okay. I see."

"Huang Dazhuang, continue to read."

"Yes, Brother Feng."


Many people are destined to feel uncomfortable eating this meal with backbone tonight.

First, led by Chang Man, seven or eight senior executives in the commercial territory chose to withdraw their shares;
Then the five superintendents walked out of the box with serious expressions.

No matter how Ma Jun, Chen Jiaju and others asked, these big brothers shook their heads and remained silent.

Watching Gan Lianghong and the others knock on the door and enter the box, the air pressure in the hall is even lower than the Mariana Trench.

"Manager Chang, what should we do now?" An editor-in-chief of "Hong Kong Island Daily" looked at Chang Man anxiously.

Chang Man is not feeling well this time, he is busy avoiding the angry eyes of Chen Yaoqing, A Cong and others!
"Don't worry everyone, Brother Feng has never made things difficult for his subordinates.

We are all old at the top and young at the bottom, and he will understand us. Chang Man found a reason for himself and comforted the people around him.

Ever since they chose to withdraw from the D faction camp, they, outsiders, have been driven to a few tables here by others.

At the same time, they were also warned that none of them could leave the stage early without Ding Yunfeng's permission!
"Brother Qiang, I didn't expect that there are so many rebels hiding around us." Big D bit his cigarette, walked over to coolie Qiang and sat down.

Coolie put his hands in his pockets, and replied indifferently: "It's normal, brother Feng said, he is not a dollar, how can there be a way to keep everyone around him?"

"Brother Qiang, look, Brother Feng and my boss Zhan Mi, both of them are gentlemen.

There are some things that they are not suitable for doing or talking about.

But you and I are both rough people, doing dirty work.We do not pick it!

Little brother came here, actually want to ask you, the group of people opposite, the whole body?feed the dog? "Big D smiled and raised his wine glass and asked in a low voice.

Coolie looked at him suspiciously: "Big D, when did you learn to fly and think about doing things all day long?"


Big D was full of question marks, it was hard for him to believe that coolie could say such a thing!

"No, Brother Qiang, there are so many people, without your nodding, I can't handle it alone." Pointing at Chang Man and the others, Big D said in surprise.

The coolie gave him a hard look: "Don't say I didn't remind you, this matter, only Brother Feng can handle it, don't pretend to be smart."

After reminding Big D, coolie stood up suddenly, and he saw Ding Yunfeng leading a large group of people, coming out of the box one after another.

Picking up a glass of Martell, Ding Yunfeng went directly to Chang Man and the others.

Chang Man tremblingly grabbed the wine glass on the table, but before he could speak, Ding Yunfeng raised his hand and held it down: "Aman, I know you are old and young, since you dare not play with me, let's get together Scatter..."

In the middle of speaking, Ding Yunfeng's eyes turned to Chang Man's back, and he saw several familiar faces among this group of people.

"After drinking this glass of wine, you walk on your Yangguan Road, and I, Ding Yunfeng, walk on my own single-plank bridge.

Unless there is one of you who is not strict with his mouth and leaks some business secrets that cannot be known to outsiders when he worked here.

Otherwise, I can guarantee that after tonight, no one will bother you and affect your private life. "

After finishing speaking, Ding Yunfeng swallowed the drink in his glass in one gulp.

After hearing this, Chang Man and others were all grateful.

Regardless of whether they can drink normally or not, they are going all out at this time, they compete to fill up their wine glasses, respect Brother Feng, and gulp it down.

After drinking this cup of good-for-nothing wine, Ding Yunfeng immediately arranged for the group of passers-by to exit.

Among them, Chang Man thought he had no face to accept the red envelopes from Ding Yunfeng for dismantling the group. After drinking one cup, he toasted Ding Yunfeng twice, staggering, and walked out of the hall.

The people who did not follow the same way left, and the rest of them were all their own people who decided to follow Ding Yunfeng to become famous.

"A Cong, A Hong, Sha Qiang, Hua Di!
I will create a logistics and transportation company in the next few days.

The manpower will select those boys with relatively clean net worth from He Liansheng and Hong Xing.

If you have no objections, why don't you come over and be a transportation captain? "Ding Yunfeng opened his mouth to roll the roll, and immediately made a big move.

A Cong and the others all believe that if they continue to follow Brother Feng, they will definitely have a bright future.

At this moment, several people nodded in response.

Ding Yunfeng asked someone to fetch a map again, and pointed to the place near Hong Kong Island in Guangdong Province: "I plan to build a storage and transshipment center covering an area of ​​100 mu in this place!

Ah Qing, you should apply for visiting relatives as soon as possible, and go to the field to inspect the site and try to settle this matter quickly. "


Ding Yunfeng didn't return home until after 12 o'clock last night when he had a backbone meeting.

Tonight, it's his turn to spend the night with BOBO.

BOBO prepared hot water all night, she first helped Brother Feng take a bubble bath, then hugged his arm, with rosy complexions, they walked out of the bathroom together.

"Brother Feng, I didn't expect that Chang Man to choose to leave." After listening to what Ding Yunfeng said about what happened tonight, BOBO regretted Chang Man's choice.

"Everyone has his own aspirations, and you can't force it." Ding Yunfeng is very calm. Brilliant Real Estate has passed the most difficult start-up stage. Now there is no big difference between whether it is full or not.

However, from BOBO's point of view, Brother Feng's words contained a bit of regret.

Therefore, she, who understands the needs of men, decided to take actions tonight to appease Brother Feng's wounded heart.

What a noisy night!
The next day, after Ding Yunfeng woke up and took a shower, as soon as he walked down the stairs, he found that the servants in the villa looked at him so strangely today.

Playing it too far...

Ding Yunfeng pretended to be calm, went to the dining room to finish his breakfast, then grabbed his mobile phone and dialed a series of phone numbers that he hadn't contacted for a long time.

After half an hour.

Cheng Ren rang the doorbell of the villa and accompanied him, as well as Mrs. Rose, who was much more dignified than before.

"Ding Sheng, long time no see!

Hey, this pretty girl should be my sister-in-law, right?
Come, come, your husband and I are old friends, we meet for the first time, let's give a hug first..." Cheng Ren started to play funny when he entered the door, and BOBO turned into Ding Yunfeng's arms in fright.

Rubbing BOBO, Ding Yunfeng glared at Cheng Ren: "Even if you treat me as air, you still have to worry about Madam's feelings."

"Oh hehe, I can seduce this kind of smelly man in a week...

No!It's a dozen.

If Ding Sheng didn't like him, Rose would always pay him back, to thank Your Excellency for killing her husband. Throwing a wink at Ding Yunfeng, Rose sat across from him with long legs.

Sao Fox!
BOBO's eyes widened. She thought that among all the women in Ding Yunfeng, she was already considered the top-notch vixen.

Compared with Mrs. Rose today, BOBO suddenly found that he was just getting started!

(End of this chapter)

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