Chapter 717
Ding Hu, the chief guard with a sword in the capital, came down to ask for someone in person. Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo's superiors naturally wanted to give him face.

"Okay, let's deal with it as you said." The middle-aged man thought for a while, picked up the cigarette case on the table, and threw one to Ding Hu: "Old Ding, just this one time, there is no second time. You should Clearly, doing so is against the rules.”

"I know it's difficult for you this time, don't worry, I promise, the two of them will not appear here again." Ding Hu stuffed the cigarette into his mouth, lit it, got up and walked out.

The middle-aged man didn't ask where Ding Hu would arrange for the Wang brothers.

He sat down and opened the drawer, took out a red-headed note, and buried himself in writing...

Ding Hu walked out of the office and waved back the young man standing in front of Wang Jianjun forcing him to admit his mistake.

"Instructor! Why are you here?"

"Don't talk too much, just follow me."

"Yes!" Wang Jianjun didn't say much, he jumped twice on the spot, his legs sore and swollen from standing for a long time, and then quickly followed behind Ding Hu.

Back in the office of the commander who was not named, Ding Hu pulled out the chair and sat down carelessly.

Wang Jianjun endured his doubts and stood aside in a standard military posture. After a few minutes, Wang Jianguo, who was a little sluggish, was dragged in by two soldiers.

Ding Hu stepped forward to support him, and placed Wang Jianguo on the sofa next to him.

"Here, I have already drafted the documents concerning their heroism.

While you and I are here, you can take a look at it. If there is no problem, I will stamp it and ask someone to file it. The middle-aged man covered the pen and pushed the red-headed note full of words to Ding Hu.

Ding Hu nodded with a smile, picked it up, glanced at it, and put it down satisfied: "There is a beginning and an end, there are reasons and evidence, that's it!
I was in a hurry to send the two brothers to 'disappear', and they stayed soon.

If you have the opportunity to come to the capital, you must come and drink with me. "

"Okay, okay, get out of here, I'm annoyed when I see you, and even ask you to drink..." The middle-aged man got up to see off the guests, and when he walked to the door, Ding Hu stuffed a hard object into his pocket: "What are you doing? Is this trying to kill me?"

"What harm?

This is the seagull watch that Comrade Daping gave me last time.

You are the frontline commander, and you need it more than I do, so I will make the best use of it for you.

Don't worry, it doesn't matter if the superiors know about such kind of contextual things..." Ding Hu laughed and patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder, and led Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo into a camouflage jeep.

"Well, I borrowed this watch. After the war, I will return it to you when I go back to the capital to drink with you!"

"Okay, okay, I'm in a hurry, let's go." Sitting in the passenger seat, Ding Hu gave a military salute to the window.

The middle-aged man put away his smile and returned a salute.

Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo silently saluted the people outside the window.

The expressions of the two were also very complicated. Although they could only hear a few words in the conversation between Ding Hu and the chief, they could guess that after this time, they would no longer be able to wear this military uniform.

The camouflage jeep started and quickly drove out of the barracks.

On the way, the three of them changed various means of transportation such as bullock carts, tricycles, trains, and buses. After several days of bumps, they finally arrived in Pengcheng, Guangdong Province.

"How about Jianguo, can you still hold it?" Ding Hu got off the Huangshi minibus and looked at Wang Jianguo, who was covering his right rib.

Wang Jianguo straightened his face, and said in a low voice, "Report to the instructor, it's just a broken rib, I'm fine."

"Well, since the two of you have become criminals, the organization can't issue a letter of introduction, you can't take a plane, and you can't go to the hospital.

You can stay for two more days. When you get to Hong Kong Island, I will ask Ah Feng to arrange for you to go to the hospital to have a look. Ding Hu turned around and waved, motioning for the two to follow.

Wang Jianjun supported his younger brother and followed Ding Hu into a food stall around the bus station.

These people...

As soon as he entered the door, Wang Jianjun locked his eyes on the two tables in the corner of the lobby.

The seven or eight diners over there, no matter their temperament or clothing, were completely different from the passengers coming and going outside the station.

"Brother Ding! Are you here?" Chen Yaoqing saw Ding Hu striding forward, and immediately got up with his younger brothers to greet him.

Ding Hu patted his arm: "Qingzi, have you been waiting for a long time?"

"No, I just woke up and haven't had breakfast yet." Chen Yaoqing smiled.

Hearing this, Wang Jianjun looked up at the clock on the wall—10:49.

"Is this lunch or breakfast..." Wang Jianguo's concentration was weak, and he couldn't help complaining.

Wang Jianjun pinched his younger brother's shoulder blades and stared at Chen Yaoqing vigilantly. Based on his intuition, he could conclude that this person's hands must have been stained with blood.

Chen Yaoqing smiled at Ding Hu, and waved at the two subordinates: "You two get up and go to sit at that table. Alas, you have been with me for so long, and you haven't made any progress!"

"Sit down, this is Chen Yaoqing, the owner of Brilliant Real Estate on Hong Kong Island, who came to Pengcheng to invest this time." Ding Hu motioned for the Wang brothers to sit down, pointed to Chen Yaoqing and introduced: "This Wang Jianjun, that Wang Jianguo.

These two brothers are all trained by me, so they are my apprentices.

This time they committed a crime in the southwest, so they are not suitable to stay here. I want to send them to help Ah Feng. "

"That's my own!" Chen Yaoqing's eyes changed slightly, and he reached out to shake hands with Wang Jianjun and the two: "My name is Chen Yaoqing, you can just call me Aqing!
Don't listen to Brother Ding's nonsense, I just live with Brother Feng, and I can't be the boss in front of my family. "

"Brother Qing." Sensing Chen Yaoqing's kindness, Wang Jianjun managed to squeeze out a smile, and it was rare for him to give way for half his life.

"Just call me Ah Qing. You are Brother Ding's apprentice. If you keep your posture too low and you become a small one, it will be difficult to get close to you." Seeing Wang Jianjun stunned, Chen Yaoqing laughed: "We are doing well in the group now. It's very big, the internal situation is naturally a little more complicated, you were appointed by Brother Ding to talk to Brother Feng, on the way, I will explain to you slowly."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yaoqing pointed to another boy on the table: "Xijian, go and buy some sweaters for the two brothers and come here to deal with the emergency."

"Yes, Brother Qing."

Seeing that everyone just met, Chen Yaoqing was about to give him clothes, Wang Jianjun was shocked, and the sense of loss that he had left the barracks dissipated a little.

Ding Hu had a meal with everyone, and then hurried back to the capital. He has a special status, and this time he quietly came down, which is already an exception among exceptions.


late at night!

In the fishing village of Xiaodongwan, Dasha personally escorted the boat, and with a dozen boys, he brought a gasoline boat to the dock of the fishing village.

"I'm Saigon Dasha, who is in charge here? Brother Feng, what does he want?"

"So, you are a big fool? There are all these wooden boxes, do you want to inspect the goods?"

"Damn it, look at people like me, do you know what's real and what's fake?" Dasha said while pulling up the corners of his clothes, revealing two black stars stuck in his trouser belt: "Move them all for me." Get on the boat, I forgive you guys for not being tempted, otherwise, hehe!"

The horse boy who came with Dasha, half of them stared fiercely at the people in the fishing village, and half of them carried wooden boxes to the gasoline boat.

"Isn't this Saigon Dasha?
Wow, both black and white know that this person who hit the street is Ding Yunfeng!
This time, don't let me catch their chicken? Shi Chun held up a night vision binoculars with a crumpled lucky lottery in his mouth: "Listen to my orders now, Chen Longshi!" "


"You outflank the beach from the left!"

"Yes sir!"

"Li Jingwen!"


"You outflank the beach from the right!"

"..." Looking at the [-] in his hand, and then looking at the vicious and stupid group of people a hundred meters away, Li Jingwen pursed his mouth and shook his head repeatedly.

Before the answer could be heard, Shi Chun put down the night vision binoculars and looked at Li Jingwen angrily: "PC3301, do you want to disobey?"

"Ah Tou, there is nothing in Hong Kong Island's police regulations that can order subordinates to die.

Now I ask you to be sober, okay?

There are more than a dozen people on the opposite side. With our three points and [-] points, you still have to divide your troops to surround them. Are you crazy about wanting to get promoted? "It was a rare moment for Li Jingwen to be stubborn. Facing the critical moment of life and death, he decided to resist Shi Chun's outrageous order.

Shi Chun glared at him angrily, but when he saw Chen Longshi lowered his gun and buried his head in silence, he swallowed back the cursing that had come to his lips.

"Okay! I won't force you, I can handle it by myself!" Resolutely pulled out his gun, Shi Chun ignored the obstruction of the two, and used the cover of the reef to touch towards the pier.

at this time……

Dasha, who had already loaded more than 20 wooden boxes onto the gasoline boat, suddenly came over to Dumbdog and whispered something in his ear.

"Well, although Brother Feng has left the police force now, many Sirs in the police force have eaten seafood and drank wine with me.

Tie them up and don't make it hard for them. Dasha touched his chin and said loudly.

Dumb Dog responded, and a few minutes later, the head of the fishing village was shocked to see that Shi Chun and the three were tied up and pushed up.

"These three guys are sneaky and don't know what they are doing?
Now I will hand them over to you, next time I come again, you must remember to clear the venue in advance! "Throwing Shi Chun, the three hot potatoes, to the people in the fishing village, Dasha took his own people, boarded the boat and left the pier by tuk tuk.

A stinky sock was stuffed into Shi Chun's mouth. Looking at the gasoline boat gradually going away, he whimpered and struggled desperately.

The village head pulled the salted fish from the three people's mouths, and asked helplessly, "Sir Shi, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

"Bah, bah, bah..." Shi Chun spit a few mouthfuls: "What are you doing? Of course I'm staring at you, okay, finally I caught you, right?"

"Caught what?"

"Go fans, I counted the whole process, there are a total of 12 wooden boxes!
This batch of goods is conservatively estimated to be one or two tons.I'm not afraid to tell you, but before I act tonight, I have already reported to the higher authorities in advance!

Ding Yunfeng can't run away this time, if you are willing to cooperate with me now and sail to recover the goods taken away by Dasha, I can ask the judge..." Before Shi Chun could finish speaking, his mouth was again covered by the village chief. The sock is clogged.

He waved his hands to send the three of them back to the police station. The village chief lowered his head, lit a cigarette, and said to the two villagers beside him, "Tomorrow, you two will go to the Wanchai Police Station and surrender yourself. Diamond radios across the way."



Dasha escorted the gasoline boat to the high seas, replaced it with a larger tonnage freighter, and headed towards Guangdong Province.

Halfway, two Fujian fishing boats approached the gasoline boat hanging behind. It seemed that they were worried that an accident would happen and these things would sink into the sea.

In the middle of the night, two ships, one large and one small, moored at Pengcheng Wharf one after another.

"Mr. Cheng, are you all right?"

"Haha, Leader Ye, I'll do it myself, what's the matter?

Here, besides electric appliances and cars, there are a few Japanese lathes on this big boat. On the small boat at the back are the goods that Brother Feng told me to go to the fishing village to collect. "

"Okay, it's hard work. The car is at the pier. The meals in the guest house are ready. You go to eat and take a hot bath. I will send someone to arrange the rest."

"That's fine! Brothers, let's go to eat." Dasha waved his hand and led a group of horse boys out of the pier.

Passing by a table, Dasha took out two black stars and put them on it.

The people behind followed suit. Someone put down an AK47, someone picked two pineapples, and the last person even handed over a shoulder-mounted bazooka.

A dark-skinned man with a resolute appearance stood by the table. He registered carefully, called out to his companions, and prepared to put these guys away.

One of the younger ones, carrying the bazooka on his back, couldn't help asking: "Captain Gao, what is the origin of this group of people? These weapons are stronger than the special forces of the provincial capital..."

"Shut up, do more and talk less." Gao Gang glared at the person who spoke: "Also, you are not allowed to look at people with colored eyes!

These are our comrades, they are just other people's files, not something you, a little shrimp, can touch. "

"Okay, so what are we going to do now?"

"Supervision, maintenance."

"Ah! Maintenance?"

"Why are you screaming? These weapons have been going back and forth at sea all year round. If they are not maintained, if they get stuck at a critical moment, it will be a major event of death!"


As the captain of the transportation brigade who often travels between the two places, Dasha has long been familiar with some departments in Pengcheng.

After brushing his face and walking into the Pengcheng Guest House, Dasha rushed directly to the dining hall with a group of subordinates.

On the way, he greeted several purchasers from supply and marketing cooperatives who came to Pengcheng for business trips, chatted about the demand for supplies in other regions, and decided to bring more small electrical appliances next time.

the other side.

Leader Ye took many experts on two boats. After preliminary identification, the things that Dasha took away from the fishing boat were indeed antiques hundreds of years ago.

After lunch.

Ding Yunfeng received calls from Huang Yaobing and Leader Ye successively. Lao Huang asked the villagers in the fishing village to turn themselves in, saying that he was involved in the radio smuggling case with Dasha, and the latter came to report the tribute boat.

Instructing Huang Yaobing to fool around with this oolong smuggling case, Ding Yunfeng called Zhang Yaoxiong and Siyankun again.

He ordered the two of them to find time to talk to Shi Chun, and told him not to think about solving the white powder case all day long, otherwise, sooner or later, he would want to send himself to the Qingshan Mental Hospital.

After dealing with all this, Ding Yunfeng just wanted to ask Chen Jiaju and his old classmates to go out to sea to relax, when he suddenly received a telegram from Ding Hu through the Hong Kong office.

"Wang Jianjun?

Is this the so-called causal inertia?
Even if Annan was in civil strife, this guy was still kicked out of the team because of Annan's crimes. Seeing Ding Hu's instructions in the telegram, Ding Yunfeng sighed helplessly.

Thinking that Li Jie had been complaining about the lack of experts, Ding Yunfeng decisively called Chen Yaoqing and asked him to send the Wang brothers to Hong Kong Island as soon as possible.

Four days later.

Dasha, who came back from Guangdong Province, brought Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo to Wang Xia's residence in Repulse Bay.

"Silly brother, have you delivered goods back from your hometown?" Surrounded by several maids, Wang Xia looked up at the three of them: "Hey. These two are..."

"His name is Wang Jianjun, and this is Ah Jun's younger brother, Wang Jianguo. They are apprentices of Brother Ding, and Brother Ding sent them to Hong Kong Island to work with Brother Feng." Dasha brought the two of them to the living room, and he carried the oysters Walking into the kitchen: "This is Miss Xiaoxia, please sit down first."

Wang Xia saw that the two were a bit restrained, so she pointed to the sofa and said, "The one who called you here is my own. Ah Jun, Ah Guo, that's what I call you."

"Hi, sister-in-law." When Wang Xia called Ding Hu uncle, Wang Jianjun immediately got closer to him.

"Don't be restrained, Brother Feng is about to come back, your specific work, wait for him to come back and talk about it.

But the residence, I can arrange it for you first.By the way, what do you want? "Wang Xia waved to Xiao Jieba, who trotted up to the second floor, and carried a few albums down the stairs.

Wang Jianjun pursed his lips and said tentatively: "We didn't ask for it, you can arrange it, sister-in-law."

"Hey, Ah Jun, here on Hong Kong Island is no better than back home.

The ethos here is to respect Luo Yi first and then respect people!
You just came here, I don't know that Brother Feng has many subordinates, and there are many factions here.

You two are uncle's people, and you are destined to attract the attention of many people.If you are given unsuitable treatment, the people below will have a lot of guesswork. "Wang Xia pushed her glasses and pointed to the second-to-last album: "I have always helped Brother Feng to arrange the welfare of your subordinates.You pull out that book and see if there is a house you like. "

Wang Jianjun is good at killing people, but how can he understand these twists and turns when he is only playing triangular army stabbing?
However, he has one advantage, that is, his intuition is keen.

Whoever treats him well and who wants to plot against him, he can almost guess at a glance.

Yiyan took out the second picture album at the bottom, Wang Jianjun opened it, his eyes were straightened, every page in it was a beautiful small villa.

Although the land area is not comparable to that of Repulse Bay or Mid-Levels, it is also a luxury house that many Hong Kong people will find it difficult to buy in their entire lives.

"This is too extravagant..." Patting away his younger brother's palm that wanted to turn the page, Wang Jianjun closed the album, and looked at Wang Xia with greed: "Sister-in-law, we two just took refuge in Brother Feng today, and the so-called merits have not been accomplished." ..."

"It's different! Ah Jun, you have to remember what I just said.

You are uncle's man, just based on this, the two of you are worthy of these houses.

Even, only if you accept it, the people below will be relieved and at ease. "Wang Xia interrupted Wang Jianjun, her original lazy temperament was instantly replaced by fierceness.

Do not make jokes.

You are the people sent by the head of the Ding family.

Strictly speaking, you two are family generals!

After being left out in the cold, what do other people who hope to follow the Ding family to get ahead think?
(End of this chapter)

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