Chapter 721
Uncle Hua's request made Ding Yunfeng fall into deep thought.

Since the case of the doctor at the Cointreau Hotel back then, He Dongshi, the man-in-law, has already been labeled as a male.

It's a pity that when the police force was restructured, the other party failed to catch up with the Dongfeng, and couldn't be promoted to inspector like Ma Jun and Siyankun.

The same is true for Lanbao, with low qualifications and late debut.

However, Lanbao is a male and a former reserve member of the Flying Tigers. Since Ding Yunfeng was transferred from Wanchai, Huang Yaobing has handed over all major cases to him.

As a result, Lanbao was able to accumulate merit and was promoted to senior inspector.

But the man-in-law is one of the few female police officers in the Ding Department. No matter how strong she is, Uncle Hua, who treats her like a daughter, still can't bear to send her to take charge of high-risk cases.

Later, when Ding Yunfeng went to war with the British and Hong Kong factions at the same time, he forgot that there was such an old subordinate.

Ding Yunfeng felt quite ashamed when Uncle Hua mentioned it today.

He knew that the official career of the male mother-in-law was delayed by him. She made her debut in "Best Partner 1" and was already a female police superintendent.

"Has Lu Minghua been transferred?"

"Sir Lu has been transferred to the police department. He is currently the deputy director of the police department and is in charge of the direction of action." Uncle Hua accepted the teacup Ding Yunfeng handed over and replied with a smile.

Ding Yunfeng tapped on the armrest of the sofa: "If I greet Lu Minghua, I will give him the illusion that he will not retreat.

The last time I asked him to help you guys, he needed three more years of autonomy, and the other party agreed without saying a word. If you open your mouth at this time, it would be a bit of a bully. "

"That's not true! Sigh, it's my fault. I was only focused on stabilizing the North District during this time, and I didn't have time to implement the matter of the male wife before you retreat..." Wen Xiange knew the elegance, and Uncle Hua had the foresight to take the scapegoat away. To himself, by the way, he also showed a wave of old face——Brother Feng, the person who told me to take control of the North District as soon as possible, but you!
Ding Yunfeng glanced at him lightly: "I didn't say I don't care, you don't have to do this!"

Uncle Hua showed an embarrassing smile, he hurriedly picked up the teacup and drank it with his head down.

Ding Yunfeng thought for a while, then said in a deep voice: "Central District is the closest, has any major case happened?"

"Oh, there was a robbery of a single piece of jewelry, which happened during the transaction between the two parties.

However, what is strange about this case is that, apart from leaving a white glove at the scene, neither the seller nor the buyer actually took the approach of not calling the police. "As Uncle Hua spoke, he took out a leather bag from the inner pocket of his suit.

Ding Yunfeng raised his eyebrows slightly, and grabbed it with his hand: "The materials are all ready, what are you doing under cover?"

"Hey, I'm not worried. I'll get straight to the point when I come in, and I'll embarrass you." Uncle Hua was embarrassed. He is currently the second in command of the Hua department, and he was also the second in command of the Ding department.

Now the Chinese police force is just in the period of handover from the old to the new.

His identity is a bit sensitive. If it wasn't for the fact that the man-in-law was squeezed out too badly in the central district, with his old fox's methods, he would definitely wait until Lu Minghua gained a firm foothold in the police department, and then talk to the other party himself, instead of running to trouble Ding Yunfeng.

Shaking his head, Ding Yunfeng opened the file bag. Inside were a few photos of the policemen meeting in the conference room at the beginning of "Best Partner", and a document about the case with little information.

"White glove?" Holding up one of the photos, Ding Yunfeng pointed to a bit of a naughty ghost man in it and smiled, "Just based on the white glove left at the scene, you would think that the person who made this case was this international man." Jewel Thief?"

"This time, what was robbed was a batch of valuable diamonds, and the criminal left behind a white glove at the scene.

From the analysis of the motive of committing the crime and his personal style, it was the Italian who was right. "Uncle Hua said confidently.

Ding Yunfeng sighed helplessly at him: "I have a different opinion, how could this white glove come to Hong Kong Island to commit crimes according to what was written in the file?
He is a jewel robber, not a jewel robber, and the modus operandi of the white gloves has always been stealing. This time it is obviously robbery, which does not fit his personality. "

"Ah, this..." Uncle Hua looked troubled: "Brother Feng, arresting an international bandit and arresting an unknown bandit are two different things."

"That's right, so I plan to arrange for the man-in-law to not only grab the white gloves, but also destroy the diamond to be robbed!" Ding Yunfeng made a decisive decision. He grabbed the phone and called Coolie Qiang, and ordered the other party to mobilize the power of several associations to scrape out the diamond. A thief named King Kong.

Seeing that Brother Feng had identified the suspects, Uncle Hua felt that today’s trip was the right one, he took out his lighter and went up to light a cigarette: “Brother Feng, now that the diamond case is on the horizon, how can we come to Hong Kong Island with white gloves? Arrested?"

"As the saying goes, snakes have snakes and rats have rats. If we want information about white gloves, we have to go to Stanley and visit an old friend." Ding Yunfeng took a puff of a cigarette and laughed.

I know that once this case is established, Guan Chun will never hand it over to the man.

Therefore, in order to help the man-in-law borrow Ding Xie's power on the Tao, Uncle Hua had no choice but to come and ask Ding Yunfeng for help.

Fortunately, Brother Feng did not refuse.

Even, in order to help this humble policewoman, she took him to Stanley herself.

Brushing his face directly, Ding Yunfeng led Uncle Hua into Stanley Prison.

On the way, he was very skillful in greeting the clerks on duty and the prisoners in the playground.

When he came to Zhong Chuxiong's warden's office, Uncle Hua saw with his own eyes that Brother Feng had astigmatism.

"Hey, Brother Feng, Uncle Hua, why are you free to come and see me today?" Zhong Chuxiong asked someone to notify Qiu Jinjiang and the Four Heavenly Kings, and at the same time took the initiative to make tea for them.

Seeing that Zhong Chuxiong wanted to call Hu Xiang to arrange a lunch, Ding Yunfeng quickly stopped him: "Don't bother, we will meet again next time. Uncle Hua and I came here this time to meet Zhou Jiang."

"The one who stole famous paintings worth 15 billion dollars?" Zhong Chuxiong immediately knew who it was.

A few minutes later, the felon Zhou Jiang was taken to a visiting room.

Even if he is in prison, this old liar/thief leader should have a good personal life, not only the prison uniform on his body is neat, but also his hair is well-groomed.

"Li Sir, who wants to see me?
Now, can't you say it? "

"Stop talking nonsense, I've already told you! Come in!" Li Ming unfastened Zhou Jiang's handcuffs, opened the iron door, and pushed him into the room.

Zhou Jiang took a few steps forward suspiciously, and found two people sitting opposite each other in the depths of the room, chatting.

"Ah Feng, Yiqun and those brothers, please take care of me."

"As long as they don't touch the powder anymore, I can provide them with the opportunity to start working at any time."

"I told them before I came in that there is no future for fans who earn bad money that will be punished.

Those who can listen and have a bit of a brain, these years, no matter black or white, they must have made their mark;
If you don't listen to me, I'm afraid they'll mess around outside under my banner and hurt you!
I'm just worried about the group of blue lanterns back then. I came in shortly after Gan Shao left Yihai Group, and I didn't have time to arrange them..." Wu Shihao stubbed out the cigarette and stopped Ding Yunfeng from grabbing the cigarette case: "Don't smoke too much, You still have a lot of things on your shoulders, so pay attention to your body. "

Ding Yunfeng was a little surprised, and put down the cigarette case with a smile: "Okay, listen to you."

"Pu Lingmu, I'm the second brother, how dare you disobey me?" Wu Shihao cursed with a smile, and immediately asked about his wife and children who were far away on Frog Island.

Hearing that Xiaobin got good grades, Wu Shihao showed a smile on his face, but when it came to Sister Mei and Aping, his tiger eyes faintly glistened: "Made, you asked me in the Walled City, why did you earn those dirty money?" money?
I remember I made an excuse at the time, saying that I would not sell it to children and students, but only to those fellow Taoists.

Looking back today, didn't you suffer retribution? "

Sniffing his nose, Wu Shihao wiped his eyes: "Forget it, don't talk about these unhappy things. It's not your fault, you reminded me, it's my own fault for not listening...

By the way, who do you want to see this time?
If I hadn't met Li Sir and asked me, I wouldn't have known you were here today! "

Lame how!

Ding Yunfeng!
Zhou Jiang's body was tense, standing a few meters away, he did not dare to move, his forehead was covered with sweat.

Li Ming hurt me!

After hearing so many things that shouldn't be heard, I will definitely die from 'sickness' today. The more I thought about it, the more afraid I became, Zhou Jiang's feet went limp, and he fell paralyzed.

"Who?" Wu Shihao came back to his senses and looked over angrily.

Zhou Jiang hurriedly crawled to the ground: "Brother Hao, it's me, Zhou Jiang from warehouse J."

"Hmph, so it's you kid, get out here." Wu Shihao glanced at Ding Yunfeng, and shouted while holding back his anger.

How dare Zhou Jiang offend Brother Hao, he crawled over and said, "Hello, Brother Hao, hello, Brother Feng."

"Ah Feng has something to ask you, do you know how to do it?"

"I know! I know! You two feel free to ask, but I will not dare to hide anything I know."

Wu Shihao put away his angry expression, grabbed the crutches beside him, and picked up the cigarette case and lighter on the table: "Why don't you come and sit?"

"No, no, Brother Hao, you sit down, I'll just stand up."

"Made! Are you mocking me?"

"No!" Zhou Jiang was so frightened that he was about to cry. In the end, Ding Yunfeng couldn't stand it, and tapped his finger on the table: "I tell you to sit down! Even I have to listen to Brother Hao, aren't you making trouble for yourself?" ?”

Apprehensive and apprehensive, Zhou Jiang wiped his face, shook off the sweat, and tried to force a smile: "Brother Feng, what do you want to know?"

"Do you know this ghost?"

Looking at the photo thrown by Ding Yunfeng, Zhou Jiang said, "Aren't these white gloves! Brother Feng, did he steal your jewelry?"

Wu Shihao had just lit a cigarette, and when he heard this, he slapped Zhou Jiang on the back of the head: "Pu Lingmu, Ah Feng is asking you now, or are you asking Ah Feng?"

Holding his bag swollen from knocking on the table, Zhou Jiang didn't dare to play tricks. He said quickly, "This man is a member of the Italian Mafia. He specializes in diamond and gold business. He has seven passports and eight passports. Names, nine identities, and two genders!"

"It's full of nonsense! There are two sexes?" Wu Shihao couldn't listen anymore, and picked up his crutches to teach Zhou Jiang a lesson.

Zhou Jiang was so frightened that he put his head in his hands and begged for mercy: "Brother Hao, I didn't talk nonsense. Foreigners are different from us Chinese. They have 56 different genders."

"Look into my eyes, don't you think that I, Ah Hao, am down and out today, so I can fool around, right?
56 genders, come on, first let me punch you 56 times, and then we'll talk about it! "Brother Hao crunched his fists, he felt like his IQ was being insulted.

Ding Yunfeng stopped him in time: "Brother Hao, calm down, he is really right this time, there are indeed 56 different types of business in the west, no, it's gender."

"Damn, these ghosts are really crazy." Brother Hao's three views were strongly impacted, he walked away a few steps, smoked and calmed down.

Zhou Jiang was saved by Ding Yunfeng, he was very grateful to sit down, and poured out all his understanding of white gloves.

Ding Yunfeng didn't hide from him, and directly stated his purpose. This time, he wanted to lure the other party to come to Hong Kong Island and be arrested, so as to make a subordinate superior.

"White gloves, he has the support of Anthony, the godfather of the Italian mafia. Brother Feng, if you want him to come to Hong Kong Island, you might as well start from this aspect." Zhou Jiang whispered.

Ding Yunfeng knew very well that in the movie, the seller whose diamond was robbed by King Kong was named Montisutu, and he was a member of the Italian mafia family.

Having lost the organization's diamonds, Montesuto handed Anthony the other white glove left by King Kong at the scene of the crime, and blamed the white glove, a peripheral force in the family, for the blame.

In order to get rid of his suspicions, Bai Gloves could only come to Hong Kong Island to retrieve the diamonds lost by the organization.

But in this world, there is one more Ding Yunfeng, which caused many things to change.

Before coming to Stanley, he asked Gan Lianghong to check at the airport to make sure that no one with similar white gloves had come to Hong Kong Island recently.

In order to rush Guan Chun to file the case, Ding Yunfeng could only try his best to arrange an early appearance with white gloves.

"Do you have a relationship with the Italian Mafia, a relationship that you can talk to?"

"This..." Zhou Jiang's eyes rolled, and a crutch beside him had swept over.

Ahh, covering his head, Zhou Jiang shouted quickly before Brother Hao did it: "Yes, yes, yes, I know an English earl who bought paintings from me. This person has a lot of connections. Eat, he can definitely talk to Anthony!"


Ding Yunfeng left Stanley Prison with a letter of introduction written by Zhou Jiang himself.

During the process of interrogating Zhou Jiang, Uncle Hua was in the next room and could see clearly through the one-way glass.

When he heard that there was an Italian mafia behind the white gloves, he was really worried and happy.

I was worried that the man-in-law would not be able to handle such a big case, and I was also secretly happy for her. If she really caught the white gloves, it would definitely be no problem to upgrade to two levels this time.

Guan Chun, a person in charge of the Central District, would definitely not be able to suppress this kind of overwhelming contribution.

After sending Uncle Hua back first, Ding Yunfeng picked up the phone and called John Smith.

The Viscount Wolf Collar was surprised that Ding Sheng contacted him after his younger brother Bao Fu sent a telegram.

After the two greeted each other, Ding Yunfeng opened his mouth to inquire about the earl, which aroused interest in John who was about to chat for a few words before closing the line.

"Ding! What are you looking for with Uncle Carter? He is a well-known collector in London, a rich man, a philanthropist..." After reporting more than a dozen different titles, John asked curiously: "He is so arrogant. Very, ordinary people are not in his eyes at all!

I can tell you that you'd better not bother him with things that don't interest him.

He has a very eccentric temper, and he may enjoy talking with a beggar, or he may dismiss a duke. "

"I would like to ask him to help me convey a few words to Anthony, the godfather of the Italian Mafia.

Not long ago, the batch of diamonds that he entrusted his adopted son Monty Sutu to come to Hong Kong Island were eaten by their subordinates. "Ding Yunfeng said with a smile.

John stood up in astonishment, took out a newspaper and looked at it: "I've heard about this incident too. However, it seems that there is no informant, so no case has been filed yet..."

After thinking about it, John continued to ask: "Okay, don't you have a second sentence? Let's hear it."

"Second sentence, the Italians are so embarrassing. They eat their own people in the dark. This is more ridiculous than pizza with pineapple and pasta folded in two." Ding Yunfeng added a good oil.

John was on the phone and gasped on the spot: "Oh, God's condoms!

Ding, I did this favor, I believe that Uncle Carter is also happy to add a little fun to the boring life.

He'll help with the conversation...

Yes, I can be sure that he will even go to Italy in person and pass your two words to Anthony face to face, haha..."

Hearing John's exaggerated smile on the other end of the phone, Ding Yunfeng shrugged his shoulders and hung up the phone.

Pizza with pineapple, boiled in Italy, these two sentences are full of lethality, if you don’t go for diamonds, just go for this face-to-face mockery, Anthony has to send white gloves to Hong Kong Island to prove his innocence, God can’t keep that kind !

in a few days!

A middle-aged white man with whiskers, wearing a fine sweater, holding a pipe in his hand, smiled and looked at the big fat man who abandoned his pet cat and walked back and forth in anger, panting heavily through his nostrils.

"Tut tut, Anthony, where's your grace, where's your manner? Oh, please, calm down."

"Fack, Carter, you bastard, you just came to see my jokes on purpose, right? Let me tell you, you pissed me off, and that Hong Kong guy..."

"Ding Yunfeng." Earl Carter kindly reminded him.

Anthony dropped the red wine in his hand: "That's right, it's this guy. You, tell him that diamonds don't matter, but we Italians can't lose our hearts and faces! I'll go find White Gloves right away and ask about this matter." Ins and outs."

"I'm just a person with words. If you need it, no problem, I will take these words with you."

"Okay, that's it, if you don't send it off, you can go."

"Didn't you say you want to buy me pizza..."

"Then do you want to add pineapple? Falk, get out, before I beat you!" Anthony roared, and several of his men hurried over to ask Carter to leave.

Carter laughed and walked out of the villa. It was really a happy thing to be able to make this old friend irritable.

Flying back to London, England, Earl Carter had just told his precious daughter about this, when he was suddenly told by his servant that the Asian Flying Eagle was asking to see him outside
(End of this chapter)

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