Chapter 768

Earlier, when Tony came to seek support from Ding Yunfeng.

In exchange for Ding Yunfeng's trust, Tony once asked on his own initiative to allow everyone to use mysterious techniques on him.

that time!
Just when Ding Yunfeng needed Xian Weiza to be a shit-stirring stick at Annan's side, he readily agreed to do so.

The person who volunteered to perform the surgery for Tony was Chen Dachao!
Later, his hometown sent his troops into Annan, and the Xian Weiza Group lost its use value. Tony rushed back to collect the corpses of the two brothers, and the matter of eradicating future troubles naturally fell on Chen Dachao.

Now it seems that Da Chao, a guy who knows everything but is not good at anything, obviously missed his hand.

Lin Daying stabbed Da Chao, stepped forward and bumped him away with his shoulder: "Bow your head, it is a Nanyang sorcery, which originated from the Gu art in several provinces in the southwest of my hometown.

Later, it was introduced to Nanyang, where it was fused with the worship of the local evil god Modi. It has been passed down to the present, and is divided into three categories: medicine drop, fly drop, and ghost drop. Under each category, there are more than ten subcategories.If I'm not mistaken, Akun's current hit is Flying Down! "

After saying that, Lin Daying pinched the magic seal with his hand and pressed it on Liang Kun's forehead. The latter opened his eyes, the pupils of the eyes narrowed, and the whites of the eyes were covered with purple blood.

"Hey, didn't you cut off your thirteen last week?

Do you need to hold grudges like this and embarrass me in front of so many people? "Seeing that Lin Daying spoke clearly and logically, Da Chao was a little annoyed.

Seeing Liangkun opened his mouth and foamed at the mouth, Dachao took out a magic weapon and stuffed it in, temporarily suppressing the violent lowering head in the opponent's body: "It's a lot of words in the water, if you have the ability, you can save people. Yuchan won't last long."

"Huh." Lin Daying pretended to avenge the killing of the Hu, and the magic formula in his right hand changed, and he chanted in his mouth: "The sky is clear and the earth is bright, cleanse the body shape. Purify the soul of a person, and drive away the dark internal organs. The green dragon and white tiger are the guardian spirits." Kill demons, Suzaku Xuanwu, defend this real body, hurry like a law!"

After chanting the mantra, Lin Daying pasted a cleansing talisman on Liang Kun's abdomen with his backhand. The talisman paper shone with aura, which first spread to his whole body, and then retracted to the rear orifice.


puff puff...

Puff puff……

After a series of stinky and long loud farts, Liang Kun opened her eyes and found herself lying on a bed, while Zhan Mi, Chen Dachao, Zhong Fabai and others all covered their noses and formed a circle around her .

"Hey, what are you two doing around me?" Rubbing his forehead, Liangkun supported his body, but the sticky feeling from his crotch made him point at everyone in horror: "I choose! Everyone is good , there is some relationship, you can't mess around."

Silly Qiang couldn't bear to see it, and before the group of priests got mad, he hurriedly stepped forward to help Liang Kun down: "Brother Kun, you have been hit by lowering your head.

I'll take you back to wash your butt and change your pants. I'll explain the details to you later. "

"Oh, I thought I was blown ass by someone..." Liangkun was obviously still unrepentant, and after talking to himself, he ran out of the door with the help of Shaqiang, and let out a scream: "I am XXXX, I am a shit ah?"


Two hours later.

Cleaned up and wearing a pair of huge sunglasses, Liang Kun pretended to be calm and sat in front of Ding Yunfeng.

"Brother Feng, my younger brother has been with you for over ten years.

This time, I just want you to tell me fairly and frankly.

Is it true that no one will spread the news that I got caught in the shit this time? "

Ding Yunfeng narrowed his eyes slowly, covered the corner of his mouth with his left hand, and held a Cuban cigar that Luo Ge gave him in his right hand: "I guess not?

When I received a call from Da Chao, I reminded them not to go outside and talk nonsense. "

"Should?" Liang Kun took off his sunglasses, stood up with his hands on the executive desk, and looked at Ding Yunfeng with eyes full of horror.

Ding Yunfeng held the Cuban cigar in front of him. This cigar, which had been left in the drawer for ten years, smelled very strong and choking, and it was more depressing than the refreshing barbecue fume.

"Akun, don't worry.

Today, everyone present is my own brother. If Silly Qiang is your winner, he doesn’t need to talk about it. Zhan Mi has always been serious, so he doesn’t need to talk about it.

Da Chao and Zhong Fabai are all cultivators, and one of the precepts in Maoshan is to keep their tongues.

I have even greeted you now, and they won't spread the word outside. Ding Yunfeng lightly waved the damp cigar, and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, you didn't offend Lin Daying, Lin Aying, Ma Jiuying and Feng Si, did you?" "

Liang Kun raised her heart again after letting go: "Last time when we were playing mahjong, Da Chao asked me to feed him the tiles, but when we hit the Beifeng circle, he cut off Lin Daying's thirteen..."


That's it!
Ah Shui, bring a paper bag to Ah Kun, by the way, remember to cut 2 holes for his eyes. "

After a few minutes.

Wang Jianjun drove Liang Kun, who was in a paper bag, to Saigon. Dasha had already prepared the boat, and he took a special line to take him to Nanyang for a trip to create evidence that he was not in Hong Kong Island!

After all, MacArthur once said: We can have an incontinent president in the United States, but Hung Hing on Hong Kong Island cannot have a shitty leader!

Calling the servant to come in and spray some air purifier, Ding Yunfeng brought Zhan Mi to Jingzhuan No. [-].

Chen Dachao and the others may have predicted Brother Feng's coming, and they also invited Feng Si and Lin Aying from the ghost hunting team.

After several people greeted each other, Ding Yunfeng first went to offer incense to the patriarch, and then he sat on the main seat symbolizing the head of Maoshan.

"Everyone probably knows about Akun.

This Jiang Tianyang, he stayed in Siam a few years ago.

When he appeared suddenly this time, Ah Kun was hit by the head drop.

From what I can see, behind Jiang Tianyang, there must be a head-down master helping him. "

Feng Si pointed to the magic weapon used to perform the tracking spell: "Brother Feng, before you came over, I used the hair left by Akun to perform the spell.

However, the other party was very vigilant, and I was interrupted by the other party's spell before I could find out his whereabouts. "

"Well, since Jiang Tianyang invited a head-down master to come to Hong Kong Island to harm people, then I don't care what background the other party has.

In short, I don't want to see this head-down master leave Hong Kong Island! "Ding Yunfeng tapped on the handrail, looked at the crowd and said.

Feng Si and the others stood up solemnly: "Get the decree of the sect master!"

After handing over the head-down master brought by Jiang Tianyang to Jingzhuan No. [-] and others to deal with, Ding Yunfeng took Zhan Mi and rushed to Central - Brilliant Restaurant.

Wang Bao brought a group of original benefactors and stood at the door of the restaurant with a smile, welcoming both black and white people who came to congratulate him.

"Congratulations, congratulations."

"Boss Wang, please take care of me in the future."


Manticore saw Ding Yunfeng's Bentley approaching, and hurriedly leaned closer to Wang Bao's ear: "Brother Bao, Brother Feng is here."

"Ah Jun, Cao Li'ang, greet yourselves, brother Feng is here, I'll go to meet you." Wang Bao patted Ma Jun's arm and led A Ji towards the Bentley.

Ma Jun smiled at the Manticore and said, "It's a good luck that you didn't go to Tsim Sha Tsui to plant the flag, otherwise, I would drag some of you in more or less.

Aren't you too high-profile for smashing dozens of properties at once? "

 I'm sorry, I'm taking 2000 words off tonight. I have something to go to the hospital to see relatives in the afternoon. I'm very motion sick and my head hurts. I can't write 4000 words.
(End of this chapter)

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