tokyo enforcer

Chapter 119 I'm Poor One More...

Chapter 119 I'm so pitiful.
"Then do you still have memories of the surname Isayama?" Uesugi Jun continued to ask.

"As a souvenir?" Isayama Koizumi murmured.

In my mind, the scenes that happened in these years, until the recent series of things happened.

After really looking back, Isayama Koizumi understood something, that is, after Isayama Naraku was killed by Isayama Mei, he was already an outsider to the Isayama family.

Otherwise, when Isayama Mei wants to inherit the position of Patriarch, someone will definitely stand up and speak for himself.

However, none of the people who separated from the family opened their mouths from the beginning to the end, and the only thing waiting for him was Isayama Mei's intensified oppression.

This is why Isayama Huangquan can kill Isayama Mei without hesitation, because she feels betrayed.

Since being adopted by Isayama Naraku, she has been carrying the heavy family name of Isayama, and has been working hard, even giving everything for the Isayama family, but this is what she got in return.

The 17-year-old girl is neither a saint nor a robot, she also has her own feelings and thoughts, and she has been suppressing herself in order to repay her, and she is under heavy pressure.

But when everything was taken away, the string in my heart was broken.

"I don't remember it at all!" This is the answer given by the tearful Isayama Koizumi after recalling the past.

Yes, after the only benefactor was killed, Isayama Huangquan, who has already taken revenge, is more disgusted with the surname Isayama at this moment, because this surname reminds her that all her efforts are a joke.

That is to say, Isayama Naraku is really kind to her, otherwise her hard work in life before can only be regarded as irony.

This also confirms how deep love is, and how deep hatred is.

Of course, there is no figure of Tumiya Kagura in this answer. Isayama Koizumi separated Tumiya Kagura from the Isayama family.

"Okay, stop crying, I haven't heard you call me brother yet." Uesugi Jun said with a smile while wiping Isayama Koizumi's tears with a handkerchief.

"My lord brother!" The voice was a little soft, with a bit of shyness, but the sincerity inside could be felt.

"Very good, our Uesugi family finally has a second family member." When Uesugi Jun said this, he was in a very happy mood.

"My poor little one, don't worry about the injury, your sister-in-law Kobayakawa Miyuki is a master of the apricot forest, she can heal you at any time, even the lost right eye can grow back, but now you need to be patient a little bit. "Uesugi Jun continued to speak.

"Is it about my leaving the supernatural disaster countermeasure room?" Isayama Huangquan was very clever.

"Of course, if you recover from your injuries, it will not be easy for the countermeasure room or the Isayama family to leave." Uesugi Jun nodded and said.

"I see, I can endure it!" Although he wanted to get rid of the current situation immediately, Isayama Koizumi knew very well that he could not cause trouble for the new brother Atsushi Uesugi.

The most important thing is that Isayama Koizumi is not only disgusted with the Isayama family, but also disappointed with the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Office. I don’t know if I am the head of the countermeasure room. After all, I have been working in the Countermeasures Office for several years.

However, the head of the room did not show unreserved belief in himself in the matter of Isayama Mei. Sure enough, it is because he has lost his value because he cannot fight.

Especially when Yuu Isayama pulled out the Lion King and pointed at him directly, the only one who stood up was Kagura-chan, which made Isayama Koizumi feel disappointed in Jinguji Iris.

"Then tell me the contact information of Jinguji Iris. Your brother and I are impatient about certain things. I don't want to delay until tomorrow what can be dealt with today." Uesugi Jun touched Isayama Koizumi's head with his hand Said.

Upon hearing Uesugi Jun's words, Isayama Yomi Tokyo knew that Uesugi Jun wanted to deal with this matter as soon as possible so that he could recover as soon as possible.

"The phone number of the head of Jinguji Temple is" Isayama Koizumi reported a series of phone numbers to Jun Uesugi.

Immediately, Uesugi Jun made the call on his mobile phone.

After a beep, beep, the phone was picked up.

"Moshi Moxi, I am Jinguji Iris!" A soft but clear voice sounded in Uesugi Jun's ears.

"Hello, Chief Jinguji, I am Atsushi Uesugi from the Criminal Investigation Section [-] of the Criminal Division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department!" Atsushi Uesugi replied.

"Criminal Investigation Division [-] of the Criminal Department turned out to be Section Chief Uesugi. I don't know why Section Chief Uesugi called me personally?" Jinguji Iris asked after being slightly stunned.

After listening to Jinguji Iris's answer, Uesugi Jun knew that Jinguji Iris knew the existence of Zero Lesson.

In fact, this is not surprising. After all, whether it is the team of the Ministry of Defense or the Metropolitan Police Department, it is actually a political restriction on the team of the Ministry of the Environment. Only the scattered troops of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are not counted.

Even if Atsushi Uesugi had no such intention in forming the zero class at all, he would be kidnapped by politics after the establishment, so the confrontation between the two departments is a matter of time.

If Jinguji Iris doesn't know about the existence of the zero class, it can only prove that she is unqualified as the head of the room.

"I'm in Isayama Koizumi's ward right now. I don't know if Director Jinguji can come over here. I'm afraid some things about Isayama Koizumi need the presence of Director Jinguji to deal with it." Atsushi Uesugi intentionally Said in a serious tone.

"I see, please wait a moment!" Atsushi Uesugi's tone was heard by Jinguji Iris, which meant that the Metropolitan Police Department planned to use Isayama Mei's matter to trouble the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Office.

But Uesugi Jun, as a junior, still intends to give himself a so-called face, otherwise, I am afraid that he would have taken Isayama and Huangquan away without saying hello.

And the Metropolitan Police Department has come forward, so I have to go there.

After hanging up the phone, Uesugi Jun talked with Isayama Koizumi for a while. After seeing Jinguji Iris had arrived at the hospital, Uesugi Jun told Isayama Koizumi a few words, and then waited for Jinguji Iris 's arrival

Soon, the door of the ward was opened, and a capable young woman walked in pushing a beautiful lady in a wheelchair.

"It's the first time we meet, Chief Jinguji, I'm Uesugi Jun!" Uesugi Jun took the initiative to stand up, walked to Jinguji Iris and stretched out his hand and said.

"It's our first time meeting, Section Chief Uesugi, I am Jinguji Iris!" He also reached out to shake Uesugi Jun, and Jinguji Iris withdrew his hand.

"I think the head of Jinguji Temple must be a busy person. Since this is the case, let's get straight to the point. I hope you can hand over Isayama Huangquan to our Metropolitan Police Department. As for what it is, I believe you should be very clear without me telling you. " Uesugi Jun used an aggressive tone as soon as he came up.

"Section Chief Uesugi, there are some things in it" Jinguji Iris was interrupted by Uesugi Jun.

(End of this chapter)

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