tokyo enforcer

Chapter 125 Strength Potion King of Brachialis...

Chapter 125 Strength Potion King of Biceps Brachii
"Okay, brother, I'm not short of order. Keep the remaining 500 for yourself. After all, the ore you want is not cheap. In addition, you also have the idea of ​​relying on forging skills as a sideline, so these Just keep the points. The Uesugi family will be famous if they can produce a master forging sword in the future." Uesugi Jun did not take back the remaining order points.

Not only that, Uesugi Jun also spent 100 million to buy a bottle of biceps king potion from One Punch World.

This thing is purely a matter of growing physique and strength.

After all, Uesugi Huangquan wants to embark on the road of forging, not to mention muscles, but strength is really indispensable.

This potion is a good choice when you can't rely on other methods to increase your own strength.

As for the muscles that grow out, let's learn about life return skills.

Of course, it is impossible for Uesugi Jun to give Uesugi Huangquan the whole potion, after all, he does not want to harvest a giant sister who is a thousand meters tall.

And I really plan to use them all for Uesugi Huangquan, and Uesugi Jun will let Uesugi Huangquan buy them himself.

Uesugi Jun bought this potion for one purpose, and that was as a benefit for zero lessons.

Yes, even Jun Uesugi and Miyuki Kobayakawa would take this potion in moderation to enhance their physique and strength.

And Uesugi Jun can be sure that the zero class active personnel plus a few little guys who haven't joined the Metropolitan Police Department for the time being, probably won't be able to consume much of this potion.

The effect of this thing is really outstanding. According to the effect in the original book of One Punch, ordinary people may have a lot of changes even if they take a drop.

And after the relocation of Zero Lesson, Uesugi Jun planned to take it out for everyone to use.

As for the first person to try it must be the only male Takagi Wataru among the members. After all, he is the only one who is not afraid of being fleshy.

Uesugi Jun can adjust the proportion of other people according to the effect of his taking, of course, this is an ordinary person with non-supernatural power.

As for the three people who have mastered the power by themselves, Uesugi Jun must have come first.

With the beginning of a new day, everyone in the zero class unanimously planned to take a break for a few days.

As for the purpose of rest, there is only one purpose, and that is to design your own residence!
After all, there is no such store after passing this village. If the design is not completed now, Miyuki Kobayakawa will definitely not renovate the interior decoration for anyone alone when the project is fully completed.

Therefore, everyone unanimously stopped their business, even Chie Sagami Ono.

After a set of design plans were handed over to Miyuki Kobayakawa, Miyuki Kobayakawa also directly carried out the decoration according to everyone's design plans.

Yes, Kobayakawa Miyuki deliberately left a part of the room waiting for everyone's plans.

Even the rooms left are the floors and room numbers chosen by everyone.

Except for these, Miyuki Kobayakawa carried out unified decoration according to the established method.

There are endless robots rushing to work, except for the sixth floor, the progress of other floors is very fast.

After the decoration of the third floor was completed, everyone moved in first. Although their rooms were not yet completed, they could temporarily live in other rooms.

The most important thing is that whether it is Uesugi Jun or others, they all hope to move to Shinagawa as soon as possible.

So a few days later, Jun Uesugi notified Toshiro Odagiri that Section Zero was removed from the Metropolitan Police Department and officially listed in Shinagawa District.

On the day of listing, the old white horse also came to visit and encourage Mohoshi Toshio and Odagiri Toshio.

To be honest, seeing the environment of the base camp in Shinagawa District, several veteran cadres were taken aback. After all, they did not expect Uesugi Jun to establish such a police station so quickly.

But when they thought of the extraordinary power at work, they were relieved.

If it weren't for the consideration that Lesson Zero might be attacked by some supernatural forces in the future, several veteran cadres would have moved their offices here. It is true that the benefits of the building designed by Miyuki Kobayakawa are a bit off the charts.

The most frustrating thing for the veteran cadres was that the entire building was donated by Jun Uesugi, without spending half a penny from the Metropolitan Police Department.

In other words, they only visited the office area. If they were allowed to visit the police dormitory, they would probably have to jump.

And if they were asked to visit the facilities and equipment on the roof and underground, their mouths would probably fall to the ground. After all, the technological content of this building built by Miyuki Kobayakawa exceeded at least 50 years in the world.

As for snatching the right to use the building, the idea didn't appear again after a few people thought about it.

If Uesugi Jun dared to show them without any cover, he would not be afraid of their actions. If he really got impatient with life, Uesugi Jun would naturally not mind sending them a ride, whether it was going to prison or hell.

So even if the police station building where Section Zero is located belongs to the Metropolitan Police Department on the surface, and the personnel inside are indeed ordered by the Metropolitan Police Department, but as long as you think of Uesugi Jun, a transcendent person, no one is so stupid as to buy some hardware. facilities to provoke death.

After sending away a few bosses from the Metropolitan Police Department, Uesugi Jun called Takagi She into the office.

"Chairman, what do you want from me?" Takagi asked Jun Uesugi after he entered his office.

"This bottle of potion, take a sip first!" Uesugi Jun directly took out a bottle of potion diluted with 100 ml of distilled water to dilute a drop of biceps king.

Looking at the colorful medicine in front of Jun Uesugi, Takagi not only swallowed a mouthful of saliva nervously.

"Chairman, what is this?" Takagi Furuo did not disobey Uesugi Jun's order, but picked up the diluted medicinal solution, and asked after taking a sip.

"Pharmaceuticals to increase physique, grow muscles and improve strength." Jun Uesugi gave a satisfactory answer after seeing Takagi Sato complete the order very obediently.

"Oh" Gao Mushe responded, and originally wanted to say something, but then he was stopped by his own changes.

In Uesugi Junshi's sight, Takagi Tsuru's body is expanding at the moment.

Although the range is not large, after all, only a little liquid medicine has been taken, but the effect is still very obvious.

Yes, at the moment Takagi is wearing a suit that fits well on his body, and it is completely supported by his muscles at this moment.

I was stunned to wear the suit to give the effect of tights. Not only that, Uesugi Jun also found that Takagi Wataru's height increased a little, about 1-2cm.

Touching his chin, Jun Uesugi found that the dilution effect of 100:1 was still too strong.

What Atsushi Uesugi wanted was the countless increase in moistening, but an exaggerated effect that would be effective after one sip.

"Chairman, do I still want to drink?" Looking at Jun Uesugi who was thinking, Takagi couldn't help asking, after all, the effect of this potion was a bit beyond Takagi's expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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