tokyo enforcer

Chapter 138 Miyuki Kobayakawa: Domineering like me...

Chapter 138 Miyuki Kobayakawa: Domineering As Me
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Therefore, when the intelligent system developed by Miyuki Kobayakawa notified Mao Lilan of her arrival, Miyuki Kobayakawa notified her to come to her office.

After Mori Ran arrived, Miyuki Kobayakawa closed the door of the office.

"Xiaolan, after you listen to the next thing, no matter what choice you make, remember not to spread it to the outside world." Miyuki Kobayakawa didn't waste time, and said straight to the point.

"Sister Miyuki, please tell me!" Seeing Kobayakawa Miyuki's serious expression, Mao Lilan thought it was something about the winery, or something happened to the drum washing machine.

"In the next two to three days, Lesson Zero will face a war!" Miyuki Kobayakawa nodded and said.

"War in the next two to three days?" Miss Mao Li said that she was a little confused at the moment.

"Yes, literally, war, a war that will bleed and kill people." Kobayakawa Miyuki replied very positively.

"But." Mao Lilan was a little confused at the moment.

But before she could say the third word, Miyuki Kobayakawa reached out to stop her.

"Xiaolan, no matter how many things I can tell you, I can only tell you that we are on the side of justice in this war. As for the others, it involves secrecy. But what I can tell you is that this is also the case in recent days This year, the best opportunity to see blood. According to my professional knowledge, if you want to gain experience in killing people, this opportunity is the best.

Due to special reasons, this time will definitely be the chance to kill with the least psychological burden.In addition, the enemies he faced were all damned, and this operation was legally acceptable.In Lesson Zero, except for Lai Zi and Aoi and the new Sakuragawa siblings who are not required to attend by Chun-kun’s name, everyone else including me must participate compulsorily, but you alone, Chun-kun said to let you decide whether to participate or not. "

After Kobayakawa Miyuki finished speaking, Mo Lilan was completely flustered, after all, the conversation at this moment came too suddenly.

"Xiaolan, if there are more words, I don't want to continue. You are a smart child. Chunjun and I also regard you as a younger sister. So you should think about it carefully. If you decide to participate, please tell the family, the school On the one hand, I will ask you for a good leave of absence, and stay here for a few days, and get familiar with the use of firearms before the war comes.

If you don’t want to participate, you can leave after making a decision, but remember what I said, and you can’t disclose it to the outside world, even Uncle Maori and Aunt Miles.Especially that kid Conan, if the little guy spreads out accidentally, it will bring us a lot of trouble. "Kobayakawa Miyuki's tone is very serious at the moment.

"I understand, sister Miyuki, but I need to think about it. I feel very confused at the moment." Mo Lilan didn't hide the messy feeling in her heart without telling Miyuki Kobayakawa.

"This is the reaction of a normal person. If it is possible, neither I nor Mr. Chun want you to participate. Because we don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing for you to accept the experience and transform your soul as soon as possible, so everything depends on you. After all, you will not regret it if you have asked yourself about the decision you made in your heart. Stay here and think about it slowly, I am going to a meeting." Kobayakawa Miyuki did not continue to say anything, but walked directly outside .

Half an hour later, the members of the first series returned first, led by Chie Sagami Ono.

And seeing Miyuki Kobayakawa waiting directly in the conference room, everyone who came in felt that something was wrong.

Natsumi Tsujimoto also tried to ask Miyuki Kobayakawa, and the only answer he got was to wait for everyone to arrive.

After another half an hour, Miwako Sato came to the meeting room with the staff from the second department.

"Everyone is here! Then let's start this emergency meeting. In the next three days, you are not allowed to go out privately, and it is best not to contact the outside world, because I will monitor the content of your external contacts." Miyuki Kobayakawa surprised everyone present as soon as she opened her mouth.

Because according to Miyuki Kobayakawa, there may be extremely high-security matters to be dealt with in the next few days, otherwise it will not be done to this level.

"Master Administrator, is there any important task next?" As the head of the first department, Chie Sagami Ono is the most suitable person to ask.

"I don't know, and the best outcome is nothing happens, as for the worst outcome"

Miyuki Kobayakawa said here, prolonging her voice, making everyone present nervous.

"The worst outcome is to take up weapons and fight the enemy!" Kobayakawa Miyuki announced the answer.

"Enemy?" Miwako Sato also spoke.

"Yes, the enemy, but I don't know who it is, and I don't know when the other party will appear. I only know one thing, that is, before Jun Jun left this world, the last message he sent to me was to get me ready to fight." Kobayakawa Miyuki answered.

"Hey, is something wrong with the section chief?" Riko Nikaido couldn't help asking.

"Laizi, what I said was literal. You also saw the disappearance case in Ginza before. Mr. Chun chased him to the opposite side. As for where it is, I don't know, but what is certain is that it is not where we are." The world, as to whether it is the hidden world in the legend, or something else, all this is not clear, we can only wait for Jun Jun to come back.

He said that there will be results within three days, so I ask you to prepare for me to be dispatched at any time during these three days.Then, please remember every sentence I said below. Once you receive the dispatch order, you must set off at the fastest speed. At that time, Huang Quan and I will each fly a helicopter. There is only one destination, and that is Ginza.

Here comes the important point, keep in mind that as long as I give an order, even if you shoot and kill the enemy, execute the order first, don't ask me why at that time, I will take any responsibility.I don't care whether you can accept shooting and killing people. Once the worst result happens, if anyone doesn't obey the order, or hesitates at a critical moment, then please be prepared to leave the zero class afterwards.

And I can tell you clearly that before you leave, Jun Jun or I will take action to seal all your memories of Lesson Zero and cancel all the benefits you enjoyed in Lesson Zero.So when you want to disobey the order, it is best to think back carefully, the treatment given to you by the zero class, the relaxed and free working environment, and the super high welfare benefits. to the previous life.

Finally, for this battle, the logistics staff, Nikaido Laiko and Tsuba Muoi, are not required to participate, and the two Sakuragawa-kun who joined the zero class are also not required to participate this time.All other people must participate unconditionally, so please practice the use of firearms in the past two days.If you have any questions, you can ask them now. "

(End of this chapter)

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