tokyo enforcer

Chapter 146 I heard that I am a model of a neon new era hero...

Chapter 146 I heard that I am a model of a neon new era hero
But before he had gone far, a bright light suddenly lit up in front of him.

Immediately after hearing Farmat Continental, he yelled and stood still.

"I am Uesugi Jun, the section chief of the Special Disaster Countermeasures Division of the Criminal Department of the Metropolitan Police Department. These are the three accidental residents I rescued from the opposite world." After blocking the strong light with his hands, Uesugi Jun immediately shouted .

Until Jun Uesugi called out his identity, the three people around him were surprised to find that the person who came to rescue him this time was actually a senior official of the Metropolitan Police Department, which refreshed their understanding of the Metropolitan Police Department a bit.

As for the soldiers on the opposite side, after hearing the familiar neon language, they calmed down a lot. They were able to be stationed here, so naturally they would not be ignorant of Uesugi Jun. After all, one of their tasks was to guard the passage to meet Uesugi Jun.

After Uesugi Jun revealed his identity, although the gun in the opposite soldier's hand was not put down, the insurance was turned off.

"Welcome back, Police Uesugi! Now please follow us!" A heavily armed officer came out and said.

"Thank you!" Uesugi Jun nodded and said.

After following the leading officer for a distance, Jun Uesugi and the others saw the light, and it was still daytime on the side of the neon.

Looking at the temporary camp set up at the entrance of the passage, and the door that was almost wrapped in reinforced concrete, Uesugi Jun actually wanted to say that these were all useless efforts.

After all, he has a little understanding of the plot of the GATE Fantasy Self-Defense Force. He knows that this gate is not only a passage connecting two worlds, but also a ticking time bomb.

And the power of this time bomb can make the neon disappear directly on the earth at once. If it is more serious, the earth may be finished directly in the collision of the two worlds.

In general world travel, those who master high-end technology are manufacturing world gates, and they all use the transmission method.

Only the gods in the opposite world are reckless enough to anchor here directly through the door, and after anchoring through the anchor point, the world of Farmat continent will start to pull in towards the earth over time.

And this pull-in does not refer to the movement of the planet, but the kind of breaking through the interface.

Once a breakthrough is made, the two planets will collide with each other with a bang, which is why there is a closed-door plot in the later stage of any light novel.

Of course, even if Uesugi Jun knew so much, he didn't dare to say it.

Now is the time when the whole world is staring at the neon lights, and Jun Uesugi will stand up and pour cold water on it, which is very hated.

Anyway, according to the plot, if Yohji Itami is the real hero, the government will find the need to close the door sooner or later.

As for myself, I want to think about how to deal with the upcoming commendation group.

Yes, Uesugi Jun has already learned from Miyuki Kobayakawa through the group news that as long as he returns, there will inevitably be a large number of commendation groups who will come to reward him.

Of course, the commendation here is only one of the processes, and it is more about asking about the relevant situation in the opposite world.

After all, Jun Uesugi was the first person to set foot in the opposite world, and he also successfully rescued the person who was accidentally involved in the passage.

Sure enough, after Uesugi Jun and his party were brought into the temporary camp, Mochizuki Noriko and others were taken away directly.

What they have to face is a comprehensive physical examination to ensure that they will not bring any other world virus from the opposite side.

In fact, it was thanks to the captives that they were able to be taken away like this at this moment.

If those captives were not first studied by various experiences, what awaited them at this moment would definitely be professional medical personnel wearing one-piece protective suits, not military doctors from the Self-Defense Forces.

Even Uesugi Jun may have to be isolated for a period of time to ensure that there will be no problems before he can escape.

A few people here were taken away, and Jun Uesugi waited for the members of the commendation team over there.

In fact, the department that can intervene has already left people here, just to wait for Atsushi Uesugi.

So when the news came from the Self-Defense Forces that Jun Uesugi had successfully returned with the people who were accidentally involved, the people from the commendation team couldn't wait to find them.

It took a little longer than expected for Jun Uesugi to greet people. Basically, except for the unpopular departments, people from all major departments came.

Among all the people here, the only one Uesugi Jun knows is Old White Horse.

In the temporary meeting room, after everyone sat down, the big man representing the cabinet in the center spoke first: "Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's police officer is Uesugi Jun, first of all, on behalf of the Nihong government, I would like to apologize to you for your involvement in the National Accident on August 8th." Involved in supernatural incidents, stepped forward to the unknown world, and successfully rescued them back to express gratitude, you are a model of heroes in the neon new era, a model of the Metropolitan Police Department”

As a representative of the cabinet, the big brother came up with a commendation content of about 3 minutes.

Of course, it’s good to listen to it. It’s all a process anyway. After all, it would be too impersonal if you don’t praise it first.

And after the 3-minute commendation is finished, the next step is the so-called certificate of merit.

As for promotion due to merit, don't even think about it, even if the police rank in the Metropolitan Police Department is worthless, it is still low-level.

The police inspector, who is on the rise, is a big boss, that is, the current police rank of Toshiro Odagiri, this is not something that can be rushed up by credit.

Of course, if Jun Uesugi can show the resource distribution map of Farmat Continent at this moment, it will be no problem. Even after Toshiro Odagiri's promotion, Jun Uesugi's position as Minister of Criminal Affairs is negotiable.

After all, Uesugi Jun was born in the professional group, even if he broke the rules, there is no big problem. After all, for the professional group with the ability and connections, the chief of police is not the end.

But it's definitely not enough credit for the speedy rescue.

Of course, this can be accumulated. If Atsushi Uesugi has accumulated enough contributions in the next few years, and it is also very large, it is not impossible to take a step forward when the next term is changed.

It's just that there is hope for the cooperation of the general environment, which is the so-called hero made by the times.

After the commendation was over, some bosses with divergent eyes came back to their senses in an instant, and their spirits began to concentrate. After all, the next content is the main topic this time.

"Officer Uesugi is looking straight ahead, what kind of world is on the other side?" This was the first question asked by the big guy inside.

Don't look at the question as general, but in fact this question is very level.

Because you guys can judge the extent of Uesugi Jun’s cognition and exploration of other worlds in the past few days based on Uesugi Jun’s answer.

"World, this question is really not easy to answer. Simply put, the opposite is a world with gods." After thinking for a while, Uesugi Jun answered.

"Police Uesugi is serious, this is a very serious issue." A middle-aged man with a serious face said.

Although Uesugi Jun doesn't know this person in real life, he has seen him in anime. He should be the current Minister of Defense Kanataro.

I didn't pay attention at first, but I didn't expect the Minister of Defense to come in person.

 Thank you for your support from the book friends of 'Unconsciousness has been a thousand years. Dreams are unrealistic' and 'Sunset Luoxi'
(End of this chapter)

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