tokyo enforcer

Chapter 156 Akemi Miyano: Asking what to do if I was rescued by two policemen's old neighbors..

Chapter 156 Miyano Akemi: Asked what to do if I was rescued by two policemen's old neighbors.
"I remembered. I remember when I was a few years old, their family moved away. How can she be Minmei-chan?" Thanks to her strong mental strength, Miyuki Kobayakawa was able to capture this from the depths of her memory. Things get dug out.

In Miyuki Kobayakawa's memory, when her mother was sick, she played with Akemi Miyano when she followed her father to the clinic.

"Well, that's her." Uesugi Jun nodded and said.

"What the hell is going on here?" When the childhood playmate met again, he was shot and was on the verge of death, which made Miyuki Kobayakawa want to ask.

After all, both Jun Uesugi and Miyuki Kobayakawa have been favored by the Miyano family. You must know that the private clinic of the Miyano family was the most friendly clinic in the neighborhood.

The most important thing is that Uncle Miyano's medical skills are really strong. Compared with big hospitals, no one does not praise him.

So when the Miyano family was taken away by the winery, many people felt very sorry.

"Wait until she wakes up and ask her. After all, I'm planning to go to the big detective for a small matter. Who knows that he is following someone, and the one being followed is Miyano Akemi. In fact, if I didn't see the person from the winery behind , I heard Akemi Miyano from what they said, but I haven't recognized her yet." As for the content of the plot, Uesugi Jun couldn't tell.

So Miyano Akemi could only speak out after waking up.

"Is that so, let's wait until she wakes up." Kobayakawa Miyuki said while looking at Miyano Akemi on the operating table.

A few hours later, in a certain room on the fifth floor, the eyelids of Miyano Akemi who was in a coma suddenly moved.

After receiving a notification from the internal intelligence system of the headquarters, Jun Uesugi and Miyuki Kobayakawa came to the fifth floor with food.

With the scent of someone entering the nostrils, the instinct of eating drove this Miyano Akemi to open his eyes.

"Where is this? Who are you?" Looking at the unfamiliar ceiling with a little blank eyes, Miyano Akemi would be really stupid if she didn't know that she was rescued.

"Long time no see, Akemi-chan!" Miyuki Kobayakawa spoke first.

"You are?" Seeing Miyuki Kobayakawa, Miyano Akemi felt that she had no impression.

"Eat to replenish some energy first, let's talk about other things, anyway, don't worry!" Uesugi Jun said from the side.

"Yes, your previous gunshot wound caused you to bleed a lot. What you need most now is energy and nutrition." Miyuki Kobayakawa also said.

Originally, Miyano Akemi wanted to say something, but the groaning of her aunt's stomach made her unable to say anything, and a slight blush appeared on her bloodless and miserable face.

Next up, it's traditional binge eating time!

The cooking method from the world of the spirit of eating halberds, the dishes produced are very good.

This is Kobayakawa Miyuki's hand, if it is replaced with a luminous dish, I am afraid that I will be blinded before eating it.

In less than 10 minutes, a plate of food prepared by Miyuki Kobayakawa entered Miyano Akemi's stomach.

It was also thanks to Kobayakawa Miyuki's strong medical skills that he repaired Miyano Akemi's injuries without damage. Otherwise, she would have to rely on drips to survive. After all, the damage caused by the gin bullet had affected the intestines.

"Thank you! But I need to leave." Miyano Akemi looked at the empty plate and said after reacting.

"Where are you leaving? Are you going to get shot by Gin again?" Uesugi Jun asked Miyano Akemi.

"You know" Miyano Akemi's expression was a little inexplicable.

"I saw it. Let me introduce you formally. I am Jun Uesugi, the section chief of the Criminal Investigation Zero Section of the Criminal Division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. I was a neighbor near your house when I was a child." Jun Uesugi introduced himself.

"Mingmei-chan, I'm Miyuki, Kobayakawa Miyuki, do you remember, when my mother was sick when I was young, I went to your clinic and played with you." Kobayakawa Miyuki also said.

"Atsushi Uesugi, Miyuki Miyuki Kobayakawa, I remember, you are Miyuki-chan, it's been a long time." Miyano Akemi's memory of 20 years ago is already blurred.

"Yeah, it's been a long time, but I didn't expect that when we meet again, there will be a difference between Yin and Yang." Miyuki Kobayakawa couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"My injury, how is this possible?" Touching her abdomen, it was only at this moment that Miyano Akemi realized that her injury was recovering a little unreasonably fast, after all, she didn't even feel the pain at the moment.

"Miyuki-chan, how long have I been in a coma?" Miyano Akemi couldn't help asking.

"I've been in a coma for more than three hours, not too long." Miyuki Kobayakawa said after looking at the watch in her hand.

"How is this possible?" Miyano Akemi said in shock, after all, she knew very well that it was impossible for Gin to miss someone at such a short distance.

You must know that it was a fatal injury. Not only was it healed, but there was no trace left behind. It would not be an exaggeration to call it a miracle.

"Mingmei-chan, there are still many impossible things in this world. Should the gate of Ginza [-]-chome appear?" Kobayakawa Miyuki sat down and took her hand and said with a smile.

Well, this is indeed true. After all, even a different world has appeared, so why is it impossible for a miracle to appear on him.

It's just that Miyano Akemi never thought that she would run into her former neighbor.

"Well, I want to ask Uesugi-san, what's wrong with you?" Miyano Akemi was very puzzled, she paid more attention to her whereabouts today, she shouldn't be watched by the police.

Before she finished asking, Uesugi Jun waved his hand and said, "It's definitely an accident to meet you today. I originally wanted to go to that kid Conan to explain something trivial to him, but I didn't expect him to be following you. I'm in Curiosity followed, and then I saw Gin by accident, and then I heard your name from his mouth, that's all."

"I see!" Miyano Akemi accepted Uesugi Jun's statement.

"Sorry, Miyano Akemi, originally I could have organized Gin to shoot you, but I heard that you wanted to leave that organization, so I didn't intervene. After all, only by letting Gin shoot can the organization recognize you The news of death. When you were in a coma, I already confirmed the fact of your death.

It will probably be published in the newspapers tomorrow. After all, this time you robbed the Mitsubishi Bank, which belongs to the Mitsubishi Consortium, which is a branch of the Baling chaebol. The movement is a bit big, and the media cannot suppress the news.Of course, even if I can suppress it, I will not suppress it. After all, only by letting the Metropolitan Police Department announce the news of your death can you really break away from that organization. "Uesugi Jun said unhurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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