tokyo enforcer

Chapter 159 Kudo Shin 1: I used to be called the savior, but now...

Chapter 159 Kudo Shinichi: I used to be called the savior, but now.
In addition, Miyuki Kobayakawa did not argue about the issue of Sakuragawa Rokka during the day, but just a surprise was enough to show that she had objections to handing over the quota to the newly recruited personnel.

In fact, that's right, after all, the old people who followed for a while didn't get this quota, so why should the newcomers?
You must know that among the quotas given by Jun Uesugi, apart from Furutani Zero, Sagami Ono Chie paid at risk. Tsujimoto Natsumi was also one of the first people who followed Uesugi Jun. Arrived, and she is also Uesugi Jun's next key training target.

As for the remaining Uesugi Huangquan and Mao Lilan, one younger sister and one benefactor of the younger sister, it is a situation that needs to be looked at separately.

That is to say, Kobayakawa Miyuki knew how to be considerate, so she didn't argue with Uesugi Jun on this matter. After all, Uesugi Huangquan was still driving at that time.

So after thinking about it for a while, Uesugi Juncai temporarily idled this quota.

After all, for Jun Uesugi at this moment, the [-] million order points he and Miyuki Kobayakawa need cannot be quickly collected with just one more quota.

In addition, not giving Sakuragawa Liuhua a place for the time being can also guarantee Mao Lilan's income. After all, Mao Lilan will learn from Sato Miwako next.

After comprehensive consideration, Uesugi Jun chose to continue to wait and see. Anyway, he reserved three places for a while before, and now there is only one left, so it is no problem to keep it for a while.

Almost two hours later, Miyuki Kobayakawa finally finished chatting with Akemi Miyano, and Jun Uesugi and Miyuki Kobayakawa returned to a household building in Mihua Town.

"Tonight, while you were chatting with Miyano Akemi, I gave the places to Natsumi Tsujimoto and Seiko Fuji. I just finished the novice guidance here, and Seiko Fuji sent me a message. Just ask me if the section chief is you." Jun Uesugi said while holding Miyuki Kobayakawa on the bed.

"Er Shengzijiang is really smart enough." Miyuki Kobayakawa was stunned for a moment.

"There's no way, who told me that the sub-categories in the afternoon were too obvious." Uesugi Jun knew the reason that Teng Seiko could guess.

When Atsushi Uesugi chose her, it was because she had an IQ of 180 in the comics, and this value was not much different from Miyano Shiho.

"In that case, Qianhui must have guessed it." Miyuki Kobayakawa said.

"Probably, but she is a smart person who knows what is best for her." Uesugi Jun was not at all worried that Sagami Ono Chie would say something.

"That's right. The most basic way of doing things in the upper class is to weigh the pros and cons. You really don't have to worry about how she will react when she finds out. What about Sakuragawa Rokka, didn't you say you were considering giving her the spot?" Miyuki Kobayakawa nodded After that, he immediately asked Jun Uesugi.

"In the end, the time we spent together is a little short. In addition, I think that when you conduct that research later, you may still need her. If you give her the subsystem, I'm not sure whether she will be willing to cooperate with the research in the future. Well. So I want to keep it for a while, anyway, the gap in the order point we need cannot be accelerated by adding one quota." Uesugi Jun replied unhurriedly.

"Alright, although it's okay to give her the past, but it will inevitably make the people in the group think a little bit." Miyuki Kobayakawa cryptically expressed her disapproval.

"So did you comfort Miyano Akemi tonight?" Uesugi Jun asked again.

"It doesn't make much difference whether An is comforted or not. After all, she can't leave that room. I just chatted with her. In the words, she is very worried about his sister Miyano Shiho. I hope you can think of a way." .” Kobayakawa Miyuki did not hide the content of the chat with Miyano Akemi.

"Relax, there will be results in a few days." Uesugi Jun said with a smile.

It's not that Uesugi Jun knew about the plot after he was going to pick up the corpse at the door of the doctor's house, but that when he saw the Muggle Gin Jiu today, he had already made a shadow clone to track it down.

I believe that Miyano Shiho will go on strike as soon as he sees the news of his sister's death tomorrow. Naturally, the gin in charge of Tokyo will definitely go back to a certain pharmaceutical factory's stronghold to deal with this matter. At that time, he just needs to follow behind.

"En!" After finishing speaking, Miyuki Kobayakawa didn't say anything more, and directly hugged Uesugi Jun's waist to express her attitude.

With the beginning of a new day, with the greeting of the Metropolitan Police Department, major news agencies published the headlines about the cracked bank robbery case of the Mitsuling Consortium.

The focus of the news content is undoubtedly the outstanding ability of the Metropolitan Police Department, which only recovered the stolen money within less than 72 hours after the robbery.

As for the deaths of the three robbers, the Metropolitan Police Department used a spring and autumn style of writing, only saying that all the people involved in the case were dead, but they did not admit who fired the shots.

The rest is the special report on Shiratori Rensaburo. After all, in the recent period, Shiratori Rensaburo has cracked too many cases.

He is already called the crime killer of the Metropolitan Police Department by many media. As for the former Heisei Holmes report, he no longer knows where he was thrown into the corner.

In the underground of a certain pharmaceutical factory, when a beautiful girl with brown hair in a white coat saw the relevant news, the coffee cup in her hand fell out of her hand unconsciously.

For a moment, the strength in his body seemed to be emptied, and he fell limply on the ground, tears continuously falling from the corners of his eyes.

In this dark organization, my own sister, the only sunshine in my heart, died, and was assassinated by the organization.

All of a sudden, Miyano Shiho was completely hopeless.

In fact, as smart as she is, how could she not know that as soon as the drug development is completed, both herself and her sister will definitely be executed.

It's just that this drug is not so easy to develop, and for the sake of his sister, Miyano Shiho can only grit his teeth and take over the project presided over by his father.

The purpose is just to let my sister live for a while, in case new changes will usher in someday.

After all, didn't everyone say that there is hope only when you are alive?

But now that my sister is dead, or died of an assassination by the organization, what's the point of my persistence?

Yes, others may not be able to see anything from the published news, but as a code-named person, Miyano Shiho knows very well who killed the few people who participated in the bank robbery.


There will be no one else but this damn guy.

If possible, Miyano Shiho wanted to die with Gin, but she knew that she could do nothing but wait for death.

(End of this chapter)

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