tokyo enforcer

Chapter 18 Expensive does have its benefits...

Chapter 18 Expensive does have its benefits
(Seeking tickets, seeking collection, seeking to pursue reading, the seedlings of new books need the support and care of a book friend!)

After choosing ninjutsu and escape, there is also ninjutsu.

The D-level Transformation and Body Substitution techniques are very practical, and the B-level Shadow Clone and Instant Body techniques are standard equipment for ninjas.

After purchasing all of the above, it was the turn of ninjutsu. Jun Uesugi only bought three, that is, the S-level flying thunder god technique, the dust-free maze technique, and the dust escape and boundary stripping technique eliminated by Xueji.

Yes, the elimination of blood succession in the mall belongs to the category of secret arts, not the category of physique.

After choosing to become proficient in all ninjutsu except D-level, the original 6400 million order points are now only 4829.81 million order points left.

As for the D-level ninjutsu, Atsushi Uesugi chose the master level. You must know that the energy in the system mall is divided into four levels, entry, proficient, master, and perfect. Each level requires 10 times the order points to cross.

Generally speaking, proficiency is actually enough. The reason why I chose to upgrade the D-level ninjutsu to the master level is because it is cheap, and the other is that among the eight D-level ninjutsu, whether it is Ninjutsu, Body Jutsu or Yin Dunjutsu. Illusion is something Uesugi Jun will often use in the future.

Especially for a few illusions, the higher the mastery skill level, the more silent it is to use. With the seal of the master level, Uesugi Jun can release it with one hand.

In a case where there is no drum washing machine, a few illusions are very useful.

However, it is not cost-effective to buy master-level ninjutsu from B-level up, and it is completely in time to upgrade when it is really necessary.

Then compare the previous consumption, and you will find that in the ninjutsu system, the bloodline, pupil technique and extraction method are always the big heads, and ninjutsu consumption is nothing compared to it.

After completing the big purchase, Jun Uesugi sat down cross-legged for the first time, and then began to extract chakra according to the method of xianshu chakra.

As the practice began, Uesugi Jun keenly felt that while the extraction method was extracting energy from the cells in the body, it also absorbed a trace of external energy.

Then after the three kinds of energy are mixed, the first sage chakra is produced.

The products produced by the system are really high-quality products, and expensive indeed has its advantages.

The old guys of the Three Great Sacred Lands did keep a hand on the people of Naruto World. After all, before the arrival of Otsuki Kaguya, the Three Great Sacred Lands had already mastered the practice of immortality, and at that time there was no Chakra, let alone the need Only the huge chakra can feel the natural energy.

And after having chakra, the immortals of the three holy places can be regarded as keeping pace with the times, lowering the extremely high threshold of immortal cultivation methods, and only then did the immortal chakra extraction method.

Half an hour later, Uesugi Jun finally stopped his first practice.

It's not that I don't want to continue, or that I can't, but that it's not suitable.

Yes, at this moment, Uesugi Jun is still in the ruins of the native Indians. The most important thing right now is to collect the remaining gold and leave instead of indulging in cultivation.

Getting up, Uesugi Jun once again came to the edge of the gloomy pool through the passage.

After putting Chakra into his eyes, Uesugi Jun opened the sharingan state of Sangouyu, and then the situation under the pool appeared in Uesugi Jun's vision.

In the black and white field of vision brought by the perspective ability, Jun Uesugi can see a large shadow curling up and crawling directly under the central altar of the Golden City.

Seeing this black shadow, Jun Uesugi shuddered at the moment. It was a correct decision not to go into the water before.

As for the remaining gold, Uesugi Jun will definitely not give up, but Uesugi Jun will never go to the other side by treading water.

Instead, he turned around directly, and then pressed his hands to condense chakra on the rock beside the passage, followed by condensing chakra on his feet, and climbed directly along the rock wall.

Yes, you can't walk on the water, so the only way to get there is to go through the top of the cave.

Of course, Uesugi Jun can also use the technique of earth escape super light and heavy rock to fly directly there, but Uesugi Jun has never practiced this technique.

In addition, no matter how you look at it, the S-level earth escape consumes much more chakra than walking directly on the wall. Jun Uesugi, who has only refined for half an hour, does not have so much chakra left for S Level ninjutsu goes to waste.

Therefore, Jun Uesugi decisively chose to play a cameo as Spider-Man and walked directly from the top of the cave.

After all, the system stores property within a range of [-] meters, and the entire cave where the Golden City Ruins is located is less than [-] meters high, so even if Uesugi Jun is on the top of the cave, he can also collect the remaining gold.

After walking around with Atsushi Uesugi, there is no more gold left in the entire Golden City ruins.

Looking at the account at the moment, there is still 205 billion US dollars left, and Jun Uesugi estimated the total weight of the gold in the Golden City, which is about 3000 tons.

To be honest, judging from the scale of the Golden City ruins that Jun Uesugi saw, it is reasonable to double or even triple the gold.

You must know that the volume of a ton of gold is about the size of a computer case, and 3000 computer cases cannot even cover one-third of the area of ​​the Golden City ruins.

It can be seen that the purity of the gold in the ruins of the Golden City is probably very low, otherwise it is impossible for Uesugi Jun to only have this harvest.

Of course, Uesugi Jun didn't have the mind to pay attention to these. After looking at the account, Uesugi Jun quickly returned to the original way.

And this time the speed will be much faster. After all, the speed with Chakra is really different from that without Chakra.

After crossing the cliff and returning to the other side, Uesugi Jun quickly returned to the entrance, and then held a stone at the entrance and threw it directly at the mechanism controlling the entrance in the cave.

After a rumble, the entrance was completely blocked by rolling boulders.

After finishing this, Uesugi Jun went straight down the mountain.

At noon the next day, Uesugi Jun woke up from the hotel bed, and after washing up, Uesugi Jun directly booked a ticket to New York.

Without extraordinary power before, Jun Uesugi would not dare to go to Trinity Church easily, but now that he has it, Jun Uesugi will naturally have to take a look to be reconciled.

As the plane landed, Jun Uesugi took a taxi directly to No. 79 Broadway in Lower Manhattan, where Trinity Church is located.

Without directly entering the Trinity Church, Jun Uesugi, wearing sunglasses, first took a look at the Trinity Church with his pupil technique in a nearby cafe.

There is indeed a problem!
Yes, in Uesugi Jun's sight, Trinity Church was surrounded by a semicircular barrier.

Although it is a different system, Uesugi Jun can also guess the purpose of this enchantment.

100% alert!
As for whether this warning is to guard against the dark forces that are against the birdman, or whether it is aimed at all people with extraordinary abilities, it is unknown.

However, there will be no people with extraordinary power in places with enchantment, so it is absolutely self-deception to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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