tokyo enforcer

Chapter 180 Tugong Gagaku: Is this patriarch really special...

Chapter 180 Tugong Gagaku: Is this patriarch really special?
"Thank you, Section Chief, for your understanding!" After Sagami Ono Chie finished speaking, she glanced intentionally or unintentionally at Fuji Seiko who was sitting opposite, and then the two looked at each other.

At this moment, there was an inexplicable meaning in the eyes of Seiko Fuji, looking at the provocative provocation in Chie Ono's eyes.

And after Sagami Ono Chie clearly refused, the atmosphere in the conference room eased a lot.

Others who did not express their views felt a lot more relaxed.

In fact, no matter what the final decision is, those who have not made a statement hope that they can have enough time to think about it.

The atmosphere just now was mainly because Fuji Seiko and Nikaido Tong were too decisive, which is why Uesugi Jun asked Sagami Ono Chie to stand up and ease the atmosphere.

Of course, another meaning is to dig a hole along the way to see if anyone will jump into the hole of Sagami Ono Chie.

There is no doubt that at this moment Seiko Fuji fully understands, and at the same time understands the meaning in Sagami Ono Chie's eyes.

That is, no matter how fast you express your loyalty, it is not worth as much as yourself!
Oh, is that really the case?
The former head of the department, let us wait and see!

"Chairman, you know my past, so I'm sorry!" Sakuragawa Rokka said immediately.

"Chairman, I agree with Sister Liuhua." Kuro Sakuragawa also said.

"Well, I understand." Nodding his head, in fact Uesugi Jun didn't have any hope for the Sakuragawa siblings, their experience destined them to be more resistant to the family atmosphere.

And Sakuragawa Kuro nodded, and Yumihara Saki didn't have to think about it.

Because the two are getting married soon, and Yumihara Saki's own pursuit of power is not strong.

And when Jun Uesugi held a meeting for his subordinates, the family elders in Tugong's house were also summoned by Tugong Gagaku who hurried back.

"Patriarch, did you call us together in such a hurry, did something important happen?" After all the family elders sat down, the elder of the family, the younger brother of the previous Patriarch, Tu Gongying said first.

"Yes, the big thing is about the whereabouts of the life-killing stone in Santuhe and Hong's hands." Tsuchimiya Gale nodded and said.

"Really! Where is it? In whose hand?" the oldest elder couldn't help asking excitedly.

It's not his fault for being excited, the main reason is that once the life-killing stone is purified, the problem that plagued the Patriarch of the Tugong family's life will be solved.

This is definitely a big deal for the Patriarch of the Tugong family. After all, the Tugong family has endured the short life of each generation of patriarchs for a long, long time.

"It's in the hands of Uesugi Jun, the head of the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section!" Masara Tsuchimiya didn't want to play tricks and create suspense. One is his character, and the other is that he doesn't have the qualifications in front of this group of elders.

"Atsushi Uesugi, Chief of the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section of the Criminal Division of the Metropolitan Police Department, what conditions does he have?" another elder asked.

"He does have three conditions!" Tumiya Masara said here, and then repeated the three conditions that Uesugi Jun said.

After listening to Uesugi Jun's conditions, one of the elders couldn't help but patted the table and said, "How dare he ask for such a condition! Who gave him the courage to propose such conditions to our Tugong family."

"Okay, let's all share our opinions." First Elder Tu Gongying cast a glance at the elder who spoke, and then said.

"Great Elder, Patriarch, in my opinion, we should not accept any of Jun Uesugi's conditions, but let him hand over the killing stone directly, so that he can gain the friendship of our Tugong family." The elder did not shut up, but continued to yell.

"What do you mean?" Tu Gongying asked the others as if he didn't hear such stupid words.

"Grand Elder, among the three conditions, I am afraid that the third condition can be agreed, and this has to be discounted. Even if the department of the Metropolitan Police Department is not large, not everyone can take the position of chief police officer. In view of the government's fear of supernatural beings, even if we are willing to waste our network resources, it may not be effective." Another person also said.

"Patriarch, what do you think?" the oldest elder asked.

Even though he was no longer qualified to be the Great Elder, everyone present knew that he stepped down because he was getting old and lacking in energy.

So when he spoke, the whole room fell silent.

"I will agree to everything!" Tsumiya Masara said after pondering her own answer.

"Patriarch, are you crazy, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Yeah, you are betraying the family!"

"Sure enough, outsiders are unreliable"

"That's enough, shut up!" The Great Elder couldn't help roaring, after all, the words of these elders became more and more ugly.

You must know that Tugong Yale risked his short life to accept Bai Rui's seal, and this alone is enough credit.

Otherwise, before the earth palace god is happy, these old bones will have to bear them one by one, and then they will die one by one.

In exchange for the time for Tsunomiya Kagura to grow up, so as to ensure the continuation of the Tumiya Kagura, that is to say, if Tsunomiya Kagura does not stand up and sacrifice, then after two years, Tsunomiya Kagura will officially become an adult, and the elders present here are afraid Not one or two left.

"Patriarch, tell me carefully, how do you think about it." Tu Gongying asked earnestly.

"It's very simple, because I feel that if I don't agree, I can't get that killing stone from Uesugi Jun's hand!" Tumiya Gagaku replied lightly.

"Is there no way?" The oldest family elder couldn't help murmuring after hearing the answer.

"Yes, there is no way, at least I don't think it can be done by force." Tsuchimiya Gagaku added.

"You are not such a weak person, that is to say, do you think you can't beat Uesugi Jun?" The elder asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"I can't beat it! Maybe I won with all my strength, but I definitely won't get the killing stone. Jun Uesugi gives me an inscrutable feeling. Just because he easily eliminated Sanzuhe and Hiroshi, his strength is definitely strong." Incomparable. In addition, his methods are almost unknown to us, but he knows our cards clearly. There is no chance of winning this kind of battle. Don't forget, Uesugi Jun is a policeman, even in Tokyo The Metropolitan Police Department is also a high-ranking authority."

The last sentence of Masara Tsuchimiya is to remind the elders that they should not use many methods on Atsushi Uesugi just because of his status as a high-ranking police officer.

And after listening to Tugong Gagaku's words, all the family elders couldn't help but fell silent.

Uesugi Jun, the head of the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section, is no stranger to the elders, especially after the Ginza incident.

Just the incident of the Yaochuan pharmaceutical factory two days ago is enough to make people dreadful. You must know that it is a spell that covers the entire area of ​​the pharmaceutical factory!
Regardless of the difficulty of the technique itself, the area alone is terrifying enough.

In addition, judging from some of his statements after the Ginza incident, as the head of the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section, he is very confident in himself.

After all, his initial perception of the space channel was a hidden world, and without confirming what it was, he rushed in directly.

What is this indicating?

It means that even if the other side of the passage is a hidden world where monsters live, he doesn't care. This is his confidence in his own strength.

"Then use the government to put pressure on it. After all, the killing stone in Santuhe and Hongshou was originally the government." The elder who had been clamoring before frowned and said, but was interrupted by the elder before he finished speaking. up.

"Enough! The government, hmph, through those politicians who only know how to calculate, is it possible for the killing stone to fall into the hands of our family? Also, you said that the killing stone in Jun Uesugi's hand was taken from Sanzuhe Kazuhiro Yes, is it? Uesugi Jun can be said to be passed down in the family. For such a strong man, you will bring disaster to the Tugong family if you lack respect!" the elder couldn't help but snorted coldly.

In fact, even Jun Uesugi himself didn't know that since he returned from the Farmat continent, his fame has spread throughout the entire Neon Extraordinary circle.

You must know that it is very difficult for ordinary extraordinary people to enter the channel when the channel is not stable, just to detect the fluctuation of the channel, let alone the incident of the Yaochuan Pharmaceutical Factory two days ago.

"Patriarch, is it possible to negotiate the conditions proposed by Jun Uesugi?" the oldest patriarch asked at this moment.

"Impossible, his attitude is very firm, either he agrees or he doesn't talk about it!" Tumiya Masaku shook his head and said.

"This is very troublesome. The purification ceremony involves the core inheritance of the Tugong family, and there is absolutely no room for negotiation." The elder couldn't help but sighed.

Yes, in the eyes of the Great Elder, as long as there is a larger killing stone, the smaller one is completely acceptable as a condition for being traded out.

This is not something the Great Elder is willing to do. The key is that once other forces find out that the Tugong family has two killing stones, all kinds of pressure will come to them.

The most important thing here is that the killing stone in Atsushi Uesugi's hand came from a wrong path, and no matter how big the face of the Tugong family is, they can't stop the greed of all parties.

If the others don't say anything, maybe even the one in the Imperial Palace will speak up.

Then you can basically see it without thinking about it, and you will definitely hand over a piece.

Instead of being pressured to hand over a small piece, it is better to give it to Jun Uesugi as an exchange.

In this way, he can't help but share the pressure, and he can also make friends with Atsushi Uesugi, thus gaining a powerful ally.

But the key to all this is the first condition. If this cannot be achieved, how can we talk about the follow-up.

"In my opinion, the first condition should be the easiest to agree to." Tsuchimiya Masara said at this time.

"How do you say?" the oldest elder asked, frowning.

 Thanks to the three book friends of 'Snail Blue Blood', 'Dao Ke Dao-Unnamed' and 'Gan Ce' for their monthly support
(End of this chapter)

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