tokyo enforcer

Chapter 199 The author forgot the title...

Chapter 199 The author forgot the title
And these are not all, for example, there are also organizations on the monster side, and there is also a church force that is not considered to be a Neon local supernatural force, but it is also considered to be tenable, and some scattered organizations.

Of course, the power of the church will definitely not be accepted by Neon's extraordinary circle, which is why there was no priest present when the big bosses gathered.

Yes, among the seven local forces, the Jianhaohui is the weakest force in the entire Neon Extraordinary circle.

However, this is not to say that the Sword Lords Association has very few members. In fact, on the contrary, among the seven major forces, the Sword Lords Association has the largest number of people.

The reason why it is the weakest is that there are too few people who have entered the swordsmanship, and only after entering the swordsmanship can the attack be able to inflict a certain amount of damage on the aliens. This is still the kind that has a body, and the one that does not have a body Supernatural, basically not within the scope of consideration of Swordsman Club.

Therefore, the Jianhaohui is the extraordinary force in the extraordinary circle that handles matters in the secular circle. After all, if it does not even have this responsibility, the existence of the Jianhaohui will be meaningless.
But because it is the weakest, and there is no possibility of turning around, Jianhaohui has never been suppressed by any association or alliance.

After all, they have reached the bottom of the ranking, and if they are suppressed again, they will be squeezed out of the decision-making circle.

In addition, sword masters who cannot target spirit bodies, or even see monsters, are very limited no matter how powerful they are, and it is not worth the trouble of any association or alliance.

On the contrary, the Ninja Association, which has been pursuing its rise, is the main target of the major associations to monitor and suppress.

So when Uesugi Jun turned on the phone to Ishikawa Jianhao, the excitement in Eleven Dai's heart was indescribable, which is why Eleven Dai asked Uesugi Jun to go at this moment.

He was afraid that after one night, things would change.

In the face of Ishikawa Jianhao's invitation, Uesugi Jun did not refuse, anyway, he did not want to join other alliances or associations, and it was the same whether he went early or late.

After hanging up the phone, Uesugi Jun took Shangshan Huangquan and headed towards Ishikawa's house.

Half an hour later, Uesugi Jun and Uesugi Yomi met the eleventh generation Ishikawa Goemon in the reception room of Ishikawa's house.

Although the old man in front of him was old, he didn't feel the twilight at all, and a trace of sharpness was faintly visible in Uesugi Jun's feelings.

"I'm Uesugi Jun, this is my sister Uesugi Huangquan, president Ishikawa, please take care of me after the first meeting." Uesugi Jun said first.

"Master Ishikawa, I am Uesugi Huangquan, please take care of me in the future!" Uesugi Huangquan also said.

"Hahaha, two, on behalf of Jianhao, I will welcome you brothers and sisters to join. In addition, if you don't mind, you brothers and sisters can call me senior. Come on, let's finish the procedures before we talk." At this moment, Ishikawa Jianhao is I was so happy, and then directly pushed over two forms.

After Uesugi Jun and Uesugi Huangquan completed the filling, Ishikawa Jianhao took it over and looked at it, and after confirming that it was correct, he directly stamped the seal of the Swordsman Association.

"Uesugi-kun, although it's a bit late to ask now, can you tell me the reason why you chose the Jianhaohui?" Ishikawa Jianhao was puzzled by Uesugi Jun's mysterious choice.

After all, in his opinion, since Uesugi Jun has found himself, it proves that Uesugi Jun must have some understanding of the extraordinary world of neon.

And anyone who knows something about it, I believe they would not choose the weakest swordsman.

"Senior Ishikawa, I have no beliefs, and I don't want to believe in anyone, so I just passed the two major alliances of Shintoism and temples; I am indeed qualified to join Yinyangliao, but I think my value should not come from protecting the emperor. Realized, after all, there are probably not as many people who want to assassinate the emperor these days than the prime minister. Although the scenery of the Imperial Palace is good, it will definitely get boring after a long time.

I don't want to join the two major associations of Exorcists and Exorcists. In the former, I don't plan to have any more contacts with the Tugong family, so I naturally won't join them; like.The next step is the Ninja Association. Unfortunately, as a policeman, I don't like to engage in shady careers, so there is only the Swordsman Association left. "

After Uesugi Jun finished speaking, Ishikawa Jianhao nodded, and then said: "It's a good scene, so what is Uesugi-kun's real intention?"

"Hahaha, the big country next door has a good saying, Jiang is really old and spicy. Ishikawa-senpai, to put it simply, I want to expand the special disaster countermeasures class!" Now that Ishikawa Jianhao saw through it, Uesugi Jun no longer concealed himself thought out.

"Did you take a fancy to Jianhaohui's influence on the Metropolitan Police Department?" To be honest, Ishikawa Jianhao was a little surprised by this.

Because he didn't expect that Jun Uesugi's purpose would be so simple!
Yes, precisely because Uesugi Jun's purpose was too simple, or because his ambition was too small, Ishikawa Jianhao was surprised and astonished.

"Uesugi-kun, what do you think if I say that I will give you the position of president?" Ishikawa Jianhao suddenly changed his style of painting, and asked Uesugi Jun with a serious expression.

"Senior Ishikawa, is it appropriate for me, a cute new member who joined the Jianhao Club less than 10 minutes ago?" Uesugi Jun didn't say whether he agreed or not, but asked Ishikawa Jianhao.

"Hahahaha, just because you killed Baidi Feiliu, you are definitely strong enough to be the president of the Swordsman Association." Ishikawa Jianhao replied with a hearty laugh.

Yes, after Jun Uesugi made the phone call, Ishikawa Kengo used his relationship to confirm the situation of Shiraji Hiryu, and then he learned that Shiraji Hiryu and Iga Ryu's ten-year-old son was found on Yadugen Island. The bodies of the two dead men.

Being able to kill Shiraji Hiryu has already proved that Uesugi Jun is stronger than Shiraji Hiryu. In the eyes of Ishikawa Jianhao, such a strong man indeed meets the strength requirements for being the president of the Swordsman Association.

"Senior Ishikawa, as a policeman, I occasionally go overseas to play and encounter a group of people besieged and killed. This kind of terrorist who committed a serious crime of assaulting the police, I can't do it. Speaking of it I'm really ashamed, as a defender of Tokyo's law and order, I was still attacked within the Tokyo metropolitan area, my job is not in place." Jun Uesugi did not deny that he killed Shiraji Hiryu, but he needed to decide on two places .

One is to go out on vacation, and the other is self-defense.

"Okay, Uesugi-kun, since you have joined the Swordsman Club, you are one of your own, and you don't need to use this official language in front of me. I am sorry for the tacit understanding reached by the major associations and alliances before, but I am sorry for this kind of thing. It is useless to object, after all Jianhaohui does not have the right to speak in the decision-making circle.

The decision-making circle of our Neon Extraordinary World seems to be composed of seven major forces, but in fact only five major forces have the right to speak. Here, Shintoism and temple people have been confronting each other for a long time. , the exorcist has been only responsible for the safety of the imperial capital since ancient times, and rarely participates in decision-making.

The Jianhaohui does not have the right to speak as imagined, and of course it has not been suppressed like the Ninja Association.

In addition, regarding Bai Di Feiliu's unruly behavior, even if I don't help you speak up, other associations and alliances will definitely not let this matter go easily.This incident is quite bad for the members of the decision-making circle, and it is almost foreseeable that the life of the Ninja Association and the Iga-ryu will be very sad.

So Bai Difei Liu's death, you don't have to worry about anyone coming to make trouble.In addition, what I said just now was not just a joke. If you have this idea, then you can think about how to make a little contribution to the association, so that when I step aside in the future, I will have something to stop other people's mouths. "

After listening to Ishikawa Jianhao's words, Uesugi Jun shook his head and said: "Senior Ishikawa, the Jianhao Association has been led by you for 20 years, and with your physical health, you can lead us for 20 years, so Let's stop here on this topic."

After taking a deep look at Uesugi Jun, Ishikawa Jianhao said: "Uesugi-kun, your fiancée Kobayakawa-kun is an excellent therapist, especially for us Jianhao, the existence of such a therapist is of the utmost importance." It matters."

"But senior, it's very expensive to ask Miyuki for treatment. I was cheated by Jinguji Iris once before. It was my negligence that allowed her to take a big deal. Otherwise, I would have to pay her for her injuries. One hundred million dollars is not enough." Uesugi Jun said half-jokingly.

"Does Kobayakawa-kun only accept secular currency for treatment?" Ishikawa Jianhao's tone at this moment seemed doubtful and confirmed.

"Senior Ishikawa, only accepting secular currency means only treating secular injuries. As for the injuries caused by extraordinary power, Miyuki may not be able to heal them. In fact, we have already had failure examples. And Miyuki can only guarantee physical strength at most. Trauma, after all, her job is not a doctor, so she won't collect faith coins, and she really doesn't have the ability to collect this money." Jun Uesugi explained.

"So that's it, I understand!" Of course Ishikawa Jianhao knew the reason for Uesugi Jun's explanation.

"Thank you, Senior Ishikawa, for your understanding!" Uesugi Jun nodded and said.

"Hehe, since you joined the Swordsman's Club, everyone is naturally a family, and you can walk around more when you have time. In addition, Uesugi-kun, since you joined the Swordsman's Club, you need to use some snacks in the way of swordsmanship. After all, you are the core of the Swordsman's Club. Members don’t use kendo, that will make people gossip.” Ishikawa Jianhao’s words confirmed Uesugi Jun’s status after joining the Jianhao Guild.

Just as Uesugi Huangquan expected, the lowest starting point is also a core member.

"Thank you Ishikawa-senpai for reminding me, I know what to do." Nodding, Uesugi Jun replied.

"Very well, it's getting late today, so I won't keep you any longer. Remember to go to the association to assess your kendo level when you have time. This is a must." Ishikawa Jianhao urged again.

"I see, then let's take our leave first!" After Uesugi Jun finished speaking, he took Uesugi Huangquan and left.

 Thanks to the five book friends of 'Good Cat, Bad Cat', 'Reaper* Wuxin', 'Cuteness is a Phenomenon', 'Model Husband', and 'Carriage Man 666' for their monthly support, there is still 87 votes left before the next update

(End of this chapter)

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