tokyo enforcer

Chapter 21 Means of safe border crossing...

Chapter 21 Means of safe border crossing.
Even if Jun Uesugi brought out the ninja inheritance, he couldn't convince people, because America's search for neon was also very ruthless. Who knows if similar inheritance was searched away.

A person who is not good, like Uesugi Jun who has no background, may be directly searched for souls.

Standing where he was, Uesugi Jun thought for a while, then turned around and left the airport.

He got into a taxi directly at the airport, and asked the driver to drive him to the nearest suburb.

In the next few days, Uesugi Jun practiced a few ninjutsu that will be used next.

The first is the transformation technique, the second is the shadow clone technique, the third is the flying thunder god technique, the fourth is the sharingan illusion technique, and the fifth is the dust-free maze technique.

To put it simply, Uesugi Jun's plan actually only needs to use the first four ninjutsu, and the fifth one is for daily life later.

In fact, Suzuki Shiro knew the information about Uesugi Jun's contact with extraordinary powers, but Uesugi Jun was not afraid of Suzuki Shiro telling others. After all, for Suzuki Shiro, Uesugi Jun belonged to the descendants of the extraordinary family who might have been richer than his ancestors, but now they are declining.

This kind of people who have no background but have contact with extraordinary power are much easier to deal with than those with background.

Therefore, Suzuki Shiro will not disclose the news of Uesugi Jun unless he encounters any special circumstances.

Those who lead a consortium have thought about all aspects of a matter.

Therefore, Uesugi Jun is not worried about Suzuki Shiro. Of course, after mastering enough power, Uesugi Jun will definitely use means to erase the memory of Suzuki Shiro and Suzuki Sonoko's mind about the magic contract.

However, Jun Uesugi can't take this into account now. His most important problem now is to solve the problem of entering the country.

Five days later, Uesugi Jun's business trip date arrived, but he did not leave America, but continued to practice.

As for the Metropolitan Police Department, they first called to appease Miyuki Kobayakawa, then donated a batch of commonly used supplies worth 500 million US dollars to the criminal department, and told Toshiro Odagiri that he was still negotiating another deal, saying that he could do it in a few days at most. After a donation was obtained, Jun Uesugi's business trip was extended to a week with another excuse.

Uesugi Jun also took advantage of this time to finally refine enough senjutsu chakra to practice four ninjutsu.

With the help of order points, it doesn't take much time for Uesugi Jun to master ninjutsu. Most of the time is actually spent on the extraction of the magic chakra.

On No. 12 days after gaining extraordinary power, Jun Uesugi finally raised the amount of chakra in his body to the level of a chunin.

After finishing the preparations, Uesugi Jun hypnotized an American citizen who was similar in stature to Uesugi Jun and left New York for Tokyo by plane.

Of course, when the two boarded the plane, their faces were changed by the disguise technique.

Yes, this is Jun Uesugi's solution.

Since it is almost impossible to avoid being found abnormal when entering the main body, it is better to let ordinary people without extraordinary strength enter the country with their own faces.

As for Uesugi Jun himself, it was easy to handle. After the plane landed at Tokyo International Airport, Uesugi Jun first went to the toilet.

Then there was no time to come out, and I was directly waiting for the person with the coordinates of Flying Thunder to enter and leave the airport.

As for the American citizen who disappeared in the toilet and then appeared outside, this has nothing to do with Atsushi Uesugi.

It's also fortunate that the coverage of the barrier used for induction is not large, otherwise Jun Uesugi might have to disappear from the toilet on the plane.

And soon the American citizen with Jun Uesugi's face and passport of Jun Uesugi passed through the immigration easily and left the airport.

After watching the person leave, Uesugi Jun was not in a hurry, but waited for him to go to a dark place without surveillance.

Those who followed Uesugi Jun disappeared into the toilet in an instant, and then appeared beside the American citizen.

After quickly changing his identity back, Uesugi Jun directly hypnotized him and told him to leave and find a hotel to sleep for a while, and he would forget everything when he woke up again.

I specially chose the flight that arrived in Tokyo at night, just to complete the exchange under the cover of night, and Uesugi Jun, who successfully passed the customs, quickly disappeared into the night.

Back at the door of the house, Uesugi Jun looked puzzled at the lights that were still on in the middle of the night.

After all, Jun Uesugi told Miyuki Kobayakawa about tomorrow's flight, and it's already two o'clock in the night, so it's a bit strange that the master bedroom is still lit.

When I went upstairs to take a look, I found that the beauty who hadn't seen her for half a month was very haggard at the moment.

There is no need to ask why Uesugi Jun is worth it, simply put, he was scared.

I was originally afraid of ghosts, but knowing that ghosts really exist, it's strange that I can sleep peacefully.

Coupled with the fact that Uesugi Jun ran to America the next day, Miyuki Kobayakawa felt even more anxious.

"I'm sorry, Miyuki!" Jun Uesugi, who came to the bed and hugged Miyuki, said very apologetically.

"Jun-kun, you are finally back, I miss you so much!" Miyuki Kobayakawa who was awakened hugged Jun Uesugi and cried.

"Don't worry, I will be with you in the future, and you don't have to be afraid anymore." Jun Uesugi comforted the beauty in his arms, stroking his soft long hair.

However, the beauty in her arms didn't respond, because Mei Xing hadn't had a good night's sleep for half a month, she just started crying and fell asleep within a few minutes.

Lying on the bed with Miyuki Kobayakawa in his arms, Jun Uesugi took the time to open the system page.

And at this moment Uesugi Jun's character column is displayed like this

Name: Jun Uesugi
Body attribute: 113
Essence attribute: 125
Title: Xueba

Talent: Never forgetting

Ordinary skills: basic physical skills (proficient), Chinese, Japanese, English (proficient), marksmanship (proficient), disguise (proficient)
Extraordinary skills: God's vision (primary), portable space (primary), pupil technique, ninjutsu.
Extraordinary Bloodline: Descendants of the Otsutsuki Clan

Account balance: $204.9 billion.

Order points: 4839.81 million

The inner body and fine Uesugi Jun did not use order points to add. After purchasing the bloodline, the data of the two has doubled to 100. The current number is obtained after about half a month of cultivation.

Those who focus on illusion will increase their essence faster, and those who focus on physical skills will increase their body quickly.

Of course, it is best to go hand in hand. Only by maintaining a balance between body and spirit can you better control your body.

As for the remaining order points, it was raised after donating tens of millions of dollars in supplies to the Metropolitan Police Department.

After glancing at his character column, Uesugi Jun opened the mall page.

At this moment, Uesugi Jun is debating whether to buy the sacred enchantment scanned from the Birdman Church.

After thinking about it for a while, Jun Uesugi clicked to buy "Sixteen Characters of Yin and Yang Fengshui Secret Art (Residual)".

There is no doubt that the sacred enchantment of the birdman cannot be used even if it is bought.

(End of this chapter)

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