tokyo enforcer

Chapter 214 The Uesugi Ryu Kendo of the Uesugi Family...

Chapter 214 The Uesugi Ryu Kendo of the Uesugi Family.
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"Imperial trial match, you are familiar with this, right?" Ishikawa Jianhao said.

"Is there anyone in the Swordsman Club planning to have a fight with me in front of the Emperor?" Uesugi Jun asked puzzled.

"How is that possible! Even if there is filth among the members of the Sword Masters Association, it is absolutely impossible to show it in front of outsiders. It is said that it is a trial match before the imperial court, but in fact, the major associations sent personnel to check your swordsmanship level." Shi Chuan Jian Hao explained to Uesugi Jun.

"Senior, if I understand correctly, it means that I can only use kendo. Is that what it means?" Uesugi Jun keenly discovered the point.

"That's what it means. If you don't only allow the use of kendo, do you think there will be people with abnormal brains who come to seek abuse? Who doesn't know that you beat Dracula away with one move, and you were assassinated by Shiroji Feiliu and you succeeded in counter-killing. But Uesugi I can only give you a thumbs up if you are such an old man." Ishikawa Jianhao glanced behind Jun Uesugi and said.

It's no wonder that the old man Ishikawa praised it. It's really that Jun Uesugi understands the heart of LSP too well.

Because the girls behind me only have two styles of dressing, the first is the sleeveless close-fitting kimono worn by Yamato in the pirate.

Of course, as a policeman, he must not be as bold and unrestrained as a beauty from another world. Even the emperor came to see it.

So there is an extra black tights inside, which complements the white half-length kimono, which is sexy yet conservative. After all, there is no bare place from the neck to the arms.

The lower body does not have the kind of long horse riding hakama and clogs, but chooses a beige plaid pleated skirt, black pantyhose and sneakers that are deep to the bottom, and a shimenawa tied around the waist , it can be said that it can definitely hit the G-spot of LSP.

Behind Atsushi Uesugi, the team on the left was dressed like this. The leader was Uesugi Koizumi, and then Seiko Fuji, Natsumi Tsujimoto, Aoi Sakurai and Soue Kotonan.

On the right side, Ms. Mori is the head, followed by Nikaido Kiri, Nikaido Raiko, Tsuba Kyoko and Mogami Kyoko, and they are wearing the blue and white kimono of Okita Souji.

This kind of wide kimono is on the outside, and the thigh-length one-piece bodysuit is on the inside. It is matched with high-tube black stockings and black protective gear. It is also a sexy yet conservative design.

The girls of the two teams are the most handsome and able to play, the first team is mature and charming, and the other team is pure and cute. It is no wonder that Ishikawa Jianhao wanted to say something to Jun Uesugi, young people really know how to play.

If it were someone else, apart from shouting Saigao, I am afraid that I cannot use other adjectives to describe the turbulent emotions in my heart at this moment.

"That's ridiculous! That means I'm usually interested in fashion design." Uesugi Jun didn't have to deny that this was his own idea.

"By the way, why didn't you see Kobayakawa-kun coming together?" Ishikawa Jianhao continued to ask.

"Miyuki doesn't know how to do swordsmanship, and her character doesn't like this kind of occasion. Instead of letting her sit on the stage and be annoyed by others, it's better to let her stay at home." Jun Uesugi said nonchalantly.

"Ezugami Sugi-kun, His Majesty the Emperor, it's better to call Kobayakawa-kun here." Kengo Ishikawa couldn't help reminding.

"Okay, I see." After speaking, Jun Uesugi pretended to take out his phone and called Miyuki Kobayakawa.

Next, Ishikawa Jianhao introduced other core members of the Jianhao Club to Uesugi Jun. As for the others, they followed the staff to register.

Yes, ordinary people need to go through various evaluations to join Jianhao, and they even have to make enough contributions to Jianhao.

Looking at the people brought by Atsushi Uesugi, they can register directly. If those people who have worked so hard to get in know, I'm afraid they will only be envious and jealous.

Of course, the retainers brought by Uesugi Jun will definitely not get the same core member treatment as Uesugi Jun. In fact, except for Uesugi Huangquan who is born with spiritual power, Nikaido Tong and Tsuba Muoi get a core supplement that is slightly lower than the core, and Mogami Kyoko and Kotonan Zuojiang are reserve members, the so-called peripheral members, and everyone else is full-time members.

When it was almost nine o'clock, Kobayakawa Miyuki arrived late wearing a gorgeous kimono, and Uesugi Jun finally made a preliminary acquaintance with a group of uncles and old men.

In fact, there are not many core members, only about [-] members. There are people from various genres, such as Miyamoto from the Two Swords Style, Nagano from the Iai Style, Ito from the One Sword Style, Tsukahara from the Shindang Style, and Shinto Style. Fan Xiao, Yagyu who is shady and new, and so on.

But some of the sword masters are already old, which is why the sword masters are always ranked last.

It's a pity that not all swordsmen can become core members unconditionally, otherwise the number of core members of the Swordsman Club will have to be increased after the evaluation this time.

It is true that the core members of the Jianhaohui must be Jianhao, but it is not possible to get the core position by becoming a Jianhao, so there is a special transitional level of core supplement.

In fact, if Uesugi Jun hadn't killed Shiraichi Feiliu to some extent to give Jianhaohui or directly the Ishikawa family a sigh of relief, plus the existence of Kobayakawa Miyuki, Uesugi Jun might not have obtained the core identity.

After all, Uesugi Jun has never even revealed his swordsmanship. Among the methods Uesugi Jun has shown before, the hell stab can be regarded as a hand knife.

That is to say, he has already made a name for himself, so how could it be possible for other people to convince the insiders.

After all, the older an association is, the more it pays attention to rules.

And don't look at the registration for Uesugi Huangquan and others now, but if you fail the evaluation, then I'm sorry, Jianhao will directly seal your file, and will not recognize your status until one day you pass the evaluation.

However, this is a requirement for regular members, and reserve members are not so strict. For the sake of Jun Uesugi and Miyuki Kobayakawa, as long as the evaluation is not too ugly, Swordsman Club can turn a blind eye.

As for how the evaluation is carried out, the probationary members will look at their ranks, and the official members will look at actual combat!

Kendo was created for fighting. It seems that those competitions held in colleges and universities with bamboo swords and armors are impossible to appear in the evaluation of official members of the Swordsman Club.

The evaluation of the Swordsman Club is only about the hard work of real swords and guns!
If it weren't for this, Uesugi Jun would never have trained the girls at all.

This is also one of the reasons why it is difficult for Jianhaohui to become a full member after joining. After all, the more prosperous a person is, the more afraid of death he is.

After seeing Miyuki Kobayakawa coming and the people who went to register also returned, Kengo Ishikawa walked ahead and took Jun Uesugi and his party into the association.

After passing through the front hall, a group of people came to the garden full of Zen. Without entering the garden, Ishikawa Jianhao led the crowd to turn right and walked to the corridor on the right, and then went straight to the end.

At this moment, the two elevator doors came into view. I followed Ishikawa Jianhao into the elevator, and the elevator lady pressed the -3 button after confirming that the personnel had entered.

Yes, the evaluation venue of the Swordsman's Club is underground. After all, the Swordsman's Club's land occupation is very limited, and there is no way to build any decent dojo.

In addition, the kendo evaluation involves some things that cannot be placed on the ground, so it is deliberately selected below the ground.

When he got to the -3 floor, Uesugi Jun came out and found that the -3 floor was just a stand, and the real venue was still below.

Looking down, Uesugi Jun found that the bottom was not a wooden plank, but all reinforced concrete. There was a lot of blackened blood.

Standing on the top, you can feel the bloody and chilling atmosphere that has gathered for decades from below.

Raising his eyes from Xinxin and looking around, Uesugi Jun found that there were already many people sitting in the stands at this moment, staring at Uesugi Jun with their necks stretched out.

Of course, it is not known whether these people's eyes are on Atsushi Uesugi and Miyuki Kobayakawa or the two teams of eye-catching girls behind Atsushi Uesugi.

What Atsushi Uesugi cared about was that these people were sitting too far away.

The grandstand on the third floor is actually similar to the layout of a general indoor stadium. It can be regarded as an ellipse surrounding the evaluation site.

Not far from the place where Jun Uesugi and others entered was a place similar to the rostrum, which was the position where the emperor arrived after a while.

On both sides of the rostrum, there was no member of the Swordsmanship Association, and the members of the Swordsmanship Society who came were sitting in the arc-shaped areas farther from the two ends.

The official members are closer to the rostrum, and the reserve members are closer to the side, and Toshiro Odagiri is among them at the moment.

As for the other side of the link arc, it has been separated by the steel wall at this moment.

After all, no one dared to sit face to face with the emperor, and another purpose of this separation was to ensure safety.

Regardless of whether there will be any accidents, Jianhaohui can't afford it, so it is directly closed.

So when looking from Jun Uesugi, there is only a steel wall opposite the rostrum.

With so many seats reserved, Uesugi Jun knew who would sit in these seats without being reminded.

Following Ishikawa Jianhao to the seat reserved by the core members of the Jianhao Association, the group sat down.

As the time passed by every minute and every second, some people began to arrive one after another in the passageway that Jun Uesugi had come in before.

You don't need to ask about their identities, just look at the area where the other party is going, and you will know which force these people are from.

When it was almost ten o'clock, Ishikawa Kengo who received the call greeted Uesugi Jun and several other main core members, and returned to the ground together with several big men who got up in other areas to meet the coming emperor.

There is nothing to say about the welcoming ceremony. After all, it is not a formal festival, and various ceremonies are required.Aside from rituals with cultural backgrounds, it's the same in all countries.

However, when the Emperor passed by Uesugi Jun, his eyes stopped for a while on Uesugi Jun, and then Ishikawa Kengo led the way for the Emperor alone.

This time Uesugi Junke is not qualified to take the elevator with the emperor, and following the emperor to enter the elevator are representatives of the major forces. As for the others, they have to take another elevator.

By the time Uesugi Jun came down, the girls of the two teams had already gone to the preparation room on the -4 floor.

"Uesugi-kun, let's start!" Seeing the emperor sitting down, Ishikawa Kengo said to Uesugi Jun.

As for letting the emperor speak first, there is no such process. After all, the emperor is here to watch the excitement this time.

Moreover, there is no need for a kendo strength evaluation to come up with a few hours of speech first. Ishikawa Jianhao did not intend to let people from other forces dominate the swordsman meeting, so he directly ordered Uesugi Jun to prepare dry goods!
Nodding his head, Uesugi Jun walked to the microphone next to the rostrum according to the procedure discussed with Ishikawa Kenhao.

"Respected His Majesty the Emperor, many seniors in the extraordinary world and fellow compatriots of the Swordsman Association, good morning!" Uesugi Jun paused for a moment before continuing to speak.

"To be honest, I really never thought that I would be honored by His Majesty the Emperor and many seniors for just one kendo strength evaluation. This is a great honor. Please allow me to express my gratitude first." It's over.

"Everyone gathered here today to witness the kendo evaluation between Shimo and the retainers of the Uesugi family, but before the official evaluation, please allow me to introduce you to the Uesugi-ryu kendo." Uesugi Jun paused when he said this.

Because the following introduction is not to be spoken, but to be shown directly.

Yes, as Uesugi Jun’s voice fell, a wall of the evaluation venue rose up, and then Mogami Kyoko and Qinnan Soue walked out of it directly.


Seeing the outfits of the two women, the 75-year-old Emperor Ninchi couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but the voice must not be that of this moody and angry high-ranking person.

After that, Uesugi Jun didn't say anything, just watched the two women walk to the middle of the field, and made a gesture towards the rostrum, and then each drew their swords and began to demonstrate what they had learned in the past few days.

Yes, Uesugi Jun never thought of letting these two girls who had only studied for a few days participate in the actual combat evaluation from the very beginning. They came this time just to show their faces and let people know that they are under the cover of Uesugi's family.

It's just that Uesugi Jun didn't expect the Emperor to come, of course it's nothing, anyway, according to the abilities of Mogami Kyoko and Kotonan Soe, it is impossible to make a fool of himself in this situation.

Perhaps before coming out, the two girls will be all kinds of nervous, but as long as they stand on the stage, their unique performance souls will awaken.

After that, they only need to show it as they usually practice and it will be completed.

And this display didn't actually take much time, it just took more than a minute.

But those who saw this display were shocked. Ordinary members of the Swordsman Club could tell that the two girls were basically beginners who were too beginners. This was also what shocked them.

Because today is unusual, the emperor is here, so why don't you show this to the emperor?

A layman can see that apart from waving the knife as if dancing, there is nothing else at all, the body is stiff, the steps are messy, and the breathing is strange.

Well, the two girls in the demonstration are really eye-catching, but His Majesty the Emperor is 75 years old. He has never seen any kind of woman in his life. Perhaps the only thing that can catch his eyes is this special kendo uniform.

And as the two female generals unfolded their swords, some of the extraordinary forces who saw the way inside even stood up in shock.

Is it that scary?

Yes, it's that scary!
After all, extraordinary people have always been superior, but today suddenly there is a sword that allows ordinary people to attack with spiritual power.

Because once this thing is popularized from the Jianhaohui, ordinary people will have at least the qualifications to fight against ordinary extraordinary people.

What, can't see the ghost?
Do you think the damn equipment invented by the Ministry of Defense is a display?
Or do you think Jianhao will not be able to get these things out from the Ministry of Defense!
The most important thing is that with this kind of kendo, in the future, supernatural will no longer be exclusive to talented people, and ordinary people can use this kind of kendo to step into supernatural.

This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to exist, and it will definitely shake the foundation of the extraordinary world.

Thinking of this, people from the other major forces couldn't help but start to exchange glances with each other, and started silent communication.

But before they finished their communication, the demonstration of the two girls was over.

With the end of the short demonstration, doubtful expressions appeared in the eyes of the shocked people.

Because the spiritual power in their eyes that was originally converging towards the two women had already begun to disperse.

Looking at the two women who were bowing and leaving the stage, there was no trace of spiritual power left on their bodies.

It's really confusing, but no matter what, the so-called Uesugi Ryu must be understood here!
"Your Majesty, President Ishikawa, I have to ask Jun Uesugi for something, but before that, I hope only a few people will be present." An old man in Shinto attire had stood up at this moment, and said after saluting Emperor Ninchi .

"Oh, Ishikawa Qing's family, what do you think?" Although Emperor Nishiki didn't see anything from the two women's display, he could see the tense expressions of several major forces.

Obviously, the young man not far away showed some things that ordinary people can't find. Of course, even if he is the emperor, this is not the Imperial Palace, so even if it is symbolic, you have to ask the owner of the place first.

"Official and reserve members leave for now!" Ishikawa Jianhao said after thinking for a while.

Then those at the arc end stood up and started to leave the arena, and soon the number of people present dropped by [-]%.

After all, Swordsman Club really has more peripheral members, that is, reserve members. The number of official members is also relatively small due to assessment reasons, and it is even rarer when it comes to core members.

The official and reserve members were removed at once, leaving only the core, and the number of people was naturally reduced by more than half.

After all the people who should leave the venue left, the old man said again: "Thank you for your support. Then Uesugi Jun, can you introduce what the so-called Uesugi-ryu is?"

"Uesugi-ryu kendo is divided into two parts, one part is the core, which I call the breathing method, and the other part is the technique of exerting force called the sword shape. My Uesugi-ryu breathing method is to induce spiritual power in a special rhythm , so that ordinary people can also wield attacks with spiritual power, I don’t know the explanation, is senior satisfied?”

"Uesugi Jun, there is an absolute rule in the extraordinary world. If you don't know it, I can remind you that it is forbidden to open the cultivation method to ordinary people. You have crossed the line!" The old man said in a serious and low tone.

"Your Excellency, I don't think you can't see it from your eyes. Even if someone has practiced Uesugi-ryu, those who don't have talent will not be able to step into the extraordinary until they die. If this is the case, what are you afraid of? In addition, I want to remind You point, the people who will demonstrate are all my retainers. I have set restrictions on them, even if someone kidnaps them, they can't get any information without breaking through my restrictions.

In this way, I don't think there is any cross-border behavior at all. After all, I didn't say that I want to spread Uesugi's news.So Chaofan is still Chaofan. My retainers are just a few lucky ones who have won my favor. Strictly speaking, this belongs to the family affairs of the Uesugi family. Do you feel that the management is too lenient? "

Facing this kind of old man, Uesugi Jun didn't want to get used to him, he might not be too strong in a frontal fight, he just wants to do whatever he wants because of his seniority.
I was not in the circle before and was not protected by the rules, but now I am in the rules, I want to play, please accompany me!
"Hmph, the existence of this kind of swordsmanship is dangerous!" The old man couldn't find a suitable reason for a while, and directly snorted and imposed an unfounded charge on Jun Uesugi.

And this answer directly made Uesugi Jun laugh angrily.

"Uesugi Kiyoshi's family!" Emperor Nishiki suddenly spoke at this moment.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is here!" The emperor called Qing's family, and Uesugi Jun had no reason not to say no.

In fact, strictly speaking, Uesugi Jun is really a courtier of the emperor. After all, the Metropolitan Police Department is commonly known as Sakurada Gate, which happens to be the gatekeeper for the Imperial Palace.

Of course, this kind of statement must not sound good, but in fact Uesugi Jun has heard that when Toshio Mohohoshi took over as the police chief, he went to the Imperial Palace to serve the emperor, and this is what every police chief must leave A process!
"Uesugi Qing's family, Uesugi Ryu is really as dangerous as Tianmanqing's family said?" Emperor Nishiki asked.

"Your Majesty, the so-called danger is nothing more than scaremongering. Just now, I also said that people who are not born with spiritual power will not be able to rely on breathing techniques to surpass the extraordinary in their lifetime. It's just like that after practice. Your Excellency Tianman is just afraid. I spread this method with the Swordsman Guild internally, thereby enhancing the strength of the Swordsman Guild, to the extent that it threatens the status of certain forces."

Some rhetoric would definitely be difficult to say if Ishikawa Jianhao came, but Uesugi Jun is fine, because he is young enough, and it is normal to speak without going through the brain, so Uesugi Jun really dares to say it!

"Hmph, it's just nonsense!" Priest Tianman directly denied it with disdain.

After all, what Jun Uesugi said is basically impossible to achieve, just like what Jun Uesugi himself said, even if the Uesugi style is spread, as long as the practitioners do not have the so-called spiritual roots, their achievements will be very limited.

Divided by the strength level of Shintoism, those who are a bit talented in the way of swordsmanship can only increase their own strength beyond the initial net level and reach the level close to the Ming level.

If the number of high-end combat power cannot increase, it is nonsense to improve the status.

 Thanks to the two book friends 'Shen-zhou' and 'Shengdi Xiang Yutian' for their support
(End of this chapter)

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