tokyo enforcer

Chapter 216 Evaluation of both appearance and taste...

Chapter 216 Evaluation of both appearance and taste.
Uesugi Jun admitted that he looked at the Emperor's line from the perspective before time travel, but after a series of conversations just now, Uesugi Jun discovered that in this world, perhaps the secular government did give outsiders the power to override the Emperor's line. Illusion, but it's all an illusion.

Through the attitudes of several major forces towards the emperor, Uesugi Jun can judge that the emperor's lineage is probably far from that simple.

Maybe the person who really makes the decision in the entire Extraordinary World is the one sitting on the rostrum not far away.

After thinking about it carefully, Uesugi Jun discovered some evidence. According to Ishikawa Jianhao, only the five major forces have the right to speak in the extraordinary world.

Among the five major forces, it is well known that Yinyangliao is backed by the Emperor's lineage, and the Association of Demon Eliminators is the trumpet of Yinyangliao.

When looking at Shintoism, Uesugi Jun is very clear that many shrines enshrine the emperors of the past. If someone tells Uesugi Jun that Emperor Uesugi secretly controls Shinto, Uesugi Jun will not be surprised.

Then, looking back, three of the five major forces have a constant relationship with the emperor's lineage, and the Exorcist Association has always been the force that protects the imperial capital. Who knows what role this association plays.

But even if there is no Demon Exorcist Association, the emperor's line still occupies the absolute right to speak.

Because of this, Uesugi Jun decided to act as a big water hose. After all, if he missed this opportunity today, it would be very difficult for Uesugi Jun to even meet the Emperor.

You can't impress the emperor in person, and wait until you have trouble before stuffing the money. The old emperor doesn't know what he will think.

Therefore, in many cases, everything must be prevented before it happens. At least Uesugi Jun has not had any problems along the way according to this way of thinking.

About half an hour later, after everyone's first wave of enthusiasm passed, everyone sat back to their seats, and the formal and reserve members outside were also called back.

After all, today's main body evaluation has not officially started yet.

With the appearance of the first reviewer from the Uesugi family, the wall opposite to the reviewer was also opened, and then a African spotted hyena, which had been hungry for a few days and drooling, came out of the passage.

Yes, if the probationary members of the Swordsman Club want to become full members, this test of fighting with wild animals is a must pass.

Of course, the 'examiners' are different almost every time. Those with strong connections are weaker, and those with insufficient connections are stronger, but they are all found from canines.

But everyone knows that fighting African spotted hyenas and African wild dogs are completely different things. After all, the danger gap between the two is too great.

"It's so scary!" Seeing the spotted hyena coming out of the passage, the first person to evaluate it cried out in a crying voice.

The same sentence is pretentious when it comes to Huang Yuan's mouth, but it is speechless when it comes to Nikaido Laizi.

However, as the two gates fell and the exit was sealed, there were only the pitiful expired beautiful girl and the ferocious beast left in the arena, but this version of the beauty and the beast could not coexist.

"Laizi, if you don't want to suffer the pain, give me a birth and solve it immediately. Otherwise, I will never rescue you before you are bitten to death. As for losing a few pieces of meat, it doesn't matter at all, Meixing will be a little bit You will recover without leaving any scars." Hearing Nikaido Raiko's voice, Uesugi Jun shouted in the group with black lines all over his head.

"Laizi, if you are ashamed, I will definitely give you special training for at least a month after I go back, and two hours a day." Teng Seiko also followed suit.

"Sir, cheer me up, don't embarrass the Nikaido family." At this moment, Nikaidou Tong wished he could rush out to replace this cousin.

"I see!" Compared to the spotted hyena in front of him, Nikaido Laiko was definitely more afraid of Fuji Seiko.

This is due to the psychological shadow that Fuji Seiko created for Nikaido Yanyu during the special training in the past few days.

Whoever changed his face like a pig's head every day must have a psychological shadow.

But there is no way, who told Nikaido salty fish to habitually close her eyes as soon as she started fighting, blindly wielding a few knives, in order to make her open her eyes, the other girls took turns to fight and finally got rid of her preference The fault of pretending to be an ostrich.

In the next second, after the spotted hyena approached, Nikaido Yanyu, who was trembling with the Japanese sword, suddenly pulled out the sword, and with a strange breathing rate, the pink light flashed away.

Breath of Love · One Shape · Trembling of First Love!

When Nikaido Yanyu and the spotted hyena staggered, several bright red fountains shot out from the spotted hyena who rushed towards Nikaido Laizi, and then the whole body fell to the ground in pieces.

"So fast!"

"No, it's over without seeing it clearly!"

"What speed is this?"

"Is this the Transcendent?"

"No, I heard that the extraordinary will appear later!"

"Then why so fast?"

"You ask me, how do I know?"

"In other words, no one cares, even the three little girls who played before have different colors of knives?"

While everyone in the stands was discussing, an inappropriate voice came from the audience.

Seeing Raiko Nikaido who was performing a social death, Jun Uesugi and Miyuki Kobayakawa immediately wanted to cover their faces.

Didn’t I vomit enough in Ginza? It’s just a spotted hyena, so what?

"Uesugi-kun, this is the first time that kid down there is fighting, don't worry." Ishikawa Jianhao knew what was going on when he saw the reaction of Nikaidou Laizi.

"If you want to become a retainer of the Uesugi family, you have to be willing to risk your life." Jun Uesugi replied flatly after glancing at Ishikawa Kenho.

While the two were talking, some staff members had already started to clean up the audience. As for Nikaido Laiko, he was dragged back to the preparation room by Nikaidou Tong who blushed with shame.

Soon after the venue was cleaned up, the second commentator came out, and as soon as he appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of countless LSPs.

Otherwise, in 【fate】Shoji Okita's outfit is changed to Sakurai Aoi's body, which is not at all inconsistent.

And compared to Okita Souji, Sakurai Aoi's figure is much more domineering, and the effect of wearing the same clothes Sakurai Aoi is simply explosive.

Heroic, sexy and charming, plus a face that makes people feel very cute, all of which can't attract the attention of the public, so it's a ghost.

You must know that among the retainers of the Uesugi family, Sakurai Aoi is not inferior to Fuji Seiko in terms of appearance. With the addition of body, it can be said that Sakurai Aoi is the one with the highest comprehensive score.

According to the evaluation criteria, the few people who participated in the official member evaluation, except for the Spirit Swordsman, should have fought with wild animals.

But when Aoi Sakurai went back to normal, the ones who came out of the passage opened on the opposite side were not animals.

but a person!

A samurai with a bloody sarcoma on his head and a samurai sword.

Jun Uesugi is no stranger to this thing. When Sanzuhe and Hiroshi were involved in trouble, there were quite a few of them. They were called Type D by the Emergency Disaster Countermeasure Office of the Ministry of the Environment, and the thing on the head of the samurai was called a monster.

And the corpses controlled by sprites are much stronger than ordinary D-type undead mummy.

The most important thing is, whether it is a D-type undead or a D-type elite sprite, an attack that does not contain spiritual power can never kill the opponent.

"President Ishikawa, what's going on?" Uesugi Jun immediately asked Ishikawa Jianhao after seeing what appeared.

"Other forces want to see how powerful ordinary people are after practicing the breathing method to a certain extent, but you don't have to worry, they will only investigate the next few members of the Uesugi family, and will not target you. "Ishikawa Jianhao said with a helpless expression.

Taking a deep breath, Uesugi Jun didn't speak again, because the old emperor's madness may have fulfilled those old immortals' intentions.

But this matter won't just pass like this, some things can't be done once, and can be repeated again and again, it's just courting death!
"Xiao Aoi, don't use flower work, just settle the battle with one blow!" Jun Uesugi gave an order to Sakurai Aoi directly through the group.

"I understand, Patriarch!" Sakurai Aoi answered in the group, and directly pulled out the knife in her left hand, threw the scabbard aside, and then took a deep breath.

In the next second, Sakurai Aoi's clothes began to automatically move without wind, and in the next second, Sakurai Aoi leaned forward and slightly bowed, and her legs began to accumulate strength.

Accompanied by the moment of exhaling, Sakurai Aoi's body instantly spanned a distance of several meters and came to the sprite warrior.

Holding the saber in both hands, she put out the upper frame in an instant, and she had already lifted the green solar saber high, and then slashed it down fiercely.

Yes, after Uesugi Jun gave the order, Sakurai Aoi didn't use any sword shape at all, just gathered the spiritual power of the wind attribute with the help of the breath of the wind, and then used the slashing of the swordsman state to attack the D-shaped sprite splinters.

Facing Sakurai Aoi's surprise attack, the samurai controlled by sprites took a blocking position in an instant.

And this is a somewhat subversive existence in the D-type. After all, even the elites controlled by the sprites in the D-type only have the instinct to kill life. It seems that this will block, at least Uesugi Jun has never seen it.

But after Uesugi Jun looked around, he found that there was an exorcist not far away, and at this moment, there was a mark on his hands that Uesugi Jun had never seen before.

Remote control, so it is like this!
But no use!

In the face of absolute power, all resistance is futile!
Yes, facing a swordsman who has already entered the iron-slaying realm, even if the body of the warrior controlled by the sprite has opened the body restrictions, even if the strength of one hand is terrifying, it is still useless.

Because that ordinary samurai sword can't block the sword hero's slash!
Just as Uesugi Jun imagined, in the next second, Sakurai Aoi's Japanese sword easily cut off the katana in the hands of the sprite warrior, and by the way, the sprite warrior temporarily controlled by a demon extermination master was directly chopped into pieces. two halves.

After being slashed so fiercely, the sprites were turned into fly ash the moment they were cut open, leaving only the corpse of a samurai who had been dead for an unknown amount of time and split into two halves.

The whole scene suddenly exploded!

"So strong, really strong!"

"Extremely strong, absolutely beautiful!"

"Indeed, this is better than the last one, not by a little bit!"

"That samurai sword was cut off directly!"

"That means the knife in that woman's hand is quite strong and sharp!"

"Yeah, that knife doesn't have the slightest curl, it's incredible!"

"Asshole, you brought a telescope and didn't tell me in advance."

"Idiot, isn't this obvious! How can you see clearly without a telescope!"

"Are you sure you are reading the review? Why did I see your expression was so obscene just now?"

"Bastard, who are you calling wretched? You're still talking nonsense when you're old."

In the distance, the swordsman will be preparing for a discussion with the official members, and Jun Uesugi has no time to listen.

Because at this moment Ishikawa Jianhao and several core members have surrounded him.

"Uesugi-kun, tell me the truth, how many sword masters does the Uesugi family have?" Ishikawa Jianhao couldn't help asking.

"President, I just joined the Jianhao Association not long ago. I don't know what a Jianhao is, so I can't answer you!" Uesugi Jun expressed his previous dissatisfaction with an obvious attitude.

Ishikawa Jianhao didn't expect Uesugi Jun to give himself a slap in the face at this moment with so many people.

But Ishikawa Jianhao really couldn't say anything, because he compromised too much today.

In the first place, it was because he was greedy for the breathing method and didn't open his mouth to see the situation, and because he felt that he didn't have to care about Uesugi Jun's thoughts because he had the breathing method, so he didn't reject the suggestions made by several other forces.

But Jianhao will do whatever he wants when there are no outsiders around, even if it is a direct stage of a life-and-death fight, it is okay at certain times.

But when there are outsiders, Jianhaohui has always been consistent with the outside world, otherwise Jianhaohui would not be able to make it to where it is today.

The ignorant arrogant boy!

Yes, this is what Kengo Ishikawa said to Jun Uesugi at the moment.

I really thought that I could hug the emperor's lap with a little money, young man, if the emperor could get in touch with me with a little money, the emperor wouldn't be so superior.

The money you spent before was just to settle the matter this time, that's all.

It's still a long time, let's wait and see.

Swordsmen are all extremely individual, since Uesugi Jun doesn't give Ishikawa Jianhao face, Ishikawa Jianhao will naturally ignore Uesugi Jun.

Then the review continues!

This time it is the turn of Natsumi Tsujimoto, who is also hot, with black silk, short skirt, and kimono with broken sleeves. If there is no tights inside to block the skin below the neck, I am afraid that the eyes on the stage will be sucked in. It went into the deep gully between the skirts.

"Jun-kun, what the hell is going on? What is that jumping thing?" Kobayakawa Miyuki asked with a frown after seeing Tsujimoto Natsumi's opponent.

Because the opponent Natsumi Tsujimoto faced was a level higher than that of Aoi Sakurai!
Yes, what came out this time was not a D-type, or even a strange kind of spiritual disaster that appeared in Tokyo, but a zombie from the big country next door.

Miyuki Kobayakawa expressed her understanding that she didn't know the zombie Uesugi Jun, because before she got superpowers, the girl was most afraid of ghosts, so she never watched movies about this.

"If you read correctly, it should be a green zombie from the big country next door!" Atsushi Uesugi reminded Tsujimoto Natsumi in the group.

"Master Patriarch, what is Green Zombie?" Teng Seiko didn't know much about the supernatural species in the big country next door.

"In the big country next door, if a person dies, if the corpse changes, it will turn into the original purple zombie. This thing's body is lavender, and it cannot move freely. It belongs to the incomplete form of a zombie. After a period of time, after absorbing enough energy or blood , it will turn white. This kind of zombie is easy to deal with. It moves slowly, is afraid of light, fire, water, chickens, dogs, and even people.

But after passing through the white stage, the body surface will turn into the current miserable green, and at this stage, the threat of this kind of alien will be greatly increased, not only jumping extremely fast, but also not afraid of people, not afraid of domestic animals, only Afraid of the sun, then bloodthirsty, and the body is also very tough.Fortunately, it was Xia Shi who was on the stage, and someone with a non-fire attribute was replaced. I guess you will have to use the explosive talisman I prepared. "

Uesugi Jun is not worried about Tsujimoto Natsumi. It can be said that among the retainers, her strength can be ranked among the top three.

"My lord, can I play slowly with this zombie, I feel very resistant to beating." Natsumi Tsujimoto saw that the zombie who jumped at him didn't even draw his knife, and at this moment he was still thinking about sending messages in the group Woolen cloth.

"It's up to you!" Uesugi Jun replied lightly.

"Thank you, Master Patriarch, then I will go!"

After speaking, looking at the green zombie who had opened his mouth in front of him, Natsumi Tsujimoto suddenly got a short body, and the knife in his left hand has been handed over to his right hand at this moment. Facing the green stiff abdomen, he directly pushed it up.

"Stupid woman, zombies are not the sprites before, you will..." before a certain onmyoji finished speaking, he saw that the green zombie who jumped over seemed to have encountered some kind of huge force, and his body involuntarily flew backwards go out.

At this moment, someone could clearly see that there was already an obvious depression in Lvzhi's abdomen, the shape just fit the handle of the knife in Natsumi Tsujimoto's hand.

So it can't be other species wearing human skin.

Or is it an orc that has been transformed into a beast?

However, it seems that I have never received any contact between Jun Uesugi and the Yadou Administration Bureau.

But if you haven't experienced animal transformation, how did you get your inhuman power?

You must know that this woman is not facing a D-type, but a zombie who dominates with physical strength and strength!

A certain onmyoji feels that his cognition has been subverted at this moment.

Although there is no sanity, the green zombie clearly exudes anger.

"It's really resistant to beating! If it doesn't smell so bad, it should be pretty good to tie it up and leave it at home as a punching target." Tsujimoto Natsumi looked at the green zombie who had just been knocked out, and then jumped back and said to himself commented.

But she didn't know that many people in the stands could hear her talking to herself even if she was far away.

This child's brain circuit is a bit strange!
Yes, many people are thinking like this in their hearts at the moment.

However, there is no trace of modification on this body. How did Uesugi Qing's family train it? This power is much stronger than many superhumans.

Under the stage, seeing the green jerk jumping towards him again, Natsumi Tsujimoto subconsciously wanted to kick this thing that smelled bad when it came close.

But Natsu Tsujimoto held back before moving her legs, because she didn't want to get a stench on her legs that probably couldn't be washed off even after washing.

Pulling out the knife, Tsujimoto Natsumi did not approach, but backed away for a distance.

Then he took a deep breath, and his legs instantly charged up.

The people present at the scene didn't understand the meaning of this move for a while, but Uesugi Jun understood it. Putting the distance away is simply to inhale the smell of corpses when you don't want to breathe, and it's not a necessary preparation.

This means that Tsujimoto Natsumi doesn't intend to play anymore. After all, she didn't know that this thing stinks to death when she said it before. Now she just wants to solve the battle quickly.

In the next second, a flame was generated out of thin air, and Natsumi Tsujimoto's feet exploded in flames. With the help of this thrust, his whole body rushed forward at high speed, and the red sun-knife with spiritual flames came into contact with the green stiff chest in the next second.

After a puff, Natsumi Tsujimoto's body appeared behind Lu Zang.

Then a scorched black line appeared on the surface of the green zombie, and as the scorched black line spread towards both ends, the green zombie's left arm, chest and half of its head fell off with the appearance of a scorched incision.

Breath of Flame · One Type · Shiranui!

"What a brutal slash!"

"What a sassy advance!"

"Is this the power brought by breathing!"

Yes, at this moment, some official members have heard the news from the core members.

"What is breathing?"

"You will know when you should know!"

"The women of the Uesugi family can't be provoked!"

"Yeah, apart from the first three, the next two will have terrifying power, and their methods are extremely brutal!"

"One is divided into two halves, and the other is divided into two halves obliquely. It seems that there were rumors that there were ruthless people in the special disaster countermeasures class of the Metropolitan Police Department. It's not a casual talk."

"Remember the Ginza Incident. I heard that the Special Disaster Countermeasures Division killed at least a thousand troops in just half an hour."

"Hiss, no wonder there is such a murderous nature. I had some ideas at first, but now I don't dare to think about anything."

"Isn't it because you want your son to marry these women?"

"Hmph, I can only think about it. Will people like you?"

"The head of the family is a core member. Except for the first two girls who are reserve members, the others who showed up this time are full members, and there are even three spirit warriors who are core complements! You can be promoted to core members only after you contribute enough."

"Aren't core members required to be at the level of a swordsman?"

"Do you think that these two women just now are not considered sword masters?"


"Hey, doesn't that mean that when these girls are promoted to core members, the Swordsman Club will trust Uesugi in the future?"

"Hush, keep your voice down, it's basically a matter of time. After all, the most famous Uesugi family is not the Patriarch Jun Uesugi, but the Patriarch's wife Miyuki Kobayakawa who has the title of Master. I heard that even a broken limb can be reborn come out."

"real or fake?"

"The Ministry of the Environment's secret department, the Emergency Disaster Countermeasures Office, have you heard of it?"

"Of course, I'm also a member of the Swordsman Club, so how could I not know about the Super Disaster Countermeasure Room?"

"Then do you know that the new room chief was a disabled person before?"

"I haven't heard of it."

 Thanks for the monthly support of the book friends of the "post-80s reading uncle", there are still 87 votes away from the next update

(End of this chapter)

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