tokyo enforcer

Chapter 235 Ping Na: You bloody barbarians...

Chapter 235 Ping Na, You Bunch of Damn Barbarians
"What did you do to Hamilton?" Seeing her confidant standing there unable to move, Ping Na also became nervous, and it was only at this moment that she remembered that Uesugi Jun was an unknown strong man who could suddenly appear in front of her.

"A little trick, after I finish talking with His Majesty, she will return to normal." Uesugi Jun said unhurriedly.

To deal with a little girl who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, a gold binding technique is enough to make her feel fear.

"It's useless to use her to threaten me." Ping Na shook her head and said.

"Your Majesty, do you think I'm a fool? I will use her to threaten you, which is impossible no matter how you look at it." Uesugi Jun was really speechless at the moment.

"Okay, tell me, what are you going to use to make a deal with me." Ping Na said after forcing herself to calm down.

"Finally looking like a queen." Seeing that Ping Na finally said something, Uesugi Jun nodded in approval.

"You..." Ping Na felt very angry at this moment, but she didn't say anything in the end.

But she, the queen, has not developed any temper since she took the throne. It's not that she doesn't want to, but that she can't do it.

Because after the bloody night, the imperial capital calmed down and invaders ushered in within a few days. She, the empress, is just a puppet now.

Yes, if Uesugi Jun hadn't already controlled the guards at the door when he came, at this moment, American soldiers might have rushed in after hearing Ping Na and Uesugi Jun's dispute.

"Actually, even if I don't make a deal with you, this baron is still safe. After all, His Majesty has approved this document. And I have also reached an agreement with the Temple of Bernag, and I will be on the hill of Arnus later. A temple was built above to enshrine the underworld god." Uesugi Jun said lightly.

"Hadi, the god of the underworld? Have you ever been to the Temple of Bernag to meet the gods?" As a local force, Ping Na is no stranger to gods and envoys.

"Yes." Uesugi Jun nodded.

"In that case, why do you still come here? With that existence supporting you, you still need to come to my place? Do you want to see the empire's jokes?" Ping Na asked a little puzzled, or she didn't believe it. road.

"Of course I hope the empire can recognize the independence of the surrounding area of ​​Arnus Hill." Uesugi Jun said unhurriedly.

"How dare you." Hearing that Jun Uesugi was going to directly dig the flesh of the empire, Ping Na's expression became ferocious.

"Why not? With the current situation of the empire, even if you don't admit it, there's nothing you can do. After all, your majesty is in a state of self-defense. As far as I know, once you agree to marry, when you give birth to an heir, It will only be a matter of time before they are disposed of. And even if you don't agree, there are many people who have the right to inherit in the imperial capital. If you don't agree, someone will agree, right?"

Uesugi Jun came to the emperor one to report on his duties, and the other was to be independent even if he planned to complete it in one step.After all, the current situation is too favorable for Uesugi Jun, and it is also the time when the imperial capital is most likely to compromise.

In this way, there is no need to be controlled by others in terms of status as a courtier of the empire.

After having to compromise once, Uesugi Jun never wanted to experience it again.

"Do you think that I, a queen who is not worthy of the name, can still do what you said?" Ping Na didn't believe that Uesugi Jun didn't know the situation in the imperial capital, and the empire was really powerless to take care of other things, so naturally she had to take advantage of this time. opportunity to request.

"Your Majesty, you don't need to say anything more, as long as you issue a document acknowledging the independence of Barony of Arnus. [Door] I can close it later, and the invaders of the imperial capital, I can also confiscate their weapons. I believe that His Majesty's Knights will not be able to defeat even unarmed ordinary people, right?" Uesugi Jun said.

"Can it really be done?" Ping Na couldn't help asking out of breath.

"Extremely simple!" Uesugi Jun said very easily, after all, this is really not difficult for him.

You must know that there are basically no extraordinary people from the world opposite the [door] in the imperial capital.

Knowing the information about the gods in this world, and that the [door] will be closed sooner or later, Jun Uesugi has reason to believe that as long as those people with extraordinary forces are not stupid, they should know how to view the Farmat continent correctly.

In fact, Jun Uesugi didn't know a little bit, that was since he killed the two teams of the church and the dark council who ran to chase him overwhelmed here.

The other extraordinary forces were shocked for a long time after hearing the news.

Fortunately, Thomas said that after all, the physical body needs to be reincarnated once after reaching the limit. Except for some ancient forces who know his existence, emerging forces basically don't know much about this former Crusade general.

But Dracula is different, that is considered a famous existence in Europa.

After entering the [door], they were killed, and the superpowers who wanted to enter in the future had to hesitate again and again.

There must be those who are not afraid of death, but they are definitely only a minority. In addition, they dare not move within the scope of the temple.

And in the killing frenzy that has been set off in various places, even some extraordinary people have fallen into the killing of unknown forces.

The transcendents who entered the Farmat continent basically did not dare to move around in human gathering places, and more often searched for resources in the wild.

It is also because of this that there are no church and dark council transcendents in the imperial capital.

Otherwise, even if the weapons of American soldiers were confiscated, Ping Na would not be able to easily regain control of the imperial capital.

That is to say, other principalities and kingdoms are basically controlled in this way, otherwise these small countries around them would have risen up long ago by taking advantage of the imperial capital's loss of power.

In fact, it is absolutely possible for Pingna to use the surrounding areas of the Hill of Arnus in exchange for the control of the empire and to save herself from danger.

However, Jun Uesugi's ability to clean up the army that controlled him so easily made Ping Na even more afraid.

Letting such a force become independent and then rise up is definitely drinking poison to quench thirst.

But there is no way, after all, if I don't do this, it is unknown whether I can survive the current test.

"Yes! But I also have conditions!" After much hesitation, Ping Na still agreed.

After all, it's really uncomfortable to be a puppet, especially those damn barbarians who want to marry her. If she couldn't resist, she would have wanted to kill those damn bastards a long time ago.

That's why Uesugi Juncai showed that he could help her regain control, and she couldn't wait to agree, but for the sake of the empire, she couldn't just agree.

"Conditions, please tell me!" Uesugi Jun said.

"I want to form an alliance with your country, and agree not to attack each other until I abdicate!" Pinna stared at Uesugi Jun and said.

"It's okay to form an alliance, but it's okay not to attack each other. Because of my territory, I intend to be neutral forever. So I will not attack other countries, and similarly, I will not help other countries fight." Uesugi Jun took it easy Said.

It's not that Uesugi Jun has no ambitions, but that he can't unify the continent unless there are no gods in this world.

Therefore, things like land do not need to be too big from the beginning, because Jun Uesugi intends to use the model of a commercial capital to make money.

"Very good, I hope you can remember today's words." Although Ping Na was a little surprised by what Uesugi Jun said.

But even if she was lying to herself, Ping Na could feel at ease after hearing this. After all, Jun Uesugi’s power is too strong. A dozen people can create a bloody night in the imperial capital. If such a power builds a country alone, who is not afraid?
"Then please His Majesty issue the document." Uesugi Jun still said calmly.

"Shouldn't Your Excellency be the first to express sincerity?" Ping Na asked with a slight frown.

"Your Majesty, the alliance requires you to first acknowledge the independence of my forces. So I need to see your sincerity first." Uesugi Jun looked at Ping Na and said.

"After the matter is over, will you deal with me as if you dealt with the emperor?" Ping Na stared at Uesugi Jun and asked.

"First of all, you have no choice. After all, I can control you to issue it directly, just like this!" Jun Uesugi said while wiggling his fingers.

And when Uesugi Jun moved his fingers, Ping Na also felt the direct hand moving uncontrollably.

"You" Ping Na is really helpless at this moment.

"I just want you to understand that for a strong person like me, many things that you think are impossible are very simple. The only difference is whether I want to do it or not." Uesugi Jun said unhurriedly.

"Let go of Hamilton, she needs to write the document!" Ping Na completely slumped on the throne.

"No problem!" Uesugi Jun nodded and said.

In the next second, Hamilton immediately felt that the control of his body was back in his hands.

But she didn't dare to provoke Uesugi Jun at the moment, the feeling of losing control just now was too uncomfortable.

After moving his body for a while, Hamilton immediately began to step aside and began to write related documents.

With the coat of arms representing the empire stamped on the red wax, the area around Arnus Hill officially separated from the empire at this moment and became the property of Jun Uesugi.

"As for the alliance, after you have regained your own rights, let's talk about it in detail. I will help you confiscate the other party's weapons now, and then it will be up to you." After finishing speaking, Uesugi Jun disappeared directly into the In situ.

"Your Majesty, we are finally saved!" Hamilton said with hazy eyes.

"Hamilton, go and call Gray here, the counterattack is about to begin!" Ping Na's eyes were full of flames of revenge.

"Okay! I'll go right away!" Hamilton said immediately.

As for whether they can trust Uesugi Jun, the two women did not mention it, because even if Uesugi Jun does not fulfill his promise, they have nothing to do.

But if Uesugi Jun fulfills his promise, this is an opportunity that must not be missed.

Half an hour later, Uesugi Jun appeared in front of Ping Na again.

"The weapons have been confiscated, and now I'm going back to Arnus Hill to close the [door]. You can send people to the Arnus Hill to discuss the alliance after you finish rectifying the imperial capital." After speaking, Uesugi Jun disappeared again.

"Okay, I will definitely send someone there," Ping Na couldn't help but said looking at Uesugi Jun who had disappeared.

After leaving the imperial capital, Uesugi Jun did not appear in Arnus Hill at the first time, but returned to the pupil art space.

At this moment, all the retainers are still in the meeting. After all, although the general framework is easy to settle down, there is also an issue of interest in it.

Everyone here doesn't need to care too much, but except for Uesugi Huangquan who is a loner, the others, friends and relatives, let's not talk about it, they all have family members.

But what is distributed at this moment is the rights of a country, no matter how small the country is, it must have all internal organs.

As the strength of the Uesugi family becomes stronger and stronger, any official is a hot commodity.

And everyone here is also very clear that with the increase in the number of police officers in the family, these people will be his subordinates in the future.

If you want to win over these subordinates, you must have power in your hands.

So the benefits obtained at this moment basically determine the number of teams under him in the future.

At this moment, it may seem that more or less doesn't matter, but after Uesugi Jun returned and announced something he forgot to say before, the eyes of everyone present were different.

"I forgot to say something before, that is, from now on, you are the founding fathers of the family. As a reward for you, I will adjust the income of your subordinates in the future, and transfer half of each net income to your account "This is what Jun Uesugi said to everyone after he came back and took out the independent document signed by Pinna Go Landa.

It means that, after paying half of the rental fee belonging to the main system, the person who will acquire the subsystem later will distribute the remaining half to everyone present.

But it won't be divided equally, whoever leads the subordinates will be divided among them.

The purpose of Uesugi Jun's method is to prevent the later generations from threatening the status of the current ones, which can be regarded as the recognition and protection of the elders, and the other is to concentrate resources to build the strong.

Instead of letting the Uesugi family except for a few talented people who can become strong, everyone else is just an engineer who obtains resources.

When the average strength is faced with an enemy whose number is king, it goes without saying that it will definitely crush the situation.

But when facing an enemy whose quality is king, Uesugi Jun doesn't think that quantitative changes can beat qualitative changes.

Take Uesugi Huangquan who is the strongest among the people present as an example, she can't threaten Uesugi Jun and Uesugi Miyuki even if there are hundreds of thousands of them.

Therefore, there is no need to create this kind of quantitative change at all. It is far better to gather public resources and create a few strong players who can stand on their own.

Moreover, Jun Uesugi no longer intends to make any loans to the people behind him, even the portable space in the novice benefits, Jun Uesugi will cancel, only 500 points of God's vision can be shared.

It's not that Uesugi Jun has become deducted, but that the number of places in the subsequent subsystems will increase by 100%.

The number of this sudden increase may even directly increase from two digits to three, four or even five digits. Once the number of people is too large, the points and funds in the group bank and the portable space of only 100 cubic meters cannot keep up with the sudden increase. Quantity needs.

And people have always been concerned about inequality rather than scarcity. You can't just distribute novice benefits to certain people, because there will be hidden dangers.

In addition, with such a huge number, Jun Uesugi can also use the memory fruit ability to seal it.

But it's too easy to go wrong without adding a seal patch.So Uesugi Jun intends to let them accept the subsystem in a technological way, such as implanting a chip as a cover.

And this part of the people who have not received loans are not as strong as that.

This is why Jun Uesugi hopes that Miyuki Uesugi can complete the bloodline project as soon as possible. At least those who have undergone the initial transformation can guarantee a certain survival rate in the jungle.

Of course, these people can't be counted as full-fledged members of the Uesugi family, they can barely be counted as outsiders, only those who are talented or those who have obtained the seeds of power and stepped into the extraordinary after countless struggles can be counted as official retainers.

People who are not family members naturally do not need to pay a monthly salary.

For the recognition and training given by Jun Uesugi, no one in the room would object, but the distribution of benefits that was almost negotiated before probably has to be overthrown and restarted.

Because power determines the quantity and quality of followers, the more important a department is, the higher the quality of subordinates it can attract is beyond doubt.

And Jun Uesugi doesn't need to worry about these, because he doesn't care about this.

As long as your subordinates don't fight among themselves, it's fine.

"After you come up with a rough plan, I plan to tear down the [door], but I don't plan to build the [boundary gate] yet." Uesugi Jun said unhurriedly.

"Master Patriarch, why is this?" Nikaidou Tong asked.

"There is only one reason, that is, I have reached a critical moment and need to concentrate on cultivation for a period of time. It will be more beneficial for the Uesugi family to return to the Neon family after my strength has improved." Uesugi Jun said bluntly.

The reason Uesugi Jun said this was because his plan was to establish a police kingdom belonging to the Uesugi family on Arnus Hill.

Then use the Police Commission as the largest institution in the country, so that the funds of the foundation can be directly converted into the treasury of the kingdom.

But even so, except for the hill of Arnus, Jun Uesugi did not intend to use the money in the treasury for construction in other places.

With [Jiemen] in hand, there are forces in the modern world who are willing to send money and resources to Jun Uesugi.

In fact, Jun Uesugi originally planned to build it himself, but after thinking about it later, he couldn't do it.

Because if you want to make full use of [Boundary Gate] and develop a kingdom that focuses on commerce, you must introduce many forces from the modern world to settle in.

This is also the reason why Uesugi Jun waited until the eyes were conceived before preparing to build the [Boundary Gate], in order to have absolute suppression power.

In this way, after Jun Uesugi destroys all the factories that immigrated to the mainland of Farmate, the modern commodities that arrive on the continent of Farmate through the [Jiemen] are the only ones.

This continent can become a dumping place for the modern world instead of a production place, and the environment can also be completely free from the influence of modern industry, at most it can become a supply place for food and some raw materials.

The Uesugi Kingdom can naturally become the source of sales of modern goods on the Farmat continent, and the continuous commercial tax can become another source of fixed order points.

In addition, as long as the rise of industry is strangled and the inflow of modern weapons is blocked, this continent will have to wait if it wants to enter the industrial age.

Without a mature industrial system, thermal weapons are not so easy to create.

Even if a small amount is produced occasionally, it doesn't matter. After all, hot weapons need to be mass-produced to form a crushing situation.

And even if the hot weapon is finally developed that day, it doesn't matter.

After all, this continent is more suitable for display devices. Compared with thermal weapons, this thing has not a single advantage.

Although according to Uesugi Jun's monopoly approach, there will definitely be a group of people who want to get more benefits and plan to kill him.

But as long as the strength is enough, everything is not a problem.

After all, [Boundary Gate] is the greatest resource, and those who have mastered [Boundary Gate] can control everything.

As for Uesugi Jun, he only needs to coax Hardy, the god of the underworld, and nothing else is a problem.After all, there is no problem with Hardy, and Atsushi Uesugi is confident that he can solve other problems.

"Master Patriarch, is there anything we need to do during your submerged cultivation?" Nodding, Seiko Teng asked.

"Two things. The first thing is to collect all kinds of data on the land as soon as possible after the people from Arnus Hill leave. The second thing is to conduct a survey of the immigrant areas, and I will take them back later. All the weapons and industrial equipment transported from the opposite side. Also remember to spread the news that the [door] is closed, otherwise I am afraid that those kingdoms will be afraid to fight back." Uesugi Jun said lightly.

"Don't let the industry develop, and" Sera Akemi couldn't help murmuring.

"If you want the Uesugi Kingdom to develop and become the commercial and economic center of the mainland, this must be done." Nikaido Tong is very much in favor of Uesugi Jun's approach.

After all, as long as the industry on this continent cannot quickly pass through the embryonic state with the help of modern world equipment, unless the country is willing to fully support it, it will definitely not develop.

Because Fuji Seiko and his party have confiscated more than half of the wealth in the human strongholds on the mainland in the past few months.

The result is that the nobles of the major kingdoms are now very sad. One is that their wealth has been plundered, and the other is in a semi-colonial situation.

When Jun Uesugi confiscated the hot weapons to suppress the countries, the major kingdoms will definitely be lively again.

You don't need to think about it to know that when the fighting conditions are roughly fair, it is really not difficult for the local forces to defeat the outsiders.

After this consumption is over, it is hard to say how many modern immigrants will be left, but they will definitely flee back to Arnus. This is the original source of population of the Uesugi family.

As for the major kingdoms, after two tosses, let alone expanding outward, it is very difficult to keep their own land.

Because other races that have been suppressed by humans will definitely not miss this opportunity, and this is what Hardy wants to see.

After all, for the gods on this continent, human beings are not darlings. The real darlings have always been the goblins, the only race that the gods personally guided them countless years ago.

 Thank you for the support of the monthly ticket of the "Seckill Tudou" book friends, there are still 23 votes away from the next update

(End of this chapter)

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