tokyo enforcer

Chapter 245 You Rise Too Fast, I Don’t Feel Real...

Chapter 245 You Rise Too Fast, I Have No Sense of Reality. (100 monthly tickets plus more chapters)

After all, Uesugi Jun really almost killed Louis. Although Louis escaped with a certain ring in the end, his courage was shattered by fright.

Therefore, the current Neon Beyond Ordinary World's position for Uesugi Jun is the seventh-level powerhouse, known as the strongest under the gods, especially in Neon without a seventh-level powerhouse, Uesugi Jun is called the strongest It's true to its name.

In fact, regarding Uesugi Jun's rise, let alone the Neon Extraordinary Realm felt abrupt, other major forces also felt the same way.

The most important thing is that Jun Uesugi is too young, and his rise is too fast.

From the beginning of revealing that he had stepped into the extraordinary to form a special disaster countermeasures class, his initial record was to kill Kazuhiro Sanzukawa who was raging in Tokyo with the killing stone.

And this kind of record is not seen by the high-level leaders of the major associations, because the strength of Santuhe and Hong, who rely on the killing stone, is strictly speaking less than the fourth level, so that's it.

But the major forces didn't know about this matter at the beginning. Uesugi Jun really came into the sight of the seven major forces from the [gate] in Ginza. Before the cross-border passage was stable, he could cross the border with a prominent space sense , this strength is slightly eye-catching by the seven major forces.

However, at that time, the seven major associations looked at it more because Uesugi Jun was brave enough and stupid enough. After all, Uesugi Jun chased to the opposite side of the [door] to save people.

It is also because there are people who have passed through the [gate] before, so the seven major forces think that Uesugi Jun also passed through the [gate] in the same passive way, instead of relying on strength to actively pass through, so it is the sense of smell rather than ability.

It was the battle between Jun Uesugi and Dracula in the special disaster countermeasures class that really made the seven major forces recognize Uesugi Jun’s strength. Although the presidents of the seven major forces saw that Dracula voluntarily evacuated at that time, it was able to make Dracula Taking the initiative to evacuate shows that Uesugi Jun has at least a fourth-level strength. After all, a third-level person can't do a move in front of Dracula.

It wasn't until Uesugi Jun successfully auctioned off the killing stone, and after he was attacked and killed by Bai Difei and joined the Swordsman Club, that the major forces really paid attention to Uesugi Jun.

Then there was a series of things that the swordsman would comment on, so that later on, Uesugi Jun was forced to go to the opposite side of the [door] with righteousness.

Originally, the seven major forces thought that Dracula, Logan, Thomas and Alice would join forces to take down Jun Uesugi 100%. After all, it is no secret that Dracula and Thomas have the summoning crystals of Redsa and Louis. intelligence.

And even if the sixth-level avatar can't exert some of the strength of the main body, it can at least guarantee that the two can survive in the hands of the sixth-level powerhouse, so killing the fifth-level powerhouse is not a problem at all.

But the result was surprising. The four Tier [-] powerhouses entered the game on the same day they entered. One of the members of the two major forces brought over failed to survive, and the avatars of the two Tier [-] masters were completely wiped out.

You must know that the follow-up investigations by Redsa and Louis frightened many forces.

That is to say, Jun Uesugi never showed up, and then the people of Uesugi’s family massacred on the opposite side of the [door] like crazy, especially for the Westerners of America and Europa, which gave Neon’s local supernatural world and the outside world a false impression. That is, Uesugi Jun is very likely to die with Dracula and the others.

Otherwise, Redesa and Louis hadn't calmed down so quickly, which is why Tsuchimikado turned pale with shock after Jun Uesugi came back.

As for why the people from the church and the Dark Council didn't go to the Uesugi family to verify, it wasn't that they didn't want to, but that they couldn't find it after working hard for two months.

At that time, Jun Uesugi knew that the two major forces would definitely want to investigate the facts, so how could he not greet Seiko Fuji and the others and let them hide from the people of the two major forces.

The real reason for the two forces to stop is not that Redsa and Louis believed the illusion and ended the investigation, but that Seiko Fuji and others designed to make Lori and Giselle, one of the famous Twelve Apostles on the Farmat continent, Enmity with the two major forces.

The investigators of the two major factions were killed by Lolita the Grim Reaper and Giselle Berserker so that they dared not easily enter the Falmat Continent, which brought the investigation to an end.

It was no accident that Hardy's invitation letter could be accurately delivered to Uesugi Koizumi, but Uesugi Koizumi was responsible for the design at that time.

So when King Uesugi Jun returned, the presidents of the major forces present at that time did not say a word even in the face of Teng Seiko's presumptuousness, there is a reason for that.

Because in their view, the only one who can eliminate the two sixth-order clones is the sixth-order powerhouse, and when two sides encounter each other, one side is completely wiped out, and the other side returns as the king. In addition to showing that Uesugi Jun is strong enough, he can also What does it mean?

In the back, Uesugi Jun almost killed Louis with two moves, and then looking back, you will find that Uesugi Jun's record is too little.

And there are only a few shots, starting from close to the fourth level, to the fourth level of hard steel Dracula, and then to the fourth level of anti-killing Baidi Feiliu.

Then he exaggeratedly jumped to the suspected sixth level that could eliminate four fourth-level and two sixth-level clones, and half a year later, he almost lost the sixth level with two moves.

This kind of jumping leap is too exaggerated, but Jun Uesugi's fights are all strong players who have been famous for many years, there is no possibility of moisture at all, and such a rise will make people feel very abrupt.

But no matter what, Uesugi Jun almost killed Louis, one of the most important members of the Dark Parliament, and proved that he has the same strength as the chairman of the Dark Parliament.

Neon, which is extremely scarce in the sixth-level powerhouse, can suddenly appear a suspected seventh-level, or treasured space transcendent, so that it cannot be called the strongest, and the neon extraordinary world will probably be laughed at by the outside world.

But to be honest, the rise of Jun Uesugi really made the Neon Paradise and other superpowers in other countries feel less real.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Tuyumen Liufeng, a powerhouse of the fifth rank, to be so stubborn.

To put it bluntly, there are still too few victims in Jun Uesugi's rise.

This is also after Uesugi Jun, who was in his 20s, beat the [-]-[-]-year-old Duke Louis to the public, and it feels more like a joke.

After all, that is the giant of the Dark Council who has ruled the extraordinary world for hundreds of years!

This is the only reason why this matter did not cause a shocking wave in the extraordinary world all over the world. Many people even heard of the name Jun Uesugi for the first time.

Duke Louis was beaten away by an unknown young man, there must be a limit to joking.

Only Louis and Redesa, who were the parties involved, had a deep understanding of Uesugi Jun's strength.

Even representatives from both sides of Buddhism and Taoism felt that it was a bit fake, otherwise how dare they let a little Taoist priest with less than the third rank test Uesugi Jun's attitude.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Atsushi Uesugi, because the truth cannot be faked, and sooner or later the extraordinary worlds of various countries will realize that Nehong has risen to become a powerhouse at the national level.

After negotiating with Emperor Ninchi, Jun Uesugi had to prepare for his fiefdom on the Nihong side.

As for the matter of the Police Commission, Uesugi Jun handed it over to Toshiro Odagiri and Seiko Fuji.

However, Seiko Fuji will not serve on the Police Commission. Her current position is enough and important.

At present, she is first helping Toshiro Odagiri to handle the affairs of the Police Commission, and then she has to focus on the establishment of the Blood Warlock Association. She even handed over the affairs of Arnus to Mikazu Makiko.

The Police Commission has very few functions and responsibilities, so it does not need 5 people like the Public Security Commission.

In fact, apart from Uesugi Jun, who is not in charge of the chairman, the Police Commission has only two members, Toshiro Odagiri and Lao Baiba.

Such a child's play police commission would not have been possible if Neon hadn't been secretly dominating politics by supernatural forces.

Under the Police Commission, it is different from before. The Metropolitan Police Department is directly in charge of all serving police officers.

As for the Police Department, both Seiko Fuji and Toshiro Odagiri felt that hearing this name reminded people of the era when the police were suppressed by the police, so they directly abolished this department.

And now the Metropolitan Police Department is also much less, only the General Affairs Department, the Police Department, the Communications Department and the Criminal Department are left.

After the general framework is finalized, the head of the Metropolitan Police Department in Tokyo will become a police officer with the rank of Ginjiro Toyama. The current Metropolitan Police Department no longer needs the rank of police chief after the restructuring.

The head of the criminal department became Kiyomaga Matsumoto, who was also slapped to the end before, and the other personnel who were slapped to the end were also called back.

Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto were promoted to the police department and became the counselors of the criminal department and the transportation department. Takagi Tsubasa also became the department head of the investigation section [-]. As for Shiratori Rensaburo, he became the investigation section [-] management officer.

But everyone who was implicated because of the Uesugi family received enough generous compensation, only Toshio Mohoshi was thrown to Hokkaido by Toshiro Odagiri, and even so, he already needs to be grateful.

After all, he was also imprisoned before, and the old white horse did not forget him, and Toshiro Odagiri was willing to let him be the chief of the Metropolitan Police Department in a certain area. He really needs to be grateful.

With the finalization of the personnel in Tokyo, Toshiro Odagiri and the old white horse began to discuss candidates for the chief of the Metropolitan Police Department in other regions. After all, this time can be said to be a big change.

After people from many departments were stripped from the Metropolitan Police Department, it is certain that those who originally held important positions in traffic and criminal affairs because of the relationship between Yinyangliao and Jianhaohui will be dismissed or transferred away.

Anyway, there are as many replaceable personnel as you want, as for the police restlessness caused by the splitting of the Police Department, the Metropolitan Police Department issued a document, and then no police officer belonging to the Metropolitan Police Department complained about themselves The work place has suddenly changed from the police station building to the crossing.

As for the content of the document, it is also very simple, that is, Uesugi Jun promised in the name of the chairman of the Police Commission that the work place will be completely resolved before the end of the year, and then please be patient for the time being.

And this kind of patience must be rewarded, and the reward is very simple. The year-end bonus will be issued in advance, and the amount will be the entire annual salary of the current year.

As soon as this document came out, the staff of many departments were immediately shocked by the newly established Police Commission.

However, the year-end award issued by the Police Commission is not a grant from the Ministry of Finance, but a donation from a certain foundation, so it is useless no matter what others call it.

Don't look at Uesugi Junming's position as a police minister, but he dares to insult the face of Emperor Ninchi, how can he use his own money to get others to intervene?

With the financial support of the foundation, it is not a problem at all to solve the police departments and police stations in various regions.

After all, there are plenty of people who are willing to befriend Uesugi Jun, so it is not a problem at all that Uesugi Jun wants a piece of land in the Neon territory.

The rest is just waiting for construction, and the yellow race is the most hard-working race in the world. It is not uncommon to work overtime when the money is in place.

This is also the reason why Uesugi Jun can guarantee that the work place will be settled before the end of the year. It is not difficult to build a building that is half the size of the Modong Office in half a year.

Among them, the fastest completion is estimated to be the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Because Uesugi Jun set the address of the Metropolitan Police Department at the location where the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section was located in Shinagawa Ward.

After being captured by the forces of Yinyangliao half a year ago, the construction has already started, but now it is the turn of the Suzuki family to take over the half-built building, and it can be quickly completed and entered the decoration stage with minor modifications.

As for the former Metropolitan Police Department located at Sakurada Gate, it is left to the Public Security Department which is now under the Public Security Committee.

In fact, the old white horse and even Toshiro Odagiri have mentioned to Seiko Fuji that he should ask Abe to at least bring back the Metropolitan Police Department building.

After all, with Uesugi Jun's name, Odagiri Toshiro and Lao Baima didn't believe that Abe dared to say a word.

"Isn't it enough for you to be dogs for the emperor?" Teng Seiko choked the two of them with a single sentence.

Since stepping into the extraordinary, Fuji Seiko has become more and more venomous.

But what Seiko Fuji said is true. After all, Sakurada Gate is the gate of the Imperial Palace, and the Metropolitan Police Department can indeed be said to be the emperor's watchdog.

Of course, Seiko Fuji's original intention was not to mock Toshiro Odagiri and the old white horse, but to enhance the status of the Metropolitan Police Department, nothing more.

How can two people who can get along so far be fools? Although the words of Teng Shengzi are not pleasant, the meaning inside is positive.

"President, when will our Bloodline Warlock Association be established!" Mai Shinozaki who was on the side couldn't help but sighed and asked.

"What's the rush, the Patriarch has already gone to collect the land. By the way, have you finished the map of the Tokyo Bay that you were asked to collect and the location of the fief?" Fuji Seiko asked after giving Shinozaki Mai a white look.

"It's been prepared a long time ago. The average depth of sea water in the inner bay area of ​​Tokyo Bay is about 30 meters. Any place is very suitable. It's up to the Patriarch to decide." Mai Shinozaki nodded quickly.

"Well, that's good, the Patriarch won't waste much time." Teng Seiko nodded in satisfaction.

If it wasn't for Uesugi Jun's plan to build the Bloodline Warlock Association in the Uesugi family's fiefdom, Fuji Seiko would have already started choosing the location for the station, and there would still be time to talk nonsense with Odagiri Toshiro and the old white horse.

In fact, Jun Uesugi is not in Neon from now on, he is busy going to the mainland of Farmat to solve the problem of the Neon fiefdom.

The main reason for not drawing materials on the earth is that except for the Antarctic, other lands on the earth are basically owned, and international disputes on these lands are basically impossible to escape.

Therefore, within the scope of the earth, the ground part basically does not need to be considered, and the only thing that can be considered is the outer space above the sky.

Ingesting enough meteorites from the asteroid belt can also be regarded as a way, but that is too troublesome and has potential safety hazards. Who knows if there is anything on those asteroids that is harmful to humans.

Therefore, the safest and safest thing is to obtain it from Farmat. After all, Jun Uesugi only needs 100 square kilometers of land, which is not even a drop in the bucket for the Farmat continent.

Let alone the Farmat continent, it is nothing to Arnus owned by Atsushi Uesugi.

You must know that Uesugi Jun's entire territory covers an area of ​​close to 1000 square kilometers, and this is a barony on the mainland of Farmat.

According to Arnus' plan, four roads leading to all directions need to be opened first.

Considering the issue of defense, Miyuki Uesugi felt that these four roads should be turned into waterways instead of landways.

So just by opening up these four waterways, Jun Uesugi can take out enough square kilometers of land.

And these lands are not flat lands, but mountainous lands, with an altitude of about 300 meters.

In addition to the 70 meters to be dug down, and the part that needs to be reserved for the port, Jun Uesugi can take out four mountain cubes with a length of 12 kilometers, a width of 2 kilometers, and a height of about 370 meters.

The average depth of Tokyo Bay is only 30 meters, even if Jun Uesugi intends to use the mosaic method to sink the four mountains directly into Tokyo Bay.

It is believed that it is enough to use earth tunnel to sink the bottom of Tokyo Bay by 20 meters, because artificial island technology will be used to reinforce it in the future. After that, it is only necessary to arrange four lines side by side in the inner bay, and it will be considered a success.

The widest part of the entire Tokyo Bay is only 30 kilometers. If you choose here to remove 12 kilometers at once, leaving 8 kilometers on one side, the construction of this kind of sea-crossing bridge project is not difficult at all.

In this way, Uesugi Jun’s territory can link Tokyo and Chiba, and the Neon’s [Gate of Realm] leading to the Farmat continent is opened here. no.

It is also because of its importance that the Bloodline Warlock Association was established here.

After the preparations are completed here, the building of the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section will be moved back to be used as the headquarters building of the Blood Warlock Association. After all, the supporting facilities of the Special Disaster Countermeasures Section building are the most complete.

Of course, the main reason is that the modern world has fewer variables that threaten security than the Farmat continent.

Yes, at least when Jun Uesugi collected the breath of other worlds and opened the door, if he met a god on the opposite side and didn't talk about martial arts, then Arnus would be in danger.

Therefore, Jun Uesugi can't put the foundation of the Uesugi family in a place where they may encounter danger. On the contrary, it is Tokyo. Even when Jun Uesugi is not around, having Miyuki Uesugi in person is enough to deal with most of the troubles.

As for after Uesugi Jun and Uesugi Miyuki left Arnus, there is no need to worry about [Jiemen] being unoccupied, because Uesugi Jun will be in charge of [Jiemen] and hand it over to the Underworld Temple after returning.

The excuse Uesugi Jun used is also very good, after all, [Boundary Gate] is the source of Hardy's fun, and it is completely reasonable to entrust it to the priest of the Temple of the Underworld.

Of course, as the priest of the Underworld Temple, it is definitely impossible to be the gatekeeper.

In fact, the person in charge must belong to the Uesugi family. Needless to say, the priests are more likely to be on vacation. After all, it is impossible for the priests to do the job of guarding the door. The only thing they can do when they come is to rest.

Moreover, there is still paid rest, and Uesugi Jun has to pay the toll for the Underworld Temple no matter what. The only thing that Uesugi Jun has to pay for is the access qualification purchase fee that each faction pays once.

 Thank you for the support of the monthly tickets of the book friends of "Unknown has been a thousand years. Dream is unreal", "Yellow Spring", "Wanli Yangbo", and there is still 100 votes away from the next update

(End of this chapter)

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