tokyo enforcer

Chapter 268: Omnipotence Only Feels God Needed...

Chapter 268 Omnipotence is the only way to feel God.
"Mr. Guanghui, quickly look outside!" Eri Nakamura shouted at Tianzhi and Guanghui who were a little dazed at the gap made by Uesugi Jun.

Running over quickly, Tianzhi and Guanghui realized for the first time what it means to be strong.

Seeing the attack that created gaps in the sky and directly shattered the envoy into several pieces, Tianzhi and Guanghui suddenly felt that this was the goal they really wanted to pursue.

But outside, after finishing off the female apostle with one blow, Uesugi Jun was not in a hurry to find the God Realm who felt more and more obvious.

In Uesugi Jun's view, the more he wants to provoke himself, the more Axito has ulterior motives.

Uesugi Jun would not be fooled by her. Wouldn't it be nice to find a god to deal with her? Why did he have to break into her domain to take risks by himself.

You must know that in the records of the Farmat Continent, being able to form a domain is the housekeeping skill of the ninth-level demigod.

Compared with having a body, this kind of demigod without a body is even more difficult to solve. Who knows if this guy will suddenly want to change his gender and try a male body? Uesugi Jun will not bet on this possibility What about sex.

So the more this happened, the more Uesugi Jun ignored it.

Directly ignoring Axito's reaction, Uesugi Jun disappeared into midair.

This time Uesugi Jun chose to teleport randomly, and at the moment of moving, Uesugi Jun disappeared.

Uesugi Jun absolutely does not believe that Axito has the ability to find him at any time. If it is in the realm where her body transforms, Uesugi Jun will definitely have nowhere to hide, but she wants to find Uesugi Jun at this moment, but she is searching in a world. , a demigod why?
The most important thing is that Ashto, who has lost her body, can't do without the gods she created, but with the help of the gods she created, her strength is quite limited. Uesugi Jun really doesn't think that this doll that looks like it has come off the assembly line can discover his existence .

Probably because of this, Exhito couldn't even settle the big labyrinth created by the fucking rebels (liberators).

Of course, it is also possible that she kept these big mazes on purpose, hoping that someone with enough talent would pass the test of the big maze to challenge her.

If it is the latter, then there is only one reason. Only people or demons who have passed the test of the seven labyrinths are eligible to become her new body.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Uesugi Jun, so no matter what is behind the matter, it doesn't matter to Uesugi Jun.

At the moment, he is busy searching for information about the Seven Great Labyrinths in the human royal city not too far from the sacred mountain.

Obviously, among the seven mazes, the one that is widely known to humans in this world is the Olux Labyrinth occupied by the kingdom. Of course, the names of other great mazes are also circulated among humans, but only a very small number of them explore the specific locations. Only those who have lived will know.

After collecting the information, Uesugi Jun went straight to the Olux Labyrinth. After entering the maze, Uesugi Jun went straight to the fifth floor of No.60 where Nagumoji fell in the original book, and then directly faced the dark abyss. Jump down.

Judging from the fact that Nagumo didn't find a way out after becoming stronger at the bottom, this is probably the only entrance to the bottom.

If he continued to attack the maze, he might not be able to reach the bottom of the maze. Otherwise, Nagumo would not be able to find a way up, and would be forced to continue down.

All the way down, Uesugi Jun saw the ground after maintaining the falling state for almost 2 minutes.

I have to say that it is really a miracle that Nagumo didn't die after falling directly from above.

As for why the miracle happened, I'm afraid it can only be attributed to the aura of the protagonist.

After all, no matter how Uesugi Jun looked at it, he couldn't find a reason why he could survive. You must know that the bottom is at least one kilometer away from the 65th floor.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Jun Uesugi, and Nan Yunshi has no chance to enjoy this free fall.

After reaching the bottom, Uesugi Jun began to look for the god crystal directly.

Unlike Hajime Nagumo's accidental collision, when the range is locked, it is too simple for Jun Uesugi to find an item full of magic power.

Following the perception of magic power, Uesugi Jun glanced around and then used his sight to determine the location. After all, the place where this god crystal was born is not too deep.

The body sank below the ground, and when Uesugi Jun emerged from the ground again, the divine crystal had already been obtained.

I looked at the price of the god crystal in the system mall, and it was only a billion order points if it was not high.

When this feeling occurred, Jun Uesugi couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Once upon a time, I had to think twice about items with hundreds of thousands of order points. I didn't expect that now hundreds of millions are not in my eyes.

The main reason is that the harvest has been too great recently. After all, one channel is 50 billion order points, otherwise it would be impossible for Atsushi Uesugi to expand.

"Miyuki, look at what I sent you." Jun Uesugi sent the crystal of God to Miyuki Uesugi through his portable space.

"Is there anything special about this magical ore?" Uesugi Miyuki asked Uesugi Jun. After all, she didn't have time to read the introduction in the system mall at the moment.

Then Uesugi Jun gave his daughter-in-law a popular science about the effect of Shenshui produced by the crystal of the gods in the original book.

"If there is such an effect, it would be great, but the energy concentration on the earth's side may not be able to meet the conditions for divine water to be produced by divine crystals. You don't mean that, Jun-kun," Miyuki Uesugi said after pondering for a moment.

"That's the one that won't!" Uesugi Jun replied very definitely.

"One billion points, is it really good to waste it like this?" Uesugi Miyuki couldn't help but feel a little distressed, because Uesugi Jun meant to let Uesugi Miyuki use the devouring power to devour it.

Let's see if Miyuki Uesugi can get the same ability. If he can succeed, relying on people to collect magic power is much more efficient than the ore itself.

It doesn't matter if you fail, at best you are buying a piece.

"This kind of attempt is worthwhile. After all, if the effect of Shenshui can eliminate the problem of repulsion between blood vessels, it can be regarded as a super fusion agent in a sense. Of course, before devouring it, you must first actually evaluate it. What is the effect of the Shenshui sent to you? After all, the world is different, and the effect that can be achieved in this world may not be exactly the same on the other side of the earth."

After Uesugi Jun finished speaking, Uesugi Miyuki replied directly: "I understand, I will tell you the result after testing the Shenshui."

"Okay!" After Uesugi Jun finished speaking, he was not chatting with his wife, but continued to go deep into the bottom of the Olux Labyrinth.

After all, the crystallization of gods is not the purpose of this trip, but the special magic of the age of gods in this world.

As for the golden vampire in the fiftieth floor of Naraku Hell, Uesugi Jun gave up his plan to release her after thinking about it.

After all, this person in the original book is Exhito's most satisfying possession container. In addition, Uesugi Jun is not Nan Yunshi, and he has no intention of giving his blood to anyone, even if this little blood will not have any effect on Uesugi Jun.

As for the golden princess of the vampire family, let her continue to wait for someone who is destined.

All the way down, Uesugi Jun reached the end of the maze after going through a hundred floors.

Although Atsushi Uesugi didn't do anything all the way, the bloodline products in the system mall were a bumper harvest.

160 After the fifth floor, at least two hundred bloodlines of monsters have been added. It should be worthy of the Olux Labyrinth with the most abundant types of monsters.

After scanning the blood of the six-headed snake in the final level, Jun Uesugi was directly teleported into the safe area where the rebels were.

Then all the research of Oscar Olux, the master of the Olux Labyrinth, was sent to Miyuki Uesugi, and these researches were much more attractive to Miyuki Uesugi.

After pouring it into his brain through the magic circle, Jun Uesugi obtained the generative magic, one of the seven magics of the age of gods.

It wasn't until after obtaining this magic that Jun Uesugi realized that the magic of the Age of Gods in this world also has its unique features.

According to the instilled knowledge, the generative magic that Jun Uesugi obtained at this moment is the magic that endows minerals with magic.

But this is only the surface, and deeper excavations can be carried out. After Uesugi Jun conducted the test, he found that all inorganic substances can interfere.

And this interference does not simply perform magic granting, or shape changes, and even the structure of inorganic objects themselves can change. Simply put, this is the legendary magic touch.

Of course, to change the material structure itself, the mana needed to be consumed is not low, but once it is successfully cast, it is real.

After understanding this, Uesugi Jun's eyes were shining, because the other magic corresponding to the generation magic meant that it interfered with the organic matter.

That is to say, once Miyuki Uesugi has mastered the magic of Age of Gods, the success rate that has been troubling Uesugi Miyuki before will no longer be a difficulty from now on.

And there is another most important point, that is, about the interference of will, generative magic has this aspect, and it is impossible to become magic without it.

That is to say, it is entirely possible to master this magic in depth and turn ordinary people into female apostles similar to those sent by Exito through this magic.

Taking a look at the price of Generating Magic in the system mall, it is as expected high.

And there is no so-called level of entry, proficiency, etc., it is directly the complete mastery of the brutal [-] million.

But the higher the value, the more worth collecting.

After all, magic that can interfere with basic rules is indeed worth the price.

After understanding the value of magic in the Age of Gods, Jun Uesugi became more motivated.

In the next two months, Jun Uesugi traveled all over the world, turning magic from the Great Maze of Shuni Snowfield over the Demon Race, the sublimation magic of Hartri's Great Labyrinth, and the soul of the Great Labyrinth of Baan. The magic, the regeneration magic of the Great Labyrinth of Merugine, and the space magic of the Great Labyrinth of Grunn have been collected.

The transformation magic here is just as Uesugi Jun expected, it is magic that interferes with the original substance of living things.

And after Uesugi Miyuki spent [-] million order points and fully mastered this magic, Uesugi Miyuki officially announced to Uesugi Jun that the non-divine bloodline will no longer bother her from now on.

As for the divine crystal, it escaped the fate of being devoured by Uesugi Miyuki because it became magic, and was instead left by Uesugi Jun to produce Shenshui.

You must know that the main function of Shenshui is to treat the negative abnormal state of the target, such as injuries, and even some alienation and curses that cause the body to be treated.

Then, according to the records collected by Uesugi Jun, the divine crystal is called the highest-level secret treasure in history, and is sometimes considered to be a mineral that only exists in legends.

If the Shenshui produced by it is taken by ordinary people all the time, it can achieve longevity. Although there is no specific record of this lifespan, it is recorded that in the Age of Gods, it was called the elixir of immortality and the elixir of immortality.

Although this thing is not very useful to the Uesugi family, with the use of magic, Uesugi Miyuki can give any retainer a perfect blood transformation.

And with the blood of higher creatures, lifespan is really not a problem. Of course, there is another point that this is a product of a low-level world, and its effectiveness will be reduced in a high-level world.

But it is true that long-term use can make ordinary people live longer, and it can be used as a family reward. After all, people always have relatives and friends, right?

And among the family members, not everyone can enjoy Uesugi Miyuki's transformation of the body with most of the magic power and the blood of higher creatures.

Some peripheral members of the family who have only received low-level bloodline transformation still have a need for this.

It was precisely because of this that Uesugi Jun kept it.

Of course, the crystallization of the gods can only be regarded as the general harvest of this trip to another world. The minimum harvest is the bloodlines obtained in the Olux Labyrinth, and the greatest harvest is the magic of the Age of Gods.

The most helpful thing for Jun Uesugi here is regeneration magic and space magic. Regeneration magic interferes with time, and space magic interferes with the realm, so that Uesugi Jun has a deeper understanding of the rules collectively referred to as time and space.

Especially the space magic that interferes with the realm. Uesugi Jun believes that this thing can even be used to open up the world after a thorough understanding.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the Kuangkuang Emperor's spirit crystal skills are wasted. In fact, there is not much overlap between space magic and Kuangkuang Emperor's spirit crystal skills.

Space magic goes farther and deeper than this, and then gives Uesugi Jun a deeper understanding of space, allowing Uesugi Jun to use the skills of Kuangkuangdi more freely.

What the regenerative magic gave Uesugi Jun is the deep understanding and flexible use of Kekedi. Why did Uesugi Jun basically not use Kekedi's ability before he made a move.

It's just one reason for being a hole card, and the bigger reason is because Emperor Keke's use is not as handy as the skills of Emperor Kuangkuang.

After all, Uesugi Jun's pupil technique has its own space attribute, so it is much easier to master the skills of Kuangkuangdi.

But in terms of time skills, Uesugi Jun only has the twelve-shot ability of Kekedi, and the time skills are really not so easy to control, so Uesugi Jun will need lead time to use it.

And this lead time means a flaw in Uesugi Jun's view, so Uesugi Jun uses it as a hole card, and never uses it unless it is a last resort.

But at this moment, after obtaining the regeneration magic and having a deeper understanding of time, Uesugi Jun no longer needs the skill lead time to use Kekedi's skills.

For example, the future vision of the fifth bullet skill, Uesugi Jun can be activated anytime, anywhere, and compared with the previous one that can only see the short time of ten or so seconds, now Uesugi Jun can see the picture a few minutes later.

And this is great progress, and after obtaining the non-material soul magic that interferes with creatures and the sublimation magic that interferes with the information of existing objects, Jun Uesugi even has the feeling of omnipotence that he is a god.

After all, soul magic can interfere with the magic power, heat, bioelectricity and other energies in the living body, as well as consciousness, thinking, memory, longing, etc., and sublimation magic can read and interfere with the information of all existing objects.

In other words, a creature whose strength is no more than Jun Uesugi, or simply a human being in front of Jun Uesugi, will no longer have any secrets about him in the sight of Jun Uesugi.

Even his birth, old age, sickness and death are all in the mind of Uesugi Jun, who can interfere with the body in various ways. He can change into whatever state Uesugi Jun wants this person to be, according to Uesugi Jun's mood.

Having reached the level of omnipotence at the level of words, how could Uesugi Jun not have the illusory feeling that he is also a god.

If it is really like Axito who does not have enough knowledge, Uesugi Junzhen will call himself a god at this moment. After all, Axito's law of law is not lacking in the mall.

The reason why Jun Uesugi didn't buy it was because the law technique is only suitable for pretending to be aggressive, and it is not suitable for fighting between high-level powerhouses. After all, it takes time to speak.

But if you perform the Silent Law Technique without speaking, the people who are recruited will not be able to understand what you have done except for fear, so there is no effect of pretending at all.

And after understanding the six great age-of-the-gods magics obtained, Uesugi Jun felt that he could use the effect of the law technique.

After all, after all kinds of interference can be performed on the human body, the only difference between the magic of the Age of Gods and the law of law is to tell the target of the trick that you have been tricked, and that's all.

Still the same sentence, among the high-ranking powerhouses, the skill of speaking can launch several times or even dozens of hundreds of attacks, and fools will use the law technique to be beaten up by others.

Moreover, Uesugi Jun has seen a lot of the world after all, and even met the gods and god clones several times, so he naturally understands the gap between the extraordinary and the gods.

If Uesugi Jun hadn't opened the passage to this world with the divine legacy, maybe Uesugi Junzhen would have taken this world down in the name of God. After all, how could a man not have the heart to rule the world.

But now he won't, after all, he doesn't want to be ridiculed by Hardy, or let Hardy feel that Jun Uesugi's behavior is blasphemy.

This is also the reason why Uesugi Jun has the confidence to fool a god to kill Aixito. Of course, he is already quite sure that he can kill Aixito now.

But there is no need to do this personally, and it is still facing a demigod who does not know how long he has lived. It will not be a big mistake to be cautious.

With this in mind, Uesugi Jun came to the last maze, the entrance of the Leysen Great Maze.

The reason why I came here at the end is mainly because this is the only maze among the seven mazes whose master has not died yet.

Yes, as the master of the Great Labyrinth of Raisen, the rebel Milidie Raisen is still alive today.

Because of this, Uesugi Jun chose to come to this maze at the end.

The Age of Gods magic mastered by Milidy Raison is gravity magic. As for whether this magic interferes with only gravity or other things, Uesugi Jun will not know until he succeeds.

 Thanks to the two book friends 'Yeyue メ Tong' and 'Tsundere Sickness' for their monthly support, there is still 25 votes left before the next update

(End of this chapter)

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