tokyo enforcer

Chapter 278 I*&%¥#%#...

Chapter 278 I&%¥#%#
"Okay. Jun Uesugi, this surname is very special, I seem to have heard it somewhere." Helmut 37th interrupted other people who wanted to speak, and couldn't help asking with a frown.

"Your Majesty, it is the surname of Ruihui Principality in the Holy Empire of Akat in the north." A minister said in line.

"So it's the surname of the Principality of Ruihui, so why does he appear in the kingdom?" Helmut 37th asked everyone present.

"It's like this." Klimt took out the set of rhetoric made up by Jun Uesugi.

After all, it is not incomprehensible to be cut off from noble status and hunted down by such an inexplicable curse.

"Hmph, it's really ignorant for a cursed person to brazenly ask His Majesty for a title." Secretary Edgar said disdainfully.

"Your Majesty, he said that if His Majesty can fulfill his wish, he would be happy to help His Majesty get rid of his long-standing heart disease." Klimt's words at this moment are not as casual as Uesugi Jun.

"Heart disease? Could it be?" Helmut 37th's eyes immediately changed when he heard this.

"It's the Parkenya Grassland!" Klimt replied.

"Klimt, answer me, is he strong?" Helmut 37th asked seriously at the moment.

"Your Majesty, unfortunately, I can't perceive the depth of Jun Uesugi's magic power, so there are only two answers, either this person does not have magic power, or this person has magic power far beyond me. And the one who can take out a huge golem Magician, no matter how you look at it, it’s probably the latter.” Klimt replied honestly.

"Okay, very good! In order to commend Jun Uesugi for taking out the huge ancient golem from the ruins without fear of hardships, he is now given the title of the seventh knight knight. If he can solve the development problem of the Parkenya grassland, I will definitely not be stingy with rewards." Helmut 37th didn't care about other people's thoughts at all, and said directly.

Originally Uesugi Jun’s request was not difficult for Helmut 37th. If what Uesugi Jun asked for was a landed nobleman, then there must be no drama, but it is just a robed nobleman without a land, then it is very simple up.

After all, a huge golem is worth the price, and Helmut 37 would agree to buy a horse bone for a thousand dollars.

Because the nobility in robes is still the title of knight, the annuity paid by the kingdom every year is probably a drop in the bucket compared to the value of the giant golem.

Even if this is not rewarded with a title, someone who gets something good in the future will not think about paying tribute to the kingdom in order to obtain noble status.

Some passages cannot be completely blocked, even if there is only hope that can be encountered but cannot be sought, such an ascending passage must be reserved.

The golem is already a heavyweight bargaining chip, and with Jun Uesugi's promise, Helmut 37 naturally doesn't have to think about it.

After all, if you want to develop the Palkenya Grassland, you have to kill the old ground dragon first. If no one has been partnered with Klimt before, he would have made a move a long time ago.

Because less powerful magicians can't hold the dragon's breath, some people who are more powerful are not willing to participate in this matter, or they have conditions, such as wanting to share a fief that Helmut 37 did not want to take out.

That's why this matter has been delayed until now, and in the original book, the matter in the Parkenya Grassland was not resolved until the male protagonist grew up.

This is also the reason why Helmut 37th does not discuss with other people at this moment and is arbitrary. You must know that the royal family wanted to develop the Parkenya Grassland as early as 200 years ago.

After Helmut 37 finished speaking, the repulsive force surrounding Jun Uesugi began to dissipate outside the palace.

But before Uesugi Jun had time to be happy, a mysterious feeling appeared in his heart.

This feeling tells Jun Uesugi that he is now sheltered by the fate of the Kingdom of Helmut.

Here is a key point, the Kingdom of Helmut.

This means that if Helmut 37 revokes Atsushi Uesugi's aristocratic status, he may immediately return to his previous state.

This cheating world is really beeping!
It was really the first time for Jun Uesugi to encounter such a troublesome world.

Alas, if I knew it earlier, I would have given up this cheating world to Mori Kogoro.


In other words, Uesugi Jun's plan to rely on the absolute power he possessed in this world to seize the kingdom fell through before it even started.

After all, if the Kingdom of Helmut is captured, is it still the Kingdom of Helmut?

Since there are so many bullshit rules in this world, Jun Uesugi doesn’t intend to focus on this world. He just needs to take root and leave it to his retainers to work hard. He can also take this opportunity to exercise Click on them.

But if the Uesugi family wants to take root, they can only find a way to acquire a territory.

As for how to obtain the territory, it is actually not difficult.

Although the territories on land are basically owned, and Helmut 37, the territory belonging to the royal family, is unwilling to give it to anyone, but there are still overseas!
Although the map of the Kingdom of Helmut has basic surveying and mapping of overseas islands, in fact overseas are unclaimed lands, and many islands full of monsters are waiting for someone to develop.

As long as someone leads people to take root there, according to the development law of this kingdom, that piece of territory will belong to the person who pioneered.

Of course, the most important thing for Jun Uesugi at the moment is not this, but to use soul magic to interfere with the people around him and make them forget the curse about disgust just now.

Otherwise, it’s not good to waste all your previous efforts. It’s a bad thing to say that the world’s repulsive power is also complemented. At least let Uesugi Jun avoid one thing he didn’t want to do.

After a while, Klimt came out of the palace.

Needless to say, Uesugi Jun knew that it must be good news, but Uesugi Jun didn't know what rank of title it was.

"Your Majesty has granted you the seventh-class knighthood!" Klimt said to Jun Uesugi after he came out.

"Well, it's good to be able to obtain noble status." Uesugi Jun nodded and said.

"Then it's okay to go to the Parkenya Grassland tomorrow morning?" Klimt continued to ask briefly.

"Of course, do we still meet here?" Jun Uesugi asked.

"Well, here it is." Klimt continued to answer.

"Okay, see you tomorrow morning." After saying that, Uesugi Jun disappeared in front of Klimt.

The main reason is that Atsushi Uesugi was afraid to continue talking, and it would be cheating for Klimt to think of adding a ritual.

Seeing Jun Uesugi disappear without warning, Klimt's pupils shrank slightly.

Sure enough, this man was stronger than he imagined.

But what Klimt thinks at the moment is no longer important to Junlai Uesugi.

After leaving the palace, he went straight to the Palkenya Grassland after walking around the palace.

Without the constraints of repulsive power, let alone a Parkenya grassland, no matter how many monsters there are, in Uesugi Jun's view, they are just a dish.

Through the magic of the Age of Gods, Jun Uesugi quickly collected information about the Palkenya Grassland.

Then people directly entered the grassland, and the first stop must be the old earth dragon Gured Gulando who is entrenched here.

To deal with such an intermediate dragon, Uesugi Jun chose to kill it.

The main reason is that the old ground dragon has to be used as evidence of merit, and it can be sold for money by the way.

As for the monsters entrenched on this grassland, Uesugi Junke didn't have to worry about it.

After chopping off the old Dilong's head with a single knife, Uesugi Jun felt that the monsters on the entire grassland began to go berserk.

However, this was nothing to Uesugi Jun. He directly gathered all the monsters near the lair of the old earth dragon through space magic. In the next second, Uesugi Jun directly pierced these monsters with countless tree roots.

Following these demonic beasts, their vitality was extracted by Uesugi Jun. Apart from the magic core in their bodies, there were only countless mummy left.

This is because after Uesugi Jun has a new supernatural power, he doesn't need to replenish his magic power at all, otherwise the magic core will be sucked dry by him.

After finishing the work, there was a fire, and there was no interference from the corpses. Jun Uesugi collected all the magic cores that fell on the ground, and all this took less than an hour.

After taking care of the monsters entrenched on the grassland, Jun Uesugi came to the ruins somewhere in the grassland.

After going deep into the ruins, Uesugi Jun directly raised his hand to erase the forced teleportation magic, and then collapsed the underground passage, making the ruins disappear completely.

Yes, Jun Uesugi is so aggrieved and begging for his identity, how could he leave the remains of the workshop of Earl Ishupok, which the hero in the original book obtained through life and death, to the Kingdom of Helmut.

After all, Uesugi Jun has come up with the mobile fortress, so naturally the cost has to be recovered.

Immediately, Uesugi Jun went to the ruins of Earl Ishubak's workshop overnight, and packed all the contents into the space bag that Uesugi Jun bought from the system mall.

It has to be said that although 1 million order points were spent, Uesugi Jun's magic power is enough to support a space worth more than [-] billion order points.

So Uesugi Jun didn't collect the items inside at all, but the useful parts of the whole workshop were directly extracted from the mountain, and then put into the space bag.

During this period, the king's capital not far from the ruins didn't even feel the vibration. If someone finds clues to check later, all they can see is the collapsed mountain, that's all.

After harvesting a total of more than 1000 million gold coins and venting his anger, Uesugi Jun finally calmed down a bit.

After a busy night, it was almost dawn, Uesugi Jun directly found a place and took out the dishes sold by Aoi Tsuba in the group, and then filled a glass of wine and began to drink by himself.

When the sun rose from the horizon, Jun Uesugi, who was sitting on the top of a mountain, packed up and got up.

In the next second, the person was already at the gate of the palace.

At this moment, the first magister Klimt had just arrived at the gate.

"Uesugi, have you eaten?" Without feeling disgusted, Klimt asked in a friendly manner.

"Just had it!" Uesugi Jun replied.

"Okay, let's get ready to go. I can't wait to clean up that old ground dragon." Klimt really wanted to clean up the old ground dragon for a long time.

"As for the old earth dragon, I already cleaned it up last night." Uesugi Jun said immediately.

"What, you cleaned it up, so you came back straight away?" Klimt's expression changed drastically. After all, if Uesugi Jun came back like this, the military camp on the edge of the grassland would definitely be torn to pieces by the crazy monsters.

"The monsters are also cleaned up!" Jun Uesugi said after glancing at Klimt speechlessly.

After finishing speaking, Uesugi Jun directly opened the interspatial bag, and poured out the old earth dragon's body and a lot of magic cores.

The sudden appearance of the dragon's corpse shocked the guardians of the palace.

"How is it possible! The entire Palkenya grassland was cleaned up in one night." After speaking, Klimt flew into the air and headed for the Palkenya grassland.

He needs to verify Uesugi Jun's words at this moment. After all, if this is the case, Uesugi Jun's strength, and the kingdom's treatment of him in the future may have to be raised again.

After all, with the strength shown by Usagi Jun, there is basically no monster gathering area in the kingdom that can stop him.

Such a strong person cannot be treated with the attitude of a high-ranking noble to a low-ranking noble.

Instead of leaving with Klimt, Uesugi Jun put away all the materials, and then headed towards the magic props guild in the royal city. After all, he kept materials such as the old ground dragon and the magic box of magic beasts, so he might as well sell them all. Use the money exchanged to buy supplies and recruit refugees in Wangcheng.

Because opening up wasteland requires the refugees to level up a land that can be cultivated to be considered successful.

As for the harvest of last night, apart from the workshop of Earl Ishubak, Atsushi Uesugi only has a magic power gathering device left.

This thing was discovered by Jun Uesugi in the Palkenya grassland near the lair of the old earth dragon.

It is precisely because of the existence of this thing that the area where monsters gather can be formed, because the concentration of magic power here is countless times higher than that of the outside world.

For Uesugi Jun, this thing is actually equivalent to the fairy-tale version of the spirit-gathering array, and it is the kind that works quite well.

After finding the reason for the concentration of magic power, Uesugi Jun naturally put this thing away, after all, this thing is very valuable.

Just imagine, if Uesugi Jun gets this thing to Uesugi Island to install one, the concentration of the extraordinary power of the neon will probably drop a bit.

Of course, Jun Uesugi would not do this. After all, even if the extraordinary energy is gathered on the earth, it would be too wasteful to use it on the earth.

The other is that Uesugi Jun's retainers do not rely mainly on the accumulation of extraordinary energy to become stronger, whether they are subsystem owners or future bloodline warlocks.

Uesugi Jun intends to collect more of these devices and use them in future territories, so that a steady stream of marine monsters will be attracted.

This is a huge opportunity for Uesugi Jun!
Although this vitality does not add much to Uesugi Miyuki, if it can be sustained, it will be faster than her own slow storage, right?

 Thanks to the book friends of saynol for their support, and to the book friends of 'Book Friends 2020080800' for their monthly ticket support. There are still 64 votes left before the next update

(End of this chapter)

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