tokyo enforcer

Chapter 28 Mao Lilan: Give me a gap, I want to get through...

Chapter 28 Mao Lilan: Give me a crack, I want to slip through
"Oh, Brother Uesugi, do you know who the murderer is?" Mu Mu Shisan was a little surprised at the moment, but he naturally wouldn't pour cold water on Jun Uesugi's performance, so he asked casually.

"The murderer is the deceased himself. This is a suicide case that intends to fake the suicide as a homicide." Uesugi Jun said unhurriedly.

"Fake suicide as homicide? What does that mean?" Memu Shisanyi didn't quite understand Uesugi Jun's meaning for a while.

"Then let me clarify how the deceased committed suicide first." Uesugi Junso began to describe the suicide method of the deceased.

In fact, it is very simple, that is, use ice cubes to stand the kitchen knife straight on the ground, follow the person to stand on the chair and jump backwards, making sure that the back is facing down.

In this way, the knife can be accurately inserted into the back, creating the illusion of a backstab being stabbed from behind.

After Uesugi Jun finished explaining the technique used by the deceased, a voice appeared beside him.

"Why did he commit suicide?" No need to ask, the voice was definitely a primary school student staring at the aura of death.

"The motive for suicide, Ms. Okino Yoko, you should know the deceased. And there must be something involved between you, this involvement even made the deceased so angry that he would use his own death to frame you. But the specific circumstances are not important anymore Yes, as long as you understand that the deceased committed suicide, it is enough. If you don’t even understand Miss Yoko, I believe the famous detective next to you will give you an answer after careful investigation, if you really need it.” Uesugi Atsushi replied. .

As for Uesugi Jun's meaning, Mu Mushisan understood too well that the duty of the police is to solve the case, not to gossip.

Now that the case has been solved and it is known that the person committed suicide, the case can be closed. As for the gossip between the deceased and Yoko Okino, although Mu Mushisan is also a little curious.

But he also has to take care of his subordinates, you must know that it's already dark, and everyone hasn't even settled for dinner yet.

Since Uesugi Jun quickly solved the case, there is really no need to know the motive of suicide or something, and he can just make up a perfunctory reason such as not being successful in chasing stars so that the idol will remember it in his heart.

We must know that in many cases, even homicide can be regarded as suicide by the neon police. It is no big deal to just talk about a suicide motive. After all, people who commit suicide are not looked down upon by others.

In addition, it is still a fat house. It is estimated that the family members will deal with it as low-key as possible when they find out. It must be known that if this kind of thing spreads, it will affect the reputation of the living. No one is willing to take extra risks for a dead person.

After all, in this case, the motive of the deceased was not pure, that is, there was no way to investigate the deceased himself, otherwise the deceased must be investigated. After all, he had already been involved in accusations of trespassing and framing.

In addition, Uesugi Jun can also gain the friendship of idols by closing the case like this. At least at the moment, the manager of the firm, Sakae Yamagishi, showed great friendliness on his face.

How could Mumu Thirteen, who saw this scene, continue? Maintaining friendship with these highly exposed idols is helpful for maintaining the image of the Metropolitan Police Department.

After all, in many cases, what these people say is more useful than police officers breaking their legs.

In fact, after Uesugi Jun finished speaking, he also pulled the manager aside and had an adult conversation.

After the conversation, the other party also said that he would let Okino Yoko publicize the Metropolitan Police Department's efficient case-solving.

You see, isn't it just you, me, and everyone? If you insist on displaying everything like a elementary school student of death, don't you think Yoko Okino is not embarrassed.

But all privacy is something that you don't want people to know, so if you expose it publicly, you are helping to get rid of your guilt, otherwise, it will be a ghost if you don't be hated by others.

So in many cases, as long as it has nothing to do with the case, there is really no need to dig out the hidden stories. In the same sentence, the police are the ones who maintain order, not justice.

The truth behind this case is only important to the famous detective, and to other people, it is not important at all, because Yoko Okino himself is actually not willing to mention the deceased, so you know what is in the heart of the client. thought up.


"No but!" Mori Kogoro interrupted the words of the Shinigami elementary school student with a punch.

This naughty uncle may be unreliable in his reasoning, and he may be a bit smug, but that doesn't mean he doesn't understand the world.

He could see that Okino Yoko really wanted to end the case. As for what happened next, just as Uesugi Jun said, if she wanted to know, she would naturally entrust herself to continue the investigation.

In order to show his thoughtfulness in front of Yoko Okino, Mori Kogoro would never let the Shinigami elementary school students say half a word.

You must know that from the beginning to the end, the entrustment he received was only to investigate the monitor.

After Jun Uesugi solved the case and set the tone, the colleagues in the forensic department heard that they could leave work quickly, and everyone's speed immediately accelerated.

After Miyuki Kobayakawa made the relevant notes, Megushisan waved his big hand with inexplicable eyes, indicating that he could immediately withdraw the team.

Uesugi Jun immediately pulled Mekushisan aside, expressing that he had something to do, he would not return to the Metropolitan Police Department with Kobayakawa Miyuki for the time being, and wanted to ask for a leave of absence.

Mu Mu Shisan didn't say much, and directly led the team to leave.

After seeing off Megushisan and other colleagues, Uesugi Juncai asked Okino Yoko, who was the manager, to walk away with the three brats who were not members of the juvenile death squad when he left.

Everyone in the house is dead, this house can't live anymore, at least Yoko Okino will definitely sleep in a hotel today, and it's not a troublesome thing to drop off the three brats along the way.

As for the rest of the Mori family, Uesugi Junlai must be in charge. Although Mori Kogoro is very dissatisfied with this, it is okay.

Because what Yoko Okino urgently needs at this moment is to find a quiet place to be quiet, and figure out why her ex-boyfriend did not hesitate to commit suicide to frame herself.

"Student Xiaolan, have you had dinner yet?" After getting in the car, Uesugi Jun asked Miss Mori who was sitting in the back row.

"Not yet, Uesugi boy, are you going to treat me, the famous detective, to dinner?" Mori Kogoro asked a little unhappy at the moment when Jun Uesugi stole the limelight and was pulled away from being with Yoko Okino.

"Didn't you receive favors from classmate Xiaolan before, and you have always planned to return the gift, but you have been training before, and you have been very busy since joining the job. Today is a rare opportunity, why don't I treat everyone to a meal. "Uesugi Jun said very sincerely.

"I don't go to cheap places." Mori Kogoro said as a matter of course.

"Father." Miss Mao Li felt very ashamed at the moment, and just wanted to find a crack in the ground to get down.

(End of this chapter)

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