tokyo enforcer

Chapter 300 Lolita God: My family member suddenly became Olalie's only 1...

Chapter 300 Lori God: My Dependent Suddenly Becomes the Only Three of Olalie
You must know that if no one defeats Goliath, at this moment the group of people will fight the floor master while protecting the two gods.

This is not an easy task, after all, it is much more difficult than protecting the gods from the attack of the Minotaur.

"Hey, not long ago." The ignorant newcomer supporters couldn't help exclaiming.

"Well, dungeons will repair themselves, and these stones prove that Goliath was crusade almost as soon as he was born, otherwise there should be a seven-meter-high giant waiting for us at this moment. After a long time, it should be I can’t see the broken stones of the Wall of Sighs.” Asfi El Andromeda, the leader of Hermes Familia, explained to the novices.

"Well, no matter what, it would be great to have someone to help in the crusade. Hurry up and enter the 18th floor." God Lolita couldn't help urging at this moment.

"Indeed, the most important thing is to confirm Bell's news!" God Hermes also took a rare serious look.

As the two gods spoke, a group of people quickly passed the hall and entered the downward passage.

After reaching the 18th floor, the group of people and the two gods saw a huge bonfire not far from the entrance, and they were sitting around the bonfire enjoying dinner with everyone.

"Bell!" The sharp-eyed Loli God saw Mr. Rabbit that he was thinking of for the first time.

Hearing this sound, Master Rabbit immediately turned his head to the passage.

"Master Shangshen!" Quickly got up, Mr. Rabbit ran directly towards God Lolita, and then naturally it was an excited farewell with his body close to each other.

It wasn't until the God of Lolita was pushed away by his classmate Sneaky Cat that God of Lolita finally saw Atsushi Uesugi in his sight.

"Chun, are you here too!" Lori asked in surprise.

"Well, Goddess, it doesn't matter that I am here, what matters is why you are here?" Uesugi Jun said with a serious expression.

"Uh..." Lori was speechless when she saw Jun Uesugi with a bad expression on her face.

You must know that it is very dangerous for a god to enter the dungeon, and once the god is forced to release his divine power and return to the God Realm, the members of his family will be in bad luck.

In addition, the gods are strictly forbidden to enter the dungeon, and if the adventurer's union finds out, their relatives will also be punished.

"It's because of Bell!" Uesugi Jun didn't want to pretend too much, and directly gave Loli God a step down.

"Well, the thing is like this!" Loli God quickly explained to Jun Uesugi.

"Well, it seems that people are treated differently. When I went deep into the 59th floor and fought against the fallen fairy, why didn't you think about whether I was safe?" Uesugi Jun couldn't help complaining. .

"What! Floor 59? I heard it right! And what about the fallen fairy?" Before Lolita could react, Hermes, the gossip god, moved his head over.

"Floor 59, Chun, are you kidding me? Immortal spirits are not the ones who can make jokes at will." Lori God also realized at this moment, and then asked with a serious expression.

"When did the goddess see me joking? God Hermes, I'm not very familiar with you, so if you have any questions, you can ask the leader of Loki's family, Queen Finn, or the group of Hephaestus' family. Changchun." After Uesugi Jun asked back to Loli God, he turned his head and replied to Bagua God.

Uh... Hermes was speechless.

And Hestia next to him didn't know what to say at the moment, after all, the most capable and reassuring member of Hestia's family was definitely Atsushi Uesugi, not Rabbit-kun.

"I'm not kidding this time. I originally planned to get more types of monsters before upgrading, so I followed the joint expeditionary force of the two families to pick up the leaks. When I reached the 37th floor."

Uesugi Jun immediately began to tell Lori God and Hermes, who was close to leaning his head, about what happened after joining the expeditionary force.

"It's unbelievable that such an existence exists in the depths of the dungeon." God Loli didn't realize the importance of the matter after hearing it.

But Hermes on the side realized it, especially after Uesugi Jun guessed that the fallen fairy that he killed was just a doppelganger, his face became more serious.

He has decided to visit Uranus, the manager of the union, after returning to the ground.

"Goddess, if you are free at this moment, don't hesitate to help me update my ability value. I can't wait to know how much improvement I have gained in this deep trip." Uesugi Jun said immediately.

"Find a quiet place, I also want to know how much you have improved during this trip." God Loli couldn't care about Mr. Rabbit at the moment.

After all, Atsushi Uesugi really won great glory for Hestia Familia, which was only established for two months, and that was the 59th floor that Zeus Familia failed to explore.

Although there was a problem with that floor, the number of floors cannot be faked. In addition, compared to the 59th floor of the glacier, the 59th floor of the dense forest is more dangerous this time.

As for Olali, there are only three family members who have reached the 59th floor. Loki Family, who is the main force of the expeditionary force, and Hephaestus Family, who was invited by Loki Family to cooperate with him, made the most important achievement in this expedition. Hestia Familia who made great contributions.

Even if only one member of Hestia Familiars participated, he was still a representative.

Especially in the current situation where there are only two members in the Hestia Familiars, one of them is already divided into half and half of the power of the Familiars.

From the point of view of support, the support of Hephaestus Family, which is bigger than the family, is even stronger, so this credit cannot be erased.

Naturally, Uesugi Jun, who has made great contributions, deserves preferential treatment.

Then Loli God followed Uesugi Jun to the tent where he was.

After Uesugi Jun took off his shirt and exposed his broad back to Loli God, Loli God pierced his fingertips and dripped the god's blood on it.

Jun Uesugi Lv1
Power: F 332 → C 628
Durability: C 671 → A 879
Skill: D 501 → B 732
Agility: E 429 → B 705
Magic: I 0



【Hero Wish】

· Possess power to carry out positive actions.


・When encountering continuous blows, it can temporarily increase the defense power.

"Chun, you have a skill, and this skill is still..." After updating her ability value, Lori God just felt that she was hit by a pie from the sky.

"Goddess, what else?" Uesugi Junming asked knowingly.

"The skills are exactly the same as Bell's. I didn't expect you to be so mature and still have a childlike innocence." Luo Lishen couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Men will fall into the second grade until their death." Uesugi Jun replied with a sentence that Lori God didn't quite understand.

"However, if your skill does not appear, it will be fine. Once it appears, there will be two." Lori God couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

After all, the skill of tenacity must be a skill that can only be extracted after relevant encounters, which means that Uesugi Jun encountered more than one continuous blow during the expedition.

"Is there another skill?" Jun Uesugi was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Yes, the skill name is tenacity, and the description is that it can increase the temporary defense power when encountering continuous blows." Because there is no paper that can be copied at hand, Loli God can only dictate to Uesugi Jun at this moment.

"Toughness." Uesugi Jun roughly understood that the opportunity to get it should be the time when he confronted the fallen fairy.

"Chun, are you going to level up this time? I estimate that the improvement of your ability value will become quite slow in the next period of time." Lolita couldn't help asking.

"It's really time to upgrade, so please trouble Goddess." Jun Uesugi nodded, after all, everything that should be prepared has been prepared.

"Then among the three development abilities, it's right to choose [Hunter]." Lolita asked while operating it.

"Yes!" Uesugi Jun nodded.

"Okay, it's done!" Lolita patted Jun Uesugi on the back after finishing the operation and said.

At this moment, the personal attribute that has not been hidden behind Jun Uesugi has changed to Lv2, and all the previous data are classified as I0. In addition, a column has been added under the magic power, Hunter: I
It's a pity that Orari's fastest upgrade speed could not be broken again. After all, Uesugi Jun has joined the family for a month and a half.

And Jun Uesugi would not deduct minutes and seconds with Bell, and he didn't expect this limelight, after all, he had already given him the bigger limelight.

The most important thing is that it is impossible for Jun Uesugi to maintain such a rapid upgrade. After all, the higher the level is, the slower the increase in ability value will be without the cheat.

This is Olalie's normal adventurer upgrade process. Mr. Rabbit is a cheat player and cannot be used as an example.

After finishing the upgrade quietly, Jun Uesugi and Lolita walked out of the tent.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the people outside the tent was rather dignified, mainly because Jian Yulei's family members cheated Mr. Rabbit and the three of them.

Although they took the initiative to escort the two gods to the 18th floor to look for Mr. Rabbit this time, there are some things that cannot be turned over just by admitting mistakes.

You know, if it weren't for the luck of a cheat player, the three of them might have already sang cool in the stomach of some monster.

However, this has nothing to do with Atsushi Uesugi. After directly giving the tent to those who need to coordinate, Atsushi Uesugi returned to the campfire again and began to enjoy the food leisurely.

"Uesugi, is it really okay for you not to participate in this matter?" Finn walked over and couldn't help asking.

After all, Finn has also heard about this matter, and in his opinion, Jun Uesugi should take the initiative to ask about this matter.

"Finn, the goddess, she has not appointed a leader." Uesugi Jun said.

"So that's it!" Finn understood immediately when he heard it.

Uesugi Jun is not the head of the regiment, so Uesugi Jun's follow-up in this matter is at most an observation, and he has no position to speak.

"Hey, Uesugi, do you want to come to our family members? It's up to you." Tione couldn't help but leaned over and said, but was interrupted by Riveria before she could finish speaking.

"Tione, don't talk about it. With Uesugi's strength, he will find us before he joins Loki Familia." Riveria is a sensible person.

And she also heard from Uesugi Jun's tone that Uesugi Jun said this not because he was dissatisfied, but just to express one thing.

That is, my non-participation is not because I don't care about my companions, but because I don't have a relevant position, so I don't want to waste time, that's all.

As for the position of the head of the group, Riveria did not see that Uesugi Jun expressed his desire to fight for it. He is really an elusive person!

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day Jun Uesugi did not follow Mr. Rabbit and his party to visit Rivera Town.

After all, he just gave birth to a level, and after Uesugi Jun talked to Loli God, he went directly to the lower level to practice.

It was not until almost night that Uesugi Jun returned to the camp.

As soon as he came back, Uesugi Jun saw Hermes and Asfi quietly heading towards the town of Rivera.

Recalling the plot, Uesugi Jun started directly on the spot, and then stopped them after the two left the camp for a certain distance.

"Good evening, Lord Hermes." Uesugi Jun said after seeing the two approaching.

"Good evening, did Uesugi-kun just come back from the lower floors?" Hermes said with a smile.

"Yes, it's getting late, is Hermes-sama going to Rivera Town?" Uesugi Jun asked.

"Well, yes, it's a little bit of a small thing!" Hermes didn't hide his intention to move forward, after all, this road leads directly to the town of Rivera.

"Then can I ask Hermes-sama, turn around now, and then return to the station to rest early?" Uesugi Jun said.

"Uesugi-kun, what do you mean?" Hermes looked at Uesugi Jun in surprise and asked.

"I don't mean anything, I just don't want Lord Hermes to cause any accidents before departure. Asfi El Andromeda, it is already a taboo for a god to enter the dungeon, and here is On the 18th floor underground, if anything goes wrong, our family members will never escape being punished by the trade union.

If Hermes-sama had any idea, wouldn't there be enough opportunities to return to the ground, why did he have to do things here.In case you offend Lord Hestia, you should know that the goddess has not been in the world for long, and Bell is her taboo.

Once you angered her and used power that shouldn't be used, such as unintentionally releasing the power of the gods, what do you think will happen if you feel the power of the gods based on the hatred of the gods in the dungeon?In case of a sudden change in the dungeon, who will bear the responsibility? "

After Uesugi Jun finished speaking, Hermes stared at Uesugi Jun for a while, and then said: "You seem to know something."

"Hermes God has nothing to do with you. There are two choices in front of you now. The first one is to go back to rest, and set off to return to the ground tomorrow morning. How you want to educate Bell is your business, I don't care. The second one, Let your regiment leader test my strength, if you can break through me, then I will get out of the way, but on the other hand, I will take Hestia Familiars tonight and set off directly back to the ground."

(End of this chapter)

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