tokyo enforcer

Chapter 302 The Powerful Magic Book...

Chapter 302 The Powerful Magic Book
The only one that is suitable for cultivating newcomers has never seen the method of killing spells, but this is also the least worthy of choice.

"What's your opinion?" Finn didn't dare to help himself, but asked other cadres.

"Uesugi, is the way of moving that suddenly disappears and reappears a kind of superhuman surgery?" Bert asked first.

"Well, yes! There are six types of Superhuman Art. [Shaved] is used to move on the ground; [Moon Step] is used to move in the air; [Paper Drawing] is used to predict and avoid attacks in advance; [Iron Block] makes the body as hard as iron , to increase the defense; [Finger Gun] is an attack method, which can easily pierce the muscles of Minotaurus; [Land Foot] can make kicks like swinging knives." Uesugi Jun then introduced the six in detail. Mode.

"Finn, my proposal is the Six Forms." Burt was also straightforward, and gave a choice after listening.

"Finn, I choose Six Styles!" Grace also said.

"I'm sorry, Ais, I also choose Six Forms!" Tiona said.

It's not that the three of them have opinions on Aisi, but a rare opportunity. The most important thing is to choose a secret method that can improve the entire family.

"I agree with the leader's opinion." Tione firmly supported her beloved leader Finn.

"Refia, Riveria, what's your opinion?" Finn said to the two magicians with the lowest income.

"Finn, you decide!" Riveria said after hesitating.

After all, for a magician, the parallel singing technique of singing while avoiding attacks is considered the foundation.

And [Paper Painting], which can increase the evasion effect, is more attractive to magicians.

"I choose the six styles!" Jian Ji spoke out her decision before Finn spoke.

"Since Ais agrees, let's exchange it with the Six Styles." Finn said to Uesugi Jun.

"Finn, where's the magic book?" Jun Uesugi asked.

"Here!" Riveria took out the magic book from under the cloak.

"Then Loki-sama, do you mind if I read it first?" Jun Uesugi said.

"I don't mind at all!" Loki didn't know what to think, and then smiled and took the magic book from Riveria's hand, and handed it directly to Jun Uesugi.

And Uesugi Jun was not polite, after getting the book, he opened it and started reading.

"Loki, what are you?" Finn asked a little puzzled.

"Just wait and see!" Loki still said with a smile.

As for Atsushi Uesugi, who was sitting on the sofa opposite Loki, he was immersed in the contents of the magic book at this moment.

Magic can be roughly divided into two types: innate and acquired. Needless to say, innate refers to magic related to the aptitude of the target or the foundation of the race.

Since ancient times, magic races have been expected to acquire magic at an early stage with their latent talents plus practice and rituals. Although the attributes have a fixed tendency, most of them have relatively powerful and large-scale effects.

Acquired species is the possibility of budding through the medium of God's grace, which is also self-realization.It has no regularity, just infinite divergence, greatly affected by experience points.

Magic is a hobby, and this element is especially important for acquired types.

Be interested in something, produce identification, hatred, longing, lamentation, worship, swearing, and longing.

The trigger factor is always in the body, and under the grace of God, the heart is clearly revealed.

With the promotion of reading, Uesugi Jun's mind has been completely attracted by the divine text in the book.

Then a painting appeared in Uesugi Junshi's sight. It was a human face, woven and outlined in black handwriting, with closed eyelids.

Unknowingly turning over an article, the content becomes different.

Ask if you have a need, answer if you have a need, wait and see if you want, and the ugly mirror that does not allow hypocrisy is here.

At this moment, Uesugi Jun didn't see the content written in the divine script. What he saw was a face that was exactly the same as his own.

"Then, let's get started!"

"What is magic to me?"

Magic is a miracle, a miracle that makes the impossible possible.

"What is magic to me?"

It is omniscient and omnipotent!

"What kind of thing is magic to me?"

It's a concept, it's a rule!
"What do you want from magic?"


"Can it be achieved?"

Can, understand everything, interfere with everything, make the impossible possible, this is the concept of omnipotence.

"Then let us wait and see!"


As the voice fell, a slight cracking sound suddenly sounded from Uesugi Jun's heart.

At the same time, looking at Jun Uesugi whose head had already landed on the book, Loki suddenly made a sound.

"What's the matter, Loki?" Finn couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, but I always feel that something very interesting happened to this child." Loki replied, staring at Jun Uesugi, his squinted eyes could not help opening slightly at this moment.

After a while, Jun Uesugi suddenly raised his head.

"Finn, how long have I been in a coma?" Uesugi Jun asked.

"It's only a few minutes!" Finn said with an incredulous expression.

After all, there are several people in Loki's family who have used magic books, and each of them can't wake up within several hours. It's like Uesugi Jun who wakes up in just a few minutes. This is definitely the first time I've seen it.

"Your mental strength is a bit exaggerated!" Of course, Loki understood why Uesugi Jun was able to wake up quickly.

"I'm already very strong! Finn, give me a few minutes to let me get used to it!" Uesugi Jun responded directly, then turned his head and said to Finn.

"Please!" Finn didn't quite understand what Uesugi Jun meant.

After all, according to the routine operation, shouldn't Uesugi Jun first go to the goddess Hestia to update his status and confirm his magic.

But Uesugi Jun closed his eyes directly, as if he was meditating, and seemed to be confirming something.

In fact, Uesugi Jun is really confirming.

Confirm what?

Confirm the seal of this world.

Yes, the magic book used the power of the rules of this world to break a gap in the seal of the will of the world that locked the power in the body.

And that's amazing.

Logically speaking, if the seal has a crack, it will disappear immediately, and then Uesugi Jun will be expelled from the world.

But the gap is a hole knocked out by the power of the rules of this world, not caused by the struggle of one's own power.

Then, Uesugi Jun regained some of his original power in this strange state.

After feeling it well, Jun Uesugi slowly opened his eyes.

Because the cracks were tapped out of the magic book through the grace of the gods, the magic power that can be used is also affected by the grace of the gods.

As for magic, Jun Uesugi converted the magic of the previous seven ages of gods into conceptual magic through the magic book.

In other words, Uesugi Jun is now able to use all the magic he has mastered before.

After all, the concept is the precondition of omniscience and omnipotence. As long as Jun Uesugi reserves enough knowledge, he will be able to achieve the so-called omniscience and omnipotence sooner or later.

Of course I want to achieve this step, I don't know how long it will take, Uesugi Jun has no intention of going towards omniscience and omnipotence.

After all, Uesugi Jun relied on magic books to achieve the conceptual magic derived from the magic of the Seven Great Ages of Gods.

However, because of the influence of the gods' favor, the magic power can only be in the initial stage.

Fortunately, the appearance of the crack unsealed a small part of Jun Uesugi's bloodline ability. Although he couldn't use the pupil technique, etc., at least the passive magical power of replenishing magic could have an effect.

It's a pity that the devouring supernatural power is still under the seal, otherwise Uesugi Jun could go down to the 60th floor alone without wearing full body armor.

"As expected, it's a magic book, what a surprise!" Uesugi Jun said after opening his eyes.

"It seems that you have gained a lot!" Loki said with narrowed eyes.

"Well, it's a little bigger than expected, so let's complete the transaction now." After speaking, Uesugi Jun took out a holographic projection, put it on the table, and pressed the start button.

Immediately, the knowledge of the six styles began to be demonstrated under the watchful eyes of all the cadres.

"It's unbelievable that this thing is such a delicately structured magical device." As a dwarf, Grace couldn't help being shocked.

After watching the holographic projection, Loki's eyes on Uesugi Jun are even more intriguing.

"Ais, come!" Uesugi Jun waved to Jian Ji who was watching.

She tilted her head to look at Jun Uesugi, then Jian Ji got up and walked in front of Jun Uesugi.

"Sit down, close your eyes, and relax!" Uesugi Jun patted the statement beside him and said.

Without asking about Uesugi Jun's meaning, Jian Ji did so directly. Anyway, her intuition told her that it was not a bad thing for Uesugi Jun to call her.

But the others were not so unreserved, and all looked to Uesugi Jun for the realization.

As for the holographic projection, Atsushi Uesugi has already explained the operation method, which can be viewed at any time.

Lifting his right hand, Uesugi Jun lightly tapped Jian Ji's forehead.

In the next second, a miniature mysterious magic circle appeared on the tip of Uesugi Jun's right index finger, and the magic circle disappeared after a few seconds.

Then Jian Ji opened her eyes with a look of surprise, but the next second her eyes became confused, and she seemed to be a little dizzy.

"Uesugi, what did you do to Ace?" Finn couldn't help asking.

"It's a kind of magic to quickly acquire knowledge, but it has some side effects, that is, after receiving the indoctrination, it will suddenly suffer from a large amount of indoctrination of knowledge, and then cause the brain to be a little dizzy, but after getting used to it, it will be fine." Uesugi Jun said. Said without hesitation.

"Uesugi, what kind of knowledge are you instilling?" Riveria couldn't help asking.

"I have instilled in her what is suitable for her in physical skills, sword skills, and breathing techniques." Uesugi Jun didn't hide anything, and said directly.

"Why?" Loki asked.

"Just because she wants to become stronger, and I happen to be able to make her stronger!" Jun Uesugi replied with a smile.

"Son, I don't want to hear lies!" Loki couldn't help saying with a serious expression.

"So Goddess Loki, can you answer my question first?" Uesugi Jun asked with a smile.

"You ask!" Loki said directly.

"Under normal conditions, if you are rejected by the will of the world, how long can you last?" Uesugi Jun asked.

"Isn't it this world?" Loki asked, slightly opening his eyes.

"Earth!" Uesugi Jun still said with a smile.

"Earth, so that's the case, it's really a distant name!" Loki suddenly had an expression of enlightenment.

"Then what's the answer?" Jun Uesugi continued to ask.

"You can't escape." Loki didn't say the specific time, but gave Uesugi Jun such an answer.

Loki means that there is enough time to clean you up before being excluded from the earth.

"So, how long does it take for a four-winged angel to wake up after feeling the rejection of the will of the world?" Uesugi Jun continued.

"Angel of the church, child, the transaction must abide by the principle of equality." Loki did not answer, but reminded Uesugi Jun.

"Well, I just want to cause trouble for Goddess Freya!" Jun Uesugi said, spreading his hands.

"Freya!" Loki couldn't help opening his eyes completely when he heard the name.

After all, the current Orario is the era of the duo of Rocky's family and Freya's family, and from Uesugi Jun's tone, there is a very high possibility that Ace will face off against Freya in the future, which is very important for Rocky. Not good news.

"If you've been asleep for long enough, then maybe a few seconds." Loki said after thinking about it.

"Are you sure?" Uesugi Jun said with a very serious tone.

"Of course, but you have to plan for the worst, don't you?" Loki's eyes widened again.

"Bell Cranney!" Uesugi Jun said the name of Mr. Rabbit.

"Is he a child of the dwarf's family again? It turns out that the idiot goddess is eyeing him!" After hearing the name and the previous conversation with Freya, Loki understood what was going on. .

"Master Loki, can I ask a few more questions?" Jun Uesugi asked.

"You ask!" Loki looked at Jun Uesugi in some surprise and said.

"Can you escape through the world?" Jun Uesugi continued to ask.

"No, the aura of the space left behind is too obvious, and you underestimate the gods too." Loki gave the answer very readily.

"So that's it. Freya has a perfect stand-in that can never tell if it's true or not without using divine power." Jun Uesugi nodded and gave a piece of information that shocked Loki and his family as a whole. .

"This is really interesting! Do you still have to ask?" Loki took the initiative to say this time.

"Is there any information about angels and vampires left over from back then?" Jun Uesugi asked straight to the point again.

"I really don't know about this. There are too many angels, but if there are vampires left, it is probably the brat Michael the Battle Angel. I haven't seen him in the God Realm anyway." Luo After rubbing his chin, Ji gave an uncertain answer.

"That's it?" Uesugi Jun couldn't help asking.

(End of this chapter)

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