tokyo enforcer

Chapter 60 The effect of not even daring to write a novel...

Chapter 60 The effect that novels dare not write.
Therefore, under the general environment, the neon police can only deal with it symbolically. Anyway, the disappearance for several years can be directly defined as death. For some families with discord, it may be an extreme means to reasonably get rid of marriage.

The cases of murder and hidden corpses reported as missing are not innumerable, but they are definitely not rare.

The saddest thing is that this kind of case was discovered not because the police were so capable, but because the perpetrators were found out of their own baskets.

From this we can see how suitable the territory of Neon is for the breeding of crime.

The most ironic thing is that the central circle of Mihua Town where the Imperial Palace is located is the place with the highest neon crime rate.

This is why most of the places where Shinigami elementary school students haunt are in Mihua Town.

With the beginning of a new day, the unchanging daily life in the past also began to change quietly in invisible places.

The wife of the governor of Tokyo, Einoka Yoshida, received a very ordinary invitation letter today, to the effect that three days later, the Sagami Ono family will hold a social gathering at the Mihua Hotel, inviting herself to attend.

Einoka was actually not interested in the invitation letter from Sagami Ono's family, because the grade was too low after all.

But even if Yoshida Einoka doesn't want to go this time, she still has to take some time to deal with it, because this is the first official invitation of Sagami Ohno's family this year, and Sagami Onoka is her husband's loyal supporter, Yoshida Einoka also Nanako Sagami must be given face.

And when Yoshida Einoka received the invitation, many socialites and ladies received the invitation, and it can be said that almost none of them were overlooked.

However, most of the invitations were not even handed over to the parties involved. Again, the social status of the Sagami Ono family was at the bottom.

But Sagami Ono Nanako sent out the invitations one after another, even though she knew that more than [-]% of these invitations would be discarded, and would even attract ridicule, Sagami Ono Nanako did not miss a single bit.

Because the things my daughter brought back will definitely cause a sensation once they are released.

Yes, it will definitely cause a sensation, Nanako Sagami is sure of this.

Maybe the upper-class ladies and ladies in the social world can get in touch with the people and things in that circle, but Sagami Ono Nanako believes that there is absolutely no similar product among the things that can be touched.

What is the most basic function of the social world? To put it bluntly, it is a platform to show oneself and the strength of the family.

And in such a social world, no matter men or women, it is basically impossible to hide some unimportant things.

In terms of the items used, the more high-end the items, the more they want everyone to know, especially women who love to compare.

So as long as there is something similar, as long as you are in the social world, you will not get news.

After all, as long as you have a little connection, you will definitely be able to receive gossip news faster than the media.

Here, the subject of the gossip is women, so once there are items related to women, it will definitely spread to the social world at a terrifying speed.

This is the reason why Sagami Ono Nanako wants to distribute invitation letters widely. After all, once the people who did not come know about this matter afterwards, whether there is an invitation letter represents two attitudes.

It's up to those who didn't come, but if they didn't post it, the next days of Sagami Ono's family would definitely be sad.

After all, Sagami Ono's family is at the bottom of the social world, not to mention going up, it is a level, and Sagami Ono Nanako needs to maintain a good relationship.

With Nanako Sagami Ono's intensive preparations, three days passed quickly, and the party held by Sagami Ono's house finally kicked off.

"Dear guests, welcome to this party held by Sagami Ono. This time I invite you to come, mainly because there are a few items to be auctioned." Sagami Ono Nanako said straight to the point as soon as she came up.

It can't be done otherwise, after all, there are some people like Yoshida Enoka, who will stay here for a while at most, and then they will leave.

auctions? !

Many people have question marks on their heads.

"Just now, many ladies asked me what kind of cosmetics I used recently to make my skin so white, moisturized and shiny. This answer is closely related to this auction." Nanako Sagami said calmly.

"Nanako, is the thing you are going to auction this time the cosmetics you use?" Yoshida Einoka asked directly.

"Yes, Mrs. Yoshida, the purpose of inviting everyone here today is for these cosmetics."

After receiving the affirmative answer from Sagami Ono Nanako, the women present immediately started talking about it.

After all, the cosmetics used by Sagami Ono Nanako are so effective that people can't help but guess which company's products are so effective.

And most importantly, no one has gotten relevant news recently.

After Sagami Ono Nanako finished speaking, she didn't call for people to move the venue immediately, but clapped her hands and called three women to come up.

Of these three women, the first one has very dark circles under her eyes and is very listless. She looks like the kind of social animal who has worked overtime in the company for many days without much rest.

The second one is very energetic, but he is an old man with a face full of weather. The most indispensable thing on his face are wrinkles and various spots that are about to crease.

As for the third one, it is much more normal than the first two. The only thing that is unique after all is that there is more skin exposed, and it is all of the darker skin.

"Dear guests, because the cosmetics this time are quite special, I will show you the effect of the cosmetics on the spot." After speaking, Nanako Sagami Ono invited several waiters.

These waiters moved over to a table with several basins of water and some make-up removers on it.

Following Sagami Ono Nanako, the three women were asked to use makeup remover products first, and then wash them with clean water.

After it was finished, Sagami Ono Nanako waved again, and the waiter who came up this time only carried a tray with three small bottles with any label on it.

"The first thing to show is the whitening cream." Sagami Ono Nanako immediately picked up a bottle and opened it, followed by scraping out a thin layer of whitening cream from the bottle with her fingers, and then applied it on the dark-skinned woman's face.

As Sagami Ono Nanako's hand began to move, whitening, which was completely different from dark, appeared immediately on the place where the whitening cream was applied.


"real or fake?"

All kinds of whispered voices were buzzing, and it seemed that the effect of the whitening cream really scared these people.

But this was just the beginning. After the effects of the eye cream and essence were displayed, all the women present gathered around and watched the three testers carefully.

After confirming that there is no fake, many women have proposed to experience it for themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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