tokyo enforcer

Chapter 67 Before the second act of the legend begins...

Chapter 67 Before the second act of the legend begins
"Sato-san, each of these people has work experience in a department store, and the time is still very short, about a month. The most coincidental thing is that a theft happened during the month they worked, and then Appearing here again, do you think it's a coincidence." After seeing Miwako Sato's concerns, Jun Uesugi said immediately.

"Uesugi-san, what is the situation of these people?" Without any other questions, Miwako Sato immediately understood the reason why Uesugi Jun called him here, and then asked about the situation of the three people who fell to the ground.

"It was just knocked out by me, there is no other problem, and there is no need to call an ambulance, just wrap it in handcuffs and bring it back to the Metropolitan Police Department." After speaking, Uesugi Jun stood up, and then got several people down together with others.

Of course, you can't just leave like this, Uesugi Jun asked Nikaido Laiko to communicate with the people in the department store, and then took out the belongings of several people, and put them in evidence bags directly.

The pistol that the female suspect put in her purse explained too many problems, not to mention the large travel bags brought by several men.

But it's not over here, there is also the recovery of stolen goods.

When the members of the robber group were wiped out, Uesugi Jun had already asked the address where the stolen goods were hidden, and there was no need for Uesugi Jun to come forward in person for the rest. Uesugi Jun personally called Shiratori Rensaburo.

As the acting head of the department, even if the eighth department is actually three-pointed, Jun Uesugi must take care of the members of the department. It is not a bad thing to have a good relationship with Ren Saburo Shiratori. Not a good impression of people and things.

As for the robbers who searched the 2nd to 6th departments, Uesugi Jun really didn't intend to share the credit with them. After all, it was their incompetence that implicated Uesugi Jun and others. Go fart.

Seeing that Uesugi Jun suddenly brought back the bandit gang that made Kyoto, Osaka, and Tokyo uneasy, many people who searched the first class were confused.

Yes, not to mention other people, even Toshiro Odagiri didn't expect the matter to be resolved so quickly.

But looking at the person who solved the case, Toshiro Odagiri was relieved instantly. After all, Uesugi Jun's ability is obvious to all, because the only one in the three to ten departments that has no backlog of cases is Uesugi Jun's action team.

For the upper echelons, efficiency is everything, especially when it comes to cases that require a time limit.

But after the file of this case was sorted out, the eyes of those who saw the file were a little bit wrong, especially the sixth forcible criminal search-the robber searched for the group of guys from the 2nd to 6th lines, because Jun Uesugi's method of solving the case was too simple a little bit.

Yes, it was really too simple. After all, Jun Uesugi only asked Miyuki Kobayakawa to retrieve the list of department store personnel who had suffered losses before, and then conducted a screening, and then caught people in the newly opened department store.

It was so easy, how could the group of guys who had been busy for almost half a month and couldn't figure it out accept it.

Because Uesugi Jun's side is more relaxed, the gangster search department's face is more swollen. After all, it took Uesugi Jun less than 20 hours from the time he received the case to the arrest of the criminal gang.

And the shorter the time, the more it highlights the incompetence of the bandit search department. The most important thing here is that Uesugi Jun's eighth department has eaten alone, which makes those guys even more angry.

The robbers searched the Otomo police department of the 2nd department, and even clamored to show Uesugi Jun who doesn't know the rules to look good.

Here we can see the role of classmate Nikaido Xianyu. Without this gossip girl, Jun Uesugi might not be able to know that he quickly solved the opponent's problem, but what he got was this reward.

Of course, Uesugi Jun ignored the clamor of the incompetent. After all, the scope of responsibility is different, and it is difficult to deal with it.

Uesugi Jun thought that it was impossible to ask the other party to do something, so Uesugi Jun could not care about the other party's attitude.

But Uesugi Jun didn't know that his ignorance made the attitude of the people in the next office even more arrogant.

As an unauthentic neon person, it is indeed difficult for Uesugi Jun to understand what is going on in the minds of people in this country of neon.

From the perspective of Uesugi Jun, ignoring it can slowly dilute the incident, isn't it said that time is the best medicine.Let the other party make a fuss for a few days, and when they get bored, they will naturally stop.

But the group of people headed by the Otomo Police Department didn't think so at all. In their view, Uesugi Jun's silence was because of a guilty conscience, his aura was suppressed by his own side, and he was afraid.

So what's the next thing to say, it's natural to take advantage of the victory to pursue, give him some color and let him know the rules that he should abide by.

In the country of neon, bullying, a word that appeared at an unknown time, seems to have taken root in this land, and it has a tendency to become a unique culture into daily life.

As for the rumor that Atsushi Uesugi is favored by high-level officials, the Otomo Police Department scoffed. As a native of Tokyo, it doesn't matter who he is.

Moreover, the relationship with the Otomo police department is in the police department, but the director of the police department is now in a competitive relationship with Odagiri Toshiro.

You must know that the white horse police chief is about to be promoted, and the candidate to replace the old white horse has been determined. The next step is to compete for the vacant position of Zhuxing Dengzhifu.

It was also because he made too many compromises in order to get the position of police chief that Toshio Morohoshi was unable to help Toshiro Odagiri in this competition.

As a pawn of the police department in the criminal department, it is natural for the Otomo police department to trouble Uesugi Jun, especially at this stall that is about to change.

Of course, if you can bully Uesugi Jun, that is already the limit, even if the Otomo Police Department thinks more, it will not work, no matter how you say it, you have to give the old white horse face.

And once the re-election is completed, the Otomo Police Department has to stop even if it doesn't want to, because there will be no reason at that time, and if it continues, once Zhuxing Deng Zhifu gets angry, it will be no joke.

But there is a major premise here, that is, the Otomo Police Department can suppress Uesugi Jun.

Uesugi Jun, who still relies on Nikaido Laiko, a gossip girl, for internal information, is actually not that proficient in information.

After all, Gossip Girl is mainly gossip, and she is not that sensitive to the situation of the Metropolitan Police Department. This caused Jun Uesugi to be sensitive enough to the situation, but he couldn't make a timely and correct response because he couldn't receive any news.

The most deceitful thing is that Odagiri Toshiro did not pass the news to Uesugi Jun for some reason.

This made Uesugi Jun have no chance to react, and then the second act of Uesugi Jun's legendary career in the Metropolitan Police Department was slowly opened without Uesugi Jun not being aware of it.

 Thanks to the seven book friends of 'Scholar', 'Don't Write Memories', 'Devil Eros', 'Song of Mubei', 'Chopping Firewood Through Another World', 'Yeyue メ Tong', 'Book Friends 20190310' Monthly ticket support
(End of this chapter)

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