tokyo enforcer

Chapter 72 Mamegaki Taeko: I Killed People...

Chapter 72 Mamegaki Taeko: I Kill People.
"I said Miss Taeko, you should go out for nearly an hour during the banquet." Mori Kogoro asked Mamegaki Taeko.

"That's because I want to go home to get things, and my home is at the shrine." Taeko Mamegaki said with her eyes downcast.

"Can anyone prove it?" Jun Uesugi asked while looking at Taeko Mamegaki.

"No, my grandpa went outside, so I'm alone." Mamegaki Taeko's eyes became more and more erratic at the moment.

"Senior Uesugi, when Ms. Taeko came back, she happened to meet Mr. Anzai leaving the hotel, and the two of them passed by." Miss Mori said immediately.

"What did you say?!" Mori Kogoro was shocked, after all, he was really confident before.

"Xiao Ran, did something happen when the two passed each other?" Uesugi Jun took the words of Mori Kogoro.

"Speaking of which, Ms. Taeko reacted when she saw Mr. Anzai, as if she saw something that shouldn't appear." Yoko Okino stood up and said.

"So that's the case, then I want to ask, Ms. Taeko, since the shrine is your home, are you the shrine maiden?" Jun Uesugi asked a question unrelated to the case.

"No, what's the matter?" Mamegaki Taeko felt that Uesugi Jun asked a little strangely.

"Then Tsujimoto-kun, arrest her, and I will greet you in the bureau for other situations." Uesugi Jun said immediately.

"Wait, didn't Xiaolan just say that Anzai left when Taeko came back? Doesn't that prove that he was still alive at that time? Why catch Taeko?" Shimazaki Yuji, who is the fiance, immediately stood up. Come out to stop Natsumi Tsujimoto, and said loudly.

But this time Natsumi Tsujimoto's reaction was different from the reaction in the antique house last time.

He directly pulled Yuji Shimazaki aside, then took out the handcuffs and came to Mamegaki Taeko's side.

After avoiding Mamegaki Hisaku's obstruction, Tsujimoto Natsumi took Mamegaki Taeko's hand and directly handcuffed her.

"Bastard, is this how you handle cases indiscriminately?" Seeing that Tsujimoto Natsumi couldn't be stopped, Mamegaki Hisaku immediately ran to Uesugi Jun to face him, and the saliva almost flew to Uesugi Jun's face.

"Miss Taeko, do you need to defend yourself? If you open your mouth to defend yourself, then I will arrest you and your fiancé. Now I will give you a chance and ask you again. Are you sure you want to do this?" Uesugi An inexplicable aura emanated from Chun's body instantly.

Faced with Uesugi Jun's questioning, Mamegaki Taeko seemed to understand something, she shook her head with tears in her eyes and said, "I killed the man, I have no excuse, take me away."

"Taiko, what's going on here?" Hisaku Mamegaki looked at his granddaughter with helplessness and rage, while Yuji Shimazaki was pale and trembling.

I have to say that this old man's health is really good, and his blood pressure didn't soar even when he was so angry.

Seeing that Uesugi Jun forced the murderer to confess his guilt with a few words, the people in the forensics class immediately accelerated again.

Because after the murderer is found, their only task is to collect key evidence.

"Senior Uesugi, why is Ms. Taeko the murderer?" The Shinigami elementary school student couldn't help but asked.

And not only he was curious, but basically everyone was very curious.

"The patrol over there, please ask the irrelevant people to leave, just leave Chishingo alone." Uesugi Jun didn't answer immediately, but said to the patrol who was maintaining the scene.

"Why should I stay?" Na Zhizhenwu didn't want to stay in this right and wrong place at the moment.

But in the face of the patrolling police, Na Zhizhenwu really couldn't refuse for a while, after all, such words can't come out of his mouth, if he says it, it's his agent.

It's just that his agent is not around tonight, after all, it will be inconvenient for him to bring an agent tonight.

After the patrolmen dispersed the crowd, apart from the police officers, only the Mori family, the Togaki family, Okino Yoko and Nachi Shingo remained.

"Let's put it this way. After all, I only have a preliminary understanding of the case. I can't confirm the motive of Ms. Taeko killing Mr. Anzai Morio. My judgment is just a reminder from Mr. Mori." Atsushi Uesugi took it easy. Started slowly.

"As expected of you, kid, you'll understand at once." Mori Kogoro has already got the essence of pretending to be stupid by the bone king next door.

"I've been reminded several times by Senior Maori, it's not like I'm smart at all." Uesugi Jun waved his hand and said.

"Father's reminder?" Miss Maori said that she didn't understand at all.

"Indeed, didn't senior Maori explain the death message when he came up, and you didn't find the way the death message was written very awkward?" Uesugi Jun asked everyone.

As soon as Uesugi Jun finished speaking, the Shinigami elementary school student immediately realized that what he thought was missing in the explanation before, turned out to be here.

"Does a person who has been stabbed with a knife still have the mind to write such a puzzle-like text and a code that still needs to be guessed?" After Uesugi Jun finished speaking, everyone looked at the death message and felt that it was a bit inconsistent.

After all, people who are about to die, who have those thoughts to write some codes, especially the person who was killed was a photographer, his brother Dong's code.

"Sure enough, the strokes and the strokes are not connected." The death pupil immediately pointed out the two strokes that Zhizhenwu made up.

"Yes, after getting rid of the scribbles, there are only handsome guys left, so the second person who creates obstacles for the police to solve the case is you, Mr. Nazhi Shingo, whom I specially want to keep." Uesugi Jun said to Nazhi Shingo.

"That's what I did as a last resort after I was framed." Na Zhizhenwu said with an unnatural expression.

"So, Mr. Nazhi Shingo, you should trust our police. After all, you are a celebrity. We couldn't have arrested you without a detailed investigation. After all, writing a handsome guy is not as good as writing a (しれこ) Zhenwu character." Cheap." Uesugi Jun shook his head and said.

Na Zhizhenwu is really difficult to answer at the moment: "You group of tax thieves don't give people a reliable impression."

"So this must be the death message left by the first person who created an obstacle to cover up the real death message. Let's split it up, and Dougaki will come out. That's why I think Miss Taeko is the murderer , As for Mr. Yuji Shimazaki, the first person to modify the death message, you are right.

Only you have the motive, and the fake Anzai-san that Xiaolan saw in the hotel was also dressed up by you, otherwise Miss Taeko would not be like seeing a ghost when she saw this costume.After all, the murdered person reappeared in the hotel, so it's no wonder that the murderer wasn't frightened. "Uesugi Jun said unhurriedly.

 Thanks to the book friends of 'Sunset Luoxi' for their support
(End of this chapter)

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