tokyo enforcer

Chapter 78 The Extraordinary Both Desired And Afraid...

Chapter 78 The Extraordinary Both Desired and Dreaded.
Not everyone has the opportunity to travel through time and be reborn once. If you go too far and kill yourself, you are a fool.

After a while of negotiation, Jun Uesugi and Toshiro Odagiri were satisfied and left Noda Tengji's home with the old white horse.

The oldest one has already nodded in agreement, and the rest is to set up a new classroom, which Uesugi Jun is very happy about.

Similarly, Toshiro Odagiri, who was identified by Atsushi Uesugi as the person in charge, was even happier. There was no hope for the position of the original police watch.

Now just because Uesugi Jun said that he was willing to complete the task assigned by Odagiri Toshiro, Odagiri Toshiro regained hope.

Of course, Odagiri Toshiro also knew that Uesugi Jun's words were to support him, but he didn't listen to him in everything.

Adults must know how to listen to the language, so that the road can go farther and farther.

But with the nod of the biggest one, the police surveillance is a certainty.

Of course, compared to Atsushi Uesugi, Toshiro Odagiri only had the harvest of a police inspector.

After some negotiations, Noda, as a boss, also gave the extraordinary people face, thinking that the police were too petty.

In particular, Uesugi Jun is still from the professional team. Since he wants to be the section chief, he must have a police rank to be justified.

Although the police rank is very high, there are not many people under the name of Atsushi Uesugi. There are only 23 people. Among them, Atsushi Uesugi can name one management officer (police inspector), two police department (department chiefs), and then 20 frontline personnel.

Yes, although extraordinary people like Atsushi Uesugi are welcome to join him, it is impossible for the Metropolitan Police Department to allow Atsushi Uesugi to recruit people without restriction.

On the contrary, ordinary people are very vigilant towards the extraordinary, belonging to the kind of mentality that is both eager and cautious.

You can have it, but you can't give it a chance to make it bigger.

This part of the quota was actually won by Uesugi Jun. After all, Uesugi Jun said that he not only handles supernatural cases, but also handles general cases, so he got the quotas for the two departments.

Otherwise, just look at the night exchange class of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and you will know that it is really not enough for even one department.

Of course, this is just the beginning. Jun Uesugi believes that as long as he is in the police system, he will definitely have the opportunity to become bigger.

At least in the police system, it is impossible to suppress the police of a professional group, who is being promoted to chief of police.

Even if he wants to suppress it, he must have the strength to suppress it. As long as Uesugi Jun is old enough, the position of Minister of the Criminal Department will be in his pocket sooner or later.

Of course, this will be at least ten years later, after all Uesugi Jun is still too young.

Unless the general environment changes, and even if there are some changes that can relax the restrictions, it is impossible to have a police chief in his twenties, and he still needs to look at them in his thirties.

Uesugi Jun also knew that it was impossible for him to increase his police rank for a long period of time, but the number of personnel in the zeroth section might not be unable to increase after a period of time.

Anyway, it is a classroom, there are more than 200 people in one class searched, and it is not unacceptable to search a zero class with a hundred people.

But for a period of time, Uesugi Jun can't help but worry.

He still has a lot of things to be busy with now, the first one is the office location of the zero class.

Needless to say, from the site to the building materials to the interior decoration and the office facilities for the zero-class staff, etc., Uesugi Jun will solve it.

And this is easy to handle, just let the foundation mobilize funds and donate.

However, only the site, materials and required facilities are donated. There is no need to find someone to intervene in the specific construction. Miyuki Kobayakawa will use the technology obtained from One Punch World to create enough construction robots to build a solid structure that can withstand missiles. fortress.

The only thing that Uesugi Jun doesn't need to worry about is salary. It is impossible for Uesugi Jun to do it for him, otherwise it will be nothing.

Of course, the Metropolitan Police Department will not give special treatment here, and will pay wages, subsidies and bonuses strictly according to the police rank and position.

After Jun Uesugi submitted the list of the first batch of personnel, the zeroth investigation unit of the criminal department will be considered as completed, and the next step is to wait for the construction of the office site to be completed and then to move and set up a new branch.

Before that, Uesugi Jun would not stay in the first search section, but directly found an office in the Metropolitan Police Department, and built the skeleton of the zero section without listing.

After all, the personnel of the Zero Section, aside from the new recruits from outside, the personnel in the police system who are favored by Uesugi Jun must be transferred, so it would be too inappropriate to stay in the office of the Search Section [-].

In terms of personnel, Uesugi Jun served as the section chief (police inspector), Kobayakawa Miyuki made an exception and was promoted to the management officer (police inspector) because of extraordinary people, and then came the two major police departments. It may be done by a layman who does not understand.

One of the police departments will definitely give it to Sagami Ono Chie, there is no doubt about it, I believe this smart woman will never refuse.

As for the other police department, Jun Uesugi has someone to choose, but it can only be decided after discussing with Miyuki Kobayakawa.

After all, in Jun Uesugi's plan, the police will not be mentioned, but the police department must be someone who wants to embark on an extraordinary path.

This means that the police department needs to occupy a quota in the Uesugi Junko system. Originally, Uesugi Jun thought that after the police rank was promoted, the quota would increase dramatically.

In the end, the fool system was not really stupid. It didn't benchmark Uesugi Atsushi, the head of the section, according to the personnel of the first search section, but the number of personnel that Uesugi Atsushi actually managed, and the corresponding quota.

Managed 23 people, one short of reaching 24, that is, it can only be counted as 21, excluding the 3 originally used, Uesugi Jun now only has 4 more places in his hands.

After removing the one that will be given to the police department, the remaining three of Atsushi Uesugi have to be used on the police, which must be carefully considered.

When he got home, Jun Uesugi told Miyuki Kobayakawa about the establishment of the new classroom, and the girl immediately looked at Jun Uesugi with bright eyes.

With just one look, Uesugi Jun knew that his fiancée was not shocked by the establishment of a new classroom at all, but excited about the upcoming construction of the base camp.

For Miyuki Kobayakawa, building a base camp of super technology is definitely something that touches her excitement.

Such a big toy can really excite Miyuki Kobayakawa. After all, she has learned so many things, but due to environmental constraints, many of them cannot be used. For a person who likes this aspect, it is very aggrieved.

Of course, Kobayakawa Miyuki never mentioned this matter to Uesugi Jun, after all Kobayakawa Miyuki is a considerate woman.

But since Uesugi Jun has won her a chance, Kobayakawa Miyuki will naturally release her abilities.

 Thanks to the book friends of 'Speed ​​Oh' for their support
(End of this chapter)

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