tokyo enforcer

Chapter 82 Why Choose Me...

Chapter 82 Why Choose Me
After introducing himself, Jun Uesugi spoke again: "Now that everyone has a preliminary understanding, I will start to assign members, first of all, the first department, the head of the department is Chie Sagami Ono, and the members include Fuji Seiko, Second Tier Tang Laizi and Sakurai Aoi. The second department head, Sato Miwako, and the remaining members are Takagi Wataru, Tsujimoto Natsumi and Yumihara Saji.

Here, Fuji-kun and Sagami Ono-kun belong to exceptional promotions with special abilities, so they are lacking in experience. I hope you can help me well, and you must point out the deficiencies.Then, Sagami Ono-kun and Nikaido-kun belong to the first series, but she will be a drag on you if she goes to the police.

So she didn't go to the police, and stayed in the office to take care of chores and connect with other departments.Then, please remember that this personnel allocation is a temporary optimal allocation. After the completion of the exclusive zero-class office building, I will re-allocate the personnel reasonably, so if there are any problems during the running-in period, please exercise a little restraint.Now if you have any questions, you can ask them. I know that some of you must have a lot of questions. "

After Uesugi Jun finished speaking, Sakurai Aoi, who was sitting at the end of the conference table, immediately stood up and asked Uesugi Jun, "Excuse me, Mr. Uesugi, why did you choose me?"

This is what Sakurai Aoi wants to know the most. After all, she is only 17 years old. Strictly speaking, she is still a few days away from graduation.

"To put it simply, it's too much of a waste of your talents to stay with the Railway Public Security Team of the Ministry of Regions. I know a little bit about your information. Your father is a policeman, and you have excellent marksmanship and top-notch close combat. He can also dismantle bombs, and this kind of talent should be displayed on a larger platform.” Uesugi Jun chose Sakurai Aoi not for the sake of seductiveness, but just for the other party’s talent.

"Thank you for the section chief's approval!" Aoi Sakurai would definitely choose to come to the criminal department rather than the regional department.

Influenced by her old father since she was a child, Sakurai Aoi yearned for a police life very much.

If she hadn't been a scumbag, Sakurai Aoi would not have gone to a vocational college. After all, she knew very well how difficult it is for a graduate of a vocational college to get promoted after entering the police industry.

Looking at the old father who has been in the job for 30 or [-] years and is still in the position of inspection minister, you can clearly see that promotion is really not easy.

So it's rare for a boss to take a fancy to it, so how long will it be if you don't hug your thighs tightly.

Even if the No. [-] Security Division of the Public Security Bureau of the Tokyo Central Railway had a more compatible companion, Aoi Sakurai would leave without hesitation. This was the result of her discussion with her father after she was notified.

"Section Leader Uesugi, may I know why you chose me?" After Sakurai Aoi sat down, Yumihara Saki stood up and asked.

"The reason why the criminal department wants to set up the zero class is mainly to deal with cases caused by extraordinary powers. Ordinary people can't see monsters, and only those with special talents can see them. Let me say this, do you understand? ?” Uesugi Jun replied with inexplicable meaning.

"Chairman, can I not join?" Yumihara Saji didn't want to get in touch with Chaofan again.

"Yumihara-kun, escaping doesn't mean that thing doesn't exist. And people with talent will get involved for various reasons sooner or later. If you don't seize this opportunity to improve yourself, don't you have to wait until monsters or evil spirits come to eat you?" you?"

In fact, Jun Uesugi first chose Yumihara Saki, but for the policewoman's ex-boyfriend Sakuragawa Kuro.

But I didn't expect Yumihara Saki herself to have a certain talent, and seeing the monster itself is the best explanation.

After hearing Uesugi Jun's words, Yumihara Saki fell silent immediately, and then her mind was muddled, and she sat in a daze.

On the contrary, the people on the side began to discuss one after another. Except for a few insiders, everyone seemed shocked.

"Chairman, are there really ghosts and ghosts in this world? It's so scary!" No need to ask, I knew who said this sentence.

"Nikaido-kun, no matter how terrible it is, existence is existence, and you can't pretend that you don't know it, so you can treat it as non-existence." Jun Uesugi gave Nikaido Xianyu a speechless look.

If Atsushi Uesugi hadn't told Nikaido Yanyu not to go to the police before, it is estimated that Nikaido Laizi would have already yelled to quit the zero class at this moment.

After all, she finds it difficult to adapt to corpses alone, let alone demons and ghosts.

"Section Leader Uesugi, can you tell me why you chose me?" Seiko Fuji also spoke at this moment.

"Extraordinary cases don't happen every day. The government and we actually have three teams in charge of this matter. There won't be many that actually come to us. Therefore, Class Zero is usually responsible for some routine cases. If it wasn't for Sagami Ono-kun's inexperience in handling criminal cases, I didn't plan to temporarily put you in the first department, and after Sagami Ono-kun got used to it, you would swap with Tsujimoto-kun." Jun Uesugi explained his reasons.

"That is to say, the first department is mainly responsible for dealing with extraordinary cases, while the second department is responsible for handling routine cases?" Fuji Seiko continued to ask.

"For the time being, this is the case. After all, you have also seen that the current zero class has only one big framework. Most of the members of each department are missing, so they can only be allocated according to the current situation. After that, the staff will be replenished one after another. Now, come to make reasonable adjustments, the result I want is that both departments can have the ability and strength to handle any case independently.” Uesugi Jun’s answer shows that he does not intend to treat the extraordinary and the non-extraordinary separately.

Seeing the silence of the women present, Uesugi Jun continued: "People who do not have supernatural power at this stage does not mean that they will not have the opportunity to obtain or master it in the future. When the time is right, I can give you a chance to step into the supernatural circle. oh."

Uesugi Jun just finished speaking, Tsujimoto Natsumi immediately stood up and said, "Section Chief, I'm just waiting for you to fulfill your promise."

Although it was only today that I heard about Chaofan for the first time, Tsujimoto Natsumi has an inexplicable yearning for power, which is why she mentioned Chaofan at a meeting until now.

"Don't worry, I will fulfill my promise to you sooner or later." Uesugi Jun nodded and solemnly promised.

And this promise, apart from Sagami Ono Chie, I am afraid that no one here knows how much weight it has.

Only those who have been rejected by extraordinary forces like Sagami Ono Chie can understand how hard this opportunity is.

"I said you must remember the kindness of the section chief." After pondering for a while, Sagami Ono Chie suddenly said.

"Qianhui-chan, is this a great kindness?" Nikaido Laiko asked suddenly.

 Thanks to the book friends of 'You Ren Xiao Yao' for their support
(End of this chapter)

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