tokyo enforcer

Chapter 89 Aoi: Compared to marrying a ghost, being a policeman is nothing...

Chapter 89 Aoi: Being a policeman is nothing compared to marrying a ghost.
After walking around, the two finally decided to locate the base camp on a site at the intersection of the Hashishibaura Omori Line and the old Tokaido in Shinagawa District.

This is not a no-man's land, nor is it a place where unfinished buildings are located, but an area with more than ten floors of high-rise buildings.

To put it simply, this is not the kind of place that can be easily purchased and quickly repaired after taking over.

But Uesugi Jun still chose the address of the base camp here. This is not because Uesugi Jun wants to stay away from the Metropolitan Police Department, but because he has a reason for choosing this place.

Of course, it is definitely not because the concentration of spiritual power is higher than other places, but because it is close to the middle of the artificial island area in Tokyo Bay, and it is the most convenient to go to the artificial islands in Tokyo Bay from here.

Why choose to be near the artificial island, this is mainly for future planning.

This involves a piece of information accidentally discovered by Miyuki Kobayakawa when she was using satellites to find the location.

But let's not mention it here.

In fact, as long as the place close to the man-made island area is within the range that can be selected, Uesugi Jun chose this place, mainly because there is a residential park area next to it.

Building under the ground is much more convenient than operating under the ground of residential buildings or buildings. There is enough area underground in the long and narrow residential park for Miyuki Kobayakawa to play.

The most important thing is that Miyuki Kobayakawa can start construction without waiting for the completion of the purchase procedures, or even the completion of the design drawings.

After all, it is only necessary to expand the space under the ground at first, which is also the advantage of independent floors, which can not affect each other during construction.

After deciding on the location, Jun Uesugi sent a message to the foundation, and the rest was waiting for the foundation to send someone to acquire the site.

After Miyuki Kobayakawa expands the space of the underground base, the foundation can start placing orders for various materials needed.

At that time, it is only necessary for the foundation to buy a warehouse at the port, so that the ordered materials have a temporary stacking and transshipment place, and then they can use the group space to easily transship.

Of course, this is all a follow-up matter. After completing the site selection, Uesugi Jun now only has the only and most important task left, which is recruiting people.

In the evening, Tsuba Kakui called Uesugi Jun.

After a frank talk from her grandfather, she chose to join the Metropolitan Police Department without hesitation.

In fact, Tsuba Muoi was not very interested in joining the Metropolitan Police Department, nor did she ever think about becoming a policeman.

But compared to marrying an oni and being protected by an oni, where you can only live in a secluded world full of ghosts and ghosts and full of Edo period style, it must be much better to live in the present world under the protection of the Metropolitan Police Department.

To be honest, if Jun Uesugi hadn't come here today to express his intentions, Tsuba Muoi would not have known that her grandfather had arranged an unimaginable future for herself.

Of course, Tsuba Mukui also knows that people like me who can see ghosts are very attractive to ghosts.

Since childhood, Tsuba Mukui has not been attacked by ghosts, but this does not mean that she is willing to marry ghosts in order to survive, be protected by ghosts, and then live in an ancient hermit world isolated from the present world.

After the decision was made, Tsuba Kishiro made an agreement with Uesugi Jun. When he passed away, Tsuba Mukui would directly move to live with Uesugi Jun.

With the stable job of the police, there is no need to continue studying in university.

It's not impossible, but inconvenient, after all Uesugi Jun doesn't have time to protect her alone.

Anyway, it's not a famous university, and it's not a pity to drop out. On the contrary, after dropping out now, I can still spend more time with the old man in the last few days of his life.

In fact, Tsuba Kakui had a lot to do after agreeing to Uesugi Jun's invitation.

The first is to go through the graduation procedures.

That's right, Tsuba Kaki, who is about to finish her sophomore year, is not going through the procedures of dropping out of school, but the procedures of graduation.

What is the difference between these two procedures? It is obviously not a difference in name. This graduation certificate will be useful to Tsuba Kakui in the future.

Dropping out? It's simple, just follow the process, and definitely don't need to spend extra money.

But if you graduate, you have to sponsor the school with a little money to get the graduation certificate.

Not much, after Jun Uesugi expressed his willingness to help, Mukui walked to the vice principal's office the next day with a million-dollar check, and successfully got a stack of test papers with answers, and a set of papers. An anonymous thesis, after filling out [-], her studies at this university will be considered complete, as for the graduation certificate, she will come to get it after two years.

Of course, this is something that can only be done by ordinary universities. If you change to a well-known university, you may still be able to use money, but it is not something that can be done with this amount of money.

If you can't get a graduation certificate this year, you will naturally not be able to take the relevant examinations in the future.

If Tsuba Mukui wants to take the national civil service examination with his graduation certificate, it will take two years.

For Tsuba Mukui, it doesn't matter whether she wants to take the exam or not.

Because she doesn't need to take the exam in person, Uesugi Jun will ask the shadow clone to take the National Civil Service Class I Examination instead of her.

As for the reason Uesugi Jun wants to do this, it is actually very simple, that is, it can save the quota in his hand.

In fact, as long as he can confirm the people who will join the Metropolitan Police Department in the future, Atsushi Uesugi will only allow these people to temporarily occupy the number of police officers in his hands for a period of time before officially joining the Metropolitan Police Department.

After these people pass the national civil service examination and have the police number issued by the Metropolitan Police Department, Jun Uesugi will take back the original police number and give the places in his hand to those who are unwilling or unable to join for various reasons People who work in the Metropolitan Police Department.

The advantage of doing this is not only to save quotas, but Jun Uesugi can also continuously increase the number of professional team members in the 'Uesugi Group', which will play a considerable role in expanding the power of the 'Uesugi Group' in the Metropolitan Police Department in the future.

In addition, the professional group entered the Metropolitan Police Department starting from the police department. Compared with the salary of inspectors and inspectors, no one would refuse to start with higher potential.

Therefore, Uesugi Jun will try his best to fool anyone who has the possibility of entering the Metropolitan Police Department.

After finishing her graduation, the second important thing for Aoi Tsuba is to deal with the house she lives in now.

After Tsuba Mushiro passed away, she will definitely move to Uesugi Jun's house so that Uesugi Jun can protect him nearby.

Before the base camp was built, Miyuki Kobayakawa couldn't refuse even if she didn't want to.

In fact, after knowing that there will be a free apartment to live in in the future, Tsujimoto Natsu begged Kobayakawa Miyuki to let her stay for a while, making Kobayakawa Miyuki very speechless.

 Thanks to the monthly support of the five book friends of 'The Deceiver', 'appie.pie', 'The Calm Dead House', 'The Rat of Tali Honganji Temple', and 'Moe is a Phenomenon'
(End of this chapter)

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