tokyo enforcer

Chapter 96 Mao Lilan's future plan...

Chapter 96 Maorilan's Future Plan
"Senior Maori, the Metropolitan Police Department more hoped that our zero class would focus on cases caused by supernatural powers. But such cases are rare after all. You can't keep fishing at other times. Naturally, we will deal with whatever cases come across. , This is the origin of all types of cases." Jun Uesugi explained.

"But what does this have to do with Xiaolan joining the Metropolitan Police Department?" Fei Mili asked puzzled.

"Only after joining the zero class, I have enough reasons to give Xiaolan a chance to step into the extraordinary circle and gain extraordinary power." Jun Uesugi explained directly without hiding anything.

"It turned out to be like this, but Xiaolan is only in her third year of high school after her spring break, and now she is joining the Metropolitan Police Department." Mori Kogoro stopped at this point.

But none of the people present knew what he meant. After all, he suffered from insufficient diplomas back then, so he naturally didn't want his daughter to follow in his footsteps.

"Don't worry about this. You don't need to drop out of school to join. I use a special quota. My plan for Xiaolan is also very clear. After the third year of high school, I will go directly to a full-time university. After graduating in four years, I will directly take the National Civil Service Class I Examination , and then enter the Metropolitan Police Department as a professional group, and at that time I will take back the special quota in my hand." Atsushi Uesugi has indeed planned for Mao Lilan's future.

Maybe she doesn't want to, but her current situation doesn't allow her to have extra choices.

"Uesugi-kun, you can't just pass the National Civil Servant Class I Examination." Fei Mili said ahead of Mao Lilan who was about to say something.

"It doesn't matter. Xiaolan is not sure when the time comes, so just replace her with someone else. And if you don't pass it once, it's better to come a few more times. Anyway, I won't take back the special quota before then." Uesugi Chunman waved his hand indifferently and said.


These words directly choked the few people present.

But after thinking about it, with extraordinary means, it is indeed possible to do some things that ordinary people dare not even imagine.

"Then about the extraordinary opportunity." Mori Kogoro asked, but before he finished speaking, he saw Uesugi Jun make a special gesture with his right hand.

Then I felt as if feathers were floating around out of thin air, and then my eyelids seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and then I closed my eyes.

"Senior Uesugi, this is..." Mao Lilan didn't know what to say when she saw her parents and Conan who had suddenly fallen asleep.

"Just fell asleep, Xiaolan, the next thing is to have a private conversation between us." Uesugi Jun signaled her not to panic.

"Senior Uesugi, please speak!" Seeing Uesugi Jun's serious tone, Mao Lilan also sat down, and then replied with a serious expression.

"Student Xiaolan, you are very kind to me. If possible, I will choose to keep a low profile and protect you, instead of telling you that you have to face such a cruel future." Jun Uesugi said first.

"Senior Uesugi, I'm already very grateful that you can tell me this. As for the kindness, please don't say any more. It's just asking about the garden for you. It's not a kindness." Mao Lilan waved his hand and said.

"Well, let's put these things aside for now. Regarding joining the Metropolitan Police Department and becoming a policeman, I need you to make your own decision." Uesugi Jun said.

"I am willing to join!" Maybe there are other dreams, but in this environment, Mao Lilan really has no other choice.

And Mao Lilan knew very well that even after this incident, her childhood sweetheart might still get involved in other things, and she needed the power to protect everything.

"Very good, from now on, you are a member of my zero class, now silently say the word system." Uesugi Jun said directly.

Unlike inviting other people, Uesugi Jun did not intend to hide his identity in front of Mao Lilan.

With two detectives by my side, I can't hide it even if I want to. It's better not to hide it than this.

After Mao Lilan said the word "system" silently, a virtual page appeared directly in front of her.

"Senior Uesugi, what is this?" Mao Lilan was shocked by this scene.

"This is the opportunity I give you to obtain extraordinary power." Then Uesugi Jun began to introduce how the subsystem should be used to Mao Lilan in detail.

At the same time, Mao Lilan also saw her personal attribute column, and the female lead template on it was so bright and dazzling.

Especially after seeing the title with a price of 1 million order points in the system mall, Mao Lilan felt even more incredible.

"This is your destiny, born with it, and no one can envy you." Uesugi Jun only had this explanation for this.

"Senior Jun Uesugi, how should I obtain order points?" Mao Lilan continued to ask.

After all, she has been dazzled by the things in the system mall, which is no wonder, after all, the authority given to her by Jun Uesugi is much higher than that of Sagami Ono Chie and Furutani Zero.

Sagami Ono Chie and Furutani Zero really have nothing but the blood, physique, and skills related to the extraordinary.

And even in the Extraordinary section, there are no products of the ninja power system in it.

Uesugi Jun is not a fool, so naturally he would not put the power system he chose in the mall for outsiders to study.

Although Mori Ran does not have as high authority as Miyuki Kobayakawa, at least he can buy ordinary skills. In addition, Uesugi Jun did not limit Mao Liran's authority to purchase ingredients.

This can be regarded as a benefit for her. After all, Miyuki Kobayakawa is too busy. The dishes in the group stores will be provided by Mao Lilan in the future.

As for Tsuba Mukui, it is not cost-effective to give her a place in the subsystem just for the supply of one dish.

That's why Uesugi Juncai specially gave Mao Lilan this permission. As for the purchase of talent permission, Uesugi Jun only opened the photographic memory, but this is already quite extraordinary for Mao Lilan.

Under the guidance of Jun Uesugi and the allocation of 100 million order points, Mao Lilan first raised his attributes to double 60, and then purchased four proficiencies in acting, cooking, firearms, and driving.

In this, choosing acting skills is very necessary for Mao Lilan, not to let her embark on the road of starlight, but her expression is too easy to be noticed, which can be regarded as a patch.

Of course, this is not all. In fact, of the 100 million order points gifted by Jun Uesugi, Mao Lilan only used up 59 order points, mainly because her introduction to cooking saved her 6000 points.

Uesugi Jun is only responsible for the initial guidance. As for how she will develop in the future, Uesugi Jun will only give reference opinions at most.

In fact, the above were all purchased by Jun Uesugi for Mao Lilan.

 Thank you for your support from the book friends of 'Unknown has been a thousand years. Dream is unreal'
(End of this chapter)

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