I, the dragon man!

Chapter 1 Humble Freedom

Chapter 1 Humble Freedom

"As long as you don't eat the Nika fruit, even if you are as good as Gol D. Roger, even if you have collected all the historical texts, you will have reached Ralph Drew.

Don't you deserve to bear the fate of the whole world? "

After muttering, Gao Wen, who was at home on vacation, threw the phone aside.

After lying on his back for a while, he finally picked up his phone angrily.

Continuing to browse the latest One Piece information posts in the post bar, Gao Wen thought for a long time before typing.

"What I want to see is the story of a brazen braggart who claims to be the One Piece, who keeps challenging his destiny and finally becomes the One Piece.

What I want to see is never the story that only this kid is qualified to become One Piece.

I am the man who will become the One Piece!

I ate the Sun God Nika fruit, only I am the man who is qualified to be the One Piece!
Ha ha……

The sea is so big.

Those generals have their own determination and will.

The so-called four emperors each have their own ideals and ambitions.

If from the beginning, only the owner of the Nika fruit deserves everything.

Is everyone else's hard work and hard work from beginning to end a so-called joke?
If so, is it because the dog ate the Nika fruit and awakened the Nika form after being beaten continuously.

Can dogs bear the fate of the world?

Dogs don't even eat burning fruit!

Others, such as Yuyu fruit, phantom beast species, green dragon form, teacher Kai's life has become a joke, you ate the wrong fruit!
Such as the fruit of Zhenzhen, the strongest man with white beard, just lucky not to stand against the awakened person of Nika fruit?

Naval hero Garp, if your grandson was born 40 years earlier, he would be the king of the sea when he was a pirate, and he would be the king of the sea when he was a navy. How could you have any role as a naval hero?

Heroes from all walks of life, everyone should have the opportunity to become the last future!

But now, none of them deserve it, whoever eats the Nika fruit deserves it!

What a disappointment! "

After typing this, Gao Wen let out a sigh of relief, edited and uploaded.

But as soon as he uploaded it, his eyes went dark and he disappeared on the sofa.

On the side, Gao Wu, who was playing with the old man's ring, only felt the sofa move.

Gao Wu tilted his head, was dazed, and then opened his mouth wide.

"Wait a minute, I... Where's my brother?!"


at the same time.


Gao Wen opened his eyes, only to feel that there were gold stars everywhere in his field of vision, and the pain in the top of his head was so painful that it made people shiver uncontrollably!

Gawain gritted his teeth and inhaled until his gums started to feel cold before he let it out.


He endured the pain and asked in a cold voice, while narrowing his eyes and looking back.

When he thought about it, he was probably hit by the relief background wall above the sofa.

The one who can do this is either the fat cat weighing fourteen catties at home, or the stupid brother Gao Wu!

Damn old man ring, I'm afraid he dropped the handle again!
But unexpectedly, what he saw when he turned his head was a frightened, incomparably beautiful, and at the same time extraordinarily immature and pure face.

Instinctively looked down along the face.

A large piece of bare white skin, blue-purple shells that can only hide the shame, a slender waist, and a pale yellow... fish tail? ! !

"Mermaid, murloc?!!"

Stared by Gao Wen's astonished eyes, the beautiful mermaid who was about to get up from the ground immediately fell to the ground.

The mermaid didn't even dare to look at Gao Wen, she was trembling and muttering to herself.

"Ah, I failed to escape and bumped into someone...

I... I didn't... didn't mean to.... "

boom! ! !
The mermaid hadn't finished speaking.

Gunshots are ringing!

Gao Wen frowned, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

In his eyes, the bullet first hit the mermaid's back covered by the long golden hair, then passed through her left chest, and finally stained the floor with a small circle of splashed blood patterns.

Immediately afterwards, with the unbearable trembling of the mermaid, a crimson trail of blood stretched out on the ground.

When the blood flowed to Gao Wen's feet, the mermaid's tail trembled slightly...

The beautiful fish tail that was supposed to be extremely gorgeous, but gradually dimmed at this moment, also lightly brushed on Gao Wen's coat!

Following the mermaid's tail, Gawain looked at his feet, and he was indeed no longer wearing the nightgown prepared for rest.

It was a set of incomparably white and oversized coat with the hem dragging all the way to the ground.

The beautiful fish tail stained the white clothes with some water stains, and the blood gradually rose along the white hem, dipping a small part of the hem into an unwilling red.

And all of this made Gao Wen wake up like a dream, the pain in the top of his head disappeared in an instant, he wanted to say something, but found it extremely difficult to speak, and couldn't open his mouth.

At the same time, from the direction where the gunshots came from, a joke followed.

"Hmph, this is the murloc slave I just sent, damn it.

I wanted her to be my ninth wife, but she actually wanted to run away and ran into someone else!

Let me see who she bumped into?

Oh, is it actually a Celestial Dragon like me? This is... Gao Wen?
Gao Wen, the murloc's strength is really strong enough, it's just a female mermaid, but you were knocked away by her all at once!
You are so weak, haha! "

All around, behind the arrogant laughter, countless slaves knelt on the ground, closing their eyes in pain.

That is the Tianlong people, who have never cared about their lives, descendants of gods!
As for Gao Wen, he took a deep breath to calm himself down completely.

Then, he slowly looked in the direction of the sound.

First he saw a cloud of gunpowder smoke, and as the smoke cleared, Gao Wen swallowed hard on a face that was so ugly that it was abstract.

Even if he changed from the two-dimensional in his impression to the three-dimensional in front of him, Gao Wen knew the identity of that guy with just one glance!
Think of the mermaid who just died, look at the guards around them, and glance at the chained slaves lying prone.

Lenovo was wearing a white robe with a big belly in front of him, so ugly that he almost lost his appearance.

Be it a dream or something else.

Gao Wen knew very well that he had truly appeared in the world of One Piece!

And the guy who shot was naturally the so-called Tianlongren!
As for your own identity?
I am a compatriot of the Tianlong people, and I am also the kind of person who can do whatever he wants in the world of One Piece, but will hardly suffer any harm, let alone his life...Dragon people!

After knowing his identity, Gao Wen let out a long breath. How could he, a pirate fan, not know the meaning behind the identity of Tianlongren.

So, I met the fearful eyes of the slaves and guards, and the ugly smile of the laughing Celestial Dragon.

He calmly put on the eyes that his seniors specially taught him when he was working, and looked around boldly.

Here I want to talk about his previous work. He is a diplomat. Although he has just graduated and started working for a little over two years, he has received a lot of training in terms of eyesight and language.

Because of this, Gawain's well-trained indifferent eyes made the smile of the ugly Tianlong man Charloth disappear completely.

Charlos put away his gun in a little bewilderment, and asked in a low voice.

"Gao Wen, don't be so serious, it's not that I hurt you.

What's more, I have already killed her, and that is the slave I bought with two devil fruits! "

"so what?"

Hearing the voice of the ugly Tianlongren, Gawain shook his head expressionlessly.

Then he crossed the blood stream and came in front of the trembling murloc.

Ignoring the ugly Tianlongren who were gradually frowning, Gao Wen looked solemnly and silently looked at the mermaid who was hardly trembling anymore.

Noticing Gao Wen's gaze, the mermaid's gradually dilated pupils moved slightly.

"I'm sorry..."

She tried her best to apologize word by word.

"It hurt you, I'm really... sorry.

Even if I'm running away, I... should be more careful..."

The mermaid's voice finally disappeared, and her pupils completely dilated, leaving Gawain with only the last apologetic smile on the corner of his mouth.

Why do you feel sorry?

For hurting innocent people.

But why are you laughing?
Because even if you die, you will be happier than living in the hands of Tianlong people.

After all, death is the greatest freedom for the humble!

(End of this chapter)

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