I, the dragon man!

Chapter 127 God's Avoidance!

Chapter 127 God's Avoidance! (There is no reason to add more!)
Hearing Gao Wen's threat without deterrence, everyone around rolled their eyes in unison.

Gion pursed her lips and chuckled, and she said comfortably.

"Yes, it is dreadful, my lord, that is a full half of the annuity.

If 30 billion Baileys are deducted a year, we can only buy two and a half less Marko~. "

Having said that, Gion held a glass of sake to Gawain.

Gawain took a sip of his wine with a smile, put down his glass, turned to Franky and Espagu, and asked.

"By the way, the cost of the Xuanniao is about 200 billion. Is this the cost price?"

"Of course, my lord!"

Espagu was shocked immediately.

"I will never be greedy for budgets in our boat, and I am not the kind of short-sighted person. Don't worry, my lord, I have already handed over the accounts to Miss Kalifa!"

"Haha, don't be nervous, I didn't mean that."

Gawain waved his hand at Espagu.

"I mean, build a ship similar to the Black Bird, but without the special technology that our ship contains.

It is to make the boat large enough and luxuriously decorated, without any wings, jets, and other things that increase the budget.

Then, what do you think should be the cost of a giant cruise ship that is normally provided to my people? "

"I understand!"

Espagu nodded.

"While making the Xuanniao, I have already considered this issue, so I made a record in my heart.

If you leave aside the ordinary large ships that are used for combat and special acceleration, and do not have amphibious capabilities, the cost price is only about 200 billion. Even if you add luxurious decorations, the budget will not exceed 800 billion Baileys. "

Having said that, Espagu pointed to the wings of the Black Bird.

"These wings really cost a lot of money, whether it is the material to make the wings, the machinery to ensure the regular movement of the wings, or the Adam resin that keeps the wings from being excessively worn.

These wings alone are already more expensive than the ship itself! "

Espagu glared at Frankie fiercely.

"This is also the reason why the first shipbuilding budget was only 3000 billion Baileys. The idea of ​​the wings came from Franky's whim!"

"But this sudden whim allowed the mysterious bird to break through the limit of the sea, and that's enough."

Gawain interrupted Espagu's complaint, and then he pondered for a moment.

"The cost is 3000 billion, so after Roswald's dinner, I will declare that I spent [-] trillion to buy the ship.

After all, the basic price of a big ship is too high, even the Tianlong people can't bear it easily. The profit of a ship is about 7000 billion, regardless of working hours and labor costs, it is already a pretty good profit.

But my judgment is not as good as your real businessman, Esbagu, do you think this price is right? "

"I..., I only want 800 billion..."

Facing Gao Wen's suggestion, Espagu shook his head in shame.

Status, ambition and determination, these are not as good as adults, since there is a specialization in art, the character of adults is a natural leader.

But now, when it comes to the job of a businessman, he is actually not as greedy as an adult!
In the silence, Espagu secretly made up his mind that after the casino opened, he had to be more vicious in his actions!
As for Gao Wen, upon hearing Espagu's answer, he raised his wine glass with a smile.

"Since Espagu thinks there is no problem, then the number is set like this. After Roswald's dinner, everyone should not say anything.

That's all for tonight, I should also rest, and I have to get up for training tomorrow morning.

Everyone, cheers! "


Just when the Xuanniao sailed out of the calm zone without any haste, the Chambord Islands.

A ship with an extremely slow speed and an extremely erratic trajectory slowly collided with other ships docked at the dock.

It was a pirate ship that was hit. In the middle of the night, a group of pirates were eating hot pot and singing, when they were suddenly hit by others.

So a group of drunken pirates immediately followed their captain, rushed to the deck and yelled at their small broken ship.

"Damn it, who actually bumped into our boat? Our captain is the blue-haired Joe with a bounty of 400 million... Gulu Gulu Gulu...?!!"

Before the pirates could finish their words, a circular wave suddenly appeared around their ship.

The pirate only felt his body sank, and sank into the sea with their ship!

About 2 minutes later, the ship broke through the water and refloated to the surface of the sea, but the submerged ship could not operate normally at all.

Soon, the ship turned over, and all the pirates on board squeezed to the side of the ship floating above the sea.

While trying to stand still, the panicked sailors looked at the ship that had just hit them in confusion.

I saw the sailors shouting in horror.

"Then...the people on that ship are all dead!"

"They're all dead!!!"

The embarrassed blue-haired Joyce widened his eyes.

"No wonder even I couldn't react, this must be a ghost ship!!!"

In this way, when the news of the ghost ship began to spread on Chambord Island, an uncle wearing a blue-purple samurai suit, with large scars covering his eyes and a simple stick knife on his waist, came to the illegal area of ​​Chambord. A kabuki hall.

Facing the ferocious welcome, the uncle smiled slightly, then he took out a crumpled newspaper from his pocket and handed it to the welcome.

"I happened to be in the casino on the island of Bombala when I heard that Chambord was preparing to host the World Game of Thrones.

Hey, it's really hard. As a blind person, I really can't see the words in the newspaper.

But out of my love for gambling, I have troubled many well-meaning people.

Through their notification, I finally came here.

Excuse me, is this competition over? If not, where should I register? "

"Ha, another idiot from outside, this is the lawless area of ​​Chambord Island, even the Tianlong people will not pass through here!

Sign up, I let you sign up! "

While laughing, the welcome guest in the ear of the blind uncle slapped him!

At this moment, the surrounding wind sounds like a pause, the blind uncle suddenly drew his sword, and then turned his wrist.


With a soft snort, the blind uncle retracted his knife gracefully, and the false welcome in front of him, the actual cunning villain, didn't even have a piece of cloth left on his body!

In this way, half an hour later, on Tree Island 55, at the gate of the Chambord Island branch of the Carrera Club.

Sure enough, the cunning villain became a real welcome guest, and he sent the blind uncle into the gate of the registration point with great respect.

It was already midnight at this time, and the young lady who was in charge of the reception at the registration point was very tired.

But the Carrera company gave too much, so the young lady rubbed her eyes and smiled gently at the blind uncle.

But in the next moment, when the young lady saw clearly the eyes of the blind uncle who were ruined by scars, the young lady stopped suddenly!
If it was normal time, the well-trained young lady might not show her feet as easily as now.

But the midnight and exhaustion kept her from concentrating.

Feeling the change of the young lady, the blind uncle frowned slightly, and then he said softly.

"Just kidding, I amazed those gambler friends more than once because of my blind eyes.

But I hope you can understand that gambling comes from the beauty in probability, and this kind of beauty cannot be easily given up even by people who cannot see things! "

After finishing the words, the blind uncle bowed slightly to the reception lady.

"If you understand what I mean, then please let go of your surprise and help me complete the registration form."

"Okay, okay!"

The young lady hurriedly said, and then she took a deep breath, patted her cheek lightly, and made an appearance that everything was because of her sleepiness.

Then she took out the registration form as naturally as possible, and said softly to the blind uncle.

"Uncle, it's not convenient for you, so let me fill it out for you.

What is your name? "

"The old man smiled, and I'm causing trouble!"

He smiled and nodded solemnly.

At the same time, the little sister slightly tightened her hand holding the pen.

"Uncle Yixiao, may I ask what project you are good at?"

"Dice, of course. I like the sound of them hitting the dice cup."

He nodded with a smile and said.

In the reception room, the little sister's pen was rustling, and she waited silently with a smile. Half a minute later, the young lady said softly to Yixiao.

"Okay, uncle, I've already filled out your registration form, we don't have any special requirements on the identity of the players, so we only need your name and game preference.

Here is your player number plate. You are very lucky and have drawn the [-]th number. Please take it well. "

"Thank you." She nodded and took the number plate with a smile.

Seeing this, the reception lady continued to say to Yixiao.

"Uncle Yixiao, the gambling competition will officially start in five days, and the venues are on tree islands No. [-], No. [-] and No. [-] in Chambord.

Finally, I wish you a prosperous gambling! "

Accompanied by Miss Sister's blessing, he bowed lightly with a smile, and then slowly left the reception room.

After leaving with a smile for about half a minute, the young lady slammed on the wall behind her.

Hearing the sound, a small window opened on the wall, and the young lady handed over the registration form for Yixiao.

Not long after, two figures hiding in the darkness sprang out of the Carrera branch, and they kept tracking in the direction of Yixiao's departure.

But they went out for half an hour, but they couldn't see the shadow of Yixiao.




Three days later, at the gate of Marie Gioia.

Accompanied by the sound of the sidewalk moving slowly, Xia Lulia said excitedly while checking her makeup with a small mirror.

"I didn't expect Brother Gao Wen to take the initiative to invite me to have lunch!
This is a marriage proposal, woo woo woo, it must be a marriage proposal, I knew he would like the long-haired rabbit fruit I gave him, it is my treasure, the cutest fruit in the whole sea! "

On the side, hearing his daughter's excited words, Roswald, who was sitting on the tall slave, lowered his face in dissatisfaction.

"Shalulia, be dignified, Gao Wen is the guy who beat and hurt your brother!
This trip, we must overwhelm patriarch Gao Wen in momentum, you must not embarrass me! "

After the words fell, Roswald looked at the gate of Marie Gioia with disdain.

"Hmph, the sidewalk has never been built beyond the gate of Marie Gioia, what a trouble!

Slave, move! "

Accompanied by Roswald's words, the guards following behind him immediately swung their whips and slapped the slave mount severely.

After being whipped, the slave under Roswald showed a look of humiliation, and crawled out of the gate dejectedly.

And when he was crawling, the City of Advance logo branded on his shoulders was vivid!

At the same time, near the Chambord Islands, Gao Wen's ship gradually slowed down.

Standing at the bow of the boat, Hancock gently put on Gawain's coat and said at the same time.

"The people in Chambord are looking at our ship. Presumably from today, your name will be famous in the sea with Xuanniao."

"Whether the name can be passed on depends not on the onlookers, but on the albatross hidden inside."

Gawain took a breath of the sea breeze, then waved behind him, and Franky in the operation center immediately pressed the button.

Shortly after, the small jet boat used for short landings fell from the belly of the black bird and fell into the sea.

Accompanied by such an action, the wings of the Black Bird are also opening, while the wings bring a shadow to the Black Bird.

Clang! ! !

The sound of drawing a knife sounded instantly, and Gion leaped suddenly, and then she leaped onto the tallest mast of the Xuanniao!
On the deck below, Raleigh frowned slightly.

He sat up from the rocking chair first, and after stretching, Raleigh smiled at Gawain.

"Little Gao Wen, it's not easy for you to get this money. In just a few days, a very troublesome guy broke into our boat."

After the voice fell, the other people lying in the rest area had already opened their eyes, and they looked at Gion's position in astonishment!
On the tallest mast of the Xuanniao, Gion Tidao stood on the left side of the transom, frowning and looking forward at the uncle in a samurai robe.

When she saw the uncle's closed eyes and scar clearly, Gion was slightly taken aback.

"Blind, scar, you just smile!"

"It's down!"

Facing Gion's question, he stood up with a smile and nodded at the same time.

"I'm very sorry, it's really rude for me to come here uninvited.

But I hope you will bear with me, after all, not everyone can suppress their curiosity.

I'm really curious, why the person who has always kept a low profile has become the target you are looking for.

Either you give me an explanation, or you and the people on this ship will not see me a second time. "

After the words fell, he lowered his head sideways with a smile, and waited expressionlessly.

At the same time, everyone on the deck except Raleigh looked up to the sky in disbelief.

Hancock clenched his fists and roared.

"It's such a shame that Aijia was found on the boat by someone else, and Aijia was discovered later than that rabbit!"

Listening to Hancock's words, Raleigh in the distance laughed and raised his glass.

"Haha, little Hancock, and the rest of you, you have to pay attention in the future.

In combat, knowledge-color domineering is indeed not as effective as armed-color domineering, because unless you can master the special advanced skills of knowledge-color, such as skills such as foreseeing the future.

Otherwise, the evasion effect provided by the color of knowledge is indeed not as strong as that of the color of arms.

You are all reckless people, the battle is always straight forward, and the armed forces match one by one, the intensity is already enough.

But in terms of knowledge and color, you can only be regarded as proficient, but just proficient is still far from it!
The guy who touched our boat may have exceeded the intensity of his knowledge color. If he was outside the range of your knowledge color, he would be able to see your every move.

Then follow your respective loopholes to advance, and you will naturally be able to lurk by your side! "

Having said that, Lei Li shook his head, then raised his sword and stood up.

"The old man is also old, hey, if he is 15 years younger, the old man will never be discovered by him touching the mast.

From today onwards, the old man seems to have to exercise a little bit. As for you, the old man has to say something.

When your strength is gradually approaching the top, what determines your strength is never the direction you are best at, but the short board you are least good at!

In the future, you should stop hanging around in beach volleyball and practice hard with the old man and Gao Wen.

As for now... "

With a movement of Lei Li's feet, the whole person jumped into the air, while rushing to the position of the mast, Lei Li shouted heroically.

"Now let the old man see who it is, who almost suppressed the old man's knowledge!"

Lei Li slammed onto the transom, raised his sword and pointed at it, grinning.

"Young man, don't be so polite, after we disbanded, have all the pirates now become like you!
If it was in our time, the only way to say hello with a knife in your hand is the real etiquette! ! ! "

I saw Lei Li stepping forward, his right hand raised fiercely towards Xiao Xiao from bottom to top.

At the same time, Raleigh shouted loudly.

"Let this old man borrow his old friend's knife skills to make the strongest sound of this old man's return to the sea, and use this to commemorate him who passed away!
Dodge! ! ! "

 For the tenth day in a row, [-] updates have exploded. Is it reasonable and legal to ask for votes at this time?

  Tickets come! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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