I, the dragon man!

Chapter 152 Lingling is so beautiful....

Chapter 152 Lingling is so beautiful....

"That's really impressive...cooperation!"

Facing Gao Wen's toast, White Beard clinked glasses solemnly, and then drank the whole pot in one gulp.

Putting down the jug, he sat in the hot spring and sighed leisurely.

"Only chatting with a young man like you will make this old man feel that this old man is really old..."

While speaking, White Beard relaxed his body, and he lay down in the spring water, with only his head exposed.

"You asked me if I knew you, but I have to admit that the old man really saw it.

You say you are exceptionally good at taking advantage of others!
Yes, it turns out that this old man is like a fish caught in the net. He has become your tool since he saw you, or before he saw you! "

He turned his head to look at Gao Wen, with a helpless smile on his face.

"Although the future you have been talking about just now is just your own speculation and your own judgment about the future.

But the old man sitting next to you seems to have really seen everything.

So, Gao Wen, are pirates destined to disappear? "

"Newgate, pirates are thieves after all, maybe there are good thieves and there are bad thieves, but good or bad, a thief is a thief, isn't it?
As long as you are a thief, you have a reason to bring harm to others!

Whether or not to hurt others is the choice of a thief, but as long as you wear the identity of a thief, a thief has a reason to hurt others!
And should this identity really be the pursuit of at least half of the young people in the world? "

Gao Wenyou responded, and then he, like Whitebeard, lay on his back in the hot spring again.

Feeling the wiping of the hot water, Gao Wen lightly pressed the service bell next to the hot spring.

As the bell rang, the maids came in with a lot of food and drinks. Although they were all stunned by the domineering look before, they had already woken up after so long.

Putting the drinks and food near Gawain and White Beard, the maids left slowly, while Gawain continued talking to White Beard while eating the fruit.

"Actually, sometimes I also feel that if the world is not as chaotic as it is today.

Then I will really enjoy myself.

You see, my identity is a Celestial Dragon. Although I am destined not to be able to play with my fellow clansmen, if I have such an identity and cannot enjoy life, then I am a bit of a failure.

Don't care about anything, don't fight for anything, take your own money, pull your own woman, take your own boat, and wander among dreamy countries and islands one after another.

In that case, although I can't take a sauna with the strongest man in the world like I do now.

But I should be really happy like that, right? "

"Gu la la la, the old man has never had such a dream!"

Hearing Gao Wen's words, White Beard laughed comfortably.

"Back then, when the old man was still a child, he set foot on a pirate ship that left his hometown.

The old man is not naturally powerful like Lingling and Kaido. When the old man was young, he was really just a little guy.

This old man... I really have traveled through many boats and passed through many pirate groups... "

Shaking his head, Whitebeard grinned, and at the same time he took a piece of pineapple and stuffed it into his mouth.

After chewing, he turned his back on Gao Wen and continued to laugh.

"Until later, you also knew that the old man met Lockes.

The captain, although he is not someone that the old man admires, he is really domineering.

The old man doesn't like his cruelty and bloodthirsty, but in that era, Lockes was the strongest pirate in the world, and although the old man dislikes his style, he really admires his strength!
It was also through Captain Lockes that the old man obtained the fruit of Zhenzhen and truly embarked on the road he is today. "

Having said that, Whitebeard showed a nostalgic smile, and he continued to laugh.

"At the beginning, the Rocks Pirates didn't have that many people, and Lingling and I were the first to get on board.

By the way, do you know Gao Wen, Lingling was so beautiful back then.

Let me tell you a secret, I must keep it for the old man. Back then, the old man pursued Lingling hard.

But later, well, Lingling's attitude towards marriage was really not in line with the old man.

So what can the old man do, goo la la la, after all, whether it is me or Lingling, we are all pirates!
And why do pirates lack the opposite sex? Gu la la la! ! ! "

Amidst the loud laughter, Whitebeard stretched his toes and looked at Gao Wen with interest.

"As for you, Gao Wen, the women on your boat are no worse than Lingling back then.

What do you think, how about talking with the old man? "


Gao Wen looked at White Beard with a funny face.

"Newgate, are you actually curious about this kind of gossip?"

"Gu la la la, why can't the old man be curious, but these words can't be chatted with the sons!
Now that I have met you and stayed in such a pleasant environment, if I don't talk about such interesting things, then the old man can only go to hell to chat with Roger.

How about the girls on your boat, do you like any of them? "

"Uh, what if I say, I like all of them?"

Gao Wen showed a teasing smile, and after hearing what he said, Whitebeard immediately showed such an expression.

"Gu la la la, this is a man, what a nostalgic youth!

Unfortunately, when the old man left the Rocks Pirates and chose to form the Whitebeard Pirates.

The old man has no chance to stop! "

White Beard took a breath regretfully.

"During the period when Captain Lockes died, the new world was too chaotic. Although there was no era of great pirates at that time, in order to compete for the territory of Lockes back then.

Either me, Lingling, or Kaido's monster-like little devil.

When we hit each other, we wiped out all the indifferent feelings in the past.

There are more and more pirates coming to us, and we are no longer alone. Although I have no dream of becoming a king, the interests of my subordinates and sons need to be taken care of by this old man.

Without a place, the sons can't even drink a bowl of good wine. If they can't afford wine, where will the old man go to ask for wine.

Gradually, the old man defeated one opponent after another. Obviously, the old man did not regard them as opponents at all, and the old man had no choice but to become their target.

When the old man was weak, the old man was pushed forward by the times. At that time, the old man wanted to be free, and the old man thought that if he was strong enough, he could make the old man free.

But after the old man became stronger and stronger, the old man was still pushed away by the times. When the old man became the number one in the world, the old man even lost his brother who said a few jokes.

In this way, the old man became the most unfree person in the world.

The old man really wanted to let go of everything and take his sons back to his hometown to live in seclusion.

At that time, the old man does not need to deal with challengers one after another. If there is no money to buy wine, the old man will ask his sons to catch a few pirates in exchange for bounties.

Then the old man went to ask his sons for wine and food, gurgling! ! ! "

Amidst the loud laughter, Whitebeard clapped his hands.

"Cheng Wang, goo la la la, besides Roger, how many people in this world really want to become the One Piece King?

As for Roger, before he was terminally ill, he also didn't intend to be the One Piece, but unfortunately, Roger fell ill.

After realizing that he was about to die, goo, la la, even a guy like Roger started to panic!

He hurried to find the strongest doctor at the time, Kulocas, and then desperately collected historical text slates.

He even borrowed my crew member Oden in order to get to Ralph Drew!
In this way, he collected all the historical texts in one year and arrived at the final Lovedrew, but who would have thought that Lovedrew actually only hid a big joke? "

White Beard shook his head boredly, then let out a long breath.

"Hey, as I was talking, the old man couldn't help but talk about what happened back then, it's really sad.

Even if the old man is the strongest man in the world, the old man only has one heart, and the old man will always grow old and die.

I really want to beat time, but I have won all my life, but I can never win time again. "

I saw White Beard carefully approaching Gao Wen, and then said softly.

"Let me tell you another secret, every time I fight now, my heart hurts like I'm about to die..."

He clenched his fist and lightly hammered his chest.

"As the old man said, the old man really envies Lingling and Kaido.

Their bodies are really excellent, and their talents are really too powerful!
But the old man is not, the old man is just an ordinary person, even the height is only grown after being strong.

So, Gao Wen, you just talked a lot with me, but I don't really care much about those.

The old man doesn't know how long he can live. If your plan is delayed for three to five years, the old man may die by himself.

When the old man is alive, goo la la la, it is absolutely impossible for the old man to betray the interests of the pirates as a pirate!

But if I die... "

White Beard suddenly looked at Gao Wen, who nodded solemnly.

"If the old man dies before your plan starts, then... you can replace the old man and continue to implement your plan!

As for the old man's land and sons, the old man will talk to them before he dies. A hero like you must be recognized by them!
In that case, your goal of bringing stability to the world will be easier to achieve, and the old man is actually looking forward to living in such a world!
If the old man was to live again, then the old man would rather be a worker in a peaceful and stable hometown than be the so-called number one in the world in some troubled times!

As for the old man's son, with your help, they must be safer.

Of course, if the old man is still alive at that time...

Gu la la la, then you will kill the old man yourself!
This old man doesn't have a brain like yours, this old man will only fight in his life!

But the old man knows one thing, no matter what kind of great cause you want to achieve, a person like you needs prestige extremely!
And this sea, gurgling, what else is easier to become famous than killing the old man!

Over the years, the old man has met many guys who want to defeat the old man.

Some people are so good that the old man wants to praise them, such as that brat Crocodile.

And more people, completely let the old man lose interest! "

Having said that, White Beard patted Gao Wen's shoulder excitedly.

"If it's you, then this old man will definitely be motivated, so hurry up and improve your strength!
Even if it is an old man who is dying, he cannot be easily shaken by your frail physique!
The old man went to sea at the age of eight and fought for his whole life. How can I die on the sick bed like this, huh huh huh! ! ! "


Hearing what White Beard said, Gao Wen shook his head bored.

"Sounds like an exciting proposition, but actually, it's not what I need at all.

Newgate, don't get excited so easily, okay?
If in the future, I really have the strength enough to kill you, then with my strength at that time, doing anything will be more meaningful than killing you.

Especially, on the premise that I want to pursue stability, the longer you live, the greater the benefit to me.

I even have a plan, the best way to end the era of great pirates started by Roger is to let a new One Piece appear in the world!

Let the new One Piece announce to the world that he has obtained Roger's secret treasure, and then process it a little bit, then the era of the big pirate will naturally pass by. "

Having said that, Gao Wen patted Whitebeard's arm.

"How about it, Newgate, if you really appreciate me as much as you said, then don't just cooperate with me in the way of being used by me, but go after the throne of One Piece.

I will help you.

If you become the One Piece King, few pirates will disapprove, and that will really help me a lot, friend! "

"Goo la la la!!!"

White Beard was directly amused by Gao Wen's proposal, and while laughing, he simply shook his head.

"Don't be kidding, what One Piece, that's a seat only hot-blooded idiots would sit in!

If the old man is 20 years younger, maybe the old man will really agree to you. After all, if your dream comes true, then the world will really be stable!
but now……. "

White Beard looked deeply at Gao Wen.

"The current old man is not the most suitable One Piece in your eyes, is he?

Because even if the old man becomes king, the old man's body can't last long!
The stability you want, you should need someone who can make people get used to the identity of One Piece, and gradually adapt to the existence of One Piece, and then realize that One Piece is nothing more than that, right?

But look, how could this old man be like that! "

After finishing speaking, White Beard looked at Gao Wen melancholy.

"But having said that, you have always used the dream of us pirates, that is, the title of One Piece, as a ruthless tool and used it cruelly.

This kind of behavior really made the old man feel sad.

But the old man can't get angry with you yet, because One Piece is the dream of almost most pirates, but compared with you, that kind of dream seems too narrow! "

After the words fell, White Beard picked up a jug of wine and took a deep sip.

Putting down the jug, he gave Gawain a persuasive look again.

"But like I said, I still recommend that you improve your strength as soon as possible. Your dream is too big, and if you don't have enough strength, it will not be enough to support everything!
Remember, Gao Wen, in this world, the weak are not worthy to appear in the world of the strong!
Just like today, even if you have the protection of those three monsters, it is nothing to the old man.

They are indeed difficult to deal with, but even if the three of them attack at the same time, the old man can at least last for a few hours!

And you, as long as the old man really wants to, the old man will be able to withstand several attacks from Lei Li and the others, and kill you in the blink of an eye!
Yes, you are a Tianlong person, of course the old man will not do anything, after all, the old man is not Rocks.

But that's just now!

Now you can rely on your identity as a Tianlongren, and rely on the fear of other powerful people for this identity to survive.

But wait until the future, when you can really see what you want....

At that time, no one will care whether you are a Tianlong person or not!

This world is the world of the strong, and you, you have missed too much!
I can tell, I'm afraid you haven't started exercising last year, have you?

You missed too much time, and you even missed the stage where your strength improved the fastest.

Between seventeen and twenty.That is the golden age of every strong man, this period was completely missed by you!

So if I were you, I would definitely accept the old man's proposal to you.

Find a world-renowned, truly powerful fruit to make up for the golden period you have missed, and save you more exercise time, so that you can have the power to sweep the world earlier!

In the old man's opinion, the shaking fruit of the old man, the dark fruit of the year, the thunderous fruit with the strongest attack power, almost every phantom beast fruit, and the natural fruit in the higher order.

Those can save you at least ten years of cultivation time!

You want to unify the sea, gurg la la la!
The old man also wants to have a good fight with a hero like you when he is alive!

As for today, cut!

Today is so boring!
Rayleigh isn't Roger after all, the old guy is still far behind, gurgling! "

(End of this chapter)

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