Chapter 176

When Shiliu returned to Changhuan Island where Gao Wen was, it was already the night of the second day.

Sitting in front of the bonfire, Gawain and other tribe members watched Uta sing and dance on the stage.

Although Gao Wen was always calm, the cheers from the tribal people almost rushed to the sky.

No way, who said that the singer is too beautiful!

The audience size of more than 4000 people is really pitiful for Uta. When she held a concert in Aresia in the past, the audience was at least [-].

But Uta standing on the stage, as long as he sees the tribal people in the audience who are so simple that they even eat seagulls delivering newspapers, he feels full of strength from head to toe!
It's not because I'm afraid that if I can't sing well, I will be eaten.

It's because this is a pure land of music, and the people here have never heard her singing in the past!
She always thought that she was using music to bring happiness to everyone.

But until now, she really realized that there are really too many people in this world who don't even have the chance to listen to her music.

So at this moment, she is extremely grateful for her choice to board the Xuanniao!

While singing, Uta strengthened her determination. She will definitely go to countless islands and bring happiness to countless people like the tribesmen of Changhuan Island... Eh?

Even though she was singing, this professional singer was frightened for a moment by Shiliu who was gradually approaching from afar.

Shiliu, who had killed countless people just now, had too much blood on his body, as if there was an evil ghost haunting his back.

Fortunately, Uta is really professional, she turned her head calmly.

Shouted to the audience.

"Everyone sing with me~~."

Uta used interaction to cover up his little panic.

As for Gao Wen, Kalifa leaned over and whispered in his ear.

"My lord, Mr. Xiliu is back, and he brought back a person with fruit ability."

When he heard these words, his warm breath hit Gawain's ears, and Kalifa's golden hair touched Gawain's cheek twice.

Gawain nodded, then got up, and lightly patted Hancock's shoulder next to him.

While signaling Hancock and Gion to continue listening to the concert, Gawain and Kalifa left the crowd together and walked towards Shiliu in the distance.

In the distance, Foxy really trembled this time, seeing Gawain's approaching figure, he didn't even have the strength to kneel down.

Seeing his appearance, Shiliu pressed Foxy's shoulders, and directly knelt him down in front of Gawain.

The moment his knees hit the ground, Foxy instinctively yelled at Gawain.

"Master Tianlongren, I... hiccup?"


Gao Wen gently put his index finger in front of his lips.

Seeing this, Shiliu directly punched Foxy again, knocking Foxy down to the ground.

At the same time, Khalifa took over the chair brought for Gao Wen by her subordinates, and she placed the chair behind Gao Wen.

After Gao Wen sat down naturally, he waved to Shiliu.

"The kid was singing and people were listening intently, so we chatted a little bit.

How about this trip? Is only this silver fox, Foxy, a fruit capable person? "

"Yes, my lord."

Shirley explained softly.

"Golden Snake Ambro is dead, but I forgot to confiscate his treasure. This is my mistake, please punish me!"

"Punishment for what?"

Gao Wen smiled indifferently.

"How many treasures can a guy who wanders around Changhuan Island and stops, just treat it as a bonus for your efforts to kill the enemy.

So, you just left the bonus in the ocean, go ahead. "

"Thank you sir!"

Xiliu thanked and continued to talk to Gao Wen.

"As for Foxy the Silver Fox, he is a person with slow fruit ability, and he is really a good fruit.

As for his treasure, I haven't forgotten it. I searched it, and it's about [-] million. "

"It's not bad, let's connect it to the finance department, you have worked hard."

Gawain nodded and said with satisfaction.

Hearing this, Xiliu shook his head flattered.

"My lord was joking, I should be grateful for your generosity.

My lord generously gave me the chance to kill someone, so I should pay my lord Bailey! "

"Ha ha!"

Gao Wen was directly amused by Shiliu's cold humor. While laughing, he sat there and stretched out his hand.

Seeing this, Shiliu moved closer to Gao Wen and knelt down on one knee.

Gao Wen smiled and patted Shiliu's shoulder.

"The capitalists are not as exaggerated as you said, haha, there is no reason why you have to pay me for arranging a job for you.

Don't talk about this kind of thing in front of your colleagues, your fierce face is scary enough, if you hear your words again, you will be rejected.

Get up. "

"Thank you sir!"

Xiliu stood up with a smile. He liked the atmosphere of communicating with Gao Wen very much. In the eyes of adults, there was no dissatisfaction or contempt for his hobbies. Instead, he kept arranging suitable jobs for himself according to his own hobbies. .

Such a superior, tsk tsk!

At this moment, Shiliu just wanted to pull out the thunderstorm and kill all the pirates on the Great Route for Gawain.

On the side, seeing Xiliu's happy and excited look, Gao Wen said to Xiliu with a smile.

"Originally, I positioned you as an execution officer, but unfortunately, the environment of Changhuan Island does not give you room for execution.
The number of tribal people here is too small, and the folk customs are too simple.

But you still have to be prepared, the next island we will pass by will not be as naive as Changhuan Island.

At that time, you have to fulfill your duties as an executioner, try to use a more appropriate expression and attitude, and in the eyes of the civilians on other islands, execute the pirates or local gangsters who have always brought them pain and fear.

Remember, it's more appropriate than acting like a devil.

Let people realize that it is our Xuanniao group that solves the past shadows and disasters for them, not the new shadows and disasters in their hearts, understand? "


Shiliu nodded heavily and continued.

"I've been learning to fish with Brother Jinpei recently, so as to sharpen my tolerance. I will correct my ferocious expression as soon as possible to meet your request, my lord!"


Gao Wen was taken aback, he couldn't help taking a breath, and persuaded.

"Are you sure that learning to fish with Jinbei won't make you more irritable, you won't even catch fish....

If you want me to say, you should learn from Lu Qi or Kaku.

I always think their deadpan look suits you better.... "

"Okay, I'll ask them for advice when I get back, Jiehehe!" Xiliu nodded with a smile.

After chatting with Shilio about his problem, Gawain turned to look at the silver fox Foxy lying on the ground.

He pointed to Foxy and asked calmly.

"By the way, what do you think of this slow fruit? If Vegapunk can really transfer the fruit, do any of you think so?"

After finishing speaking, Gao Wen looked around at the people.

Facing Gao Wen's question, Shiliu shook his head lightly.

"The fruit is a good fruit, but it doesn't match my style. I prefer... a fruit that is a little more interesting than this.

I don't know where the invisible fruit is. If there is one, it would be very interesting. In short, I am not very interested in the slow fruit. "

"Well, I respect your opinion, what about Kaku, haven't you been fruitless?"

Gawain looked at Kaku behind Xiliu.

Hearing this, Kaku knelt on the ground on one knee and said to Gao Wen in fear.

"My lord, I prefer the fruit of the animal department. If possible, can you let me choose for a while and then make a decision?"

"Of course, get up, don't kneel down at every turn.

If you need to kneel down, I will speak, but if I don't speak, try to stand up and speak. "

Hearing this, Kaku nodded, then quickly stood up.

At the same time, Gawain looked at Kalifa.

"Kalifa, what do you think, how about slow fruit?"

Listening to Gao Wen's question, Khalifa gently straightened her temples by her ears.

Then she lowered her head slightly and said calmly.

"If Vegapunk can really take out the devil fruit in his body, then I think I should consider it.

The slow fruit that can slow down allows me to better protect adults. "

"Haha, what if I am so strong that I don't need your protection anymore?" Gao Wen asked with a smile.

Kalifa pursed her lips lightly and said.

"Then, I can also slow down the opponent who makes adults find it troublesome, at least I can put pressure on him."

"Have a heart."

Gawain patted Kalifa's arm lightly, then he looked at Kaku.

"Bring the Eternal Pointer and Foxy the Silver Fox to meet Vegapunk and tell him my request.

If he thinks one Silver Fox Foxy is not enough, that's okay, I can provide him with more Devil Fruit users.

But you have to emphasize that since I provided him with the scratch paper of the calculation, he must at least give me a correct answer.

Do you remember? "

"Remember, my lord, I will take Foxy out immediately!"

Kaku nodded immediately, then pulled Foxy who had already been handcuffed by Hailoushi, boarded the Little Black Bird, and walked away.

After Kaku left, Gao Wen nodded to everyone.

"We'll wait for the news from Vegapunk, let's enjoy Uta's music now.

That's really... music that almost shouldn't exist in reality! "



One night passed, and the next morning, Gao Wen was standing in the gravity range with one hand, maintaining a handstand posture with difficulty.

At this moment, the chief of the Changhuan Island tribe walked towards Gao Wen.

Noticing that he seemed to have something to say, he lightly lifted the gravity with a smile.

At the same time, Gao Wen jumped up with one hand on the ground, and after turning in the air, he stood gracefully on the ground.

Looking at Sivens approaching, Gawain nodded and smiled.

"What happened, Patriarch Sivens."

"Ah, don't dare to act, dare not act, I have seen Mr. Gao Wen!"

Sivens bowed solemnly, and then carefully observed Gao Wen's expression.

Noticing Sivens' expression, Gawain asked with a chuckle.

"Why is it like this? Is there something wrong with my clothes?"

"No, no, my lord, I... I have read the newspapers and magazines given to me by Mr. Raleigh, King of the Underworld!

You... You and your group are actually such a powerful person!
Moreover, although I don't know what Tianlong people mean, I think you should be their patriarch, so please forgive me for my negligence in the past few days, Mr. Gao Wen! "

After finishing speaking, Sivens bowed heavily again.

As for Gao Wen, he waved his hand lightly.

"Don't be like this, you're being too polite, didn't we communicate well a few days ago, but now we have a lot of trouble!"

While chatting, Gawain casually sat on the grass. Seeing this, Sivens also sat down.

At the same time, Gao Wen continued to ask Sivens.

"You didn't come to see me just to say hello, so just tell me why you came."


Sivens nodded, then showed a pleading expression.

"I... I just discovered this morning that you actually have many ships wandering endlessly among the ten islands in Changhuan Island!

It amazes me that generations of our tribe have not been able to travel to other islands during high tide!

So... so I want to ask you one thing!
Of course, we will not ask you for nothing. I heard that you are going to build a lighthouse on the top of the ten ring mountains.

This is a great thing, so I will bring all my Burakumin to help you build a lighthouse! "

Hearing this, Gao Wen nodded and continued.

"That's great, Patriarch Sivens, in fact, even if you don't come to me, I will go to talk to you about this matter later.

I really need your strength, after all, I won't stay on the island for long.

After we leave, whether it is the maintenance of the lighthouse or our subsequent work, all of them need your tribe to do their part.

But without that for now, let's talk about your request, Sivens, what do you want me to do for you? "

Having said that, Gao Wen straightened his back and looked at Sivens softly.

But inexplicably, Sivens only felt a chill down his spine, and at the same time, his two stomachs were shivering.

Trying to suppress the tension, Sivens swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said solemnly to Gao Wen.

"Gao...Master Gao Wen, it's like this.

Seven years ago, when we were still grazing on the top of another Changhuan mountain, one of our tribe was forced to stay on that mountain.

His name is Dongji Te, and he is a fan of stilts. On the original Changhuan Mountain, he made a very tall stilt, and then he put on that stilt.

But for some reason, after putting on the stilts, he would never come down again.

No matter how much we call him down below, we can't hear his response.

He just walked around on stilts, because the stilts were too high, we couldn't even see his figure.

There was really no other way, we had no choice but to leave a pimo for him~~~ah, and then left the Changhuan Mountain in accordance with our tradition during the ebb tide. "

Having said that, Sivens bowed heavily to Gao Wen.

"Lord Gao Wen, relying on our tribe's own strength, we can't return to the Changhuan Mountain during the high tide. No matter what compass, it can only point to the Changhuan Island as a whole, and cannot point out each of the Changhuan Mountains in detail. mountain peak.

And you, you can walk through the Changhuan Mountain casually!
That being the case, I solemnly ask you, please send your clansmen to help me find the clansman I left on that long ring mountain, Dongjite!

Otherwise, we will have to go around Changhuan Island in 23 years before we can meet our lost clansmen! "

At this point, Sivens once again bowed heavily to Gao Wen.

Hearing Sivens' words, Gao Wen smiled and waved to the people around him.

"Haha, these few words of Patriarch Sivens are really good, you are my clan, guys."

"Don't be a clansman, we are your little cuties~."

Bai Xing interrupted Gao Wen's words by wagging his tail.

Hearing Bai Xing's voice, Gao Wen smiled knowingly, and then he said to everyone.

"The request of Patriarch Sivens is not difficult, and it happens that apart from Franky, the other cadres have no special work recently.

Well, let's treat this as a game, and all cadres can participate in it.

The content of the game depends on which of you can find that Mr. Dongjite faster.

Of course, there should always be some rewards in the game. The first cadre who finds Dongjite will be the first to pick an opponent the next time we encounter an enemy! "

"Alright, Shirahoshi wants to pick an opponent too!!!"

Bai Xing cheered up instantly, then she swung her tail and rushed towards the distance in one swift motion.

Everyone saw her jump into the sea, and then rushed back in a hurry.

With the sea water hanging from his body, Shirahoshi asked Sivens anxiously.

"Mr. Sivens, which direction is your tribe on the island?"

"Ah, it's over there!"

Sivens pointed to his right hand.

Hearing that, before Bai Xing rushed back into the sea again, Mr. Lei Li shot up into the sky, he even patted Bai Xing on the head, and left another sentence.

"Haha, little Baixing, don't expect to pick your enemies, okay, let me give this opportunity to the old man!"

"Ahem, Mr. Raleigh, I'm new here, and I'm very serious about picking enemies, so I'm sorry!"

Yixiao waved his right hand lightly, and the suddenly raised ground took him to the sky.

In a blink of an eye, a smile threw Rayleigh far away...

 The average order has reached [-], and it is still rising.

  Cow, Gao Wen~~~.

  Thank you all~~~,
(End of this chapter)

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