I, the dragon man!

Chapter 232 The Use of Abnormality

Chapter 232 The Use of Abnormality
Having said that, Gao Wen took another sip of his tea. He was used to drinking strong alcohol in the past few months, and the tea has become tasteless.

However, he swallowed the black tea after all, and continued to speak to the shocked Nicole Robin.

"As you have heard, I want to create a new world government.

However, this world government should not be combined in a way that unites all countries.

Because the facts have proved that the world government formed by uniting all the alliance countries is still unable to avoid the contradictions and competition among various countries.

In this world, conflicts are hard to avoid, one family, one household, one city, one country.

Although merging all countries into one country cannot eliminate the contradictions of each family, the fewer units in the country, the smaller the contradictions in social units.

In other words, what I want to build is not a country where countless countries are united, but a country where every family and even everyone is united.

The unit of this world government will no longer be one franchise country after another, but one family after another.

In this way, although the future is still unpredictable, at least, the world will no longer have conflicts between countries, and civilians will no longer passively end up in a situation where it is difficult to maintain their lives because of the turmoil between countries.

Xing, the people suffer.

die, the people suffer.

Then, once and for all, so that the problem of rise and fall will not repeat itself, or find a way to cut the repeated time as long as possible, is the change I hope to bring to the world. "

Having said that, Gao Wen reached out to his lower back and took out a wine gourd sent by Hong.

Uncorked the bottle, took a sip, and Gao Wen forked another piece of cake, put it in his mouth and began to chew.

At the same time, on the other side of the table, Nicole Robin, after deep thinking, finally couldn't help asking Gao Wen.

"Lord Gao Wen, our dreams are called dreams.

And the dream of a person like you should be called ambition!
But I really don't know, what reason is there for me to be valued by you?

After all, I'm just a historian struggling to learn while traveling, and I'm just a reader who is interested in books. "

"No, you are still a survivor of O'Hara!"

Gawain interrupted Robin's words, and he spoke very seriously.

"History has always meant inheritance, but after O'Hara was destroyed, the inheritance was obviously cut off.

Too bad it happened in the past and I couldn't stop it, but I hope it can be rebuilt.

Although in daily life, the vast majority of people do not deliberately study history.

But in special years, when people feel uneasy from the turbulence of life, history is an effective thing that can calm people's hearts.

You should be clear, no matter how beautiful the yearning is for what I want to do.

But in the process, I will also bring uneasiness and panic to too many people, so if at that time, you can show the public some history they need as a survivor of O'Hara.

For example, some historical changes that have taken place in the world to the better.

Then, you will become one of the very excellent, calming ways.

There are many ways like yours, such as music, entertainment, food, and many others.

If I can't meet you, then I may not deliberately pursue the real history. I may find some seemingly trustworthy people and fabricate one after another of the history I need.

But since you're here, it's easier for people to believe that you are a survivor of O'Hara! "

"Wait, my lord!"

Suddenly, Nicole Robin frowned, and she said to Gao Wen seriously.

"If I heard correctly, you are planning to let me use history to appease the turbulent people in the future.

So, you want me to fabricate for you a history that I respect so much... "

"It's not fiction!"

Gawain interrupted Nicole Robin, who spoke softly.

"There are too many histories in this world, whether it is the story of the big talker Rolando or the main text of history, they are all part of history!

I never ask you to fabricate history, I just hope that when you collect and sort out O'Hara's lost books, give priority to showing a sufficiently positive part of them to the people who will gradually become turbulent in the future!
History has both good and bad, just like a mirror that reflects reality, you can see your beauty in the mirror, and I can also see my ruthlessness from the mirror!
But it is precisely the fact that there are good and bad, which is what I want to use to show people the good side first, such as what happened in history, things similar to what I want to do, or a certain The country carried out reforms, and then ushered in the history of Daxing!

Remember, what I want you to research and publish is all real history!

You are a historian, and all you should care about is the authenticity of history.

It's not about my application of real history, isn't it!
I will not be someone who falsifies history. Even if you know the 100-year history that has disappeared from the text of the history, I will not make any deletions to those things.

But the historian's job is to investigate and summarize history, not to act like a star and preach that history to everyone in the world.

The work of a historian is not like a lunatic, trying to instill all history in everyone's heart, so that everyone can become a historian like her! "

Having said that, Gawain looked at Nicole Robin seriously.

Facing Gawain's gaze, Nicole Robin hesitated for a moment, then said softly to Gawain.

"My lord, you know my past very well, so you should also know that my mother is the kind of lunatic you said.

She is...the person who not only studies history, but also wants everyone to know those histories.

So, to hear you say that, I'm... very sad! "

Hearing this, the corners of Gao Wen's eyebrows twitched slightly, and he tapped his finger on the table lightly, and continued.

"Look at me, Robin, whether it's my elders or my clansmen, they all look...aloof.

But just like me, Robin, none of us have to live our lives as grown-ups! "

"You are quite right..."

Robin nodded slightly, and saw her pick up the black tea and sip it for a while.

Then, she sighed leisurely.

"During these years of displacement, I traveled to many countries, read and learned a lot.

But whenever I think back to the beginning, I don't know how to face everything in the past.

If everything is only for history, then O'Hara's destruction is worthwhile, the real history does not allow historians to compromise with any force!
But the reason for O'Hara's destruction is that when my elders studied those things, their research was heard by countless people...

I can understand what you mean, history can be placed there quietly like a bookshelf.

As for which book the reader likes to turn over, this matter should not be decided by the person who puts the bookshelf!
In short, I agree to your conditions. I will not force you or others to read the historical documents summed up by me and other scholars like a lunatic.

But I hope you can assure me that no matter what, don't do dirty things that tamper with history!

As you said, you said that scholars should have their own strength of character!
So, if I find any changes in the text I recorded.

so I……. "

"You just go ahead and beat me up like this, Robin!"

Gawain interrupted Robin, who said with a smile.

"I don't have a problem with being fierce at all, but if you hurt yourself, even if it's just in your vows, try to say as little as possible, let alone do it in reality!

You may not understand, for you, for my other companions and subordinates, and even for this sand crocodile who has just joined me and is still not convinced by me.

I care far more about yourselves than you do!
Because you are my beginning and my cornerstone. "

After finishing speaking, Gao Wen leisurely drank the wine in the gourd. On the other side, seeing Gao Wen put down the gourd, Robin pursed his lips lightly.

She couldn't explain her state of mind.

So, she just looked at the gourd in Gao Wen's hand in such a confused way, fascinated by it...

On the side, noticing Robin's eyes, Gao Wen's Adam's apple moved slightly.

Then he quickly hid the gourd behind his waist.

"Don't even think about it, this gourd was exchanged by me and Shanks, it is related to our several promises, it must not be given to you!"


As soon as Gao Wen finished speaking, Robin's erratic thinking finally found an anchor point.

Seeing her being surprised, she finally couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"My lord, may I covet your gourd!
I'm just... just a little absent-minded! "

After the words fell, Robin stood up solemnly, and then wanted to kneel in front of Gao Wen.

But Gao Wen stretched out his hand to stop her.

"If you want to take an oath, you can do it on one knee, but you don't have to take an oath.

Whether there is an oath or not does not hinder whether I trust you or not, so do more things and less work on the scene. "

After finishing speaking, Gawain pulled Robin up and rubbed Robin's head casually.

Robin is 1.8 meters tall, much shorter than Gao Wen who grew to [-] meters after exercise, and Gao Wen is very convenient to knead.

At the same time, Gawain also stared blankly at the side, seeing Robin kneeling, he also said to Crocodile who wanted to kneel.

"You don't need to kneel anymore. Kneeling here and there will not help your work except to kill your own dignity and nature.

Remember what I said, I want your baroque work agency to do it for me, next, stop your previous plan, destroy the dance powder, and only keep a little sample.

At the same time, compile my help to Alabasta into various news, and quickly spread it to the whole of Alabasta!
Then, gather your cadres, let them gather on my Blackbird, and divide their sequences into my agents.

As for you, you should still be their captain! "

"As ordered!"

Hearing this, what else can Crocodile say.

He had no strength to resist.

If it is said that he has surrendered wholeheartedly, it would be too false, too false, he is not that kind of person.

But now, after getting to know Gao Wen a little bit better, he can already regard Gao Wen as another new Alabasta.

He has been cosplaying in Alabasta for the past 14 years.

So now, can't he play role-playing with Gao Wen?
Seeing Crocodile accepting the order, Gawain nodded slightly, and then he looked out the window.

"It's raining again……."

While talking, Gao Wen picked up the black tea on the table and drank another cup.

Then, he whispered to the two of them.

"Albana is not a place to stay, you come back to Cotelaina with me.

Follow in my footsteps and solve Alabasta's drought from the outside in! "

While speaking, Gawain picked up Robin's hand, and at the same time picked up the clothes on Crocodile's shoulders.

A moment later, the three of them rushed out of Albana City in the blink of an eye in the form of lightning.

In Cotelina, the census work is continuing in an orderly manner. Since Xiliu killed a lot of people in the blocks of the underground world, the order of the ordinary world has become more and more orderly.

Don't ask why there is an underground world in Cotelina, let alone think that it is a specialty of the lawless place.

In the world of pirates, the underground world emerges endlessly just like the underworld.

Even if you can’t see it on the surface, when you accidentally report the largest KTV in your locality, report the unfinished buildings in your city, report the sand delivery, beer delivery, hook raising machine, mining, selling Health care products, as well as small loans.

At that time, you will be able to see what the underground world really looks like...

In short, for Gao Wen, even someone like Shiliu would be a good knife.

Yes, he is indeed a pervert, but must a pervert be condemned?
As long as he uses his abnormality in the present situation.

Then his metamorphosis is an existence that can lead order to excellence.

And just as Shiliu in the underground world block raised his butcher knife, Gawain appeared in front of Shiliu with lightning.

The moment he appeared, Spandam, who was leading people to confiscate the property of the underground world in the distance, immediately knelt down with a tsunami.

"Lord Gao Wen, how can you walk into such a noble footsteps..."


Gao Wen rudely interrupted Spandam, but this time, he let go of Robin and the two, turned to Spandam, and patted Spandam's mechanical thigh.

"It looks like you've worked hard, good job, keep going!"

"Yes, obey!"

Spandam immediately nodded excitedly.

After encouraging Spandam, Gawain turned to look at Shiliu, who had just cut off a human head, and the hundreds of people who were bound and kneeling in front of Shiliu.

With just one glance, Gawain waved to Shiliu.

"Shiliu, how many did you kill?"

"Not many, just over 300!"

Shiryu grinned, and then said cruelly.

"This group of bastards who have been in the dark world, taking advantage of the recent drought, have done a lot of things that even I find disgusting.

Money, women, tsk tsk, these guys have various goals, and their black market has long lost humanity.

So, hey, according to my plan, I will kill two or three hundred closely related guys.

My lord, you see.... "

"Go ahead, I just want to tell you to be more discreet, don't be photographed by others, and introduce our new members to you by the way!"

Having said this, Gao Wen pushed the two people beside him towards Shiliu.

"This one is my favorite, O'Hara's inheritor, historian Nicole Robin.

As for the other one, you must know him, the sand crocodile in Qibuhai, Crocodile! "

When Gao Wen said this, the nearby people who had already been frightened by the constant death of colleagues all couldn't help looking up at Crocodile.

Immediately afterwards, one of them shouted to Crocodile.

"It's a hero!"

"Hero Crocodile, save us!"

"Yeah, national hero, we just stayed at home, and suddenly we were picked out by that devil and beheaded!"


Hearing this, Xiliu spit unhappily, and the moment the saliva fell into the river of blood, Xiliu came to the last guy who shouted.

He picked up the bastard's collar and said to the guy coldly.

"Yeah, you are indeed staying at home, but why don't you say that your home still has more than 200 female slaves that you bought with the vegetables in the cellar?
They were killed more than 40 by you? "

After the words fell, Shiliu didn't even bother to use the knife, he directly inserted the thumbs of both hands into the guy's eye sockets.

Immediately afterwards, he divided his hands hard, and suddenly, the guy's head was split open like an apple.

At this moment, Xiliu showed an expression of incomparable satisfaction like an orgasm.

And his actions made the other people who were waiting to die even more flustered.

The group of people clamored and looked at Crocodile, pleading one after another.

Among them, the person closest to Crocodile, he yelled at Crocodile.

"Hero, did you see that devil is a lunatic!
Everything he said was false, and he made it up. We are not guilty, we are not guilty! ! ! "

Aside, listening to the prisoner's words, Crocodile frowned slightly.

Then, facing the prisoner's expectant eyes, Crocodile looked left and right.

Very good, no outsiders!

So Crocodile responded coldly.

"It doesn't matter whether you have sinned or not, because being weak is a sin!

What's more, compared to you, I trust Lord Gao Wen's subordinates more. "

After the words fell, Crocodile turned his head away, never looking at those people who could only wait to die.

As for Robin on the side.

Hehe, she didn't change her face, and she even felt a little comfortable.

 Tickets come~~~.

(End of this chapter)

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