I, the dragon man!

Chapter 243 Medical Ethics

Chapter 243 Medical Ethics
"I... I know...."

Hearing what Doctor Doriel said, Chopper nodded aggrievedly.

At the same time, Doctor Doriel simply stretched out her hand and grabbed the little hoof of her stinky son.

Pulling her son to the house, Doctor Doriel said softly as she walked.

"I know, you should still feel uncomfortable, brat.

Because the profession of a doctor is obviously a profession that does good things.

As a result, I don’t know when, even if we do good deeds, we need to be allowed by the law, and at the same time, we need to consider the consequences of doing good deeds....

But there is no way, this is the rule of Winter Island and Drum Kingdom! "

After finishing the words, Madam Doriel shook her head lightly.

"I don't like this kind of rules either, but we are from Winter Island. As a commoner, even if I was a famous doctor at home and abroad, I can't change the mind of our mad king Valpo..."

"I see, Madam Doriel..."

Listening to Doriel's words, Chopper nodded slightly.

"I know that you have worked very hard to take care of me, and because you can't treat the disease, neither you nor I have any income.

So don't worry, I will work hard to collect herbs and hand them over to the doctor 20 in exchange for living supplies, and try to take good care of us!

And... I... I won't treat everyone casually in the future...

If it is really discovered, then... woo woo woo, then I... woo woo woo woo~~~. "

Accompanied by a series of suppressed cries, Chopper's grief was indescribable.

I can no longer treat my animal friends, because I... I can't cause more trouble for the doctor! ! !
On the side, listening to Chopper's cry, Doriel shook her head helplessly.

Then, she couldn't help but picked up the reindeer the size of a civet cat.

I saw her shaking Chopper constantly like shaking a wet dress.

Immediately afterwards, Doctor Doriel said in an angry manner.

"Stop wiping your tears here, you son of a bitch!
You said that last time, and you still said that last time, every time you cry so sincerely, I think you really won't do that again!
As a result, which time did you really do it! "

While speaking, Doriel held Chopper in front of her and said very seriously.

"Forget it, hey, you little guy really makes my mother helpless!

What's more, I don't have anything to say about your qualifications, because I also secretly treated some patients!
I have my patients, you have yours, and we're all sneaky raccoon dogs!

Therefore, if you want to treat your animal friends in the future, you should boldly bring herbs! "


For a moment, Chopper screamed excitedly, and then he stretched out his little hoof excitedly, hugging Doriel's face tightly.

Seeing this, Doriel pushed Chopper's hoof away in disgust, then she carried Chopper and continued to speak seriously.

"But let's say it in advance, son of a bitch!

You can only heal your animal friends secretly, you must never heal humans in any villages and towns! "


Hearing this, Chopper's excitement dissipated a lot immediately, he thought he had already obtained permission to practice medicine from Doriel....

Looking at the lost Chopper, Doriel knocked on Chopper's head with her free hand.

"Hey what!

You son of a bitch, you don't know the ways of the world at all, so you can only treat animals in Winter Island, a place where private medical practice is not allowed!
Besides, you are not human, so you go to treat your kind, which is just right!

As for people... "

Having said that, Doriel put Chopper back on the ground, then she wiped the fluff stuck on her palms on her pants, and then lit a cigarette.

While smoking a cigarette, Doriel said leisurely
"How do you know that humans and animals are different!
The animals healed by you will really be grateful to you for a lifetime, and they will never turn their heads to hurt you!
But humans…. "

Doriel reached into her pocket and took out a reward order.

Throwing the reward order in front of Chopper, after watching Chopper catch the reward order, Doriel shook her head and said.

"This is the latest reward order issued by the Magnetic Drum Kingdom. That guy, Walpo, has issued a bounty of 20 Baileys, to reward people like you and me who do not belong to the 20 doctors in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom!
This is 20 Baileys. Although it is not much, it is enough to replace the income of the commoners of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom working for a whole month!
Can you tell if the human being you healed will report you to Valpo for a bounty after being healed by you?
I can see through those people, so I can heal them secretly. I know which one of them will not turn around and sell me to the Walpo Legion for a bounty after being healed by me!

But what I can do, you can't, son of a bitch! "

After the words fell, Doctor Doriel hit Chopper on the head again.

Doriel can give Chopper enough freedom for some things that will not affect their fundamental safety.

But in the face of a mistake that could really ruin their family, Doriel would never allow Chopper to make a mistake!

On the side, covering his painful head, Chopper quickly nodded his own little head.

"I know, bae, don't hit me.

I have already defeated my father, I am not a child anymore, please take it easy, doctor! "


Listening to Chopper's words, Doriel's movements intensified immediately.

I saw her keep reminding Chopper while beating Chopper.

"Don't argue with me, son, the father you defeated was just a reindeer!
But humans are far more dangerous than reindeer!

Don't you want to become a super doctor who can cure all diseases, a legendary panacea?
Then if it dies, it will definitely not be a panacea! "

After the words fell, Doriel walked forward on her own, leaving the lost Chopper in place.

Seeing this, Chopper hurriedly took small steps to catch up with Doriel's footsteps.

While walking, Chopper couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"Obviously it's all treatment, but why did you say that the animals would thank me but the humans wouldn't?

I wanted to ask a long time ago, doctor lady!

Why do you have to charge a lot of consultation fees every time you treat others?
We are doctors, shouldn't it be our bounden duty to save lives and heal the wounded?

And the people who are treated by us will also thank us?

If I were like you and had to charge a super high fee every time I was treated, I wouldn't be appreciated by people like that, would I? "

"Ha ha!"

After hearing what Chopper said, Doriel laughed out loud, then she turned around and pointed her wrinkled face at Chopper.

While looking into Chopper's eyes, Doriel said seriously.

"I have lived for more than 120 years, Chopper, do you think what I have learned and seen in the past 120 years is shallower than you, a reindeer who has only been a human for more than ten years!
I used to be like you, thinking that all I needed to do was to cure illnesses and save lives, and I would be able to get the gratitude and respect that patients should deserve!
But it turns out that the world is not like that. Patients will only think that it is only right for us doctors to cure them, and if they cannot be cured, we owe them!

As for my consultation fee, haha, although my consultation fee is high, it is tailor-made for each patient, and they will definitely be able to afford it!
If they don't even want to pay this money, it's not because I don't want to save him, but because they don't want to save themselves, right?
What's more, do you think that free medical care can really make people appreciate me more?

Haha, when I used to collect medicinal herbs for free to treat people's diseases, people said that my medical skills were so poor that they would rather spend more money to treat other people's diseases!
How do you think my medical skills came about, because when I was young, when I was still providing free medical care to people.

Apart from patients with minor ailments such as headache and brain fever, those who can come to my place are those who are declared to be near death and try to come to my place to try their luck!
I'm a doctor, but I'm just a doctor, because of the countless patients who were lucky, I died a lot of patients, and I gradually cured more patients!
But I still have no reputation, sometimes I can only watch people die, and they are more willing to believe that the asking price is higher than mine, in their eyes, a good doctor!
I am obviously better than those so-called good doctors, why am I always people's second, or even third or fourth choice?

Do you think I don't want to treat more patients?

From that day on, I completely changed my practice, and I will never be free again!
On the contrary, I will charge desperately, and I will become the most expensive doctor in the world!
And from that day on, my reputation spread completely, and people no longer came to me for simple headaches and fevers. Those diseases did not require my help, and any doctor could cure them.

Except, of course, your father, my old friend, the dead Silke.

He's a nice guy, but he's really a quack....

Then talk about me, whenever people encounter a real terminal illness, they will all think of me, because I am a person whose asking price is so high that they can only choose between money and life!

In front of me, they only have these two choices, money or life!
You have to know, Chopper, people will never respect our medical skills, people only respect their own contributions!
If they have paid enough, they will trust me enough! "

"What you said is wrong, Madam Doriel!!!"

On the side, listening to Doctor Doriel's radical words, Chopper shook his head desperately.

He couldn't believe that such words were actually spoken by the person he respected the most!

Little Chopper blinked his tear-filled eyes, and he continued to shout to Doriel in disbelief.

"People... people can't know how to respect without paying!
Only when I treat them with sincerity, will they treat me with the same sincerity!

Just like me and my animal friends who...  "

"So they're animals, they're not people!!!"

Doriel interrupted Chopper heavily, and then she squatted in front of Chopper.

Looking at Chopper's innocent and innocent eyes at the same time, Doriel sighed leisurely.

"Hey, you stinky son, I finally told you some truths that I should tell my real son, and it turned out...

As a result, you stinky son can't understand it at all!
Then let me chat with you in another way, son of a bitch!

I ask you, what are we! "

Doriel yelled at Chopper, and what she said made Chopper pouted.

"Doctor...doctor..." Chopper replied in a low voice.

On the opposite side, as soon as Chopper finished speaking, Doriel immediately continued to yell at him.

"Very well, we are doctors, so what is our job!!!"


Chopper continued to pout his mouth, his mouth was almost more capable of hanging things than his antlers...  

Seeing Chopper's aggrieved look, Doriel took a deep breath.

Asi, this kid is so pissed off, the grievance of the stinky son is so sympathetic that it almost explodes! ! !
Trying to maintain her cold face, Doriel picked up Chopper's furry face with her hands.

"So we are doctors, and our job is to heal!
So, whether it is a disease that takes money, or a disease that does not charge money, or even a disease that makes the patient bankrupt!

No matter what choices patients face, our job is to cure their diseases! ! !

Tell me, is life worthwhile?
Isn't life priceless!

Since it is priceless, life can really be free of money, but it can also be exchanged for priceless treasures!

Our bounden duty is to treat diseases, whether we take money or not, it has nothing to do with our bounden duty!

What we have to do is to cure other people's diseases!
Even me, if I encounter a disease that I can't cure, I never charge money! ! ! "

After the words were finished, Doriel grabbed Chopper's hoof, and she angrily carried Chopper towards her little house by the lake.

While walking, Doriel finally said to Chopper.

"It's a waste of time to talk to your stinky son!
In short, you are still an intern doctor who has not been apprenticed, so you must obey the orders of my mentor!
I said, you can treat animals, but not people. Even if you treat others, you must get my permission. Did you hear me? ! ! "

"Listen... I heard...."

Chopper was completely out of temper by Doriel's training. Although he still didn't understand what Doriel meant, he finally nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Doriel exhaled lightly.

"That's good to hear, hey.

Forget it, after you go back, go to the warehouse to get some medicine by yourself, and treat all your remaining animal friends.

We are all doctors, just like you shouldn't speak out against my treatment attitude that charges money.

I shouldn't put forward any special opinions on your attitude of free treatment.

But our quarrels cannot be based on our basic virtues!

A doctor who is determined to treat a disease cannot give up on every patient, even if they are just animals, haha! "

So far, Doctor Doriel's laughter echoed around the northernmost lakeside of Winter Island, and it has not dissipated for a long time...

And Chopper....

Doriel could only wish him never to understand what she said in his life.

Because her heartfelt words are all learned from all kinds of pain...

How could she be willing to let Chopper live as hard as she did when she was young?




On the other hand, Mary Joya, on the top floor of Pangu City, between the right.

Looking at the newspaper in their hands, the Five Elders frowned deeply.

"His speed is really fast!"

While speaking, the old diplomat stretched his brows and showed an appreciative smile.

"I've always been very optimistic about him, haha, his character must be a diplomatic talent!
It is less than half a year since he left Marie Gioia, but take a look.

The islands he has been to, except for the two places of the Navy Headquarters and Judiciary Island.

All the other islands have been planted by him with his own flag, and they have become islands where he can easily control the situation!

There are even two whole world government alliance countries, haha!
As long as this kid sits in our seat, let alone the other islands in the future, just talking about Murloc Island and Alabasta, these two islands can almost be taken back into the hands of the world government for direct control!
The most important thing is that he neither used the Demon Slaughter Order, nor did he use any messy means that would make other alliance countries feel vigilant!
What is this, this is a diplomatic victory! ! ! "

During the conversation, the old diplomat's laughter became more and more hearty.

It was strange to say that the old diplomat felt kind to Gao Wen when he saw Gao Wen for the first time.

He always felt that Gao Wen... had an aura similar to his!
He especially favors Gao Wen!
However, after the old man's voice fell.

The old military man who was sitting on the same sofa as him couldn't help shaking his head.

"Hey, of course there is nothing wrong with Little Gawain's course of action, but... I'm just worried that he chose the wrong target!"

Having said that, the military old man turned his head to look at the window between the right and the right. His gaze went beyond the pavilion, and finally landed on a very mysterious room that was covered in the distance.

At the same time, the other five old stars also knew where the military old man was looking, which was called Between Flowers!
Seeing this, the cultural old man sighed leisurely.

"Yeah, if he planted the flags of other countries.

Whether it's the old man or everyone, we will only be happy for him and for our Tianlong people.

Every time we own a piece of land that is completely directly under our jurisdiction and will not continue to rebel, it means that we are one step closer to that eternal goal!
But..., hey....

Why did he choose Alabasta for the second place!
The Naferutali family is Lord Im's family, they are the most special family in the world, and even the twenty families of the Tianlong people...

They definitely have an extraordinary role in Lord Im's heart, otherwise, how could they abandon their status as Tianlong people and return to Alabasta to maintain their rule?

I just hope that Lord Im won't have a special opinion of Gao Wen because of this.

After all, among the juniors of our current generation, Gawain and Shanks are already the two best children! "

 I'm sorry, I'm taking a leave of absence with everyone, I'm in a hurry today.

  The unexpected situation took up my entire afternoon, and I only had time to write more than 5000 words until now...

  Only one chapter today….

  Love you guys.

(End of this chapter)

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