I, the dragon man!

Chapter 250 Justice Heroes and Clowns!

Chapter 250 Justice Heroes and Clowns!
"Asthma...and heart failure...."

Facing Raleigh's question, Zefa shook his head desolately.

"I...have never been a very talented person.

Compared with my outstanding disciples, I am just an ordinary person who works harder.

When I was young, in order to pursue my dreams and enforce my own justice, I always led by example.

Because of this, I became a general at the age of 38.

but……. "

Zephyr sighed softly.

"However, the long-term hard training made me really think that my body is comparable to Karp and Sengoku.

Sitting on the title of black-armed Zefa, I thought that I was also an iron hero like my colleagues!

But the facts have proved that although my strength relies on hard training, I have reached the same level as them.

But my body is still just a mortal body.

So, just after I learned that my wife and children were killed by cunning pirates...

I……. "

Speaking of this, Zefa was really in pain. He shook his head with a bitter face, then took out a bottle of cheap beer from behind, and drank it in big gulps.

After putting down the wine bottle, Zefa looked at the expecting crowd and continued speaking helplessly.

"I have a heart attack..."

After the words fell, Zefa's left hand directly covered his face.

"Although I had the strength of a monster at the age of 38, the process of obtaining this strength overdrawn my potential and hurt my body.

I had a heart problem long ago, and that problem exploded when I was stimulated.

Myocardial infarction... Hey, it's really a fatal disease. After experiencing endless... the pain of the death of my wife and children, I also lost the ability to become a general.

Even after going through the treatment of the military doctors, my body has declined.

Fortunately, after the illness, although I can't last more than half a day of fighting, I still have a considerable foundation of strength and combat experience.

So I stepped back from the front line and only took a few shots when the Navy needed me so much.

But even so, I... was diagnosed with heart failure six years ago, 21 years after my heart attack.

After heart failure, I completely gave up my job as a general and focused on educating students.

But even so, I still have no peace!

Four and a half years ago, my ship was suddenly attacked by the Don Quixote family near the G.5 branch of the navy.

It stands to reason that although my heart failure prevents me from exerting even half of my strength, even so, I can block Doflamingo's attack.

Logically speaking, my students, they...they can be protected by me!

But I never expected that at that time, another disease broke out in me!

According to the doctor, my disease is not pure asthma, but a complication of heart failure, that is, the lungs along with the heart... aging and degenerating.

In short, at that moment, I lost the ability to breathe.

Relying on the skill of returning life, I forcefully use the pores to breathe, but the end result is that I lose the qualification to defeat Doflamingo, because the efficiency of breathing through pores is far inferior to that of lungs.

Just like that, that bastard Brother Ming made his men kill my students one by one in front of my face!

Just when he was about to strike at the last two people, I forcibly mobilized all my strength, but due to lack of breath, although I blocked the attack, my armed force could not continue, and I was cut off by the ubiquitous... sharp line wrist! "

Having said this, Zefa's expression became extremely fierce, and he looked at Gao Wen fiercely.

I saw him continue to speak.

"Fortunately, after my hand was cut off, the Navy's G.5 branch dispatched their base staff very quickly. At that time, Virgo, an outstanding young man, had only joined the Navy for six years.

I remember he was a lieutenant colonel at the time, and after his warship arrived, I finally had a chance to breathe.

Because my students reported my symptoms when they informed the nearby base before they died.

Therefore, Virgo not only brought me a potion for strengthening my heart, but also a potion for my asthma.

Just like that, I regained my strength briefly, and then captured Doflamingo! ! ! "

Having said that, Zefa pointed at Gao Wen and continued with hatred on his face.

"You heard it right, Gao Wensheng!

Back then, I had already caught him!

However, I let him go in the end, because after he was caught by me, he used his clown-like demeanor to say something that I will never forget!
He said…….

The so-called justice of not killing is just a kind of self-satisfaction for the successful!
He said I was a hypocrite!
And what he did was just to prove to me that I, a general who upholds the will not to kill, and the so-called justice of not killing can be defeated by a bad day!

And I was defeated by him!
Looking at the corpses of my disciples who died tragically, I can't control my emotions at all!
I'm going to kill him on the spot!

But then, he let me know what real pain is!

Because he went on to tell me that he was a Draconian, or at least used to be! ! ! "

At this moment, Zefa stretched out his hand and lightly tapped Gawain's chest.

"The reason why I rejected your invitation when I first received the invitation call from Sakalski.

That's why!

Tianlong people, hehe....

Don Quixote, ha ha!
But no matter what, I really can't kill him, because if I kill him, even Virgo, who saved my life, and his G·5 branch will be implicated by me!
Although Doflamingo and his father voluntarily withdrew from the ranks of Tianlong people a long time ago.

But no matter what, Mary Gioia still has quite a few Don Quixote family members, including your good friend of Gao Wensheng, who is also Doflamingo's uncle!
Saint Don Quixote Musgarud! "

After the words fell, Zefa gritted his teeth firmly.

"Before that, I always thought that my principle of not killing was a noble and benevolent act.

I always thought that not killing was far more difficult than killing!
But I forgot that when I choose to forgive every villain, I am doing something wrong to other innocent people!
I have never experienced the pain of others, how can I have the qualifications to force others to accept my hypocritical mercy with my so-called righteous principle of not killing!
And when I became one of the innocents, when I personally experienced that kind of pain, but for various reasons, I couldn’t kill my enemy to take revenge...

I finally realized it, just like I used to stop many people from taking revenge, and publicized my principle of not killing to them!
At the beginning, I stood in front of countless people and used the justice in my mouth to hope and ask them to let go of their hatred.

But after experiencing it myself, I really understand that letting go of hatred is itself a kind of unfairness! ! ! "

Roaring the last sentence heavily, Zefa took a deep breath, then raised his right hand, and sighed leisurely.

"Let's stop here, although I don't mind sharing the painful past with you, but talking about it, I'm really tired!

What about the mechanical genius on your ship, let him see my right hand, I don't know when my mechanical hand will be delivered.

You ask him to show me, and if he can figure out Vegapunk's invention, let him make me a temporary hand.

This way, it's still a little inconvenient... "

After speaking, Zefa looked at Gao Wen, waiting for Gao Wen's answer.

And Gawain....

Slightly dazed, he suddenly felt that Zefa's story was somewhat similar to another story!
It is the story of a group of superheroes who adhere to the principle of not killing all their lives, and are finally defeated by a villain named Joker.

Those superheroes belong to the Justice League, and that clown, he is called joker!

But thinking of this, Gao Wen suddenly remembered another thing.

He thought of certain stories from the theatrical version in which Zefa appeared.

Kirby once asked Garp, why did Zefa call himself Z after the establishment of the new navy?
The answer to this question is revealed at the end of the theatrical version.

At the end of the theatrical version, Zefa, who was a child, once wore a superhero uniform and saved an innocent girl!
In that childhood, Zefa regarded himself as a superhero!
Thinking of this, Gao Wen finally connected the whole thing together!

He finally understood why the one who cut off Zefa's right hand and made Zefa give up the principle of not killing would be Doflamingo in the Seven Wuhai, and it could only be Doflamingo!

Because the story of Zefa and Mingo is originally Oda's tribute to the story of superheroes and clowns!
Defeating a person who upholds the justice of not killing...a superhero can only be a joker, isn't it?


Seeing that Gao Wen was still in deep thought, Gion gently took Gao Wen's arm.

"My lord, Teacher Zefa is waiting for your response!"


Hearing this, Gao Wen quickly came out of his contemplation, he nodded slightly, and then said to Zefa.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zefa, Franky's mechanical attainments are no less than Vegapunk!"

After the words fell, Gawain looked into the distance. At this moment, Frankie was swinging the nose of his plane, and rushed towards Gawain at a trot.


My lord, here I come, haha!
How, what happened! "

While talking, Frankie stopped outside the crowd, and at the same time, Gawain waved to him.

"Frankie, this is Teacher Zefa who just boarded the boat, take a look at his right hand.

The device in his hand is left by Vegapunk, come and study it... cough cough.

You come to repair Mr. Zefa's hand, and refit a set of mechanical hands by the way! "


Hearing Gao Wen's words, Frankie immediately became excited, and he directly dragged Zefa, who was suddenly more regretful, and rushed all the way to his laboratory.

After they left, there were only Ain and Binz left, who stayed where they were wronged, and accepted the scrutiny of the bosses.

While lowering their heads and being nervous, the two of them couldn't help talking while worrying.


Is the teacher going to be studied again?
very scary! ! ! "

Hearing the voices of the two young men, Gao Wen smiled and clapped his hands.

"What's scary, haha, it's just being studied, even I have to be studied from time to time recently!
Let's not talk about that, let's talk about the two of you, let me see... "

Gawain thought about it and looked at Ace who was not far away. After a while, he nodded.

"You two are younger than Ace and Iska, so join them in the Iron Eagles.

I hope that the two of you, whom Mr. Zefa has placed high hopes on, will one day become excellent iron eagle swordsmen who will undertake the flight of the black bird! "

Speaking of this, Gao Wen couldn't help looking at his own banner. In the former Great Qin Empire, the two departments of the Black Ice Platform and the Iron Eagle Swordsman could be said to be the right-hand men who supported the Qin Kingdom all the way to the Great Qin Empire!

And today...

I also hope that these outstanding young people I have recruited can become a future worthy of his reliance!
Gao Wen waved his hands to everyone.

"The two of them, one is the ability user of the fruit of retrogression, which can make objects and people, and the regression is related to the physical strength of the ability user, for several years.

This ability is really miraculous. For example, Mr. Lei Li, if you are met by Ain several times, you can recover to the age of 30 or [-]!
But the only pity is that if Ain is defeated to the point of loss of strength, or simply killed, the backed person will return to his original state. "

"Ha ha!"

Listening to Gao Wen's words, Lei Li shook his head heavily.

"Forget it, although the old man really wants to regain his glory, but after all, the old man doesn't want to let himself have multiple weaknesses!
If the old man makes this little girl younger, then this little girl will immediately become the target of the old man's future opponents! "

After finishing speaking, Lei Li nodded lightly to Ain. Hearing Lei Li's words, Ain was instantly surprised.

She said to Rayleigh in disbelief.

"You...your statement is actually exactly the same as Teacher Zefa's statement!
I want to rejuvenate the teacher, but the teacher doesn't agree! "


Gao Wen patted Ain's shoulder lightly.

"That's because you are too weak, Ain, your strength is not enough to protect Teacher Zefa and our time!

If your strength reaches the level of the general and the Four Emperors, then we will let you bring us youth, because the youth you bring at that time will no longer be a weakness, but an advantage.

The premise is that you won't be easily knocked down! "

After finishing speaking, Gao Wen let go of Ain's shoulder, and patted the pink-haired Binz instead.

"This is Binz, the ability to grow fruit, he can make plants grow quickly and according to his control!"


The moment Gao Wen's voice fell, Jinpei who was not far away immediately became excited. Jinbe patted his stomach and said with a smile.

"This ability is really great, haha, Lu Qi has been complaining to me recently, he said that his subordinates were devastated by my stealing the tree.

Cut, isn't it just a few trees, and I didn't steal anyone!
In short, my lord, this Binz, usually leave it to me to take care of it.

I will take him to patch up the forest on the ship. By the way, I will study with him, can we try to plant a kind of precious tree Adam on our ship!
Franky also complained that the materials for repairing the ship were getting scarcer, and the precious tree Adam on the market was almost bought out by us.

If we can try to grow the precious tree Adam, then the problem of shipbuilding materials will be solved easily! "

After finishing speaking, Jinbe pulled Binz away excitedly, and led him all the way to the distant forest.

Looking at the backs of Jinbe and Binz, Gawain patted Gion's hand.

"Gion, Ain is like you, both a sailor and a girl.

In terms of training, Teacher Zefa can take care of everything, but in terms of life, you need to take care of her like Iska. "


Gion responded to Gao Wen's words with a smile, and then she took Ain's hand, turned her back to Hancock, and said teasingly.

"I'm indeed much better at taking care of children than some woman with a brain in love.

Your lord really understands us well, hehe... "


As soon as Gion finished speaking, Hancock exploded as a matter of course.

So, after only being held by Gion for a moment, Ai Yin opened her mouth wide and widened her eyes, watching her life mentor and military idol Lieutenant General Gion fight with the legendary Pirate Empress...

In the end, the one who brought Ain to familiarize himself with the ship...

After all, Iska didn't need Gao Wen to worry about.

So as long as the elders are lazy and unreliable enough, most of the young people she educates will be forced to grow up quickly...

(End of this chapter)

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