I, the dragon man!

Chapter 26 1 and then, then 3!

Chapter 26 Again and again, again and again!


Di Yuan frowned, and she walked out of the crowd with her long legs.

This heroic female lieutenant general, she was wearing a light pink top and a pair of shorts that barely reached the base of her thighs.

Apart from her pink cuffed officer's trench coat, the most impressive thing about her is her left leg.

The line of that leg was indeed beautiful, but that was not the source of attention.

The reason why Gao Wen noticed her leg at a glance was because there was a football-sized spider tattoo on the outside of her left thigh near her hip.

It is said to be the size of a football, but the diameter of the spider's body is only close to that of a finger, and the reason why the tattoo is the size of a football is precisely because the spider surrounds the body with eight slender legs.

For some reason, looking at the spider's legs, Gao Wen couldn't help thinking of Di Yuan's own legs.

Inexplicably, you will find that her legs are as slender and dangerous as a spider.

In addition to a pair of beautiful legs, there are three other things that attracted Di Yuan's attention.

The first is Di Yuan's thick and slender black hair.

The second is the long knife pinned to Di Yuan's waist. Although the blade is hidden in the sheath, the handle of the white and gold mixed with two colors looks very textured and quite extraordinary.

As for the end...

Di Yuan frowned and said to Gao Wen.

"Gao Wensheng, I really hope to be your guard, it must be much easier than my current job.

But I have my own special work in the staff office of the headquarters.

I am so sorry that I have to decline your invitation! "

As Di Yuan narrated, her lips kept opening and closing, making the pale pink beauty mole on the corner of her lips even more eye-catching.

That's right, the so-called last characteristic is naturally her beauty mole.

After Di Yuan's voice fell, Gao Wen did not answer, he just looked at Di Yuan silently and expressionlessly as before.

After a long silence, many lieutenant generals gradually frowned, until then, Zhan Guo spoke.

"Gao Wensheng!"

Zhan Guo let go of the respect he had shown in front of Gao Wen, and turned to speak boldly to Gao Wen.

"Although the navy doesn't mind protecting your safety, please stop joking!
Unless it is held every four years for the World Government Conference, none of the four people you listed would be able to serve as guards!

Their strength determines that they have to undertake far more dangerous and difficult tasks than ordinary lieutenant generals have experienced.

On this point, even if you complain to Wulaoxing, my answer will be the same as now.

And you, I hope you can choose among other lieutenant generals, their strength can fully guarantee your safety on the great route and the four seas.

Even if you choose a lieutenant general stationed in another G branch, our navy can also make personnel adjustments! "

After the words fell, Zhan Guo put his hands on his chest and looked at Gao Wen seriously.

Beside Zhan Guo, a lieutenant general who was almost as wretched as Huang Yuan, but far inferior to Huang Yuan in height and appearance stood up.

Facing Gao Wen, the wretched lieutenant general chuckled, bowed and said.

"Gao Wensheng, I hope you can understand the difficulties of the Marshal of the Warring States Period, he is also very difficult to do.

Diyuan is really important to the staff.

How about this, Gao Wensheng, if you don't dislike it, then what do you think of my plan.

Don't look at my appearance, but I'm a general candidate with the name of a tea dolphin!

How about letting me replace Di Yuan as your personal bodyguard? "

Hearing what the tea dolphin said, Gao Wen shook his head calmly and said.


It's not that the tea dolphin's strength is not enough. To be able to have the position of general candidate, the tea dolphin's combat effectiveness is already close to or even reaching the general level.

Some people may say that the tea dolphin does not have that strength, because five years later, when he was short of two generals in the navy, he was not officially promoted to general.

But people like Gao Wen who are engaged in political work have their own understanding of politics.

Everyone only saw that they did not become generals after five years, but they forgot which faction they belonged to.

There are three major factions in the Navy, Eagles, Doves, and Moderates.

Whether it is the tea dolphin plus plan, or Tao Tu Di Yuan, or even Aokiji Kuzan, one of the three admirals of the navy today.

They are all standard Garp factions, and they are also the spokespersons of the dove faction in the navy!
And five years later, in the competition for the Admiral of the Navy, Aokiji, the spokesperson of the doves, lost to Akainu, the spokesperson of the hawks!
The leader of the hawk faction is officially in power, but the red dog of the hawk faction is not the same as the moderate marshal like Sengoku!
Akainu, who wants to make the navy bigger and stronger, might tolerate a dovish general?
For the moderate faction, Akainu is still acceptable, but General Dove is definitely the most unbearable existence for him, because it is absolutely impossible for General Dove to obey his extreme orders!

Because of this, Aokiji chose to leave after his failure, and Chabu and Diyuan were still candidates for generals. Akainu would rather recruit a tiger and a bull with aggressive personalities from all over the world than use Kake and Diyuan, who are conservative. One pig and one rabbit!
At the same time, Gao Wen could also imagine that if Aokiji became the marshal, Akainu would fail completely.

Obviously, Akakenu and Kizaru will still be generals, not only because the dove faction can accommodate them, but also because Akakenu is a soldier who absolutely obeys all orders!

If the red dog is the marshal, Aokiji may not obey all the orders of the red dog, but if the red dog is the marshal, the red dog will definitely obey any order!

This is their difference.

And after Aokiji became the marshal, one of the vacant positions of generals will inevitably be filled by one of the tea dolphins and peach rabbits!

Are tea dolphins and peach rabbits really not strong enough?

If it's not enough, why would the other lieutenant generals not be dissatisfied with only the two of them as candidates for generals?
The reason why they are substitutes is because they are really strong, but the Marshal and Wu Laoxing will never allow them to be generals, so they can only use the suffixes of their substitute titles to stabilize them!
Just like the army in the world before Gao Wen crossed over, there were often cadres whose ranks and positions did not match. The increase in ranks meant that their qualifications were enough, but there were not so many vacancies for positions.

So there are countless people who hold the rank of colonel but only serve as deputy battalion commanders.

So since in Gao Wen's eyes, the tea dolphin's strength is enough?

Why did Gao Wen refuse the guard of the tea dolphin?

Because Gao Wen didn't choose a simple guard at this time.

He chose the mainstay of his future forces!
For an old fritter like Cha Dolphin, the possibility of being influenced and changing the Three Views is too small. As a woman with a strong sense of justice, Di Yuan's emotional thinking will make it easier for Gao Wen to influence her Three Views.

In short, among two people of similar strength, Taotu is easier to train than Chafu, and Taotu is also easier to accept Gao Wen's ideas.

Therefore, when Gao Wen decided to come to Marinford, the only goal in his plan was the Peach Rabbit Garden.

But at present, Zhan Guo seems to have guessed his own thoughts. He is too determined, so determined that he would rather send a tea dolphin than a peach rabbit.

So, is Gao Wen unable to achieve his goal?
No, no, Gao Wen was already prepared for such a situation.

After Gao Wen rejected the tea dolphin, he immediately looked at Zhan Guo, who was staring down from the corner of his mouth.

Facing the unwavering eyes of Zhan Guo, Gao Wen spoke emphatically.

"Rejected, I can accept.

You are the navy of the Five Elder Stars, the navy of the world government, but I am just one of thousands of Celestial Dragons.

I don't feel like I'm really a so-called god, and I don't think you should obey all of my commands.

But again and again, again and again, and again and again reject me.

Warring States, don't forget that all Tianlong people have tempers! "

Speaking of this, Gao Wen's face was indifferent, and his back-to-back hair was windless and automatic.

Immediately afterwards, the windbreaker on Gao Wen's body also rattled in the increasingly violent shaking.

Om ~ ~!
For a moment, the lieutenant generals only felt their ears ringing, and invisible pressure kept gathering around them until they could not help but bend slightly.

The invisible shock wave spread rapidly, and the ripples along the dock completely covered Marin Fodo all the way. Countless sea ice fell to the ground with a bang and bang. Before they even had time to doubt, they completely passed out.


Black-red lightning was born in the air out of thin air, making the air sound like it was being torn apart.

The pier under Gao Wen's feet instantly shattered, a group of lieutenant generals were hit hard, and then they used all their armed colors to resist the impact of the overlord's color.

Whoa, whoa!
Obviously the pier had collapsed, and Gao Wen should have fallen into the water, but unexpectedly, the sea under Gao Wen's feet surged with astonishing waves.

Between the waves and Gao Wen's feet, the domineering arrogance kept vibrating, and Gao Wen seemed to be weightless, heaving up and down with the current in the vibration.

Zhan Guo, who retreated to the distance, looked at Gao Wen in astonishment, and then he suddenly looked at the sky.

Sure enough, in the middle of the clouds above Marin Fodo, there appeared a circular window like Mary Gioia's!

Beside the Warring States Period, Taotu Diyuan tightly clenched the Jinpira in his hand, and asked in disbelief.

"This...how is this possible?!!"

"Nothing is impossible!"

Zhan Guo frowned, his eyelids drooped, and he said with great emotion.

"In the past, perhaps no one could be called the owner of the strongest domineering look.

So now, everyone, let's see...

This is the strongest domineering look in the world! "

(End of this chapter)

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