I, the dragon man!

Chapter 275 Let's Go to the Whale's Stomach 1 Line

On the side of the pier, the cheerleaders have been enthusiastically swinging the bouquet for at least 10 minutes.

Ever since they saw the majestic Xuanniao from a distance, their movements have not stopped.

Are they tired?

Of course tired!
They have long wanted to drop the things in their hands and find a place to lie down for a while, preferably in a spa.


Looking at the swords and guns in the hands of the group of black suits behind...

After the cheerleaders looked at each other, they looked at each other and smiled.

Just this little threat, cut....

They dance up to one night!
With the efforts of the cheerleaders, the Xuanniao gradually stopped, and then the Little Xuanniao set off from the side of the big ship and sailed towards the pier.

When the people on the shore could vaguely see the figures standing on the bow of the Little Xuanniao...

The guys who were still full of exhaustion just now seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood in an instant!
Without the urging of millions of elders and hundreds of millions of elders, they are already full of subjective initiative.

After all, what kind of guy was standing on that ship!

As for the pirates and the bounty hunters, they had an orgasm the moment they saw Rayleigh.

Lei Li's identity as a legendary great pirate has fully ignited the enthusiasm of the pirates, and the 40 billion bounty on Lei Li's body now is one of the dreams of every bounty hunter!

For pirates, their ultimate dream is a big secret treasure!
And for bounty hunters, an emperor-level powerhouse like Rayleigh with a bounty of more than 40 billion is their crappy ass! ! !

Besides, to every man on the pier.

The two most beautiful women in the world, the Murloc Princess and the Pirate Empress, all looked at me on that boat!

As for Kozuki and….

Sorry, the country is locked down there, and outsiders don't know this Wano country's number one oiran at all.

As a result, the men who were attracted by Shirahoshi and the Empress felt as if they were watching their idols walk out of the painting, and their excitement could no longer be contained.

As for women, the news that Gao Wen has been creating at sea for the past six months has already made him a treasure in the hearts of countless women at sea~.

The lofty status, unparalleled power, handsome appearance, and domineering heart.

With these few things combined in a man, can such a man become a woman's heart?

In other words, isn't loving Gaowen more fragrant than loving Kunkun?
In this way, when the Little Xuanniao was getting closer, the crowd who had been forced just now really found the excitement that cheering should have.

So when Gao Wen got off the boat, he couldn't help feeling the hearts of everyone nearby in surprise.

According to the information fed back by Xinwang, judging from the neurobiological electricity of most people nearby, they are actually really cheering for their group?

This made Gawain a bit confused. Could it be that this was not a superficial job put on by Crocodile?
Confused, Gao Wen walked calmly through the hanging ladder and came to the pier.

The moment he stepped onto the pier, the cheers stopped abruptly.

For some reason, at this moment, the people around stopped their movements in unison.

Except for the music group who were still playing the elegant symphony there, everyone else stopped their movements and followed the elders in black to kneel down towards Gawain.

Gao Wen only took two steps on the pier, and the sound of paying homage came from all around...

Looking at the Whiskey Mountain in such a situation, what else could Gao Wen say.

He waved his hand and said softly.

"Go away!"

After finishing speaking, Gawain turned his head and confessed directly to Kalifa.

"Different from other islands, Whiskey Peak is the first island of the Great Route, and every pirate who walks into the Great Route is destined to walk around Whiskey Peak!
Therefore, the importance here is beyond doubt!
Khalifa, Crocodile has already laid the foundation here, so next, you and Lu Qi will take over the financial and security work here respectively.

Here, we must achieve absolute control, only in this way can we truly block the great route! "

After finishing speaking, Gao Wen looked at the crowd around him, and after he pondered for a moment, he continued.

"As for all the current people on this island, forgive me, I don't want anyone who is not us to exist here!
Send people to recruit each, and then clean up!

Those who are willing to stand side by side with us, you, Xia Qi, Lu Qi and Crocodile will share it.

Unwilling Shileu! "

Gao Wen looked at Xiliu, and Xiliu immediately came behind Gao Wen.

Rubbing Lei Yu Xiliu in his hand, he smiled.

"My lord, don't worry, I know what I should do, and I can't wait!"

After finishing speaking, Shiliu sneered and looked around at the crowd who were cheering just now, but now they were full of horror.

On the side, hearing Gao Wen's words, the three children, Bai Xing, Uta and Wei Wei were astonished.

While opening his jaw in astonishment, Bai Xing moved closer to Gao Wen's side.

"Lord Gawain~~~."

she asked in a low voice.

"Isn't there no bad people here? Why do you want to kill people? Everyone is very enthusiastic..."

"Oh, is it?"

Hearing Shirahoshi's words, Gao Wen patted Shirahoshi's tail with a smile, and he turned his head to look at Gion.

"Gion, take our little girls to the prickly pear mountain near the whiskey peak later.

When you get there, if the children still feel that there are good people here.

Then stop ice cream for two months for the kids! "

After the words were finished, Gao Wen rubbed Shirai Xing's tail amusedly, and then he, together with Lei Li and his party, came directly to the central area of ​​the Whiskey Mountain.

Gao Wen still had a lot of things to do. He had to make a comprehensive reference to a series of data on the local population and economic conditions, and then make a plan for what they should do when they stayed at Whiskey Peak for the next ten days.

After Gao Wen and his party left, Kalifa, Xia Qi, Lu Qi, Crocodile and others around the pier also started to get busy.

The Iron Eagles, Ace and Iska followed Kalifa with serious expressions.

But while acting, the two young men responded rather depressed to Gao Wen's order.

After all, this is so cruel, it is still the kind of cruelty to force the other party to join him first, and kill the other party if he disagrees.

But not long after, when Ace and the others, together with Bai Xing and the others, walked up the dozen or so prickly pear mountains around the Whiskey Peak.

They no longer have that doubt!

Whiskey Mountain is indeed rich in fine wine, and it is indeed the hometown of fine wine on the great route, but is there really only a flowery place here?


This is the first large island under the Upside Down Mountain, and this is the place where every new pirate in the world must pass by!

All the young pirates in the world have to walk around the Whiskey Mountain after embarking on the great voyage!
Not only is this not a place of peace, on the contrary, it is the place where killings on the sea are most concentrated!

The tall circular peaks around are called Cactus Mountain.

Because those mountains, seen from a distance, grow dense white spikes that are close to cacti.

But when you get closer, you'll see.

The dense white fluff and thorns on the so-called cactus mountain, what are they so-called fluff and thorns.

They are simply white cross tombstones one after another! ! !
In the nearly 800 years on the Whiskey Mountain, more than tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of tombstones have been accumulated! ! !

This island is the island with the most dead people and the most concentrated in the Great Route and even in the whole world!
This is a land of chaos, but also a land of death! ! !



Before I knew it, 20 days had passed.

In the bar in the central area of ​​Whiskey Peak, Gawain was lying on his back on the sofa, gently stroking Bai Xing's head.

Feeling Gao Wen's hand, Bai Xing couldn't help rubbing his cheek against Gao Wen's whole body.

"My lord, when can we leave? I really don't like this place. Let's go quickly, okay..."

That's right, unlike in the past, even Bai Xing now has plans to leave sooner.

Without it, the environment near the Whiskey Mountain would have caused too much damage to Shirahoshi!
Ever since the day he came to the island, Bai Xing had seen with his own eyes all over the mountains and plains, tens of millions of tombstones, and the extremely strong breath of death on the prickly pear mountain.

Bai Xing almost went crazy.

She almost spat out her own bile.

In the past, Shirahoshi always had curiosity and love for various forests and grasslands.

But in the past 20 days, Bai Xing hardly went out, she always felt that no matter where she floated, there was a dead person buried under her tail!
At the same time, she didn't even dare to go into the water, because as soon as she stepped into the water, she felt that the sea water around her was full of dead bodies.

In this way, Bai Xing became a house girl for the first time, accompanying Gao Wen every day, and became a poor little girl who could only barely survive by sticking with Mr. Gao Wen.

On the side, listening to Bai Xing's question, Gao Wen rubbed Bai Xing's face habitually while looking at the report he was carrying in the other hand.

"Don't worry, maybe we can start tonight.

Let me see, Franky's forward-looking station has been completed, and the weather observation station was completed two days ago, and meteorologists are stationed.

As for the sorting out of personnel in various departments, um..., the Xuanniao has an extra [-] members.

According to Franky, the Black Bird will be remodeled and expanded in the next two years, and I also need to update enough metal on the ship to increase my thunder-cracking ability.

That being the case, the number of around [-] is not enough.

However, only more than 3 people were selected from the Whiskey Mountain, so let's recruit some outstanding young people in the East China Sea.

As for the Immortal Ball Mountain, Yixiao recently turned over those mountains and ignited a few big fires, purifying the death breath on it a little.

Hopefully Whiskey Peak can be reborn from this fire.

As far as what we're doing right now, it's mostly food and drinks.

Due to the rapid increase in population, it is estimated that we will not be able to replenish until the evening. "

Speaking of this, Gao Wen couldn't help sighing. He didn't know that the situation facing Whiskey Hill was so severe if he didn't come to this place in person!

There is an extreme shortage of money, water, and food!

Logically speaking, there is a large piece of fertile land where countless corpses are buried here, so they should not be short of food.

But on the one hand, they need to free up food to make wine, and on the other hand, they need to face pirates from all over the world...

Although the vast majority of novice pirates would stumble at Whiskey Peak, bounty hunters at Whiskey Peak should be able to do business very well.

But in fact, Whiskey Mountain has been facing a cycle in recent years.

The native of Whiskey Peak, under the leadership of Baroque Works, robbed all the cute new pirates who had just entered the great route.

Pirates with a bounty are pulled out and sold, and pirates without a bounty are left to work.

But among those novice pirates, there will always be a group of people that Whiskey Mountain can't afford...

Just like Luffy and his party, when they climbed the Whiskey Mountain, Sauron simply left behind the legend of killing a hundred people.

In short, while Whiskey Mountain is robbing all the pirates, it will also be robbed by the crossing dragon pirates every now and then...

The reason why the huge Whiskey Mountain, while robbing and absorbing countless pirates and bounty hunters, still has less than [-] people.

Because whenever you encounter a river-crossing dragon, the people on the island will also be taken away by those cross-river dragons...

Therefore, the cycle of Whiskey Mountain has always been ridiculous... robbing, being robbed, robbing, being robbed... .

After all, there was only a whole lot of corpses left here, except for the corpses, there was no money, alcohol, or resources here.

This is the problem Gao Wen is facing now.

As for his solution to the problem, it has been decided since he first landed on the island.

Absorb, kill, that's all.

After absorbing young children, innocent women, young people of the right age and old people with special skills into the team, almost all the others died at the hands of Shiliu.

As a result, the number of people at Whiskey Mountain has been greatly reduced, and their meager resources have immediately become more abundant.

Once the overall supplies become insufficient, then reducing the population has always been the most effective way.

It's just that this method can only be issued with sufficient determination and cruelty.

Fortunately, Gao Wen didn't have any psychological shadow.

Just like what he said, how many truly good people can exist on such an island where hundreds of millions of people have died?

When Gao Wen was thinking, Bai Xing let out a leisurely breath.

In the past 20 days, she seems to have experienced a little bit of pressure faced by adults.

I saw her whispering.

"Great, we can finally get out of here.

I... I have always felt that there are many souls clamoring in my ears these days.

Although they are all praising you for doing a good job, my lord, it still sounds terrible to me.

I can finally leave~ "


Just when Bai Xing said this, the door of the tavern was pushed open, and two old men, Lei Li and Zefa, walked in hand in hand.

After Zefa came in, he sat down next to Gao Wen with his own robotic arm.

"Little Kalifa, help me get a glass of the strongest whiskey!!!"

"Okay, old man."

Kalifa responded at the same time, picked up a jug of milk from the wine cabinet, and skillfully pasted a label on the milk jug.

After a while, the milk jug was brought to Zefa.

Zefa picked up the milk resentfully, and looked at the label on Kalifa.


The old man pouted.

"It actually just says... the strongest whiskey?

You little brats, you are being controlled too strictly by Ms. Kureha! "

"Master, it's all for your health."

Khalifa smiled and pushed his eyes, and responded to Zefa.

Hearing this, Zefa forcefully took a mouthful of milk.

On the side, looking at the white nipples on Zefa's lips, Rayleigh laughed unceremoniously.

Provoked by Raleigh, Zefer knocked on the table angrily.

"Laughing fart, you old ghost!

Although you can still drink healthily now, you are older than me!
Sooner or later you will have this day, hum! "

After the words fell, Zefa turned around unhappily, and while drinking milk, he refused to look at Lei Li again.

And Rayleigh.

While laughing, he patted Gawain on the shoulder.

"Captain, according to the logistics department, we will set off in the afternoon or evening, right?"

"Indeed." Gawain nodded.

Hearing this, Lei Li smiled expectantly, and then said to Gao Wen.

"Then, the island we're going to go to is Gemini Cape!"

After finishing speaking, Lei Li raised his wine glass and bumped into Gao Wen hard.

After taking a sip of strong wine, Lei Li first hiccupped in the direction of Zefa, and gave Zefa a good blow.

Then, he turned back to Gawain and continued.

"The old friend I told you about before, that is, our doctor back then, Kulokas!
Haha, that guy lives near the lighthouse in Twin Point!
Captain, although we already have Big Sister Kureha and Little Chopper on board.

But the more top doctors, the better!
So, hey.

This old friend of mine depends on you, the captain, to drag him onto our ship!
Don't count on my relationship with him, it was Roger who put him on board, not me.

So if you want to recruit him now, you still need to do it yourself! "

After speaking, Raleigh held his wine glass, looking forward to Gao Wen's answer.

Gawain nodded slightly.

"Listen to you, old man, the more excellent doctors there are, the better!

Not only Mr. Kulocas, I will try my best to bring the fruit of the operation to our ship in the future!
However, the fruit of the operation is still being searched for, so let's hold Kulocas first! "

"that would be great!"

Rayleigh smiled excitedly, then he looked at the window and said expectantly.

"It's about a three-day flight from here, and we can reach Twin Point.

And Kulocas, that guy lives in the belly of an island whale near Twin Point!

That guy was the lighthouse keeper at Twin Point over 50 years ago!
Roger and I found him in the belly of the whale named Raab! "


Gawain on the side nodded slightly.

"The whale is still hovering near Twin Point, and Krokas is there.

Next, let us go to the belly of the whale! "

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