I, the dragon man!

Chapter 307 Dragon Park

Chapter 307 Dragon Park

Hearing what Nami said, Gao Wen froze there.

He blinked and carefully examined the little girl in front of him.

This guy in a little girl's shell, can't be a wise old man, right?

It's not like Nami can say such words!

In other words, Nami's character design, she should have opened her eyes to Qian, but she shouldn't go back and discuss the origin of Qian...

However, after taking a closer look at the pain in little Nami's eyes, Gao Wen somewhat understood Nami's mood.

After all, at this time, Nami still has the burden of a billion dollars on her shoulders.

Even in the original book, when Luffy didn't defeat Aaron, Nami also liked to sit alone and watch the sunset.

At that time, she probably felt that no matter how well she played with Luffy and the others, she would have to leave sooner or later...

Because at that time, Nami felt that Luffy could never be Aaron's opponent!
But at this moment, the reason why Nami directly expressed emotion to herself...

Gao Wen felt that Nami should now think that Aaron would definitely not be her opponent...

For the weak in Nami's heart, Nami hid her pain and sentimentality and tried not to talk about those things.

But for what Nami thinks is strong, that is when she faces Gao Wen.

Nami probably has quite a complaint in her heart, that is, why you didn't come earlier.

At the same time, she still has at least three points of grievance, that is, the grievance of why we can't live as easily as you...  

Thinking of this, Gao Wen sighed lightly.

Then, Gao Wen approached Nami who bowed her head.

Facing Nami's melancholy eyes, he raised his right hand and slowly placed it on top of Nami's head.

Looking at the hand extended by Gao Wen, the melancholy little Nami wanted to dodge, but when she instinctively made a half-dodge movement, she didn't know what she thought of, she forcibly restrained her instinct, stopped in place and let Gawain rua rua her hair.

While feeling the gentle hand above her head, Nami lowered her head and asked in a low voice.

"Although I have never met a Celestial Dragon, you... you are really too gentle, right?

So, do you treat everyone you meet for the first time, or is my sister and I special?

If it is the former, uncle, can you be more gentle, for example, do me a small favor, that is, let a group of murlocs see how powerful humans are?
And if it's the latter, then...

Then can I give you more, in exchange for you to lend a helping hand to us? "

Nami raised her hand, grabbed Gawain's wrist, took Gawain's hand off the top of her head, and sent it tremblingly towards her shoulder and chest.

At this moment, Nami's body was trembling, but her eyes were extremely firm. She stared hard at Gao Wen's eyes, trying to see something through Gao Wen's eyes.

And Gawain....

He gently released his hands from Nami's grip, and then he patted little Nami's head again.

"What are you thinking, little girl, you are underage!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Wen rubbed Nami's hair into a mess, and then he squatted down in front of Nami.

Probing out his hand to take out a cigarette, Gao Wen rubbed out the lightning with his fingers and lit the cigarette, then said.

"You little girl, you have been tormented by the existence of pirates for a long time, right? So much so that you have started thinking about philosophy....

Damn, you look so foul that I'm starting to think I wish I'd been here sooner.

Anyway, Nami.

With your intelligence, even if I say that I treat everyone as I treat you, you won't believe it easily.

Well, let's be more honest.

I need a flexible enough, professional navigator! "

Speaking of this, Gao Wen saw Nami's sad eyes showing a sense of relief, and then showing a little pride and excitement.

It seems that getting such an answer made Nami really let go of her heart a little bit.

Seeing Nami's relieved look, Gao Wen continued to talk to her with a smile.

"Actually, there is no shortage of navigators under my command, but they are just navigators....

Can you understand the difference? Compared with you, they really lack a bit of agility, and even less creativity and imagination.

Logically speaking, the profession of navigator should be rigorous enough.

But the reality is just the opposite. The great route and the celestial phenomena of the new world are a challenge for every navigator, and the celestial phenomena there are too imprecise!

Therefore, in order to become an excellent navigator on a great route, that navigator must have enough imagination.

She must at least have the imagination to imagine frog rain, candy hail, cotton candy monsoon, etc...unreliable celestial phenomena....

Anyway... "

Speaking of this, Gao Wen waved to Nami, motioning for Nami to approach him.

Seeing this, Nami pursed her lips, and took two steps forward cautiously. She put her small palm on Gao Wen's raised big hand.

Gently holding Nami's little hand, Gao Wen showed a smile, and he smiled and said softly.

"Anyway, are you willing to be my navigator?

Although you are still very young, I know your ability and your potential better. Isn't youth equal to potential?
On the one hand, I have already cleaned up all the pirates on the territory I passed by all the way from Marie Gioia, and Aaron and his gang who trouble you are also within the scope of cleaning up.

And on the other hand…. "

Having said that, Gao Wen couldn't help but pause for a moment, he looked at the girl in front of him with love, and sighed melancholy.

Hearing Gao Wen's sigh, Nami couldn't believe it. That high-spirited Tianlongren is sighing?

But why?
Opposite her, after sighing, Gao Wen gently tugged the little girl's palm.

"On the other hand, Nami....

I'm so sorry, I seem to be late.

But anyway, now that I'm here.

Then, let me take off the burden that has been on you and Cocosia Village, and let Aaron go to the hell he should go to. "

At this moment, Nami, who was held by Gao Wen, opened her lips slightly, and she sipped a few times, but she couldn't say what she wanted to say.

It's just that there were big tears running down the corner of her eyes. She wanted to cry, and she did, but she didn't want Gao Wen to see her crying.

So she quickly raised the hand that was not held by Gawain, intending to wipe away her tears, but before she reached out, Gawain reached out to the corner of her eyes, held her face, and held her face with his thumb. Tears wiped away.

After wiping away the little girl's tears, Gao Wen gently hugged the trembling little girl into his arms.

Patting the little girl's trembling back, Gao Wen said softly.

"Cry if you want to cry, it will be much easier to cry once, right.

I'm late, sorry for making you suffer.

I know what you have been through these years. Since you were ten years old, you have to shoulder the responsibility of the entire village. It is really about to crush you.

You have worked hard, Nami. "

Accompanied by Gao Wen's extremely gentle voice, Nami lay in Gao Wen's arms, no longer having the strength to speak.

At least at this moment, Nami really didn't think about any money-related issues.

She just hugged Gawain's sturdy body quietly, and hid her head sideways on Gawain's chest, a position where Gawain would not see her face.

She was listening to Gawain's heartbeat, weeping silently, silently thinking about every word Gawain said to her.

Time passed by, and the warmth between Gao Wen and Nami was spreading. Nami seemed to regard Gao Wen as a father she had never met, and tried to vent all her grievances to him.

Unexpectedly, not long after, footsteps suddenly stopped at the door of the kitchen in the distance.

Nuo Qigao had already made orange tea, and she was holding up the tea with a smile, intending to show it to Gao Wen and Yixiao, the two unusual guests.

But when she walks through the kitchen and discovers what's going on in the living room...  

When she saw her sister hanging in Gao Wen's arms with tears and grievances all over her face...

Duang! ! !

There was a crisp sound, which was the sound of the teapot in Nuo Qigao's hand falling to the ground.

A little bit of the hot tea splashed onto Nuo Qigao's calf, but Nuo Qigao just trembled slightly, and she didn't even feel the pain anymore!

Looking at Gao Wen, Nuo Qigao's tears rolled down in an instant!
"Obviously...Obviously I can do anything, I'm obviously good at what I do.

As long as you can spare my family, I can always pretend to be naive and hand over everything I have, including myself.

But...but...why even so, I still can't protect my family?
Is this what you are, my lord Draco? "

Speaking of this, Nuo Qigao fell helplessly on the ground, and she no longer had the strength to pull herself together.

She wanted to see Belmer...




On the other hand, outside the port in the north of Cocosia Village, Lei Li took Jinbei and walked towards the building about two kilometers away with square steps.

While walking, Jinbe frowned tightly.

"Brother Rayleigh, your lord and you both value Aaron so much.

Obviously anyone can do such things as pathfinding, but in the end, even adults, you, and Brother Yixiao rushed over! "

After the words fell, Jinping sighed leisurely, he really couldn't control the life of this little brother Aaron!
On the side, listening to Jinbei's words, Lei Li thought for a moment, then nodded slightly.

"Before coming, the captain also chatted with us.

The reason why they came early was because Lu Qi's pigeon and Bell's eagle all said that Aaron and his gang might escape.

Although they definitely can't escape, if they are allowed to hide in the bottom of the sea, it will be difficult for the captain to fulfill the prophecy!
Or, even if the captain and us all plan to use Aaron to break the prophecy and destiny, we don't want this prophecy to be broken by Aaron's escape, right?

At most, another person can kill Aaron, and let the prophecy roll aside. "

While speaking, Lei Li looked at Jinping with deep meaning, he knew that Aaron was Shiping's brother.

Raleigh continued to speak.

"After all, we have come along the way, and we have all seen the situation.

Including Cocosia Village, there are a total of [-] nearby small islands and the villages on them, all of which have become Aaron's private domain!

In these villages, Aaron has committed many murders.

Simple calculation, at least tens of thousands of innocent human lives were under his control. "

After speaking, Rayleigh patted Jinbe's waist.

"Even if he killed the navy, the captain and I wouldn't be so angry. Soldiers kill thieves, and thieves kill soldiers. That's the way of nature.

But dealing with civilians... hey.

Do you know that the old man regretted it all his life because he supported Captain Roger's plan, and let him set off the era of great pirates, which brought extraordinary suffering to the common people all over the world!

It is also because of this that now, the old man will not miss any chance to make up for it!

Your brother Aaron... Just pretend he doesn't exist! "

After the words fell, Rayleigh strode forward, and Jinbe patted his chest hard.

"Don't worry, brother Rayleigh, this man, Aaron, doesn't need to act like the prophecy, I can kill him for you!
No matter how much Brother Tiger hates humans, he can't do such a damn thing like Aaron!

Aaron has gone too far on the evil road, and at this point, he must die!
But like I said, I don't think every murloc he took away was as much of an executioner as he is now.

In my impression, there are a few murlocs who followed Aaron, and they couldn't do such a thing at all!

In short, brother Raleigh, please help me say a few words in front of adults.

I just hope that when you kill the damned, you can also forgive a few people who deserve to live!

Walking all the way from Fishman Island, we have experienced quite a few killing fields. I have always felt that the adults killed too thoroughly, which is a bit extreme!

Killing is imperative, but we should kill more clearly, more clearly, and more calmly!
All in all, I stand up and laugh at this point, brother.

Now that we have a manpower of tens of thousands of people, we have the ability to do more investigations, so that everyone who deserves to die deserves to die, and at the same time, everyone who does not deserve to die can get the redemption he deserves! ! ! "

Having said that, Jinbe frowned and looked at Rayleigh seriously!

Facing Jinbei's gaze, Rayleigh thought for a moment, then nodded slightly.

"What Brother Yixiao said makes sense, but what the captain did also makes sense. From the captain's point of view, killing more thoroughly can put an end to the bad guys' luck.

From Yixiao's point of view, killing is more clear, letting outsiders know that being a good person can save their lives, which can increase the possibility of outsiders being kind.

Both have benefits, it just depends on the situation they are in.

Anyway, this time, I will say something for you. "

After speaking, Rayleigh gave Jinbe a reassuring look, and then he looked into the distance.

He raised his finger and pointed to the sign in the distance.

"Evil Dragon Park, haha, it looks like we have arrived at our destination.

Tsk tsk, there are really no human beings, this Aaron's evil dragon park is more pure than Murloc Island.

There are humans on Murloc Island, as well as Murlocs and Merfolk.

And here, not only are there no humans here, there are not even mermaids here! "

Speaking of which, Rayleigh pushed Jinbei.

"You kid, go see your old friend, the old man won't go in first.

Even if it is a pig, as long as there is friendship, you have to say a few words before killing.

However, let them stop thinking about running away and accept their fate obediently.

There is an old man standing here, as long as the person who plans to escape is not the Four Emperors and generals, then none of them can escape! "

After finishing the words, Lei Li sneered and sat on a tree stump, and he put the stick and sword on his knees.

And Jinping, after hearing what Rayleigh said, he nodded heavily.

"Brother Rayleigh, just sit here and let me go over and have a good chat with them!"

After Jinbe finished speaking, he walked slowly towards the evil dragon park with heavy steps.


In the Dragon Park, the murloc sailors who were in charge of patrolling the perimeter had long lost the intention of patrolling.

Thirty or fifty of them got together, sighed worriedly, and talked about things they were interested in.

"Hey, it seems that we have to move. What a pity, the crops here have only grown two rounds."

"Yeah, it's finally possible to live on land, and you can also raise those humans who treat us as slaves as slaves in turn!

In the blink of an eye, I was about to abandon this base and flee to other corners... "

"Don't talk about this, Brother Aaron can't help it. Although we are murlocs, although we are naturally stronger than humans, let's not forget that the Tianlongren garbage also has murlocs under his command!"

"Yeah, brother Jinping is under that person's hands. Of course those humans are garbage, but with Brother Shiping here, we can't escape..."

"Damn it, what time is it, you still call him Big Brother Jinbe?
The person who takes us to kill humans and avenge Boss Tiger is our Big Brother Aaron! "

"That's right, Brother Aaron is still righteous. This bastard Jinbe first became Qiwuhai to be a dog for the world government, and then he became a cadre of the Xuanniao to be a dog for the Tianlong people."

"Yes, a guy like him who always acts like a dog is not qualified to call us big brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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