I, the dragon man!

Chapter 310 Do you want to be killed by me?

Chapter 310 Do you want to be killed by me?
After saying the last sentence, Aaron stood on the spot holding the serrated knife, looking at Jinping coldly.

As for Jinping, he opened his mouth slightly, but he didn't know what to say.

He knew that what Aaron did was wrong, what he said... There should also be something wrong.

But when he thought about these things Aaron did from the perspective of the murloc...

He actually felt... Aaron might not be too wrong!

Because Aaron's current behavior can indeed make some murlocs get rid of the inferiority complex that they consider themselves inferior races and slaves.

After all, the human beings who once captured and enslaved them have all become Aaron's slaves. Can they not get rid of this?

It's true that things like Aaron's have caused me to be harmed, so I learned from the people who harmed me to harm others!

This is definitely not right.

But... But when Jinbe thought so, he didn't know how to refute Aaron's words!

Jin Ping was originally a bad-spoken character, and after being around Gao Wen for a long time, he didn't learn much.

Let him be loyal, he's fine.

But let him reason, he doesn't even think he is old....

Therefore, facing Aaron's knife-like sharp language, Jinping took a heavy breath.

This guy, Aaron, deserves to be a boss. Any guy who has been followed, no matter how bad he is, will have certain aspects of infection!

Of course, although Jinbe recognized Aaron's appeal, he would never bow down to him.

He can't tell what's wrong with the dragon, so leave it to your lord?

So after Shi Ping took a deep breath, he directly made a movement of rolling his arms and sleeves.

Then, he clenched his fists and said to Aaron bluntly.

"The ghost knows whether what you say is right or wrong, and only the ghost knows whether what you say is true or false!
In short, let me see if you have made any progress in recent years! ! ! "

After the voice fell, Jinbe stood up all over, and strode directly towards Aaron with his whole body!

Faced with Jinping's sudden rise, Aaron looked serious, and he immediately swung the sawtooth sword violently...

Snapped! ! !
With a loud noise, Aaron didn't even have time to swing his sawtooth sword away, and he was slapped by Jinping, crying ghosts and gods...




A few minutes later, perhaps time came to the end of the conversation between Gao Wen and Nami.

Right at the gate of the Dragon Park, with the appearance of a ball of lightning, Gawain pulled the two girls and stood beside Lei Li with a smile.

Looking at the four people who suddenly appeared, Lei Li had a cigarette in his mouth and exhaled beautifully.

"Hey, Captain, you're finally here."

"Haha, of course I have to come and have a look, after all, he is destined to be killed by me!"

Gao Wen responded with a smile, and then looked towards the Dragon Park.

Like him, there were Nami and Nuo Qigao who were astonished on the one hand and a little nervous on the other.

The astonishment was naturally because of the feeling of being transformed into a thunderbolt, and they had traveled a distance of tens of kilometers in just a short moment. This was the first time for the two ordinary girls to see it.

And on the other hand….

To Nami and others, Aaron is like a magistrate who scratches the ground.

Without seeing Aaron fall from the horse with their own eyes, it was hard for them to directly believe that the big dark sky above their heads would be dispelled by some sudden thunder.

So when they poked their heads and watched non-stop, the two girls opened their mouths wide!
Because at this moment, near the swimming pool in the center of the Dragon Park, hundreds of murlocs were sweating profusely, holding various heavy objects, and kneeling in front of the roaring plane.

Jinbe is now the Roaring Emperor, venting his loud voice to the murlocs one by one.

"Pingba, your father and I are old friends. When you were young, your father taught you to be a domineering and enslaved others?!!

And you, Antai, you f*ck got a reward of 100 million. When you were on Brother Tai’s boat, you were just a bottom-sweeper. You couldn’t even get on the deck, and you didn’t dare to kill anyone. , but now he has a bounty on his back!

Lu Wei, you are not a good guy either, don't think I won't smoke you if you don't offer a reward, what kind of ecstasy soup did Aaron give you to make you the villains you are today?

Or, are you guys feeding him ecstasy soup? ! ! "

Just when Jinbe said this, Hachi, who was kneeling not far away, rubbed his head sadly.

"Wait, Brother Jinbe, I didn't do what you said!

I didn't treat other people as slaves, and I didn't beat ordinary people except the navy! "

After the words fell, he looked at Jinbei seriously, because he felt that what he had always done was what he said.

Except for fighting against the navy with Aaron, Xiaoba has never personally persecuted any civilians, he is innocent...

"To shut up!!!"

Snapped! ! !
Just as Xiao Ba finished speaking, Jinping's big pussy followed him like a shadow, and directly put Xiao Ba fan on the ground.

After knocking Xiao Ba down, Jinping yelled at Xiao Ba bitterly.

"You have been with Aaron for so many years, don't you know what Aaron has been doing?
Since you didn't join forces with him, then you know that what he did is definitely wrong?
Knowing that he is wrong, but you don't stop him, then you are allowing him to make mistakes out of cowardice!

If you stop it, but you can't, it's the original sin to be weak, bastard! "

While talking, Jinbe picked up Hachi, and he said seriously to Hachi.

"But you can also be confused, you don't know what to do with everything you see.

Hey, it's terrible, I will explain your situation to the adults, you just pray that the adults will see my plea, and I will spare your life, little one! ! ! "

When Jinbe talked about this place, it was outside the dragon park.

Just over 700 meters away from Jinbe and the others, Lei Li took out a cigarette and brought it to Gao Wen's mouth.

Seeing Lei Li like this, Gao Wen let go of Nuo Qigao and Nami, and took the cigarette with his free hand.

Raleigh then picked up the lighter, and he said with a grin while lighting a cigarette for Gawain.

"Hey, Captain, I'm going to sell my old man for a while today.

That little octopus murloc, that is, the guy who is being severely reprimanded by Jinbei, he once saved the old man's life, and the old man has to pay it back.

In addition, that guy is indeed a simple person, and the simplicity of some people cannot be faked.

Anyway, for the sake of this old man, Gao Wen...

look……? "

Lei Li looked at Gao Wen slowly, and then slowly shifted to Nami and Nuo Qigao beside Gao Wen.

His eyes were full of regret, because this old man who had experienced many hardships could see through everything with just one glance.

Does Gao Wen care about his rules?

He doesn't care.

All he cares about is that others must abide by his rules.

As for what the rules are and whether the rules will change, that doesn't matter. What matters is Gao Wen's rules.

And why did Gao Wen bring two young people to join in this challenge to the destiny and prophecy initiated by Gao Wen?

Obviously, those two women must be related to Aaron or Gao Wen.

Gao Wen is not a person who is attracted to sex, if he is, according to Rayleigh's words, none of the women on the Black Bird will be able to escape.

Because even Xia Qi occasionally chatted about how attractive this young man Gao Wen is~.

Then, these two girls are obviously Aaron's sufferers, and there is no need to explain why they are the sufferers.

Gao Wen was not someone who brought other people's relatives to witness someone's death.

Just like that, Lei Li's eyes slowly collided with Nami's eyes.

At this moment, Nami paused severely.

On the side, Gao Wen took a puff of cigarette in a funny way, and then he patted the shoulders of the two girls beside him.

He said according to Rayleigh's guess.

"Old man, it depends on these two little girls.

Although I know that no matter how bad the group power is, there will be people who can be called good people.

But if these two people who have personally dealt with the Dragon Pirates do not admit that the person you want to protect is a good person.

Then I think that the kindness of saving your life is no more serious than the crime of allowing him to escape to other places and continue to kill. "

Having said that, Gao Wen rubbed Nami's hair.

"So, Nami, what kind of person is Xiao Ba in the old man's mouth?"

After finishing speaking, Gao Wenyixiao and Lei Li looked at Nami in unison.

Facing the gaze of the three, Nami swallowed hard.

"Little Ba...Little Ba..."

Nami murmured hesitantly, she didn't know what to say.

On the one hand, she really hoped that every murloc in the world would die in place.

But on the other hand, Nami actually knew that Hachi was really not a bad guy.

For a child like Nami to grow up to be 15 years old in the environment of the Dragon Pirates, it is natural that the help of a kind murloc like Hachi is indispensable.

It's just that even if they are kind, they are still Nami's enemies.

No matter how much hate Nami yelled, the time has really come to decide their life and death...

Nami shook her head sadly.

"You...you can do whatever you want, anyway, you are all big figures that I can't imagine!

In short, I treat him...he treats me...he might not be that bad at all...

That's it, listen to you, listen to you... "

After finishing speaking, Nami bowed her head unwillingly, she really wanted all the murlocs to die, even the chubby murloc who was teaching them a lesson.

But... Nami is a good person after all.

Perhaps because of this, bad people will not be afraid of good people.

Who would be afraid of a man who retains compassion?
On the side, Nuo Qi sighed leisurely when she heard Nami's words.

Unlike Nami, she nodded seriously.

"Whenever Xiaoba brings manatees to the village to collect taxes, we can always pay less that year.

After all, he is Aaron's group, so he is not a good murloc, but he treats us better than others! "

After finishing speaking, Nuo Qigao raised her hand and smoothed the hair on her temples uneasily.

With her current state, she had chosen to let go of the accomplice who killed Bermer.

She was a little uneasy.

After hearing what Nami and Nuo Qigao said, Lei Li sighed leisurely.

Facing the two restless little girls, Lei Li drew his sword.

"Although I've heard about what they did, but seeing them hurt such a kind girl with my own eyes, I still can't swallow this breath!"

While speaking, Lei Li drew his sword and walked towards the Dragon Park.

"Since Xiaoba has mixed with such a group of people and done such things, then let the old man owe him the life-saving grace, let's put it aside for now!
See the old man kill him himself! ! ! "



As soon as Mr. Lei Li finished speaking, Nami and Nuo Qigao immediately panicked. They rushed forward and instinctively grabbed Lei Li.

Nami pouted arrogantly.

"Forget it, it's rare that there is a good person in that group of murloc garbage, so let's spare his life first!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Nuo Qigao quickly picked it up.

"He has saved your life, old man, for your sake, we forgive him!"

Having said that, Nuo Qigao looked at Lei Li tenderly, and Lei Li, after he was pulled back, stopped in thought.

Looking into the eyes of the two girls, Raleigh nodded.

"Well, the old man will let him thank you two, and what's more, the old man also owes you a favor!"

Lei Li drew the knife back, and then smiled at Nami and the two girls.

"This old man can be regarded as the deputy captain of the Xuanniao, even if Gao Wen bullies you from now on, this old man can still make decisions for you!

Anyway, thank you both for letting my savior go! "

On the side, Nami and Nuo Qigao burst into smiles when they heard Lei Li's words.

The two of them were already apprehensive about joining the Black Bird, but now that a kind-hearted old man with a deep background like Lei Li was backing them, they immediately felt relieved.

And Lei Li, the old man looked at Gao Wen with a smile, his eyes filled with...

"I'm good at it, right?"

Well, after seeing everything through, the old man helped Gao Wen to comfort the new members while saving people, and he also comforted Gao Wen by the way!
What a fine person!
And when Raleigh and Gawain looked at each other, Jinping also noticed Gawain's arrival.

He quickly put Xiao Ba down, and rushed towards Gao Wen's direction.

When he was about to walk away, he also yelled at the murlocs in the yard.

"You keep kneeling here, my captain is here, and it's his turn to decide your fate!"

After finishing speaking, Jinbe quickly came to Gao Wen's side.

"My lord, the evil dragon gang has been taken down, please give instructions!"

"Go and have a look."

After Gao Wen ordered, he walked forward naturally. When Gao Wen stood in front of Aaron, Nami and Nuo Qigao's bodies also began to tremble.

A little afraid, a little hate, a little nervous, and a little excited.

At this time, the two girls' hearts were completely confused. They thought that Gao Wen would at least have a good fight with Aaron.

As a result, when Gao Wen was chatting with them, Aaron, who they thought was terrifying, was actually cold...

At the same time, on the ground, Aaron ignored the two little girls.

He knelt there and raised his head, looking firmly into Gao Wen's eyes, and then he stood up abruptly from the ground.

Even though his hands were tied, Aaron still stood proudly, facing the indifferent Gao Wen, Aaron said in a cold voice.

"Are you Shiping's current master, Tianlongren!"

"Jinbe is my friend, Aaron."

Gao Wen said softly, and then he pointed his finger, and the rope binding Aaron was instantly broken by lightning.

Without restraint, Aaron frowned and loosened his wrist. Then, he clenched his fist and continued to talk to Gao Wen.

"My friend, do people like you have that kind of thing in their eyes?
The law of the jungle is the main theme of the world. If people don’t enslave others, they will naturally be enslaved by others!
As for you, you are just enslaving Jinbe with the help of your friends!

Just as factory owners enslave their workers by the necessities of life, so kings enslave their subjects by land and family ties! "

"so what?"

Listening to Aaron's words, Gao Wen smiled lightly, squinted his eyes, and asked back.

"So you're going to be someone who enslaves others, and you don't want to be enslaved by others?"

After finishing speaking, Gao Wen gently shook his head.

"Before I met you, I didn't expect you to say anything reasonable.

I thought you were the kind of person who was so arrogant and stupid that you really thought that murlocs were inherently nobler than humans.

Now it seems that you are actually a person who resists. Although the method is not very good, you are indeed challenging the fate of slavery and being enslaved.

Sure enough, how can the real world be as shallow as comics? You surprised me and taught me something, Aaron. "

I saw Gao Wen lightly flicked his right hand, and then he continued.

"Originally, I planned to execute you directly, because I thought that what you did did not deserve my respect.

In addition, someone made a prophecy, saying that you would be beaten to death by my own hands, and I want to prove that all prophecies are not God's will, and you can die humblely under the knife of an executioner other than me.

But now it seems that you may be able to be more decent.

So, let me give you a chance to choose.

Either die in execution, beheaded together with your subordinates who have done evil things, there will be a day in between, I will gather the villagers to watch the ceremony, and you can live an extra day.

Or, you can challenge me now.

Forgive me, I don't think it's respect for you to let you live.

So, do you want to lose one day of your life and be beaten to death by my own hands right now? "

 Today, I drove my grandma to catch up with the ceremony. It took a whole day and I came back at night. I just finished writing.

(End of this chapter)

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